The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 113 A blessing in disguise (please subscribe!)

Chapter 113 A blessing in disguise (please subscribe!)
  Xu Zhiyu walked into the room, closed the door, and activated the formation, all in one movement.

He first tidied up the tables and chairs in the room and put them into the corner of the room, and then issued instructions to Huahua in his beast-control bag:

"Come out, Huahua!"

Then Huahua's fat body appeared on the ground. Fortunately, the room here was high enough, otherwise Huahua would not be able to stand up and would have to lie on the ground.

"Master, didn't I tell you that I don't want to come to this city? It's great if you let me stay on the family mountain. There are many family spirit beasts there. I can play games and communicate with them when I'm bored. comminicate!"

Before the newly released Huahua could stand still, Xu Zhiyu's voice of complaint rang out in the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

He didn't have anything else to say but Huahua mentioned it, which made him furious and sent a message to Huahua:
  "Hmph, I was right to bring you here. You are a disaster if you stay in the family! Tell me, after you came back from the mine, how many bad things did you do in the family for more than a month?"

"Not only did you steal the honey from the fruit bees, you also tricked the small fruit bees into stinging the red-feathered cranes raised by the family. Do you know how many complaints my third brother filed against you because of this?"

"Also, you stole the elixirs outside the tribe's caves, ruined the spiritual valleys in the spiritual fields, frightened the younger tribe members in the tribe's academy who were just learning to practice, and so on. Do you know what the tribesmen call you in private? Nanfeng Mountain is in harm’s way!”

Huahua scratched her head and said nonchalantly:
  "Don't I just find it fun? Besides, after being educated by you, haven't I changed everything?"

"Humph, I can still watch you when I'm here. What if I'm not here and your old habits come back again? I don't trust you!" Xu Zhiyu's words were full of suspicion.

"Okay, Master, since you insist on bringing me to Fangshi, I won't say anything! But didn't you say you wouldn't let me come out in Fangshi, so I just stayed in your beast-control bag? ? Why have you released me now? Do you want to take me to visit Fangshi and see the prosperity of Fangshi? "

Huahua continued to talk lazily, but when she mentioned visiting the market, her eyes lit up and she was quite moved.

"You are thinking too much. I summoned you this time to ask for your help!"

"Oh? Really? But I seem a little hungry. Master, how about we go out for a big meal first?"

"Still eating, look how you've eaten? Just help me do something to lose weight." Xu Zhiyu's tone became a bit stern, and Huahua was getting more and more lazy now.

Hearing that the master became serious, Huahua also became serious and asked:
  "Master, whatever you want me to do, just tell me!"

"That's it, you use your innate magical power to attack my sea of ​​consciousness!" Xu Zhiyu directly ordered without leaving any ink.

However, Huahua was a little confused. Instead of taking action immediately, she tried to dissuade her:
  "Master, has Huahua made you crazy? Otherwise, why are you talking nonsense? Although you are a much stronger monk than ordinary Qi-perfecting monks, you will not be able to withstand a blow from my innate magical power. It is estimated that your consciousness will be severely damaged, think twice, Master!"

"Don't worry, I must have thought everything through when I asked you to act like this. However, just in case, to avoid unexpected situations, don't use your full strength yet, and slowly adjust your power."

Xu Zhiyu didn't let Huahua use all his power from the beginning. He was more cautious. What if Wei Kaijiang really just tested him today and didn't launch an attack? So what if Huahua attacks with all his strength and he can't hold it back?
  You must know that foundation building is coming soon. If he is injured at this moment, although he firmly believes that the family will not give his foundation building pill to others, the beast wave is also close at hand. If he cannot break through to foundation building, then In the next wave of beasts, his situation would be very dangerous.

It can be seen that in making this decision, how much risk did he take and how much determination did he make? But if the experiment is successful, the rewards will be quite generous!

That's right, he wanted to practice the God-forging Technique that he accidentally obtained while performing the task of the family soul-finding conference. He has never given up on that technique. After practicing it, he will have the same level of spiritual consciousness as a monk, which has always been the dream of every monk. of.

He didn't practice before because the entry requirements were too harsh and he couldn't practice. Now that he had the opportunity, he had to give it a try no matter what.

"Okay, Master, I'll start with one-tenth of the power. If you can't bear it, we'll stop immediately!" Huahua looked at Xu Zhiyu with a determined look on his face, knowing that it would be useless to persuade him, so he decided to let him suffer a little. Maybe he will change his mind. Xu Zhiyu began to practice his skills according to the rules recorded in the Forging God Art. At the same time, he sent a message to Huahua to start attacking his sea of ​​consciousness.

Huahua strictly controlled her power, and used her innate magical power 'roar' to go straight to Xu Zhiyu's sea of ​​consciousness. Of course, she only used one-tenth of her power.

Then he began to observe the owner's expression. In his expectation, the owner's expression must be very painful when the sea of ​​consciousness was damaged. However, after staring for a while, he found that the owner's expression did not seem to change at all, as if the person who had just been attacked was not someone else. he.

Xu Zhiyu was distracted just now, running magic spells while looking inside the sea of ​​consciousness. He found that the moment Huahua's attack entered the sea of ​​consciousness, the amulet glowed, and with a slight sway, the attack was offset, and the sea of ​​consciousness was completely Not under attack.

This was actually what he expected. It is estimated that Wei Kaijiang's spiritual attack was blocked in this way at that time, but he did not have inner vision at the time and did not notice it.

He first stopped the operation of the God Forging Art, then opened his eyes, and saw Huahua looking at him with concern. He felt warm in his heart. It was true that this spiritual beast loved to cause trouble, and it was also true that he was good to himself. !

"Huahua, let me ask you, if you use your innate magical power at full strength, how many times a day can you use it?" Xu Zhiyu said to Huahua.

Seeing the owner who was fine and still talking, Huahua felt relieved. After hearing the question, it sent a message:

"If you use it with all your strength, it can only be used twice a day. However, if your life is endangered, you can also force it a third time. However, after using it, unless there is a panacea to restore your consciousness, it may take half a month to recover. come over!"

"Is this so? If it is used twice a day, can it continue forever?" Xu Zhiyu then asked.

"It depends on how long it lasts. Ten or eight days is fine, but any longer may not work!" Huahua made an estimate and gave the answer.

"According to this, it is definitely impossible to do it for fifty consecutive days?"

"It definitely won't work!"

"What if we add this?" Xu Zhiyu took out the bottle of elixir for restoring consciousness that Wei Kaijiang gave him as an apology and handed it to Huahua. The elixir was inspected by Wang Lipu, a monk from the Zifu, and no problems were found.

"Huh? This smell?" Huahua took the bottle, and before taking off the cork, she relied on the spiritual beast's natural keen sense of smell to smell something unusual inside.

After removing the cork from the bottle, a scent of fragrance hit her. Huahua sniffed it with her nose and said with great joy:
  "Master, this is a good thing for restoring your consciousness. My consciousness only touched a little bit, and it made up for the loss in the attack on you. Why didn't you take out this good thing earlier? ? Still hiding it!"

"I just got this today! I almost lost my life!" Xu Zhiyu said. He didn't expect to be attacked by that bastard Wei Kaijiang today, and he unexpectedly discovered the method of practicing the God-forging Art. This is really a blessing in disguise.

"Master, with the help of this elixir, I am sure that I can use my innate magical power twice in fifty consecutive days!"

"Okay, great. As long as you help me practice this magical skill, I will take care of your ability to break through the second-level monsters in the future!"

"Thank you, Master, let's start now!"

"Not now, we have to wait!" Because he found that the room formation had been touched.

It seems that the ancestor Xu Deming is back and is going to summon them to announce the candidates for taking the Foundation Establishment Pill.

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  (End of this chapter)

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