The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 160 Spirit Beast Foundation Building Pill (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 160 Spirit Beast Foundation Building Pill (Please subscribe!)

Yuzhou, located in the center of Qin State, is the thoroughfare of Jiuzhou.

No, it has become seven states now, and the two states at the northern foot of the Hengduan Mountains have been taken over by monsters.

This was originally the seat of the Lingxiao Sect. Later, in order to cope with the encroachment of monsters on the border, the Lingxiao Sect moved the sect to Yongzhou.

Although the sect has moved away, the fifth-level spiritual veins and many elite disciples here have remained. This is also the back-up left by the Lingxiao Sect. If the main sect suffers the crisis of annihilation, these are the capital for restarting.

This Kuixingfang City was built at the foot of the original Lingxiao Sect Gate Mountain. It is protected by a fifth-level formation, and with a Nascent Soul Lord from the Lingxiao Sect sitting in charge, it can be said to be impregnable. It has never been attacked since its establishment. , and no one dared to do this, so this place became extremely prosperous. Not to mention monks from other states in the Qin Kingdom, even monks from other countries in Xuanzhou often came and went here.

These were all heard by Xu Zhiyu when the ancestor was chatting with the owner of Shangqing Valley on the road. The owner of Shangqing Valley went on the road alone without an entourage. According to what he said, he followed his master to this place once a hundred years ago. Kuixingfang City, so he is basically leading the way.

In fact, this trip was not without incident. From time to time, there were robbery cultivators, including many foundation-building cultivators. However, after seeing two Zifu cultivators among the three of Xu Zhiyu, he gave up tracking them.

However, half a month ago, a robbery cultivator group headed by Zifu monks surrounded them. After a fierce battle, the leading Zifu monk was seriously injured, and the remaining ten foundation-building monks were also beheaded. Killed more than half.

Xu Zhiyu also took the opportunity to kill a monk on the fourth level of foundation building. The crimson fire dragon flag was too eye-catching, so he did not use it. Instead, he secretly used the God-killing Thorn to attack the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness. After his sea of ​​consciousness suffered heavy damage, the phantom Thorn easily harvested the opponent's life.

In the next few days, Xu Zhiyu used his spiritual consciousness to eliminate the spiritual mark left on the storage bag by the other party, and transferred the contents of the storage bag to his own storage bag without having time to check what was inside. Things, Kuixingfang City was right in front of him, and he also destroyed the storage bag. After all, it was better to be cautious when going out.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, Kuixingfang City is ahead. Let me tell you again the rules that must be followed in Fangshi. That is, you must never do anything, even if the other person is your life and death enemy. Otherwise, the Fangshi Guards will take a strong action and kill those who break the rules. , must remember!”

Looking at Kuixingfang City, which was not far away, Zhao Guzhu said earnestly that when he came with his master, he encountered such a thing. Two monks from the Zifu from another country fought over a spiritual object and were killed by Fang. The city guard killed him on the spot and left his body exposed for three days. This incident left a deep impression on him.

In the distance, the general outline of Kuixingfang City appeared in front of Xu Zhiyu. Looking down from a high position, the city was built on the mountain. The buildings in the city were criss-crossed. From the flying boat he was standing on, he could only see the city. It's just a small corner, but just this corner is ten times larger than the original Taoshui Fang City. The scale of the entire Fang City can be imagined.

There is a long queue at the gate of Fangshi. They are monks waiting to enter the city. Most of them are Qi-training monks. Ji-building and Zifu monks also have to queue to enter the city, but the number of people queuing there is much smaller.

Xu Zhiyu followed his grandfather and his two brothers to the door specially designed for monks entering and exiting the Zifu. After paying the entrance fee and taking the temporary residence token, he walked into Fangshi.

Just now, the three of them paid a total of 250 spirit stones, 100 for Zifu, and 50 for foundation. The token is valid for one year. If they want to continue to stay in Kuixingfang City after the expiration, , then we have to pay the spirit stone again.

The roads in Fangshi are extremely wide, but because there are too many monks walking, they seem a bit crowded. However, this is just because you have just entered the gate of Fangshi. As you gradually enter, it becomes less crowded, but there is also a constant stream of people passing by. Absolutely.

Xu Zhiyu observed the monks walking on the street and found that there were many foundation-building monks here. The Zifu monks also met two in a quarter of an hour, and sighed that it was indeed Dafang City.

Looking around, there are various shops on both sides of the road. There are also boys selling goods in front of the shops, attracting customers for their shops.

Valley Master Zhao took them to stay in an inn opened by the Lingxiao Sect. There were three guest rooms with a name of Xuan. Each room cost fifty spirit stones per night, which added up to one hundred and fifty. If they stayed there for a year, it would cost five. Wanling stone.

"What a shame!" Xu Zhiyu secretly complained, but he became happy again when he thought that his own market was about to be established. Opening an inn in this market is really a good business to earn spiritual stones. Just for a short rest, Zhao Qiang, the owner of Shangqing Valley, came to the door and invited Xu Deming to go to the market with him to see the market for monster corpses. When selling things, you have to maximize profits, right?

Xu Deming took him to find Xu Zhiyu and asked:
  "Yu'er, do you want to go with us, or do you want to wander around the city alone?"

Xu Zhiyu had already considered this matter and replied:
  "Ancestor, just go with Senior Zhao. I won't go. I want to take a walk in the city!"

Xu Deming glanced at Zhao Qiang, obviously asking for his opinion. He had never been here before, so he cast a questioning look at Zhao Qiang who had been here before.

"You don't have to worry, Daoyou Xu. As long as you don't cause trouble in this city, you will basically not encounter any danger. I think Xu Xiaoyou is also a person with a calm personality. It's okay to wander around the city alone!"

Zhao Qiang looked at his grandfather and grandson and said with a smile.

Xu Deming nodded when he heard this and said to Xu Zhiyu:
  "In that case, Yu'er, then fellow Daoist Zhao and I will go, and you can also take a look around!"

"Yes, old man!"

At this time, Zhao Qiang seemed to have thought of something, and asked again:

"But if you go to the Sanxiu Plaza, you have to keep your eyes open. There are a lot of fakes there. Don't be deceived. The rule there is that after the money and goods are settled, you can't go back to the back account. The trading spirit Everything depends on your eyesight, Xiaoyou Xu, you have to remember this!"

"Thank you for your teachings, senior, I will definitely remember them in my heart!"

Xu Zhiyu saluted Zhao Qiang.

Looking at the two people leaving, he fell into deep thought.

The reason why he didn't go to sell the monster corpses with the ancestors was because he wanted to buy a special elixir.

Let’s talk about this on the way to Kuixingfang City. Huahua has a restless personality. She can’t stay in the beast bag and keeps making noises to come out. Xu Zhiyu couldn’t resist it and had to let it out halfway through the journey. Breathable.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Qiang was shocked when he saw Huahua, because Huahua was really spiritual and her appearance was really lovable. When he saw that Huahua was about to break through the second level, he told him that there was a kind of auxiliary specifically for refining spirit beasts. The elixir for breaking through to the second level is called the Spiritual Beast Foundation Establishment Pill.

In fact, this elixir was not originally called this name, but the breakthrough of a first-level spirit beast to the second level is the same as the breakthrough of a human Qi training monk to the foundation building. Over time, people began to call this elixir the spirit beast foundation building pill. The original name was Instead, it was forgotten.

Although Huahua should be able to break through to the second-level spirit beast with her own hard work, that is full of uncertainty. Now that there is such a magic pill in front of her, how could Xu Zhiyu not want to help it?

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  (End of this chapter)

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