The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 135 Huge mission gap (please subscribe!)

Chapter 135 Huge mission gap (please subscribe!)

For the next month, the monsters would attack the formation every three days.

However, the second-level monsters have also learned to be smart. Every time they come, they don't just let their little monsters die. They also attack the formation together. This not only reduces the casualties of their subordinates, but also makes Taishi Town's spiritual stone reserve almost exhausted.

"Grandpa Sixteen, we don't have many spiritual stones anymore, we can't go on like this!"

Xu Zhiyu said to Xu Shengxiao anxiously that he was responsible for replacing the spirit stones at the formation nodes every day, and he also kept the 20,000 spirit stones that the family gave them before leaving, so he was more concerned about the number of spirit stones than anyone else. Everyone knows it.

"Then, in your opinion, what should it be?"

Xu Shengxiao asked back. At this time, the injury he suffered had healed, and it was a blessing in disguise that he found an opportunity to break through the seventh level of foundation building. If the timing had not been right, he would have been able to retreat to the later stage of foundation building, and there would be Very high success rate.

Although he understood that this would definitely not work, he didn't have any good ideas. If he was allowed to evacuate alone, he could easily do it, but there was still a large group of clan members, which made him helpless.

Besides, even if they evacuate from Taishi Town at this time, where else can they go? Return to the family? Don't be ridiculous, this place is surrounded by ten second-order monsters. How many third-order monsters are there in Clan Mountain? Going back is obviously seeking death.

Not to mention how many second-level monsters you will encounter on the road. If the ones on the ground are okay, if you encounter bird monsters, their Biyunzhou defense will not be as good as the formation here. Moreover, the flying boat is not conducive to launching attacks, so they can only be used as living targets and be restrained everywhere.

Xu Zhiyu had already thought about this problem, and he opened his mouth and said:
  "I plan to use the invisibility charm to go outside to detect the movements of the monsters. It would be even better if I could find out their next plan!"

"It's better for me to go and you stay and watch!"

Xu Shengxiao said that after all, his cultivation level was higher and he could escape in time if he encountered an unexpected situation.

"Grandpa Sixteen, let me go! These few times when the monsters have attacked, you have controlled the array and manipulated the array. I have just broken through the foundation building, and my skills have not been modified, so my magic power is not good. What if you just walk away? The monster will attack with its hind legs, which is not good!"

Xu Zhiyu can't wait to switch to Kung Fu. Apart from using the Phantom Thorn, he has not learned any other second-level spells. If he can't use his spiritual consciousness to attack the mysterious God-killing Thorn, he will be in trouble when he encounters a second-level monster. Just get beaten.

Xu Shengxiao laughed and cursed:

"How can it be such a coincidence? I think your hands are itchy again? This time you go out mainly to detect the movements of monsters. You can't secretly kill outsiders just because you want to help your tribe complete the tasks assigned by Baiyi Sect. First-order monsters, we can slowly figure this out. The Baiyi Sect has set such a demanding goal. I guess our Xu family is not the only one who cannot complete the task. Besides, haven’t you done the counting and it’s not too far behind?”

"Hey, Grandpa Sixteen, I had this plan originally, but after you warned me, I will put the overall situation first."

Xu Zhiyu replied with a smile.

As for why Xu Shengxiao mentioned this matter, it starts from the last time Xu Zhiyu killed the armored tiger monster and returned to the city. After successfully resisting the monster siege, he counted the monsters he had captured.

There were three second-level monsters, a second-level middle-level purple golden eagle, and two second-level low-level tailless swans and armored tigers. At that time, Baiyi Sect stipulated that if the number of monsters killed at the same level was not enough, the next level would be used. The monsters can be three times as many as the first-grade monsters, which means that he has now killed five first-grade low-grade monsters, which is equivalent to completing the task assigned by Baiyi Sect in this beast wave. There were more first-order monsters. After he killed the armored tiger, he used his power to kill many first-order monsters, a total of forty-two, ranging from low-grade first-order to high-grade first-order, especially Most of them are first-level middle-grade ones, more than twenty of them.

Then he asked Xu Zhian and Xu Zhikai to count the gains of the tribesmen who went out to kill the enemy that day. They found that because they had to face monsters several times their own, being able to save their lives was considered the greatest victory. Who had the extra energy to kill them? What about killing monsters?
  The result was seventy-six, yes, less than eighty in total. Adding in the sixteen in the storage bag of the deceased clan member, the total was one hundred and thirty-four.

Finally, Xu Zhiyu asked Xu Shengxiao about his gains, and the answer he received was that because he had to deal with the mountain leopard with all his strength, and because he was injured, he did not kill a few first-order monsters, only ten in total.

Putting everything together, there are a total of 144 heads. Except for Xu Zhiyu, they have a total of 58 Qi Practitioners here. In order to complete the task, they need to kill a total of 290 heads. The level monster beast can't even reach half of this level. Do you think he can stop being anxious?

He also wanted to use the power of the invisibility charm more than once to go out and hunt monsters, but Grandpa Du Shiliu was rejected, so this time he went out to inquire about information, and Xu Shengxiao warned him again and again.

However, although he said that he would not kill first-order monsters, if he was given a chance, he would not mind killing a few of them.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Zhiyu had already sneaked out of the city. He walked around the South Gate, West Gate, and East Gate, and found that all the monsters here had evacuated. It seemed that the monsters also understood that the Bagua Formation had been broken. If they continued to disperse their defenses like this, they would be easily captured. The Xu family monks defeated them one by one, so they all gathered at the north gate.

Xu Zhiyu quietly came to the Beimen Demonic Beast Base Camp and found that it was heavily guarded. There was one post every five steps and one sentry every ten steps. If an ordinary foundation-building monk came here and wanted to sneak in, it would be basically impossible. But who allowed him to be invisible? Where's the talisman?

In this way, he approached the center of the beast camp step by step, and found that these second-level monsters were also arty. They found some trees from nowhere and built a wooden house. However, in Xu Zhiyu's opinion, this wooden house was built in a nondescript manner. But the cover is indeed quite tall, but that's right, these monsters are huge, and if the cover is small, they may not be able to get through.

Xu Zhiyu did not enter the wooden house rashly, but came to the window on the left side of the wooden house and stood here to listen to the conversation of the second-order monster, also for the convenience of evacuation.

"Commander, you said that you have received the order from the fifth prince and are about to launch a full-scale attack. Has the time been set?"

A demonic beast asked angrily. Xu Zhiyu could not see what was going on inside the house at this time, otherwise one would know from its missing forelimb that its identity was the Mountain Leopard that was almost killed by Xu Shengxiao.

"What? Are you eager for revenge? There will be a chance. The order I received is to launch a general attack in five days. At that time, both the first-order demons outside and everyone here must go all out. If I find out that there is No matter who you are, you are a monster that works hard but doesn’t make any effort. Don’t blame me, the old ape, for not talking about the past feelings!”

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief!" All the monsters replied in unison.

"Commander, do you want to carry out the three-day attack tomorrow?" This is another monster asking.

"Continue, I guess their spirit stones are almost at their lowest point, so they need to consume more, so that our general attack in five days will go smoothly! Okay, that's it for today, you go back and prepare!"

"Yes!" All the monsters retreated one after another.

After hearing this, Xu Zhiyu no longer cared about killing the first-order monsters. The most important thing for him now was to quickly spread the news back to Taishi Town so that the tribe could prepare.

 I solemnly thank book friend "Morning Star" for voting for this book. Thank you very much!
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  (End of this chapter)

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