The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 110 Overt and covert fighting (please subscribe!)

Chapter 110 Overt and covert fighting (please subscribe!)
  "The second lot is ten bottles of Spirit Gathering Pills. Each bottle is a group. The base price is one hundred spirit stones. Each increase in price must not be less than ten spirit stones." Li Yiyan's voice echoed throughout the audience again.

Seeing the Qi Gathering Pill, the many Qi Practitioners below were extremely happy, and they all rushed to raise the price. In a short time, all ten bottles of the Spiritual Pill were sold out at a high price.

Seeing this, Xu Zhiyu thought to himself: "Who said that all casual cultivators are poor? Isn't this a very generous move?"

In fact, the auction jade poster has blocked 90% of the casual cultivators from the auction. Those who can get in are the casual cultivators with a small fortune. They come here for something, and they can't spend a hundred spirit stones to see it. Lively, right?
  In this way, spiritual objects were auctioned off quickly, and the auction came to the middle.

The auction items that appear at this time are all relatively precious, and are no longer within the reach of ordinary casual cultivators. The next step will be mainly bidding between foundation-building families, and of course some casual foundation-building cultivators will also participate.

"The thirty-third lot is a top-grade first-class elixir called Pulse-Opening Pill. It is suitable for monks who have perfected their Qi training. It can be used to expand the muscles and veins. It is an excellent medicine to assist in building foundations. There are three pills in one bottle, five bottles in total. Press Bottle auction, the base price of a bottle is one thousand spirit stones, each increase in price must not be less than one hundred spirit stones, start bidding now!"

After Li Yiyan finished speaking, he looked around the Yage on the second floor. He understood that the Pulse Extension Pill would probably end up in the hands of these family monks.

"One thousand one hundred spirit stones!" Xu Shengsheng opened the bidding on behalf of the Xu family.

"Haha, it's so embarrassing to be able to open an exit even with 1100 spirit stones!" As soon as the quotation was finished, a mocking voice came from the Accord next door. It was the Wei family! The reason why they were so sure was because the Wei family arrived after them, and the people from the Xu family saw them walking next door through the floor-to-ceiling windows, so there was no mistake.

"Fellow Taoist of the Wei family, if you have the price, just call it. This spiritual object has something to say first. The one with the highest price will get it!" Li Yiyan spoke.

"Thirteen hundred spirit stones!" shouted the monk from the Wei family who had just mocked him.

"One thousand four hundred spiritual stones!" The Bai family also bid.

Only Li's box was silent. I wonder what you were thinking?
  In the end, this bottle of elixir was taken by the Xu family with two thousand spirit stones. At that time, the Wei family had already produced nineteen hundred spirit stones. Xu Shengsheng finally quoted the price of two thousand spirit stones at Xu Deming's suggestion. If the Wei family If they prepare to increase the price again, the Xu family will give up and prepare to buy a bottle.

In the end, each of the four major families bought a bottle, and the prices were similar. The lowest price was the bottle bought by the Li family, which was 1,900 spirit stones, and the highest price was the bottle bought by the Wei family, which was 2,010 spirit stones. Bailing stone.

The remaining bottle was taken away by people from the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. It seems that the Wei family's quota for foundation-building pills has indeed been allocated, but then there is no need for the Wei family to take the pulse-tutting pill? I don’t know if there was any deal in between?
  "The next auction item is a first-class high-grade healing elixir, which is made by the alchemist of Baiyi Sect. As long as you are not fatally injured, most of your injuries will be healed immediately after taking this elixir. It is a rare life-saving item. Five bottles, ten bottles in total, auctioned by the bottle, with a base price of one thousand spirit stones!"

Now, not only the family monks on the second floor were moved, but also the casual cultivators on the first floor. They began to discuss in twos and threes, and planned to jointly purchase a bottle for life-saving purposes.

It was a new round of competition. Eight of the bottles of elixirs were bought by the four major families respectively. However, there were also overt and underhanded sarcasm and malicious price increases. However, this made Li Yiyan extremely happy. You know, he His reward is a commission calculated from the price of the spiritual objects auctioned. The higher the auction price, the more spiritual stones he can get.

Therefore, he was happy to see the results, and from time to time he would make a fuss and raise the price even higher. Among them, the competition between the Wei and Xu families was the most fierce.

However, the two monks are not stupid. When the auction price exceeds the price of the spiritual object itself, they will stop increasing the price, but they also auctioned many things at a premium.

When the behavior of these two families came into the eyes of the ancestor of the Bai family, he couldn't help but feel extremely satisfied with his decision to return to the Bai family in Wuwei Mansion. In fact, he was wavered when there was opposition from the whole family, but now he has made up his mind. Determined to move the family out of Taoshui County no matter what after this beast wave.

The Li family didn't think much about it, because they couldn't care less. What they were most concerned about now was whether the next family secret book could be sold at a high price, so as to collect enough spiritual stones for the next shooting of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Xu Zhiyu didn't take any action during this period, because nothing appeared that particularly interested him.

But then everyone in the Xu family began to pay attention to the items being auctioned, because the next auction was for second-level spiritual objects, including several second-level magical artifacts that the Xu family sent for auction.

But the next auction item was beyond everyone’s expectations.

"The next item to be auctioned is a jade slip. According to the identification of me and my colleagues from the Baiyi Sect, it contains a unique talisman-making method and a spiritual talisman drawing method passed down by the ancient talisman cultivator."

When they heard what Li Yiyan said, everyone's first reaction was disbelief. This was similar to what the stall owners at the casual cultivator stalls said. They were boasting to the sky. Even if you take a step back, this thing is true, but that's not true. It must have been handed over to Baiyi Sect, so how could it appear at the auction?
  "But..." Li Yiyan came to a turning point, and there was indeed something wrong with everyone's mentality. "This jade slip is seriously damaged, and nine out of ten of the information contained in it is missing. However, it is still a rare item for a talisman maker. If anyone can get a glimpse of the ancient magic talisman making method from it, it will benefit them for life. Yes! The starting price for this item is five hundred spiritual stones, and any increase in price must not be less than one hundred spiritual stones!"

Li Yiyan felt a bit cold after he finished speaking, because there were not many talisman makers among the monks, and who would be willing to spend a lot of spiritual stones to buy something that might be useless.

However, there are still people who are interested, including Xu Zhiyu.

"Eight hundred spiritual stones!" Xu Zhiyu was the first to bid, and instead of adding one hundred hundred, he directly added three hundred. When the jade slip appeared just now, the invisibility charm in his sea of ​​consciousness was ready to move, which made him This jade slip is bound to be obtained.

But he was not the only one to have this idea. The Wei family seemed to be quite interested in this thing, and someone immediately made an offer:
  "My Wei family will give you a thousand spiritual stones!"

"Two hundred spirit stones!" Xu Zhiyu continued to raise the price.

"Fifteen hundred spiritual stones!" The Wei family also raised the price.

"One thousand and eight hundred spirit stones!"

"Two thousand spirit stones!"

"Two thousand two hundred spirit stones!" After Xu Zhiyu raised the price, there was no movement from the Wei family.

During Xu Zhiyu's anxious waiting, no one finally bid again, and finally Li Yiyan announced that the item belonged to him.

At this time, in the Wei Family Accord.

"Hey, the Xu family has suffered a hidden loss this time. It's really funny to buy this broken jade slip with two thousand and two hundred spiritual stones!"

The monk from the Wei family who originally bid against Xu Zhiyu said that he had no intention of bidding on this item because he felt that it must have been studied by the Talisman Maker of Baiyi Sect and did not have much value, so he got it to be sold at the auction.

But when he saw the Xu family taking action, he raised the price accordingly. Unexpectedly, the Xu family spent more than two thousand spirit stones to buy such a worthless thing.

"Yes, yes!" Others in the Wei family also echoed.

Next, the Xu family's magical artifacts and the Li family's fish farming secrets were successfully auctioned, and the prices were not low. The Xu family's three magical artifacts just fetched 40,000 spirit stones, and the Li family's secret book was not bad either, fetching 40,000. After all, Duolingshi is the accumulation of generations of hard work, and it is worth a lot of spirit stones.

As time went by, treasures were being auctioned one after another, with prices ranging from high to low, but the atmosphere in the venue became more and more intense. While Xu Zhiyu gained a lot of knowledge, he couldn't help but secretly smack his lips.

From the appearance to the present, a total of hundreds of treasures have been auctioned, with a wide range of types, covering elixirs, ores, elixirs, talismans, magic weapons, secret books, and many things that are scarce in the world but necessary for monks.

From this, it can be seen that this Taoshuifang City Auction really deserves its reputation.

Soon more than an hour passed, and the auction was coming to an end. The next step was the auction of the final item.

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  (End of this chapter)

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