Chapter 61 Get the elixir
  "Captain Liao, this man is dead, how should we explain to the superiors?" The captor next to Liao Mengyuan obviously didn't care much about Liao Mengyuan's speculation that he was present at the scene. He glanced at Lu Yishan's expressionless face with complicated eyes. Then he said worriedly.

"Everyone is already dead, how can we explain it?" Liao Mengyuan said in a concentrated voice, "Take the body back and report it truthfully."

"Captain Liao..." The captor next to him suddenly looked around, and then whispered in Liao Mengyuan's ear, "Please take a step to speak!"

Although Liao Mengyuan had doubts, he still followed him to a deserted place.

When the arrester saw that there was no one around him, he said calmly: "I have checked Lu Yishan's body, and everything on his body is missing!"

Seeing Liao Mengyuan's brows furrowed with a puzzled look on his face, the catcher immediately reminded him: "What kind of person is Lu Yishan? How could he arouse criticism from the imperial censor? Even those adults didn't bother to investigate carefully." , then directly want to put the person in jail..."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Liao Mengyuan interrupted the other party.

The catcher leaned close to Liao Mengyuan's ear and whispered: "Captain Liao really thinks that the adults above really care about Lu Yishan's life and death. What they want is the evidence on Lu Yishan. If those evidences implicate some people... "

"So...if we carry a naked body back, what will the adults think?"

"Liao Captou has just been transferred to the capital. I don't know how deep the water here is. If you are not careful, you will be catastrophic!"

Listening to the catcher's sincere persuasion, Liao Mengyuan finally understood. He asked with a heavy gaze: "Then what should I do according to you?"

"Of course it's a fire!"

"I've already taken care of the brothers and little brothers here. Let's burn down the Salesian Home as well. Then we'll be able to explain it to our superiors!"

"In a word... don't get into trouble."


After a while, the catcher took the lead and came back with a cheerful face. Then he called a few catchers over and ordered them to start working.

Until a few police officers held torches and set fire to all parts of the Salesian Hospital, Liao Mengyuan walked out with a stern face.

"Captain Liao, please don't worry. I'll take care of those little bastards in the Salesian Institution myself." Seeing that the fire was already burning, the agent immediately patted his chest and promised.

Standing at the door of the Salesian Home, Liao Mengyuan's eyes flickered with fire, and his face became darker and darker. He suddenly closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief slowly, and then walked in the direction of the horse.

After taking just a few steps, Liao Mengyuan suddenly turned around and asked in a deep voice to the red-faced catcher: "Captain Sun, then who are we?"

After saying this, Liao Mengyuan got on his horse and left without waiting for the head catcher surnamed Sun to answer.



A fire at the Salesian Academy completely calmed down the once turbulent capital city.

One of the key figures in the fire, Liu Qi, was sitting in the room, letting Cuixiang perform tricks on her head.

"My lady's hair is so soft, you must take good care of it, but don't wash your hair with cold water every day like before!" Cuixiang complained softly while combing Liu Qi's hair.

It can be seen that Cuixiang is in a good mood because her mother has recovered from her illness.

Looking at her increasingly gorgeous hairstyle in the bronze mirror, Liu Qi said helplessly: "Cuixiang, just simply pull it up, there is no need to make it so complicated!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Qi felt her scalp tighten.

"How can that be done!" Cuixiang argued, "Today is your big day, so don't be careless!"

Liu Qinu pursed his lips.

I'm afraid Cuixiang's expectations will be dashed.

As expected, a boy quickly came over and informed Liu Qi that there was no need to go to Madam's house today.

"Ah?" Cuixiang was still a little surprised.

The boy lowered his head and said, "I heard that Mr. Li fell off his horse and broke his leg on the way here!"

"Hiss—how could this happen!" Cuixiang covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"The sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortunes and blessings." Liu Qi rarely spoke up, "Don't be surprised about Cuixiang. I went to the kitchen to see if lunch was ready. I'm a little hungry."


…    As soon as the boy and Cuixiang left the yard, a figure appeared out of thin air at the door.

Liu Qi, who was sitting in the room, said without raising her head: "Well done."

"Your Majesty, thank you!" Zhang Cheng, who had just stepped into the threshold of the main house, immediately smiled respectfully, and then continued: "This Granny Liang really has no good intentions, and is only looking for dirty things!"

"That bullshit Mr. Li only has an uncle who is a petty official, yet he dares to call himself an official."

"And that young master of the Dong family, not only is he a drunkard, but he is also said to be a good... manly man."


Seeing Zhang Chengyi's indignant look, Liu Qi said calmly: "Remember to keep your hands and feet clean and don't let others see your flaws. This is the capital, and there are many capable people in the government."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Cheng immediately bowed and said: "Please rest assured, my lord, that my subordinates will definitely do everything in a clean manner."

Since it was Grandma Liang who proposed it, what kind of good thing would it be if she dared to come to get married at this time?
  Liu Qi spoke again: "Have you ever heard of Yongxing Pawnshop?"

Zhang Cheng thought for a while and then replied: "I've never heard of it. I think it's an unknown small pawn shop. Do you want me to go check it out?"

Liu Qi nodded.

Yesterday, a pawn ticket was found on Lu Yishan, which was issued by Yongxing Pawn Shop.

However, Liu Qi checked the map of the capital and found no shop called Yongxing Pawn Shop.

Maybe not in the capital?

Liu Qi suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then gave Zhang Chengduo some instructions: "By the way, check the towns around the capital to see if there is such a pawn shop."



On the third day after the Tianhong Tower auction, Liu Qi returned here again.

As soon as he entered the door, someone took the initiative to greet him.

"This heroine, the chief helmsman is waiting for you in Room 1 on the second floor."

After saying that, he led Liu Qi to the second floor.

Opening the door, Liu Qi saw Cao Cheng in the main seat at a glance.

Seeing Liu Qi come in, Cao Cheng stood up, cupped his fists and raised his hands in greeting, and motioned with his eyes to his men to close the door and go out.

Liu Qi nodded slightly in return, then turned to nod at the other person on the table.

That person is Shen Zhuang.

Compared with three days ago, Shen Zhuang's face was pale, and his originally mottled beard and hair were already pale. It seemed that baking the elixir in the past three days had taken a lot of effort.

Liu Qi noticed that the girl Shen Zhuang always brought with him was nowhere to be seen at this time.

As soon as Liu Qi sat down, Shen Zhuang said solemnly: "It's fortunate that I didn't disgrace my life."

After saying that, he took out two square wooden boxes and pushed them in front of Cao Cheng and Liu Qi respectively.

"Thousand-year-old jade ginseng is one of the main materials for refining the Shenyuan Dan. However, I only have such a magical elixir in my hand, so I followed the method of refining the Guyuan Dan. Although it was a waste of jade ginseng's years, it is still effective. Dan takes shape!”

"The medicinal power contained in this elixir can not only wash away the impurities accumulated in the meridians, but if the medicinal power can be fully digested, it can also be worth ten years of skill!"


Liu Qi opened the palm-sized wooden box and saw two round blue pills lying on the red silk at the bottom of the box. The surface of the pills shone with light, and you could tell with the naked eye that they were not mortal objects!

According to Shen Zhuang, the efficacy of this blue pill is far greater than the Guyuan Pill, but inferior to the Shen Yuan Pill of the Shen family.

But for Liu Qi now, it's enough!

(End of this chapter)

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