Chapter 85 Murderous Intent

Liu Qi turned her hand holding the handle of the knife, and the blade shone brightly in the sunlight.

Although it is just a standard short knife commonly seen on the waists of guards, the workmanship is very meticulous, and you can tell how sharp the blade is just by looking at it.

After admiring the knife in his hand, Liu Qi suddenly let go of the handle and saw the sword falling in the air. Then his white fingers instantly grasped the handle again. This time, the tip of the knife pointed towards Bai Ze, who was standing proudly on the eaves. .

When Bai Ze saw this, his eyes suddenly shrank, and a cold light burst out from his eyes. His hands that were originally behind him slowly reached out, and then two dazzling rays of light were forced towards Liu Qi's eyes.

Liu Qi narrowed her eyes slightly and could see clearly the weapon in Bai Ze's hand. She saw that each of his hands had a short blade that looked like a crescent moon.

"I'm here today. I wonder if your Majesty knows?" Liu Qi said lightly.

Bai Ze's face was as cold as ice: "Stop talking nonsense and draw the sword!"

It seems that he felt that he had lost some respect for not being taken down before, so he came to the door specially today.

Seeing Liu Qi not moving for a long time, Bai Ze's eyes darkened, and he said coldly: "My people have guarded all the passages in and out of this courtyard, and your personal maid is still in the kitchen."

Bai Ze thought Liu Qi was reluctant to take action because he was afraid that the person who took action would be seen by others and his identity would be exposed.

Liu Qi frowned slightly when he heard this.

Bai Ze said that she was indeed worried, but it wasn't all because of this.

You, Bai Ze, came earlier and later, but it took three days to come. Liu Qi instinctively felt that something was wrong, thinking that there was a high probability that he didn't come here specifically to regain his position, but that he probably had other important matters.

If Bai Ze could do anything to him, it would most likely be the Queen Mother Zhou Mi!
  Liu Qi shook his head slightly, then raised his head and said in a solemn voice: "How about we decide the outcome with one sword?"



As soon as the word "ke" came out of Bai Ze's mouth, he suddenly felt that the air around him began to become restless, and then seemed to be affected by a huge gravitational force, rushing crazily towards Liu Qi's feet in the courtyard.


Seeing this, Bai Ze couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and then a look of solemnity appeared on his face, and then the zhenqi in his dantian began to move crazily. In an instant, it spread all over his body, and the crescent moon-like double blades in his hands gradually covered with thin... Thin fluorescent.

Liu Qi stood calmly holding the knife amidst the surging energy, his mind was empty.

After the success of Canghai Sheng Gong, her understanding of her own martial arts seemed to have made a qualitative leap, especially the seven-killing mad sword that had been invincible before!

The blade in his hand made a low buzzing sound under the blessing of Liu Qixiong's powerful energy, and Liu Qi could feel the blade beating through the handle.

Liu Qi's eyes slowly returned to the blade, and then she clenched her fingers tightly, and the back of her hand suddenly turned pale.


As Liu Qi took a breath, the blade seemed to solidify.

The secret of the Seven Killing Mad Sword is not only the indomitable madness that looks down on the world, but also the word "kill"!

As Liu Qi's eyes grew colder, the blade seemed to be gradually eroded by a layer of hoarfrost, and the tip of the blade was also infected by hoarfrost. Liu Qi raised her head again, and her cold eyes fell on Bai Ze again. .

  Staring directly into Liu Qi's emotionless eyes, Bai Ze's heart trembled suddenly, and then the zhenqi that was originally running smoothly seemed to have a ripple!
  Bai Ze waved his arms, and the two daggers in his hands came out instantly, approaching Liu Qi.

He couldn't wait any longer. Liu Qi's murderous intention had already affected his Qi. If it dragged on any longer, Bai Ze knew that he would definitely lose!

The two crescent moons changed their directions instantly after they were released, spinning towards Liu Qi one to the left and one to the right. During the high-speed rotation, the crescent moon also turned into a full moon.

Liu Qi's eyes opened slightly, and he immediately put the sword in front of him, and then slowly slashed the sword horizontally. A black line seemed to be drawn in the air and spread.


In the piercing crisp sound, the two full moons were instantly swallowed up by the black thread, and the two daggers scattered on the ground. However, the speed of the black thread did not slow down at all until it spread to the front of Bai Ze.

Bai Ze's pupils expanded rapidly. The moment he wanted to retreat, a subtle "chi" sounded in his ears. Then he lowered his eyes and saw that the hem of his clothes was floating down...

But the black line that was originally rushing towards me has disappeared without a trace.

"General Bai Ze, what is the outcome?"

Listening to the cold voice of the woman in the courtyard, Bai Ze's face twitched slightly. Seeing the falling clothes fluttering from the eaves to a pair of boots, his eyes immediately sank.

"I lost!"

Hearing Bai Ze admit defeat, the corner of Liu Qi's mouth curved slightly, and then glanced at the two short blades scattered on the ground. The blade in his hand immediately pointed at the position of the short blade. The short blade trembled slightly and then turned into a stream of light. In the direction of Liu Qi.

  Just when the two short blades flew to the side of the blade in Liu Qi's hand, she shook her right hand slightly, and with the two short blades wrapped in the sword in her hand, she headed directly towards Bai Ze on the eaves.

"Give the knife back to you!"

"Dang!" Bai Ze immediately reached out and took the two short blades, but Liu Qi's standard short blade was broken in front of Bai Ze!

Bai Ze lowered his hands, and the two short crescent blades instantly disappeared from his cuffs. Then he reached out to catch the broken blade, turned over the broken position and looked at it, and his eyes widened a little.

"Such a sharp sword energy..." Bai Ze murmured.

Seeing that Bai Ze's attention was completely focused on the broken sword, Liu Qi quietly put his pale right hand behind his back.

"The fight is over. Can General Bai Ze explain his intention clearly?"

"Your Majesty will leave to return to Beijing tomorrow." Bai Ze's expression quickly faded, and then he said coldly, "Tonight's dinner, Suzaku will come to pick you up."

After that, without waiting for Liu Qi's response, he flew away directly.

Liu Qi watched as Bai Ze's figure disappeared completely. Her originally calm demeanor suddenly sank, and then the blood on her face quickly receded...

After suppressing the sweetness that surged into her throat, Liu Qifang shook his head and murmured: "Is this murderous intention? I almost didn't give myself an explanation!"

Just now, Liu Qiming realized the trace of murderous intention contained in the Seven Killing Mad Sword. Although he successfully drove out the trace of murderous intention, he killed a thousand enemies and injured himself eight hundred times at the same time.

The condensed murderous intention does not distinguish between friend and foe, just like the "black line" just now, everything it touches is reduced to ashes.

The power is naturally extraordinary. If Liu Qi had not stopped in time, Bai Ze would have been buried under the "black line" in all likelihood. Of course, the backlash Liu Qi would have suffered would have been heavier. How could he still be standing like now? say.

"If I change to my own sword... I think I can hold on longer." Liu Qi slowly exhaled a mouthful of fishy-sweet turbid air, and then thought to herself.

Although the standard dagger given by Bai Ze was of good workmanship, it could not withstand the blessing of true energy at all, let alone Liu Qi's condensed murderous intention.

Liu Qi walked into the house and took out the sword from the piano body. Then his eyes narrowed slightly, and then a trace of white frost appeared on the handle and spread towards the blade!

Huh—— Liu Qi’s increasingly pale hand immediately let go of the handle of the knife, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, her guess was right. Her sword could withstand the blessing of true energy, and naturally it could also withstand the blessing of murderous intent. It was more stable and would not start to bite back on itself before the murderous intent was launched like just now.

At this time, Liu Qi heard footsteps outside the yard.

She immediately hid the sword in the belly of the piano again, then came to the table and sat down. A moment later, the voice of the butler Zhang Cheng came from outside the door.

"Miss, the snacks you requested are here."


"Cuixiang twisted her foot on the way back from the kitchen, and my subordinates happened to see it, so I sent her snacks to you, Miss." Zhang Cheng said with a bow and a smile.

Liu Qi glanced at him coldly.

Needless to say, Cuixiang's twisting of the foot was naturally Zhang Cheng's fault, otherwise he would have no excuse to see Liu Qi.

Seemingly sensing that Liu Qi's expression was calm, Zhang Cheng immediately suppressed his smile, and then lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Following the orders of the commander, my subordinates quietly followed Grandma Liang for several days, and sure enough, they discovered something!"


Zhang Cheng's body trembled when he heard this, and he did not dare to delay, and quickly replied: "On the night when your accident happened, Grandma Liang secretly threw something outside."

Zhang Cheng said as he took out a thin package of oil paper from his arms, which seemed to contain something.

"My subordinates have confirmed that it is an extremely expensive drug that can be effective on martial arts practitioners. It is colorless and odorless!"

Hearing this, Liu Qi suddenly thought of Grandma Liang's unnatural look and dodge in her eyes when she saw her in the kitchen that day, and she instantly understood something.

She immediately asked coldly: "Has anyone been in contact with Grandma Liang recently?"

"Yes!" Zhang Cheng immediately replied, "It was a guard from the Queen Mother's pavilion. The two seemed to have an argument when they met. Because they were close to the Queen Mother's residence, the subordinates did not dare to get too close and did not hear what the two were arguing about. "

Liu Qi slowly closed her eyes after hearing this, and opened them suddenly after a moment: "Have you made the preparations I asked you to make before?"

Zhang Cheng nodded immediately, and then asked in surprise: "But do you want to do it now?"

"You've kept her long enough." Liu Qi replied calmly.

"But... the Queen Mother's side."

"Don't worry about the Queen Mother." Liu Qi shook her head, thinking that the Queen Mother should be busy taking care of herself at the moment.

Mu Qingfeng may know where the forbidden area is, but how did he know that the Queen Mother would be in the forbidden area at this time?

And he was accompanied by two eunuchs who were good at martial arts.

Liu Qi seemed to have read a thick novel about palace fighting, and with the involvement of martial arts people, the situation might become even more complicated.

She couldn't help but brush her forehead. Although she wanted to avoid this kind of trouble, it seemed that she had a lot of trouble when she thought about it carefully.

What's more, no matter what the purpose, Zhou Mi actually passed on the Canghai Divine Skill to her. Judging from the fight with Bai Ze just now, this skill is worthy of the word "magical skill" and has brought Liu Qi The improvement is not a slight improvement.

There are troubles, but the benefits seem to be greater!
  And counting Zhou Mi's most powerful younger brother, wouldn't it give Liu Qiping a little more confidence to escape from the Black Prison Gate?

Thinking of this, Liu Qi was determined. She waved at Zhang Cheng: "Just follow what we prepared before. I don't want to see her again at the Queen Mother's dinner tonight!"


"Is there any news from the 'Judge'?" Liu Qi suddenly remembered something and asked Zhang Cheng who was about to leave.

"In accordance with your order, the 'Judge' and the wandering souls who come into contact with him have been monitored. However, since meeting Ye Su, the 'Judge' has not behaved unusually."

"Where is Ye Su?" Liu Qi asked the guest from the Golden Horse Chamber of Commerce.

"I have been living in a restaurant owned by the Golden Horse Chamber of Commerce. Except for the meeting with the 'judge', I am either locked in the room or going to the Liumen General Office."

Ye Su came to the capital to deal with the death of the eldest son Yan Lingyi, so it was normal to go to Liumen.

Now the news has been released from the Six Gates, and it is no longer a secret that Yan Lingyi died with the Taiyi Light Sword of the Taiyi Gate.

Ye Su, Le Qingyao, and both parties involved have arrived in the capital, but surprisingly, the two parties seem to have no intention of meeting directly to settle the matter.

Le Qingyao is now Zhou Xianzong's guest. On the day Liu Qi was kidnapped, Le Qingyao took the initiative to chase Chu Xingbai. According to Zhang Cheng, she has not returned yet, and she probably left Baixi Villa.

Liu Qi touched her chin and thought for a moment, then asked: "Are there no wandering souls inside the six doors?"

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Linghu Shuo from the Six Gates is known as the 'Purple Eyes Blue Sky'. His eyes are very vicious. Several wandering souls have fallen into his hands before, so the 'Judge' specially ordered, Let the wandering soul avoid the six-door general office."

Linghu Shuo, this is not the first time Liu Qi has heard this name.

The reason why he has the reputation of "Purple Eyes and Blue Sky" is not only because he solves crimes like a god and enforces the law impartially, but also because Linghu Shuo was born from a foreign race, so he was born with a pair of purple pupils.

For a foreigner to be able to sit in the position of chief catcher at Six Doors, it should not be underestimated.

Not long after the death of the "Mobei Two Heroes" Sun brothers, Linghu Shuo returned to the capital. However, he did not seem to take the death of the Sun brothers seriously. However, the evidence of corruption by several border generals was revealed by Linghu Shuo. Shuo submitted it to the court. It was rumored that Linghu Shuo was about to go north again. This time he was going to behead with an imperial edict!

From this point of view, it seems that the Sun brothers are just a cover to attract attention.

The officials at the border spent money, but in the end they could not solve the problem.

However, Hellgate is a pure killer organization that only kills people but is not responsible for solving problems.

"Is there any reply from Mr. Dao?" Liu Qi asked next.

"No reply yet."

"Okay, you go ahead."

"and many more!"

Zhang Cheng bowed and was about to leave from the door. When Liu Qi shouted sharply, he immediately trembled. Then he turned around tremblingly and asked with a hesitant look on his face: "Do you have any other orders, Lord?"

"Snacks." Liu Qi stared at the food box in Zhang Cheng's hand with sharp eyes, and then said coldly, "Leave the snacks."


Zhang Cheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, then placed the food box on the table, bowed and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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