Chapter 344 Subduing the Dragon
Granny Mi, or should we call her Gongsun Yan.

After Liu Qi finished eating, she silently took the small square bamboo table out. Soon, the sound of porcelain rubbing against each other was heard outside, probably because someone was washing the dishes.

Liu Qi continued to lie in the rocking chair in a fairly comfortable position, gazing out the window as he swayed.

Ever since meeting the contemporary Kongsang Fairy, Liu Qi had a vague feeling that the other party seemed to have changed her plans at the last minute.

It was obvious that their purpose at the beginning was to use me to deal with the legendary red-horned black dragon, but now Kongsang seemed to want me to stay in Kongsang Divine Continent to replace her.

Liu Qi didn't know what she saw in him.

But if I stay here, what will Kongsang do?

No matter what, Liu Qi would never agree.

Since you are known as the Overlord, how can you be willing to confine yourself to a small place?

Thinking of this, Liu Qi slowly withdrew his gaze, then closed his eyes and took a nap.


When Liu Qi opened his eyes again, it was still bright outside the window.

There is no distinction between day and night in Kongsang Shenzhou.

Liu Qi's eyes moved slightly, and she realized that she was the only one in the entire farmyard.

Gongsun Yan was not here either.

Liu Qi immediately stood up and walked out of the house, raised his head to glance at the white sky, and then the area within his sight seemed to roll.

Liu Qi calmly withdrew his gaze.

Before long, a figure came from a distance.

It was Gongsun Yan.

Unlike their previous meeting, Gongsun Yan wore the same clothes as Gongsun You, and his back was straight, and his whole temperament instantly looked more than twenty years younger.

Only the wrinkles on his face remain the same.

"Miss Liu woke up at the right time." Gongsun Yan flashed over and landed in the courtyard. Before he could stand still, he said to Liu Qi in a deep voice, "The fairy boat has already sailed into Longyuan. I'll have to trouble you with the rest."

Liu Qi's eyes flickered when he heard this: "So fast?"

Gongsun Yan smiled slightly, then pointed to the sky and said with a rather proud smile: "One day in heaven is one year on earth. Miss Liu is in Shenzhou, so she naturally doesn't know how fast time flies outside."

How dare such a shabby mountain call itself a fairyland?

Upon hearing this, Liu Qi silently complained in his heart.

However, she did admit one thing, and that was that the star-generating energy that enveloped the entire Kongsang Divine Continent was indeed as powerful as the mirage energy in the previous elixir of immortality.


Suddenly there was a shaking sound under my feet and the vibration was endless.

Gongsun Yan's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately murmured, "How is it possible that it came to my door so soon!"


Another deafening roar came, and this time Gongsun Yan's face turned pale.

Liu Qi, who had been silently mobilizing his inner Qi to protect the Qi and blood in his body, suddenly turned his head, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then he lightly tapped his feet and dodged, disappearing into the lush forest in almost the blink of an eye.

While Gongsun Yan was using his true Qi to calm the surging blood and energy in his body, he turned his head to look in the direction where Liu Qi disappeared. Then he gritted his teeth and used his body skills to follow closely.

Liu Qi walked along the treetops and soon came to a cliff shrouded in white mist.

When she walked to the edge of the cliff and stood still, she looked around and saw that both the area in front of her and below the cliff was surrounded by white fog.

There was another strange noise behind me.

Two figures came one after another.

After they landed, they walked forward at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, standing side by side with Liu Qi on the edge of the cliff.

"The sound came from here." The scholar in white standing on Liu Qi's left side said with certainty.


Standing on the other side of Liu Qi was a bald monk in grey robes. He put his hands together and chanted a Buddhist name. Then he looked up at the vast expanse of white ahead and said murderously, "It seems that this evil beast is still one step ahead!"

"Master Konghen, there is no need to worry. Since we have already stepped into its territory, we are not afraid that it will not come."

Upon hearing this, Liu Qi glanced sideways at the scholar in white beside him.

It was Bai Langhuan, the "Endless Mountain of Books". I didn't know if he was wearing the same clothes, but he was always dressed like this every time I saw him. If you didn't know his identity, you might really mistake him for a poor scholar!
"Miss Liu, you are one step ahead of us. Have you seen the true face of the Red-Horned Black Dragon?" Bai Langhuan seemed to finally realize that there was someone beside him, and turned his head to ask.

Liu Qi shook his head indifferently and raised his hand to push away the white mist that was spreading in front of him. The white mist seemed to have sensed the danger. Before Liu Qi's hand reached out, the white mist instantly turned into a streak of green smoke and flew away, soon blending into the surrounding fog.

Liu Qi's eyes moved slightly, and he simply took a big step forward. There was a cliff in front of him that had no bottom in sight.

"Miss Liu!" Bai Langhuan couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at Liu Qi's resolute back as she walked forward.

Before he finished speaking, Liu Qi had already fallen to the bottom of the cliff.

Bai Langhuan and Kong Hen stepped forward together. They first looked at the bottom of the cliff filled with white mist, then raised their heads and looked at each other.

Just as the two were about to jump down, a figure suddenly flashed before their eyes.

Liu Qi landed steadily behind the two of them, and then said in a deep voice: "No need to go down, this is already the edge of Kongsang Shenzhou. This star energy blocks our five senses, so we can't hear the sound of the waves."

Bai Langhuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, turned around and replied seriously: "Miss Liu, did you find anything?"

call out!
Liu Qi raised his hand and threw something towards Bai Langhuan.

Bai Langhuan took it and quickly held it in front of his eyes. He saw that the object in his sight covered his entire palm. It was a thin piece with regular shape and pitch black. He could feel the bone-chilling chill remaining on it when he touched it.

"This is……"

"It should be the scales left by that thing." Liu Qi said calmly, "A big hole three meters deep and five meters high was knocked out on the edge of the cliff. If it was really caused by that thing's head, I'm afraid we are really going to deal with a 'big' guy this time!"

Liu Qi deliberately emphasized the word "big".

Bai Langhuan and Kong Hen's faces darkened when they heard this.

Da da da……

Kong Hen took the initiative to walk to Bai Langhuan and carefully took a look at the scales in his hand. He suddenly turned sideways and jumped off the cliff. It was obvious that he did not quite believe what Liu Qi said.

After a while, Kong Hen jumped onto the cliff with a serious face.

When Bai Langhuan looked at him, Kong Hen nodded solemnly.


There was a sound in the woods behind me.

Gongsun You and Gongsun Yan came together.

After Gongsun You landed, he saw what Bai Langhuan was holding. His pupils shrank, but soon recovered. He bowed to the three people and greeted them. Then he frowned and said seriously, "Three of you, that evil beast has already noticed our presence. I'm sure there will be more attacks from it." Bai Langhuan pondered for a moment, then said bluntly, "Have you had any conflicts with it before?"

Gongsun You nodded immediately and said, "Almost every sixty years, the Immortal Boat will come to Longyuan in person."

"I see." Bai Langhuan suddenly realized, and then said in a deep voice, "The strange beast is spiritual, I think the Red Horned Black Dragon should have recognized you."

Although Gongsun You did not explicitly say why they came to Longyuan, it was not difficult to tell from the big hole at the bottom of the cliff that the red-horned black dragon had a "deep" impression of Kongsang Shenzhou!

Gongsun You did not refute: "In the next few days, please work together to ensure that this evil beast does not enter Kongsang Shenzhou."

Upon hearing this, Kong Hen angrily rebuked, "The ocean is vast and boundless, and it is also the territory of this evil beast. It is impossible for the three of us to protect such a large Kongsang Divine Continent, unless we have the ability to clone ourselves!"

Gongsun You replied calmly: "Please rest assured, the three of you. Kongsang Shenzhou is not made of clay and can do whatever it wants. Otherwise, this evil beast would have rushed in long ago."

"The fairy is already here in person." Gongsun You pointed to the sky and then said seriously, "She will show you the direction of the next attack by that evil beast."

"As for whether we can keep that evil all depends on your abilities!"

Judging from Gongsun You's tone, she didn't seem to expect Liu Qi and the other three to be able to capture the Red Horned Black Dragon.

Bai Langhuan immediately asked in a deep voice: "Since we are cooperating with each other, shouldn't we be honest with each other?"

Gongsun You nodded slightly: "Of course."

Bai Langhuan's eyes darkened: "The Red Horned Black Dragon has been roaming the sea for thousands of years. Even if the three of us can defeat it together, what if it sinks to the bottom of the sea to avoid fighting?"

Gongsun You smiled slightly: "Mr. Bai, don't worry, you just need to fight against that evil beast, and the fairy will take care of the rest."

Although Bai Langhuan still had doubts in his heart, when he thought of the mysterious Kongsang Fairy, he could only suppress his doubts silently in his heart. Then he turned his head and looked at Liu Qi who had an indifferent expression on his face throughout.

Liu Qi noticed Bai Langhuan's gaze and then turned his eyes to meet his.

The moment their eyes met, Bai Langhuan quickly withdrew his gaze.

Although Liu Qi was a little confused, he could still feel the worry in Bai Langhuan's heart.

After all, the opponent this time is not a human!

Liu Qi herself didn’t think so much about it. No matter whether it was a human or an animal, as long as it was an opponent that she could fight with all her might, that was enough!

Recalling the scene he had just seen at the bottom of the cliff, Liu Qi's hand unconsciously touched the blade hanging at his waist, and anticipation already arose in his heart.


The second attack came quickly.

Moreover, before the vibration sound was heard, the vast energy descending from the sky had already pointed out the direction for Liu Qi and the other two.

Bai Langhuan had just stood up when a figure flashed past him. He looked at Liu Qi's blurry back and couldn't help falling into deep thought.

How many benefits did Fairy Kongsang give to make her work so hard?
"Mr. Bai!"

It was not until he heard Gongsun You's gentle call that Bai Langhuan collected his thoughts and then chased in the direction where Liu Qi had gone with the others.

This time, the direction from which the Red Horned Black Dragon attacked was exactly the entrance where Liu Qi and the others entered the Kongsang Divine Continent!

"No, no, save me—"

Liu Qi rushed to the foot of the mountain like a gust of wind. She heard a shrill cry for help. She looked carefully and saw several figures looming on the foggy beach.

One of them seemed to be running desperately towards the foot of the mountain.

Liu Qi landed gracefully on the beach covered with gravel.

"Miss Liu, save me!" The man who was running wildly suddenly had tears in his eyes after seeing Liu Qi, and he couldn't help but shout in a crying voice.

But Liu Qi's expression changed.


The sound of the sword echoed in his ears, and the Jingji Sword with a flashing purple light was already in his hand.

"Get down!"

Liu Qi uttered two words coldly, then he suddenly raised his knife and swung his left arm across his body. A purple arc of light flew out of the knife, and after moving forward a few steps, the hair-thin light suddenly expanded and turned into a purple crescent moon.

When the man who was running wildly heard Liu Qi's shout, he was stunned at first. It was this moment of distraction that completely made him lose his last chance of escape.

woohoo hoo...

Heavy breathing came from behind him, and a huge black shadow was slowly approaching in the thin white mist.


The man's pupils trembled violently, and the whistling purple light became the last thing he saw in his life.

The purple light directly swept over the huge black shadow in the white mist, making a loud metallic clanging sound!

The pale air in front of Liu Qi suddenly condensed with the sound of clanging, and the purple light of the blade was instantly covered with a layer of faint white fluorescence. Liu Qi's eyes were focused, and he stepped lightly with his left foot, leaving a one-foot-deep pit on the beach, and instantly turned into a stream of light and went forward.

Just as he was about to crash into the white mist where the black shadow was, Liu Qi held the knife in both hands high above his head, and a phantom floated around him, instantly expanding to more than ten feet.

A huge blade light slashed down head-on, and the white mist was instantly dispersed by the surging blade energy.

Liu Qi's cold eyes met a pair of green vertical pupils.

With the huge force coming from his hand, Liu Qi only felt a dull pain in the palm of his hand. At the same time, the pair of dark green vertical pupils trembled violently, and then seemed to fall into great pain.

The huge snake head danced wildly, and then its vertical pupils instantly locked onto Liu Qi's figure. It opened its mouth wide and looked at Liu Qi...


The roar exploded in my ears, and the smell of brutality and stench hit me in the face.

Liu Qi stood still, his eyes slightly raised, and he saw the red light gradually brightening from the depths of the other party's bloody mouth...

She suddenly remembered something.


A red beam of light gushed out from the snake's head, instantly submerging Liu Qi's figure.

But the subsequent sound of the knife made those deep green vertical pupils tremble again!
The crimson beam of light suddenly split into two, and a figure surrounded by a pale aura quickly rushed forward.


Liu Qi flashed in front of the snake's head, raised his knife and slashed it down. In an instant, he could hear the sound of the sharp blade tearing flesh.

At the same time, Bai Langhuan and Kong Hen finally arrived on horseback. When they saw the huge snake head sticking out from the white mist on the beach, their pupils trembled slightly and they both showed looks of horror on their faces.

Liu Qi was about to step forward and strike again when his vision suddenly went dark, and he subconsciously held the sword in front of him to block.

With the terrifying force from the blade, Liu Qi floated back more than ten steps before landing steadily.

After landing, Liu Qi looked up and saw a black shadow in the white mist "swish" retreating, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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