The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 147: Transforming to practice skills (please subscribe!)

Chapter 147: Transforming to practice skills (please subscribe!)
  Even though I want to switch to practicing Kung Fu, I am not in a hurry to do it for a while.

Xu Zhiyu first left the cave and stood on the mountainside to look at the beautiful scenery of Nanfeng Mountain. Yes, the cave that was originally located on the top of the mountain is now halfway up the mountain.

After the upgrade of the spiritual veins, the entire Nanfeng Mountain terrain has also increased by hundreds of feet, and now it has reached a height of nearly a thousand feet. The new growth seems to have grown from the original top of the mountain, so that the cave originally located on the top of the mountain appears in position. If it gets lower, the Zifu Cave of ancestor Xu Deming will be built on the top of the mountain next.

He came out this time not only to see the changes in Nanfeng Mountain after the upgrade of spiritual veins, but also to say goodbye to Zhao Tao, because they received orders from the sect to eliminate the remaining small groups of monster beasts in various places in Jincheng Mansion. These guys are simply a scourge. They destroy wherever they go and make a mess everywhere they go. That's why the Lingxiao Sect ordered them to be eradicated.

When Xu Zhiyu found Zhao Tao, he found that they were ready and about to set off. He apologized to the leading monk from the Zifu of Lingxiao Sect, and he and Zhao Tao took a step to say goodbye.

"Brother Zhao, you must be more careful when you go to exterminate the monsters! If you are still free after this, you can continue to come to my Xu family to get together!"

Xu Zhiyu said with concern.

"Brother Xu will definitely keep your instructions in mind, but our reunion may have to be postponed. The order we received is to go to Baiyimen to help defend after exterminating the monsters, and then we will return directly to the sect. Brother's Please save your good intentions for later!”

Zhao Tao said with a smile. Looking at Xu Zhiyu's disappointed expression, he continued:

"I think Brother Xu's path is bright, and it won't stop at building foundations. After I achieve the Purple Mansion, I can also come to Lingxiao Sect to visit me. Then we can renew our friendship!"

"Okay, Brother Zhao, we've settled on this!" Xu Zhiyu stopped being pretentious and said cheerfully.

"Okay, brother, is there anything else you can do? I'll just set off if I have nothing to do. My fellow disciples are waiting for me over there!"

"One more thing, when I was in Taishi Town, I saw that Brother Zhao was very interested in the method of drawing invisibility talismans, but he didn't open his mouth because of his face. When I said goodbye today, I gave him to my brother. Please take it!"

Yes, when he first saw the magical effect of the invisibility talisman, Xu Zhiyu discovered that Zhao Tao was very obsessed with this kind of talisman. However, he had just expressed his gratitude with a second-level high-grade talisman pen at that time. This exclusive He was not too willing to reveal the method of drawing the talisman, but after long-term contact, he found that Zhao Tao was indeed a trustworthy person, so Xu Zhiyu handed it over to him at this time.

"Brother, how can you do this? This is your exclusive secret, how can I accept it?"

Zhao Tao repeatedly declined. He was interested in the method of drawing the invisibility talisman, but he was not in the habit of taking other people's things by force.

"It's just a first-level spiritual talisman drawing method. Brother, just accept it with peace of mind!" Xu Zhiyu advised.

"Well, it's hard to refuse kindness, so I'll accept it!" Zhao Tao took the jade slip handed over by Xu Zhiyu, and at the same time took out another jade slip from the storage bag and said to him:

"Brother Xu, you are now at the foundation-building level. I think your talisman-making skills are about to break through to the second-level low-grade. The methods for making these second-level low-grade talismans are from the Hua Lingshi Institute in Zongmenfang. I bought it for my own benefit, and now I give it to you. You have an extraordinary talent as a Talisman Maker. I hope you can make good use of it and break through to the second level Talisman Maker as soon as possible!"

Patting him on the shoulder, Zhao Tao handed him the jade slip.

"Thank you, brother, for the generous gift. I wish you a safe journey, and see you in the Lingxiao Sect someday!"

Xu Zhiyu did not refuse. He saw that Zhao Tao was sincere in giving him the second-level Talisman Making Technique, so he accepted it smoothly.

"Okay, let me lend you your good words. See you in Lingxiao Sect someday. Take care!"

Xu Zhiyu stretched out his left hand, Zhao Tao stretched out his right hand, and the two palms struck together advantageously.

After watching Zhao Tao and the others leave, Xu Zhiyu had his thoughts settled and was about to go back to the cave to retreat and practice Kung Fu. Unexpectedly, he met Xu Zhikai halfway. “Hello, Brother Nineteen!”

Seeing Xu Zhikai, he saluted and said hello from afar. Although people in the family now call him Foundation Establishment Elder, among his peers, he still likes others to call him by his ranking.

"Zhikai, that's right. With the help of this spiritual feedback, your cultivation level has broken through another level and reached the eighth level of Qi training. Keep working hard and strive to reach the state of Qi training perfection as soon as possible!"

"Thank you, Brother Nineteen, for your encouragement. I will definitely practice hard!"

"Well, let me ask, do you know the situation of the clansmen who have broken cultivation levels through the spiritual tide generated by the promotion of secondary spiritual veins?" Xu Zhiyu asked again.

"It has been spread within this clan that most of the clan members have broken through one or two levels, and the most powerful among them is Zhinan. She was originally at the sixth level of Qi training, but with the help of this Lingxi feedback, she actually broke through directly. We have reached the eighth level of Qi training! There is also the forty-ninth brother. He was originally at the third level of Qi training, but he directly broke through to the sixth level of Qi training!"

"Really? That's great! Okay, I understand, go ahead and do your work!"

"Goodbye, Brother Nineteen!"

After bidding farewell to Xu Zhikai, he found his third brother Xu Zhian again and entrusted the newborn alien Silver Linmang to its care, and then returned to Xu Shengxiao's cave for retreat.

Sitting on the futon in the cave, he took out the "Fire Flame Soul Control Technique" and began to meditate on it, and first had an in-depth understanding of some of its advantages and disadvantages.

After understanding the Kung Fu, Xu Zhiyu began the long journey of transforming the Kung Fu.

As he began to operate the Great Zhoutian according to the "Fire Flame Soul Control Technique", the mana originally cultivated in the "Burning Wood Fiery Technique" kept changing with the operation of the new technique, and eventually all changed into new mana. .

The magic power in the Dantian that originally had a hint of orange gradually changed towards deep red under the operation of "Fire Flame Soul Control Art". When the color completely turned into pure red, it meant that the transformation of the skill was completed.

"Fire Flame Soul Control Art" is used to refine the souls of monsters to improve their cultivation. He just happened to have collected a lot of them on his body. He also bought the souls from Xu Shengxiao and Zhao Tao for future use. practice.

As the technique changed, rich spiritual energy emanated from the spiritual vein nodes, floating around him like a thick mist. As the Great Zhoutian circulated again and again, spiritual energy continued to penetrate into his body from all parts of the body. The meridians finally converged into his Dantian, feeling the brand new magic power. Xu Zhiyu was very satisfied.

Originally, the spiritual power requirements for converting the martial arts were relatively high. If the original second-level high-grade spiritual veins were used, it would take three years to completely complete the conversion of the martial arts. However, after the family spiritual veins are upgraded, this time will be greatly increased. Shortening it, he estimated that it would definitely be completed in about a year and a half.

Two years passed in the blink of an eye. Xu Zhiyu, who was sitting on the futon, finally opened his eyes that had been closed. During this retreat, he not only completed the transformation of the exercises, but also practiced the second-level spells that came with the exercises. After getting used to it, it can be said that he is now a true foundation-building monk.

Although he is still at the first level of Foundation Establishment, his strength has changed a lot, and he is several times stronger than before.

"Two years have passed. I wonder what happened to the beast tide? Are my grandfather and parents okay? It's time to get out of seclusion!"

Xu Zhiyu said to himself.

After making up his mind, he opened the door of the cave that had been dusty for two years and announced his exit.

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  (End of this chapter)

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