The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 104 Eye-opening (I beg you to order all of them!)

Chapter 104 Eye-opening (I beg you to order all of them!)

Formation, one of the hundred arts of cultivation, is a very important skill. Its main common functions are defense, attack, concealment, psychedelic, etc.

Alchemist, weapon refiner, talisman maker, and array master are the most popular professions in cultivating immortals, and they are also the most common ones.

Among them, formation masters are the rarest, and they often come from large sects and families.

Early this morning, the Xu family members were ordered by their clan leader to gather in front of the clan mountain and line up to wait for the Baiyimen formation master who would change the formation for the Xu family.

"Nineteenth brother, do you think it is necessary to be so solemn?" Xu Zhian, who is already a father, asked him through the message.

"Of course it is necessary. I heard from my ancestor that the cultivators from the Baiyi Sect who came this time have not only reached the fourth level of the Purple Mansion, but are also third-level mid-level formation mages. Even in the Baiyi Sect, which is full of talents, then It is also a prestigious existence.”

Xu Zhiyu explained to his third brother using the news he heard from his ancestor.

"Then let's just let the ancestor lead the two foundation-building elders to greet him. Why do we, the Qi-training monks, come here? Is it possible that a dignified master of the Purple Mansion can still say hello to us one by one?"

"Is that Master Zifu? Third brother, don't you want to see his elegance up close?"

"Master Zifu is our ancestor. I have paid homage to him at close range several times. If I have free time, I might as well go back to the cave to look after the children!"

Xu Zhiyu is somewhat impressed by this third brother. He used to be high-spirited and ambitious, but since he got married and had children, he seems to have lost his spirit. It has been nearly twenty years, but his cultivation level has barely broken through from the seventh level to the eighth level. layer.

"Third brother, there must be a reason for the family to do this. Let's not think too much about it and just stand and greet him!"

After transmitting the message to Xu Zhi'an, Xu Zhiyu didn't say anything. He waited patiently like everyone else. Looking from the sky, the positions of the Xu family were also very particular. It seemed to imply the way of formation. It seemed that offense and defense were integrated, which was very extraordinary. .

In fact, the family's arrangement was intentional. Although the formation masters from Baiyi Sect came here mainly to set up a clan-protecting formation for the family, they may not have no intention of inspecting it.

The family's monk appearance can be used to show the family's cohesion, combat effectiveness, and determination to fight monsters.

This is also crucial for the family. If it is the kind of family that can't support the wall at first glance, Baiyimen may adjust its defensive strategy and the tilt of its resources.

From morning until noon, I saw a huge sword flying from west to east at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of everyone in the Xu family.

When the flying sword fell, ancestor Xu Deming took a few steps forward and laughed loudly:

"The distinguished guest has come from afar. Xu leads his family members to greet him. He warmly welcomes fellow Taoist fellows to come!"

"Hello, senior!" The ancestor said, and everyone in the Xu clan called him "senior" in unison, saying hello and saluting.

"I'm Guo Long of Baiyi Sect, this must be Fellow Daoist Xu. I've heard of his name for a long time, but I just didn't meet him today." This Baiyi Sect monk doesn't seem to be the kind of person who is too difficult to deal with, and he is also cheerful. said.

But that was only to Xu Deming, a monk of the same level. As for greeting the rest of the people, he just nodded and said nothing.

"Quick, fellow Taoist, please come inside and talk!" Xu Deming invited after the greetings.

"Okay, please lead the way, fellow Taoist!"

Among the people of the Xu family, except for the two foundation-building elders, they were the two clan uncles from the "Zheng" generation, the two clan brothers from the "Zhi" generation and Xu Zhiyu followed them to the family meeting hall, where Xu Zhiyu was. A place for entertaining guests.

When he came to the meeting hall, the guests and hosts took their seats. Guo Long did not beat around the bush, but said straightforwardly:
  "This time I took over the sect's mission and arranged a clan protection formation for you Xu family. Next, I will briefly explain that the formation to be arranged this time is called the Liangyi Yin-Yang Formation, which is a third-level low-grade formation. "

"This formation is divided into three gates: Kai, Xiu, and Du. The three gates of death, injury, and fright are extremely powerful. They integrate offense and defense. If the people who enter the formation don't know how to do it, even the third-level low-grade monsters and the early monks of the Purple Mansion He will also fall on the spot!"

Xu Zhiyu had an incredible look on his face and thought to himself: Is it so fierce? It's so terrifying! But Guo Long changed his subject and said:
  "Of course, to bring out the full power of this formation, it must be placed on the third-order mid-grade spiritual veins or the third-order low-grade spiritual veins. I just felt it. The aristocratic mountain spiritual veins are at the second-order high grade. To use this formation It is impossible to use the full power of the law!"

"But you don't have to worry too much. With my arrangement, about 80% of the full power of the formation will be exerted. There is no problem in trapping and blocking the attacks of one or two third-level low-grade monsters!"

After hearing this, everyone felt relieved. In fact, they were unwilling to upgrade their family's spiritual veins, mainly because they had no spiritual stones. You must know that upgrading the second-level high-grade spiritual veins to the third-order low-grade spiritual veins costs a huge amount of spiritual stones. It starts with at least 200,000 spirit stones. How can the Xu family have so many spirit stones?

"It doesn't matter, Taoist fellow Taoist, just do your best. We can't thank you enough for this. The great virtue of the Shangzong, the Xu family will never forget it!" Xu Deming said with a smile, and then said to Guo Long:
  "Fellow Taoist, please take a rest for the night after a long journey. I have a pot of third-level spiritual wine in my cave. I hope fellow Taoist will appreciate it!"

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Xu, for your kind words, but let's set up the formation first. Time is urgent at this time. After the arrangement for the Xu family is completed, I have to go and set up the formation for the Wei family in Pinghu to protect the family. There is no need to delay!"

"Okay, then follow my Taoist friends!" Xu Deming just said polite words. He was eager to start setting up the formation immediately, but he really prepared the third-level spirit wine.

"Okay, in that case, you Daoist Xu, please accompany me to go around Noble Tribe Mountain to look for the place where the formation flag is buried, so that I can set up the formation according to the situation of the mountain!"

"Okay, fellow Taoist, please come this way!"

Xu Deming took Guo Long there to explore the terrain, check the water sources, understand the height of the terrain, and explore the flow direction of the water sources.

Several hours later, Guo Mingkanyu finally finished and asked the ancestor to call everyone.

"Everyone, if we want to quickly complete the arrangement of the formation, we need the help of the noble clansmen!" After everyone arrived, he directly ordered.

"Fellow Taoist, just give me my orders! Listen carefully. It's a matter of family survival. Please pay close attention to me!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied respectfully.

"The two Yi yin and yang formations are composed of thirty-six formation flags, six for each gate. The orientation, orientation, and burial depth of each formation flag are different. This is the jade slip I just carved based on the geographical location of Nanfeng Mountain. I copied it. Thirty-five copies have been obtained. You each take a few copies, then come to me to receive the corresponding formation flags, and bury the formation flags according to the positions shown on the jade slips, do you understand?"


In addition to the ancestor, there were seven people at the scene. No one took five jade slips and one more. Originally, Xu Deming was going to take action in person, but was stopped by Guo Ming.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, just stay here with me. In addition to the formation flag, there is also the main formation plate. This is the key to controlling the formation. When we want to activate the entire formation later, we need to cooperate with you and me. Mana!”

After hearing this, Xu Deming did not go, and the extra formation was taken and arranged by Xu Shengsheng, who had the highest cultivation level except the ancestor.

It took three days just to arrange the formation flags. Xu Zhiyu was responsible for the arrangement of the 'Death' gate, which was probably located due north of the family. However, based on this distance, the family's mountain protection formation was smaller than before. , the area covered is nearly ten times larger, and even the previously uninhabited land is covered.

After all the formation flags were arranged, Guo Long carefully checked them again, and after confirming that they were correct, he and Xu Deming worked together to activate the formation. Looking at the two of them sweating profusely, they estimated that they had consumed a lot of mana.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, even if the formation layout is completed, you must keep this main formation plate well. If this thing is damaged, the entire formation will be destroyed!" Guo Long warned.

"I will bear in mind the words of fellow Taoist! You must be extremely careful and keep them properly! I see that fellow Taoist is also tired, so please move to the lower cave, take a rest, and let me show my friendship as a landlord!" Xu Deming cautiously handled the situation. He put the array away, looked at Guo Long who looked tired, and invited him sincerely again.

"Fellow Taoist invites you again and again. If you don't go, you won't be able to show your face. It would be shameless to respond!" Guo Long said with a faint smile. He felt that he really should take a rest.

Looking at the two people leaving, and then at the new clan protection formation, Xu Zhiyu sighed in his heart: Today is really an eye-opener. I didn't expect that this formation is so wonderful, even worse than the spiritual talisman, but he I also believe that when he becomes a third-level talisman maker, the talismans he draws may not be worse than this formation!

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  (End of this chapter)

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