Chapter 38 A harmonious family

After a brief meeting with Liu Zongxun, Liu Qi kept waiting in the room. The two maids had already loaded their luggage on the carriage. They were just waiting for the matter in the inn to be settled before they could set off back to the capital.


From the corner of her eye, Liu Qi caught a glimpse of a maid pushing the door open and coming in. Then she bowed to her and said, "Miss, we can start our journey."

Upon hearing this, Liu Qi immediately replied calmly, "I know," and then her eyes narrowed slightly. After a moment of hesitation, she put on her veil, stood up, and walked out of the room with the maid.

Coming down the stairs slowly, Liu Qi saw Liu Zongxun at the door, talking to the two catchers.

"Master Liu has something important to attend to, so I won't delay my two brothers!" One of the head catchers caught Liu Qi coming downstairs in an instant, then stretched out his arm to touch his companion, and then clasped his fist respectfully at Liu Zongxun. road.

"Thank you both." Liu Zongxun nodded calmly.

Seeing the two catchers get out of the way, Liu Zongxunfang looked back at Liu Qi who was approaching, and said in a stiff tone: "Let's set off immediately. Your mother must be waiting impatiently at home."

Liu Zongxun had just turned around and was about to walk out of the gate when he heard a woman's light voice coming from behind: "Did father come here specifically to pick up Qiniang?"

Liu Zongxun paused, just said a faint "hmm", and then walked out of the door.

Liu Qi looked at Liu Zongxun's disappearing figure with deep eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Cheng, the chief steward of the Liu Mansion, glared at the maid beside Liu Qi and scolded in a low voice: "Hurry up and help the young lady get into the car!"

Then, as if he felt Liu Qi's cold gaze, Zhang Cheng smiled awkwardly and followed him out of the door.

"Who wants to kill me?" Liu Qi thought to herself.


The carriage "creeped" and moved forward.

Liu Qi, who was sitting alone in the carriage, was still thinking about the assassination in the early morning, even though he asked the person in black who gave the assassination order.

Tiancheng Gambling House, Boss Du.

But this Boss Du, who has never met someone before, is obviously not the mastermind behind the scenes. Judging from his profession, he can only be regarded as a middleman at most.

Identity has been exposed?

Absolutely impossible!
  If that were the case, it wouldn't be just a few petty thieves who came to the door.

Liu Qi thought about it, and most likely this assassination was not aimed at "Liu Qi", but at "Liu Qiniang".

Who doesn’t want Liu Qiniang to arrive in the capital smoothly?
  Liu Zongxun?
  Or is it his... wife?

There were noisy voices outside the carriage, and the cries of vendors could even be heard.

Liu Qi even heard the familiar voice.

"Candied haws, candied haws—"

She opened the corner of the curtain and saw a crowd of people on the street, an endless stream of vendors and passers-by, and a lively atmosphere of fireworks.

Liu Qi suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of the passers-by. There were several passers-by with weapons on their waists or carrying weapons on their waists. The passers-by seemed to have become accustomed to them, but they did not avoid them at all.

The imperial court did not ban weapons, only armor and bows and crossbows.

Although the capital was the headquarters of the imperial court, there were by no means a small number of people coming and going.

As the saying goes, if you learn martial arts, you will be rewarded by the emperor.

If you want to become famous all over the world and gain fame and fortune, Beijing is an excellent platform!
  "Huh?" Liu Qi raised her eyebrows and seemed to catch a glimpse of a familiar figure among the pedestrians, but just when she wanted to take a closer look, the carriage had already passed by.


The carriage stopped in front of a single-family house.

Liu Qi, who was helped out of the carriage by a maid, only glanced at the gate and secretly thought in his heart: "With Liu Zongxun's salary from the fifth rank, I'm afraid he won't be able to afford such a good house even if he saves for his whole life!"

But who asked me to marry...oh no, to a good lady!
  The red painted door of Liu Mansion was closed tightly, as if rejecting Liu Qi. Liu Zongxun, the male master of the Liu Mansion, looked at the closed door in silence for a long time, and finally said, "Let's go in through the side door."

Liu Qi's expression remained normal. It made no difference to her whether she took the side door or the front door. But when she looked up at Liu Zongxun's back, a strange color flashed in Liu Qi's eyes, and then she lowered her eyes.

Liu Qi was not able to see his nominal "mother" in the end.

When she entered Liu Mansion from the side door, a skinny old woman seemed to have been waiting here. Seeing Liu Qi and his entourage entering the door, she stood up and saluted Liu Zongxun, and her sinister eyes swept away from Liu Qi. Passed, and then said coldly:

"Madam is not feeling well today, so she won't come out to meet her. Madam also considered that Miss must be tired after traveling and traveling, so she specially asked this old slave to come over and arrange matters related to Miss."

After saying that, his eyes glanced at Liu Qi again, and then he bowed to Liu Zongxun and said, "The General's Mansion sent someone over and said they have something important to discuss with you, sir."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Qi heard his cheap father say: "In that case, I'll bother Granny Liang."

"Qiniang, this is Aunt Liang from your mother's side. If you have anything, just tell her." Liu Zongxun turned to Liu Qi and said a few words, and then left.

Liu Qi buried her head and couldn't help but secretly thought, there really is such a father in this world. Today is an eye-opener.

After Liu Zongxun left, Aunt Liang, who had just shown a hint of respect, immediately turned cold. She raised her skinny neck like a proud rooster and looked down at Liu Qi.

"Miss Liu, come with me!"


Liu Zongxun was a Jinshi in the third year of Taikang. Although he had already married in his hometown in Qizhou at that time, and his wife was already nine months pregnant and about to give birth, this did not prevent Liu Zongxun, who was still young and handsome, from being favored by other women.

The next thing will be a matter of course.

When Liu Zongxun was deeply in love with someone, his first wife in Qizhou gave birth to a daughter despite her desperate efforts.

When Liu Zongxun heard the news, he immediately remarried, pretending that the marriage in Qizhou had never happened, and the poor daughter barely survived with the help of her tribe.

As for why no one in the court used this to criticize Liu Zongxun.

Because it was still the third year of Taikang at that time.

The emperor was young, the Empress Dowager Zhou came to the court to listen to the government, General Zhou was the most powerful in the world, and people in the martial arts always changed their minds when the name of Weiyang was mentioned.

And Liu Zongxun’s newly married wife is named Zhou!


"Miss Liu, this is your courtyard." Aunt Liang led Liu Qi to a remote courtyard.

Liu Qi glanced at the broken courtyard gate and didn't say much.

At the same time, he glanced at the surrounding environment with his peripheral vision and found that the outer wall that separated Liu Mansion from the outside world was not far from the small courtyard. Then he quickly buried his head and suppressed the satisfaction in his eyes.

Seeing Liu Qi lowering her head "respectfully", Grandma Liang's eyes flashed with joy.

Aunt Liang glanced at the two shivering servants behind Liu Qi, and immediately said with disdain, "It's true that all the local chickens and ducks are taken home."

"Go get the money and get out of here." Aunt Liang waved her hand impatiently.

The two servant girls lowered their heads and looked at each other. When they were hesitating, they heard "Yes" from Granny Liang again. They both bowed quickly to express their thanks, and then followed a little girl behind Granny Liang and left.

In this way, Liu Qi truly became a loner.

"Cuixiang, you will take care of Miss from now on." Aunt Liang had already made arrangements.

"Yes." A maid walked out from behind Grandma Liang and replied softly.

Liu Qi raised his head and glanced at the maid named Cuixiang. She was a woman with a peaceful face.

The corners of Liu Qi's mouth curved slightly.

"Not bad, a fairly harmonious family."

(End of this chapter)

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