The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 127 The information obtained by the spy Huahua (Part ) [Please subscribe! 】

Chapter 127 The information obtained by the spy Huahua (Part ) [Please subscribe! 】

"Yes. After contacting those first-order monsters, I found that they did not seem to come from the same place. They originally belonged to different mountains. On the eve of the beast tide, their king led them to a large gathering point, and then They were scattered and organized, and new leaders were selected for them.”

It’s no wonder that those little monsters have no sense of belonging to their leader, and their feelings are temporarily assigned. It’s no wonder that when they come to a strange place, the little monsters must be even more insecure. It’s very difficult to stay close to the strongest. normal phenomenon.

"There is also the old ape. I heard that he seems to be the confidant of some fifth prince and is highly trusted, so he is appointed as the leader of the monsters besieging Taishi Town. The other second-level beasts must be at his disposal. , under its control, it is also the controller of the Bagua array."

This information is equally important. Although it is only a few intermittent sentences, the amount of information revealed is extremely huge. That fifth prince may be the mastermind of this beast tide.

"Also, the old ape likes to drink spiritual wine very much. He always likes to drink some before going to bed every day. The spiritual wine smells good from a distance, and it tastes even better when it is drunk in the stomach!"

Huahua went off topic while talking, and the laughter came out of the corner of her mouth again.

"Ahem, Huahua, let's talk about the spirit wine when we go back. I'll buy you some more so you can drink enough. Now let's continue talking about the old ape!"

Xu Zhiyu couldn't help but interrupt Huahua's description of spiritual wine and let him continue.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Master, I couldn't help it!" Huahua swallowed her saliva, and then continued:

"The old ape didn't drink much at first, only half a jar of wine every day. But last night, for some unknown reason, he drank a few more jars of spiritual wine and became a little drunk."

"It also summoned the little demons under its command to drink together. I was lucky enough to get a cup. After finishing the drink, the old ape lay on the table and started talking nonsense!"

"It muttered, 'The fifth prince is really smart. If he decides on this strategy of attacking from the east to the west, he will definitely be able to destroy the human monks and take back the homeland of the monsters!'"

"He also said, 'You must not forget the cultivation of the fifth prince, and you must fulfill your duties loyally. Although the monsters have now surrounded the human stronghold, they cannot launch attacks for the time being. The main purpose is to oppress the human monks and let them form a kind of monster. This large-scale deployment of troops this time is to completely occupy the illusion of human territory at the southern foot of the Hengduan Mountains, thereby interfering with the judgment of high-level human monks!'"

"It also said, 'It received a secret order today. When the order for the general attack is handed down, it must use the Bagua array to capture Taishi Town as quickly as possible without letting a single human monk go, so that the fifth prince's plan can proceed smoothly! '"

"At the same time, it also summoned nine other second-level monsters after drinking to discuss matters related to the Bagua Formation. It seems that it attaches great importance to this formation!"

When Huahua said that Lao Yuan said he would not let go of a monk in Taishi Town, Xu Zhiyu's eyes flashed with strong murderous intent. He would never allow such a thing to happen. If he couldn't leave now, he would be useful. He used the invisibility talisman as a cover, then sneaked up to the old ape and used the talisman to give it a hard impulse.

But that old ape looks obviously difficult to deal with, so you have to think twice before taking action! Sure enough, what Huahua said next confirmed what he was thinking.

"Master, that old ape is difficult to deal with. You have to be more careful, because I feel an extraordinary sense of pressure from it. It is definitely not the strength of ordinary second-level monsters. In addition, this old ape is cunning and suspicious. I Almost exposed!"

"I also heard what it said and thought these things were very important, so I just came back with the invisibility charm all night to report to you!" After Huahua finished speaking, she looked at Xu Zhiyu, waiting for its next instructions to see if it needed to go back. Then lurk.

"Huahua, has this old ape ever drunk Duolingjiu before and talked drunkenly to his subordinates?"

Xu Zhiyu absolutely believed what Huahua said, because he was afraid that the old ape was cunning and might play some tricks!
  "Master, at that time I also doubted whether this was a trap set by the old ape. However, many first-order demons under the old ape had said that the old ape talked too much after drinking. They also said that they had experienced many things. Once, when they were first summoned together, they discovered that the old ape had this habit!"

"So according to my analysis, what the old ape said is most likely true. It didn't mean he said those words deliberately because he discovered the existence of me as a spy!"

"Well, Huahua, I understand. I've worked hard for you this time. Just stay in the town and have a good rest! I'll figure out the next thing!" After saying that, Huahua left.

He also began to think deeply about what Huahua said just now and analyze what could be used.

First of all, these monsters are not monolithic. The first-order monsters originally came from different places. They were temporarily summoned and then assigned to the leader of the unfamiliar second-order monsters, so the cohesion will not be too strong. If their leader was killed, these first-order monsters would probably scatter and flee for their lives immediately.

Secondly, there is a flaw in the Bagua array that this old ape relies on so much. If the leader of the second-level monsters in a certain direction is killed, the power of this array will be greatly affected!
  There is also what the old ape said when he was drunk, claiming to the east and attacking the west, what is east? What is West? He probably has some guesses now, and they are just referring to the southern and northern foothills of the Hengduan Mountains. It seems that the monsters are coming this time with great force and seem to want to attack all the human territory in the southern foothills. It is nothing more than a bluff. Their real target may be It is a vast area in the northern foothills.

As for whether this news needs to be reported? Xu Zhiyu only thought about it for a moment and decided not to report it. This was earth-shattering news. Besides, even if he reported it, Baiyi Sect and even Lingxiao Sect would definitely send people to him to inquire about the source of the information. By then, he would probably not be able to escape being captured. They don't care about the fate of soul-searching, just the life of a foundation-building monk.

As for the safety of the human monks at the northern foot of the Hengduan Mountains, Xu Zhiyu could only say sorry, dead Taoist friends are not dead Taoists, I believe they have knowledge and understanding.

As for what Lao Yuan said about waiting for the order to arrive, he would use the Bagua array to attack Taishi Town with all his strength. Xu Zhiyu also thought of a way to deal with it, that is, he would use the invisibility charm to sneak out of the city every day and look for opportunities to kill one or two people guarding different directions. If he successfully kills one of the second-level monsters, the power of the Bagua array will be greatly reduced. At that time, he might be able to use the array disk to control the array to delay it for a period of time, thereby buying Grandpa Sixteen some precious time to heal.

According to Xu Shengxiao, his injuries will be basically healed in another half month. At that time, a full-scale war will begin, and their side will not have no chance of winning. Even if they cannot fight, they can still escape.

He did what he said. He first went to Xu Shengxiao and told him the information Huahua brought back. However, he concealed what the old ape said about the fifth prince and his exploits. The fewer people who knew about this kind of thing, the better.

After Xu Shengxiao heard about it, he agreed with his approach, but repeatedly told him to be careful and to withdraw in time if he found that something was impossible.

 Today's update is late, sorry again!

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  (End of this chapter)

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