The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 174 How about opening a brothel? (Please subscribe! The results are terrible!)

Chapter 174 How about opening a brothel? (Please subscribe! The results are terrible!)

Taoyuanfang City, second floor, meeting hall.

In front of a brand new long table made of spiritual wood, Xu Zhiyu and four people sat opposite each other.

They had just discussed the issue of entry fees, and finally reached an agreement that every monk entering the city must pay a spiritual stone, and the Xu family gave the monks a token as a token to enter and exit the city. The certificate, of course, will also indicate the period of time you can live on it. It is stipulated that a spiritual stone can only stay in Fangshi for one month.

I want to explain here that you handed over a spirit stone to ensure that you can freely enter and leave the city during the day. However, at night, for the sake of safety, the Xu family will implement a curfew. From 1pm to 10pm the next day, no random movement is allowed in the city. The monks who are caught will be punished with spiritual stones, and those who refuse to change will have their identity tokens confiscated and expelled from the city.

Therefore, monks who enter Fangshi have two choices, either to leave before Haishi, or they have to stay overnight in Fangshi. If they stay overnight, there will be accommodation problems. Regarding this, the Xu family has also thoughtfully prepared an inn for paid stay. .

"Next, we will discuss how to charge stall fees in the casual repair square. How many stalls do you think we should divide and how to charge the fees more reasonably?"

After discussing an issue, Xu Zhiyu asked next.

This matter is also very important. Logically speaking, the income of the store is an important source of income for Fangshi. However, the ancestor has promised to give discounts on rental fees to other forces that have settled in Fangshi. Therefore, the store is destined to not be able to collect much rent, and it has just opened. , I’m not sure how many will be able to settle in. It’s estimated that it will be no more than ten, so the income from booth fees in the casual repair square is very important.

When he was in Taoshuifang City and Kuixingfang City before, he found that the casual cultivator market was always overcrowded. Once this business was done, it would also be a huge income.

"I once went to Taoshui Fang City to sell elixirs at a stall in the Sanxiu Square. The charging standard there was three spiritual stones for a day and a night. Our store is newly opened, so we must not charge too much, two yuan for a whole day. How about the spirit stone?"

The one who spoke was Xu Zhifeng. When he was young, he had learned alchemy from Xu Zhiyu's aunt Xu Zhiyan, and he had excellent qualifications. Before foundation building, he was a first-level high-level alchemist. However, because his family did not have a second-level alchemy inheritance, he had been Trapped in the first level of high quality and unable to break through.

"No, two spiritual stones are still too high. I was lucky enough to meet a newly opened market in Wuwei Prefecture, and I also met a casual cultivator friend there. He told me that the cost of setting up a stall there is one yuan for a whole day. Lingshi, there are very few casual cultivators visiting it, and less than ten stalls are rented out every day, so it’s extremely deserted!”

Xu Zhengji disagreed. He believed that the rental fee for one spiritual stone per day was still too high and would scare away those casual cultivators who would like to break a spiritual stone in half.

“Then what if we consider waiving stall fees one month before the market opens?”

Xu Zhikai, sitting opposite Xu Zhiyu, said.

"That won't work. The casual cultivator square is only such a big place, and the number of stalls that can be opened is limited. If it were free, I guess the casual cultivators might fight over the stalls!"

Xu Zhiyu retorted that he had thought of this method before, but after careful consideration, he found that it was not advisable. The casual cultivators who occupied the stalls must be very happy, but what would they think if they didn't?
  Besides, those who occupy the stalls are not necessarily here to sell spiritual items, but maybe they are here for the free stalls. If they just put up a few spiritual items and sell them casually, you can't drive them away, so for the sake of fairness, , the fee still has to be charged, it depends on how much or how little.

"How about this, two days and two nights and one spiritual stone booth fee?"

Facing Xu Zhiyu’s proposal, Xu Zhengji said:

"Okay, let's settle it like this first. If it's not suitable then we can make changes!"

Even if this matter was temporarily settled, Xu Zhiyu continued:

"Uncle Twenty-nine, Zhikai, Zhifeng, do you think that in addition to opening a comprehensive shop to sell the magical weapons refined by the family, as well as some low-level elixirs and spiritual talismans, the family also has a shop for Apart from staying in an inn, what other industries can I get involved in?"

Xu Zhiyu always felt that his family owned a small market but owned too little property, so he asked this question.

This time it was Xu Zhengji's turn to speak. If there was an old man in the family, it would be like having a treasure. Of course Xu Zhengji was not old, but compared to the three "Zhi" generation, he was still much older.

"We can open a restaurant. Qi-training monks cannot live without grains. Although they mainly eat spiritual grains, there are also many greedy ones. In addition, we occupy half of the Li family's territory, and there is a lot of food in the Taohe River. There are a lot of wild spirit fish, which are very delicious to catch and use in cooking.” ˆ ˆ ˆ “But Uncle Twenty-Nine, there are a lot of wild squid? I believe they will become extinct soon due to overfishing, and then the restaurant will not close down. Yet?"

Xu Zhifeng asked puzzledly.

"Who said that the restaurant will mainly serve wild spiritual fish? We mainly sell a variety of dishes made from delicious monster meat. The wild spiritual fish is just a gimmick. We will just set the price a little higher."

"There will be many casual cultivators in the market who will make a living by hunting monster beasts, so there is no need to worry about the supply of monster meat!"

"Besides, our family can also engage in spiritual fish breeding. When the scale of family breeding expands in the future, the supply of spiritual fish in the restaurant will keep up, and then we can open up the supply!"

Xu Zhifeng didn't know whether it was because of his personality or because he was young and ignorant, so he continued to ask:
  "Uncle Twenty-nine, but the family is not the Li family that originally perished. Without the secrets of breeding spiritual fish, is it possible to breed spiritual fish on a large scale?"

Xu Zhengji didn't know what to say. He really wanted to open up his nephew's consciousness and see what was inside!
  He said angrily:
  "Then just study and explore on your own. When the Li family first came to Taoshui County, they didn't come with the secrets of spiritual fish cultivation. They were all gained from the experience accumulated by their family from generation to generation."

"Actually, you don't know, right? The clan leader has arranged for Zhi'an to study this matter for quite some time. I heard that some results have been achieved and it will be promoted to the whole clan soon."

Xu Zhifeng scratched his head in embarrassment. He really didn't understand these things. In fact, it was not just him, but also Xu Zhiyu and Xu Zhikai.

"Okay, then as Uncle Twenty-nine said, the family will find another place to build a restaurant. Zhikai, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Xu Zhiyu agreed to the proposal and asked Xu Zhikai to be responsible for the site selection. It seemed that brainstorming was very effective.

"What do you think about opening a brothel?"

Xu Zhikai, who rarely spoke next to him, suddenly said when he saw no one continued to speak.

"Huh?" Three pairs of eyes stared at him.

The scene suddenly became awkward, and Xu Zhifeng, who couldn't hold himself back, started teasing.
  "I didn't see it. Thirty-sixth brother, have you ever been to a place like that? Tell me honestly, how many times have you been there? How many spiritual stones have you spent!"

Before Xu Zhikai, who was blushing, could speak, Xu Zhengji spoke again, and he was heard to say seriously:

"Zhikai, you are still young. You must control yourself. Sex is like a bone-scraping steel knife, which will make you depressed and lose your enterprising spirit. Let's do this. I will talk to the clan leader later and find a good path for you. My friend, the female brothel cultivators are all cannibals without spitting out the bones. I heard that there are also many people who practice evil arts and specialize in harvesting the sun for practice. You must remember not to go to that kind of place again!"

Xu Zhikai felt that he had died unjustly. He made a suggestion and actually made his clan uncles and clan brothers attack. Who was he provoking?
  He was a little relieved at first. Brother Nineteen, whom he had always respected, didn't say much. But when he looked up and saw Xu Zhiyu's teasing expression, which was half a smile but not a smile, he finally couldn't help but say:
  "Uncle Clan, two Clan Brothers, who do you think I am? How could I go to that kind of place? Isn't this what I have been supervising the casual cultivators and building the market recently and dealing with them a lot? These are their spare time I overheard it when we were chatting together after dinner."

"I think since there are so many male casual cultivators discussing this matter, this brothel must be an excellent business, so I bring it up here!"

Looking at the aggrieved Xu Zhikai, Xu Zhiyu smiled and comforted:
  "Zhikai, don't be angry. Uncle Twenty-nine and your Brother Twenty-four are afraid that you will be young and lustful and unable to control yourself. In the end, they are all for your own good, but you can't really be angry with them!"

After saying that, he winked at the two of them. They realized that they had misunderstood Xu Zhikai, so they both apologized, and the matter was over.

However, their opinions on whether to open a brothel were not unanimous, so they finally put it aside and decided to wait until the meeting to report it to their ancestor and let him make a decision!

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  (End of this chapter)

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