Chapter 36 Six Styles in One
  The road back to Beijing was not smooth sailing. Liu Qi, who had traveled long distances to this world for the first time, had experienced what "simple folk customs" meant.

Fortunately, it was Liao Mengyuan who was dressed in "black skin" and the escort flag of Longwei Escort Bureau, so most of the gangsters chose to retreat despite the difficulties.

Even if there were a few desperate people, they all fell at the hands of the escorts.

In her spare time, Liu Qi had watched the head of the Longwei Escort Agency named Han take action a few times. He was performing extremely well with a chain knife. His posture looked quite bluffing, but in Liu Qi's opinion, his sword skills were full of flaws. If he takes action, he can be killed by his sword in just three moves.

On the contrary, Liao Mengyuan, who was inconspicuous along the way, casually killed the enemy with just a few shots. He seemed ordinary, but in fact he was a real master.

"Liao Mengyuan's hands are no different from those of ordinary people. Although he carries a blade, he has never seen it used. When fighting with others before, he usually used extremely fast kicks to meet the enemy. I think all the effort is in his legs."

Liu Qi, who was reclining in the carriage, had flashing eyes and couldn't help thinking about her fight with Liao Mengyuan.

Finally, he came to the conclusion that if Liao Mengyuan's martial arts were limited to the level he showed in this attack, then Liu Qi was confident that he would be able to kill him within twenty moves!
  Thinking like this, Liu Qi couldn't help but look at the crescent moon on the wrist of her left hand.

All three Guyuan Pills have been taken into the stomach, and the crescent moon is rosy and plump to the naked eye, but there still seems to be a long way to go before it can be fed back.

Liu Qi has already practiced the Ancient Willow Heart Technique to the sixth level, and is just one step away from breaking through to the seventh level before he can become one of the top masters in the world.

Moreover, Liu Qi possesses the Seven Styles of the Crazy Sword, the Fufeng Sword Technique, and the Hengshan Sword Technique, three exquisite sword techniques, especially the Seven Styles of the Crazy Sword, which can be regarded as the top swordsmanship in the martial arts world.

Therefore, once Liu Qi's internal strength reaches the level of the first-class masters in the world, and with these sword skills, he will definitely be able to rank among the top masters.

Looking at the entire world, many people who have been famous for a long time are only at this level!


"Captain Liao, see you another day!"

"Mr. Escort Han, have a good trip!"

All feasts in the world come to an end. On the official road less than forty miles away from the capital, Liu Qi and the others were about to say goodbye to the Longmen Escort Bureau.

After saying goodbye to Liao Mengyuan, Han Ping moved his eyes to the carriage Liu Qi was riding in, then raised his hands and said loudly: "Miss Liu, goodbye!"

Liu Qi was also a little surprised that Han Ping would say goodbye to her. Although they had been together for more than ten days, Liu Qi rarely left the carriage. Even when he showed up, his face was covered with black gauze. It could be said that there was no intersection between the two.

But since the other party said goodbye, Liu Qi could only say: "Headguard Han, thank you for taking care of me all the way."

Han Ping was slightly startled when the woman's light and sweet voice came from the carriage. He only said goodbye out of politeness, but he didn't expect that the official lady actually responded.

Han Ping immediately smiled, cupped his hands in the direction of the carriage, and then called to his bodyguards to push the goods towards the fork in the road...

Watching the people from Longwei Escort disappear at the intersection, Liao Mengyuan turned his head and looked at the direction leading to the capital, and then waved his hand to continue moving forward.

In the evening, they finally arrived at a small town less than thirty miles away from the capital, and found a clean inn to stay.

"Liao will return to the main office tomorrow morning, and Miss Lu Liu will leave on her own." Liao Mengyuan looked very happy at the banquet, because Liu Qi was sitting opposite him.

Liu Qi nodded calmly: "There will be laborers to arrest you along the way."

Zhang Cheng, who was accompanying Liao Mengyuan, quickly gave Liao Mengyuan a glass of wine, and then said with a flattering smile: "If Liao Captou hadn't escorted him all the way, my young lady would really... don't know what to do!"

As he spoke, he patted his chest, looking frightened.

Liao Mengyuan didn't show much joy when he heard the compliment, but his face darkened slightly: "Liao didn't expect that the current situation would have reached this point. All the local officials said that everything was going smoothly, but along the way... "

Liao Mengyuan consciously made a mistake mid-sentence, and then drank the wine in one gulp with an embarrassed smile.

…    It was night, just after Haishi.

Liu Qi sat cross-legged in the room, meditating and practicing the ancient Liu mind method. After practicing for a week, she felt refreshed and the fatigue from the long journey was instantly gone.

Liu Qi looked up at the moonlight outside the window, thinking that she wouldn't be able to sleep for a while anyway. It happened that she hadn't touched a knife in nearly half a month, and she felt itchy.

Listening to the even breathing of the two maids outside the door, Liu Qi had an idea. She stood up and came to the table to take out the knife from the piano body. Then she opened the window and jumped out.

The inn was built at the entrance of the town, not far from the official road, presumably to facilitate the reception of merchants entering and leaving the capital.

Less than a mile after turning right from the town entrance of the inn, you will find yourself in a deserted wasteland. Under the moonlight, you can faintly see several ownerless weeping graves, as well as yellow paper half-buried in the soil.

"Woo--" A shrill howl of wolves came from the distance, adding a bit of terror.

Liu Qi looked around and thought it was a good place.


I saw a cold light suddenly appeared, Liu Qida had been unsheathed, and he started with Sweeping Liuhe among the seven moves of the Mad Sword. The wind of the sword swept out with Liu Qi as the center, sweeping up countless dust.

The lonely peak reaches the clouds!

Liu Qi tapped her foot lightly, and all her true energy gathered in her right arm, and then she rose into the air with the knife. The originally scattered sword winds instantly merged into one, turning into an invisible blade that shot straight into the sky.

The wind and the remaining clouds are rolling, the anger is swallowing up the world, the rivers are overturned, the cauldrons are sinking, and the boats are sinking...

The first six of the seven moves of the Mad Sword were deployed one by one in Liu Qi's hands. Suddenly, the wasteland was filled with sword lights and strong winds howling.

Just after he finished casting the Cauldron, Liu Qi suddenly paused, then frowned, and the raging sword wind around him stopped abruptly!

"These six styles combined into one...can it really be practiced?" A trace of doubt flashed in Liu Qi's mind. The first six styles of swordsmanship are all different. How can he combine the six styles into one and practice the final seven styles of Crazy Sword? one move!
  The old man didn't learn how to sharpen his knife.

There is no record in the Heart Technique Sword Manual.

Moreover, Liu Qi, who had practiced the Seven Crazy Sword Styles countless times, felt that there seemed to be something missing in this set of sword techniques.

"For the Black Prison Sect, the so-called Master of the Seven Kills is just a higher-level sword slave. It is not surprising that he has reservations when teaching the seven styles of the Mad Sword." Liu Qi thought to herself.

If one day, he and the Hell Gate are facing each other with swords, this little thing that he keeps will become his life-saving talisman!
  A chill suddenly appeared in Liu Qi's eyes.

But there is no need to worry about this for the time being. After all, she still wants to take more treasures from the Hell Gate. Otherwise, with Yue Ya's current "appetite", she may not be able to satisfy even if she robs them.

Putting aside the last move of the Seven Crazy Sword Styles for the time being, Liu Qi practiced the Fufeng Sword Style and Hengshan Sword Techniques again. She has practiced these two sets of sword techniques for more than ten years, and they can be said to be engraved in her soul.

However, after the ancient Liu Xin Technique was upgraded to the sixth level, Liu Qi also gained a new understanding of the matching Fufeng Sword Technique. In terms of the power of the training alone, it has surpassed Liu Qi during the Xiliu Villa period.


After rehearsing the three sets of sword techniques, Liu Qifang felt extremely relaxed. As he exhaled a breath of turbid air, he realized that the sky was already dark. Liu Qifang sheathed his sword and headed towards the inn.

Liu Qi, who had just reached the entrance of the town, suddenly stopped and then turned to look behind him. The sound of heavy footsteps could already be heard in his ears.

Liu Qi immediately dodged and hid aside before anyone came.

I saw eight masked men in black clothes holding long knives coming to the inn door, and then a man stood up and shouted to the left and right: "The target is on the second floor of the inn, the third room on the left after going up, remember, kill without mercy!" "

(End of this chapter)

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