Chapter 50 Gathering
  Donghe County, disciple of Feiyu Villa.

Liu Qi heard Song Ling'er call the man who had just scolded them "Senior Brother Li", and her mind instantly recalled her first mission in Donghe County.

At that time, Liu Qi and his party were apparently the most skilled in martial arts, but Liu San was injured by the newly appointed county captain of Donghe County, a disciple of Feiyu Villa named Li, so that Mrs. Mei had to take Liu San out of Xiliu. Mountain villa treatment.

Seeing the four people walking away, Liu Qi walked out from behind a vendor's truck.

Among these four people, except for "Senior Brother Li" whom he had never met before, Liu Qi was very familiar with the other three.

Back in Cangzhou, one of the women named Song Ling'er, along with Xiao Jiang, a disciple of the Jiwotou Beggar Clan, and the pretty and lovely Miss Cheng, kidnapped Liu Qi from the Cangzhou Yamen.

Although it was just a misunderstanding, by chance, the three of them were wanted by the six doors because Liu Qi took the blame.

Liu Qi also didn't expect that these three people would see them again in the capital.

Seeing them swaggering on the streets in broad daylight meant that the wanted case at Six Doors had been successfully resolved.

This is not surprising to Liu Qi. Behind the three of them are all well-known families, especially Song Ling'er, who was born in Feiyu Villa.

The owner of Feiyu Villa, one of the Seven Stars in the "Seven Stars and Five Righteousnesses", Jiang Jiyu, the "crane in the sky", was a close confidant of Fu Qingshu, the first assistant of the dynasty.

"Girl, do you want to buy it or not?" asked the vendor behind the truck.

Liu Qi shook her head, remembered the face of "Senior Brother Li" in her heart, and then left.


Climbed the outer wall and returned to Liu Mansion.

Sure enough, Cuixiang hadn't come back yet. After entering the main room, Liu Qi calmly put the sword into the piano body, and then poured a cup of herbal tea from the teapot on the table to moisten his throat.

After sitting down, Liu Qi couldn't help but secretly thought that the auction would be held at Tianhong Tower the day after tomorrow. Adding the token in his hand, the total would be two hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver, which was definitely a huge sum of money.

But Liu Qi was still not sure that he could win the thousand-year-old jade ginseng.

Fortunately for me, but not for my life. Without this thousand-year-old jade ginseng, life would be impossible. After all, there are still many spiritual creatures in this world.

Liu Qi was very calm. Even if she could win it at the auction, she would not have any thoughts of "buying without capital".

Just kidding, this is the imperial capital of Qi.

And among the people who vouched for this auction, there were many experts in the world. If they really dared to do such a thing, even ten lives would not be enough.


Cuixiang still didn't come back until it was time to eat in the evening.

Instead, a strange boy hurried in carrying a food box. After bowing to Liu Qi, he placed the food box on the table in the main room and left in a hurry.

"It seems that Liu Mansion really thinks that he is a transparent person!" Liu Qi thought to herself.

But this is what Liu Qi is happy to see. She had already learned from Zhang Cheng's mouth before that Zhou's arrangement for her was nothing more than to keep her in captivity and treat her as if she didn't exist.

The specific reason was that in addition to hating Liu Qi as the child of Liu Zongxun's original wife, he was also worried that Liu Qi would steal the title of the eldest daughter of the Liu family from the Zhou family's daughter.

But what surprised Liu Qi was that Zhou didn't even have any intention of killing her.

On the contrary, it was Aunt Liang who was next to Zhou. According to Zhang Cheng's report, she had repeatedly whispered into Zhou's ears and used some means to make Liu Qi "die of a sudden illness."

But every time, Zhou was put off.

Aunt Liang...

At the mention of this name, a coldness flashed across Liu Qi's eyes. Since someone is unkind, don't blame her for being unjust.

After a while, let Zhang Cheng find an opportunity for her to "die of a sudden illness".

She was just an old servant, not worthy of Liu Qi's personal action.


After sweeping away the food in the food box, Liu Qi put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at the sky outside the window. It was already dark.

At this moment, familiar footsteps came from outside.

Zhang Cheng, the chief steward of the Liu Mansion, hunched over and trotted across the yard and entered the main room. When he saw Liu Qi in front of the table, Fang knelt down on one knee and said.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report, regarding the auction in the future."


"Someone is secretly contacting people who redeemed tokens from Chase Bank."

Liu Qi's eyes narrowed: "Have you been found?" Zhang Cheng felt a chill in his back when he heard this, and immediately replied: "Of course not, but I think... Your Majesty, you might be interested."


"Because the person who initiated this contact is Shen Zhuang."

"Who is Shen Zhuang?"

Zhang Cheng quickly replied: "It's the old man of the Shen family, the previous head of the Shen family."

The Shen family...the Shen family who refined the Guyuan Pill.

Liu Qi recalled it instantly.



Chase Bank, second floor, brightly lit.

A gray-haired old man held a five or six-year-old girl in his arms. The girl slept soundly with her head in the old man's arms. Every time the old man lowered his eyes and saw the girl's peaceful sleeping face, his eyes suddenly showed deep pity. meaning.

"Mr. Shen, don't be anxious. I think if those people knew that this meeting was convened by you, Mr. Shen, they would definitely come." The speaker was a woman in green who was sitting next to the old man.

"I would also like to thank Fang Nuxia for helping me this time." The old man smiled gratefully at the woman and then said with a cupped hand.

After thanking the woman in green, the old man turned to look at the fat middle-aged man on the other side, and also said with a cupped hand: "Thank you also to shopkeeper Zhang Da!"

The middle-aged man who was called shopkeeper Zhang Da smiled honestly, then stood up and said respectfully: "Mr. Shen is a righteous man. It is my honor to be able to contribute to Mr. Shen."

Deng, Deng, Deng.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard heavy footsteps coming from the stairs nearby.

The three people in the room all had expressions on their faces, and then straightened up.

After a while, a man who looked like a giant stepped in, his head almost brushing the beams.

Seeing this giant-like man come in, the woman in green clothes beside the old man immediately stood up and clasped her fists and said, "But the 'Giant Spirit God' Hou Erye."

When the giant's copper-bell-like eyes moved to the woman in green, a flash of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he hummed: "It turns out to be Fang Nuxia, one of the 'Four Little Feihe's' at Feiyu Villa, Hou." I’ve admired you for a long time!”

"Please take a seat!" The woman in green smiled and then extended her hand to make a gesture of invitation.


Boom, boom, boom.

Liu Qi stood at the door of Datong Bank and reached out to knock the door.

"Creak" the door opened, and a lantern came out first.

Liu Qi didn't waste any time and showed his token directly in front of the concierge who poked his head out.

The concierge holding the lantern immediately stared, then leaned out of the way and said respectfully: "This knight, please go to the second floor."

When Liu Qigang stepped into the lobby on the second floor, he felt several eyes focused on him.

At the same time, a woman in green clothes on the side of the main seat stood up, cupped her fists at Liu Qi and said, "This... heroine, please take a seat."

Liu Qi was still dressed as she was during the day, except that she replaced the veil on her face with a mask that could cover most of her face.

Liu Qi glanced at everyone in the lobby, his eyes lingered on the giant-like man for a moment, and then moved to the old man holding the girl in his arms at the main seat in the lobby.

As if aware of Liu Qi's gaze, the old man who originally looked down at the girl raised his head and met a pair of cold eyes.

After standing for a moment, Liu Qi strolled to an empty seat and sat down. Like everyone else in the hall, he took off the saber from his waist and placed it on the table next to him.

"This heroine looks strange." As soon as Liu Qi sat down, a bald man sitting on the chair next to him smiled and introduced himself, "I'm Cao Cheng."

Liu Qi ignored him and just glanced at the three iron galls held in the hands of the man named Cao.

Including Liu Qi, there were eight people in the room. Except for the slightly fat man, all of them had martial arts skills.

But the one who impressed Liu Qi the most was naturally the woman in green who had just greeted him.

At this time, the woman in Tsing Yi was whispering a few words to the old man in the chair and the fat man on the other side. Then the woman in Tsing Ying stood up, glanced at everyone present, and said leisurely:
  "All the heroes are able to gather here late at night. I, Qingluan, would like to express my gratitude on behalf of Mr. Shen!"

(End of this chapter)

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