The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 153 Grandfather assumes the new role (please subscribe!)

Chapter 153 Grandfather assumes the new role (please subscribe!)
  This time, there were many people sitting in the family meeting hall. In addition to the ancestors and the foundation-building elders, there were also many family qi-training elders of the 'right' generation.

After seeing him come in, his grandfather motioned him to sit down with his eyes. After taking a look, he found that the foundation-building monks were all sitting on the right. He also walked to the right and sat down next to Xu Zhengji's seat.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let me say a few words first!"

Xu Deming, who was sitting in his seat, opened his eyes and said, but Xu Zhiyu was a little strange. The ancestor seemed to look at him with deep meaning.

"The first is to receive notification from the Lingxiao Sect that most of the monster beasts at the southern foot of the Hengduan Mountains have withdrawn from the human territory. This beast tide is over!"

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This damn beast tide was finally over, but the impact of this beast tide had just begun to appear.

"The second is that the Li family was wiped out and a large piece of territory was vacated. In addition, the Bai family of Minshan is preparing to return to the Bai family of Wuwei Prefecture, and another piece of territory is vacated!"

Hearing this, Xu Zhengji said, "Ancestor, from now on, our Xu family and Wei family will be the only two families left in Taoshui County?"

Others also talked about it, saying that this is a good thing. A larger territory means more resources. To be honest, the Xu family's territory used to be enough to support a foundation-building family, but since being promoted to the Zifu family, the resources have increased. It's a bit stretched.

Xu Deming nodded and shook his head and said:
  "Zheng Ji, you are right. We and the Wei family are the only ones left in the family. But when it comes to power, that's not all. Don't forget that there is also the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. Their leader is also a cultivator of the Zifu. In addition, this time Tao Shuifang City was invaded and they lost their place of refuge, so they will definitely get a share of the pie!"

Now everyone was quarreling even more fiercely. The four families turned into two families and an alliance of casual cultivators. The original structure of Taoshui County was completely disrupted and the situation became more complicated.

The main reason is that they used to be foundation-building forces, but now they have become three Zifu forces. In this way, what the Xu family can occupy is limited compared to before.

"Ahem, everyone, please be quiet and listen to me!" Xu Deming interrupted everyone's argument and continued:

"This time the monsters used the method of seizing the east and attacking the west to occupy a large area of ​​human territory at the northern foot of the Hengduan Mountains. Even our Qin State, the Lingxiao Sect to which it belongs, was also occupied by two states. Therefore, the Lingxiao Sect united with Tianyi of the Jin State that was severely damaged this time. Zong, together with the Baihua Sect of the Zheng Kingdom, filed a complaint against the Jiu Shi Zong, the only Huashen sect in Xuanzhou."

"Honorable God Jiushi Zonghua personally went to fight with the sixth-order Beast King of the Hengduan Mountains. The final result is unknown, but news came out that the territory at the northern foot of the Hengduan Mountains occupied by the monsters will forever be owned by the monsters. However, The monsters at the southern foot retreated five thousand miles, and the Lingxiao Sect also ordered that the extra five thousand miles should be owned by the original prefectures and counties, and the Lingxiao Sect will not interfere!"

It seems that this is some kind of deal or compromise reached by the top leaders of both parties, which is why the matter ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

Xu Zhiyu thought: This is great. He has gone to practice outside the Hengduan Mountains. There are countless spiritual grasses and spiritual mines. In the past, because it was occupied by monsters, human monks did not dare to occupy it for a long time, and monsters also He is not good at alchemy and weapon refining, so it can be said that it is an unexplored virgin land!
  However, he was still a little strange. Shouldn't these matters be ordered by the Lingxiao Sect and conveyed by the Baiyi Sect? Why didn’t the ancestor mention a word about Baiyi Sect? Could something happen to Baiyi Sect again?

He stood up from his seat, bowed to the ancestor sitting above him and said:
  "Ancestor, I don't know what's going on with Baiyi Sect. Why did you, Ancestor, receive orders directly from Lingxiao Sect?"

Xu Deming smiled and said: "The Baiyi Sect's vitality was severely damaged this time. After the leader was seriously injured, there was no medicine or stone to save him. He ascended to heaven half a year ago. Now the only golden elixir left in the sect is The real person's cultivation level is only the first level of Jindan. In addition, Lingxiao Sect was very dissatisfied with Baiyimen's performance in the beast tide, so it revoked Baiyimen's jurisdiction over the five counties on the border of Jincheng Prefecture. From now on, we You don’t have to take orders from Baiyi Sect, but you are directly under the jurisdiction of Lingxiao Sect!”

"My grandson understands, thank you ancestor for clarifying the confusion!" Xu Zhiyu returned to his seat and sat down, listening to Xu Deming continue.

"The Bai family's territory has been taken over by the Loose Cultivator Alliance. The two parties should have reached some kind of deal, but it was also completed with the consent of the Lingxiao Sect."

"The Li family's land is ownerless now, so we can occupy as much as we can. It just so happens that the Li family is sandwiched between us and the Wei family. With Tao River as the boundary, the east belongs to our family and the west belongs to the Wei family. "

"The Li family's land is not worth much because the spiritual veins were destroyed during the battle with the monks of Lingxiao Sect when it was occupied by monsters. Therefore, although the Li family's land is located to the west of Taoshui River, we don't have to conflict with the Wei family over this. , Shengxiao will be responsible for accepting the territory, and Zhengji will assist!"

Xu Shengxiao, Xu Zhengji stood up, saluted and accepted their orders.

But Xu Zhiyu was a little bit murmuring, why didn't he send me? Am I free here?
  Just listen to Xu Deming continue to give instructions:

"Our family used to have qi-training monks as the patriarch, but after becoming the Zifu family, it can no longer be like this. In addition to representing the face of a family, the patriarch is also responsible for dealing with all parties. If the cultivation level is too low, it will inevitably be Others look down upon me, so I suggest that the new patriarch be selected from the four existing foundation-building monks in the family!"

Xu Zhiyu's heart tightened. No wonder the ancestor looked at me wrong just now. He didn't want me to be the patriarch of this family, right? Forget it, being the clan leader is too troublesome, there are too many things to talk about, and it will affect his cultivation. He doesn't want to waste time, but this does not affect his contribution to the family.

But he thought a little too much. There were foundation-building monks of the "Sheng" and "Zheng" generations above him, so where would it be his turn? So Xu Shengsheng was elected as the patriarch of the family with an almost unanimous vote.

Seeing his grandfather accepting everyone's congratulations, Xu Zhiyu quickly walked forward and praised him. After seeing his grandfather's face turning a little dark, he shut up obediently and returned to his seat.

"Sheng, the first thing you have to do when you become the leader of the tribe is to send people to escort the mortal tribesmen to the place where they originally lived. If the town where the tribesmen originally lived was destroyed by monsters, the escorting monks will also help build a new one. residence."

"And the escort cannot return immediately. You must know that there are still sporadic monsters in the family territory. These may not be nothing to the monks, but to mortals, it is a disaster!"

Xu Shengsheng stood up and took over his first task as the clan leader. At the same time, he issued his first order after taking office, selecting many clansmen in the late stage of Qi training as the executors of this escort of mortals.

Mortals are the foundation of a cultivating family. About 80% of the family's cultivators are from the mortal world, so it is reasonable for the family to attach such importance to them, Xu Zhiyu thought.

 I sincerely thank the book friend "Little Warriors of China" for voting for this book. Thank you very much!
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  (End of this chapter)

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