Chapter 45 Huaqing Sect

After breaking the martial law, in order to maintain a deterrent to the world, the imperial court began to systematically train martial arts masters, and the martial arts academy was an important part of this plan.

General Zhou Weiyang collected a lot of martial arts secrets from the Jianghu forces who had destroyed his family, and then founded the martial arts academy based on these secrets, recruiting ambitious people from all over the world to join the government.

Zhou Weiyang even wanted to raise the status of the martial arts examination to the same as the civil examination.

However, this move had not yet aroused the dissatisfaction of people in the world, but first aroused criticism within the imperial court.

The civil servants who had previously been weak under the general suddenly showed courage that they had never had before, and they remonstrated with death several times in order to hinder the establishment of the martial arts academy.

The ever-conquering general compromised in front of civilian officials for the first time.

"It's more difficult to get your official career than to get your life!" This was what the general said when he faced thousands of students who refused to remonstrate.

Literary students who claim to be noble are not afraid of losing their families, but they are afraid of losing their official career.

Therefore, no matter how well they disguise it, they cannot conceal their true purpose of desperately obstructing the establishment of the Martial Academy, which is that they do not want to give out more power in their hands.

Therefore, the martial arts academy did not become the cradle of court officials like the literati Imperial Academy and the schools of various provinces, prefectures, states, and counties.

Yu An, the chief instructor of the Beijing Martial Arts Academy, was just a commoner with no official status.

As for the Imperial College, which is also in the capital, its chief official, Jijiu, is an extremely noble fourth-grade official.

Despite this, Liu Qi was still curious as to why Mr. Tangtang would join the Black Prison.

Judging from his qualifications, Yu An came from a martial arts family. His ancestors came from the Taiyi Sect, which is the leader in Taoism today. His father was also a well-known hero in the world.

In this kind of family background, Yu An has been exposed to martial arts since he was a child. As an adult, he entered Shaolin and became a lay disciple. It can be said that he has learned both Buddhism and Taoism.

Back then, Zhou Weiyang founded the martial arts academy and invited heroes from all walks of life, and Yu An was among them.

Now, more than ten years have passed, and Yu An is already the chief instructor of the Beijing Martial Arts Academy, and many of his disciples have joined the government to serve Daqi.

Why would such a person be associated with a shady killer organization like Hell Gate?

As if he felt Liu Qi's appraising gaze, Yu An sneered: "Why, you, a little girl, can be the leader of the Seven Kills, but I, Yu, can't be the 'judge'?"

Yu An, codenamed "Judge" in the Black Prison Gate, is the leader of the wandering souls, and his status is no less than that of the old knife-sharpening old man who leads the knife slaves.

However, because the old man sharpening the knife represents the will of the Hell King, Yu An still has to obey his orders.

The structure of the Black Prison Gate is not complicated. Under the Black Prison King are the old knife-sharpening old man who leads the sword slaves, and the "judge" Yu An, who leads the wandering souls.

Then there are three independent commanders: "Seven Kills", "Grean Wolf", and "Pojun".

At the bottom are the sword slaves who are responsible for carrying out assassinations, and the wandering spirits who collect and deliver intelligence from various places.

Inside the Black Prison Gate, Liu Qi and Yu An had no affiliation, and they were basically on equal footing.

Seeing Yu An's unkind tone, Liu Qi didn't care and just asked lightly: "Is there any clue about the sword move just now?"

Yu An's face darkened when he heard this, and he cursed in a low voice: "Where did the old immortal find a pervert again!"

He was cursing, but he was holding the branch that Liu Qi had just held in his hand. He made a few gestures with his hand, and then fell into deep thought.

"This set of swordsmanship looks familiar!" Yu An thought carefully in his mind.

Back then, Zhou Weiyang invited them to serve as teachers in the martial arts academy. As a reward for their employment, they could view Zhou Weiyang's collection of martial arts secrets.

When Zhou Wei conquered the world, it was not just the small fish and shrimps that were destroyed, many sects that had been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years were also destroyed in this catastrophe.

The sword move Liu Qi used just now was naturally used by the old man.

Since we can't catch him alive, it's better to make a breakthrough through martial arts.

Yu An, who was deep in thought, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then said to Liu Qi: "Take action against me!" Phew!
  Liu Qi didn't hesitate and turned a single palm of his hand into a sword and forced it towards Yu An's face.

Yu An suddenly raised his hand, and the branch immediately blocked Liu Qi's face. Then he turned his hand, and the branch turned into a sharp light and went straight towards Liu Qi.

Liu Qi's eyes suddenly flashed when he saw this block and attack.

It was exactly the same as the old man's move last night.

"Haha, it turns out to be the swordsmanship of the Huaqing Sect." Yu An withdrew his hand and immediately said with a low smile, "I didn't expect that there are still people from the Huaqing Sect who are still alive in the world."

Huaqing School.

Liu Qi suppressed the light in her eyes, thinking that once she knew the origin, the rest could be done slowly.

"Why, did the Huaqing faction offend you?" Yu An suddenly asked.

Seeing that Liu Qi didn't reply, Yu An continued: "If there are really people from the Huaqing Sect still living in the capital, then they are really very courageous!"

"During the chaos among the kings, the Huaqing faction was a supporter of one of the princes."

"At that time, the head of the Huaqing Sect had even led his disciples into the palace, but unfortunately he was blocked in front of the last palace gate."

"If we go into detail, before the military order was broken, the Huaqing sect had been uprooted by Zhou Weiyang's leaders, and even the babies in their mothers' wombs were not spared."

"If people from the Huaqing Sect are in the capital, they will only have one purpose, and that is to kill Zhou Weiyang!"



"Hey~" Cuixiang held her forehead and couldn't help moaning.

Why did I sleep so deeply?

Shaking her heavy head, Cuixiang glanced out the window and almost couldn't help but exclaim.

It's... so late!
  Covering her little mouth and looking out the bright window, Cuixiang was a little at a loss.

She got up in a hurry and didn't have time to look in the mirror, so she opened the door and happened to see Liu Qi lying very comfortably on a rocking chair in the yard.

"Miss, I...I, I got up late." Cuixiang said intermittently with a red face.

"It's okay. Butler Zhang has already sent someone to bring breakfast this morning." Liu Qi reached out to cover the already dazzling sunlight, turned towards Cuixiang, and forced out a stiff smile.

Perhaps because of the morning, Cuixiang was extra attentive today and went to the kitchen early to get lunch for Liu Qi.

Suddenly only Liu Qi was left in the small courtyard.

She took out a small porcelain bottle with a round belly from her sleeve, then opened the cork and poured out a pill.

This is the "Tian Yuan Dan" that Zhang Cheng calls comparable to the Guyuan Dan.

Liu Qi put it to his nose and sniffed it, and there was indeed a mellow medicinal fragrance. However, compared with the original Guyuan Dan, this "Tian Yuan Dan" seemed to be a little underheated, because Liu Qi's crescent mark did not show any Strange.

But as long as it’s a tonic, you still have to take it after spending money!
  Liu Qi threw it directly into his mouth and drank it with two "bang bang" sounds.

As the power of the medicine dissolved in her belly, Liu Qi felt a stream of pure energy slowly flow into the crescent moon.

She looked closely and found that the crescent moon on her left wrist was fuller again.

"Alas -" Liu Qi suddenly sighed in her heart as the rocking chair began to rock, "I wonder when I will be able to get enough energy."

(End of this chapter)

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