The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 185 Tian 1 Spiritual Water (please subscribe!)

Chapter 185 Tianyi Spiritual Water (Please subscribe!)
  After entering the Golden Armored Scorpion Cave, Xu Zhiyu used his magic power to feel the concentration of spiritual energy here.

I found that it was on par with the level in my hometown, and more pure. I judged that the level of spiritual veins here should not be lower than the second-order mid-grade.

After confirming this matter, he couldn't help but feel refreshed. A second-level mid-grade spiritual vein could be used as the foundation of a mid-level foundation-building family. You must know that the Li family, which was exterminated before, had a spiritual vein level of only Second level middle grade.

After that, he began to look around. On the back wall of the Golden Armored Scorpion's cave, like a human monk, two side rooms were opened. He walked into one of them and found that there were many bones of other monsters piled inside. , it seems that this is its feeding place.

Nothing valuable was found in it. Originally, he thought that was the end of the trip. Discovering the second-order mid-grade spiritual vein would be their biggest gain. Until the ancestor's voice sounded, he seemed to be talking about some treasures from the world. some type of.

In a flash, he came to the place where the ancestor was standing. The other two people and two beasts came earlier than him. The three people and two beasts stood around the small pool, and at the same time looked at the blue-glowing liquid in the pool.

Xiao Jin poked his head out and spit out the letter, almost touching it, but Xu Zhiyu pinched his neck and pulled him back. However, judging from his reaction, the thing in the pool must be something good. Can't you wait to see it? You must know that spiritual beasts are much more aware of spiritual objects.

This time, before the juniors could ask questions, Xu Deming started to explain and said:
  "I learned from the notes left by my ancestors that there are nine kinds of heaven and earth spiritual water in the world, each of which has magical effects. The one in front of us is one of them. It is called Tianyi spiritual water. It only occurs in special environments, and these environments are not fixed. They may appear in mountains, water, fire, or even in the sky."

"This time we actually appeared in the cave of the Golden Armored Scorpion. We have to say that we are very lucky. The greatest effect of this spiritual water is that long-term use can improve the physical strength of monks. Of course, it is also useful against monsters. "

"This is also the reason why my third-level flying sword weapon just failed to achieve success when attacking the Golden Armored Scorpion's throat and heart!"

Hearing Xu Deming's words, Xu Zhiyu and the others were fine. His two spiritual beasts' eyes were filled with crazy longing. If they hadn't taken into account the existence of the ancestors, they would have rushed up and licked them crazily.

In essence, spiritual beasts can be considered a type of monster. Physical strength is as important to monsters as the strength of human monks' mana.

The human race mainly trains Qi, and the demon clan trains body. This is the main situation in the world of immortality now, so one can imagine the eagerness of the two spiritual beasts.

Xu Zhiyu was not excited mainly because he felt that he was not a body-refining cultivator, and this thing had limited effect on him. Body-cultivating was a completely different path from him, so after hearing the ancestor's words, his reaction was mediocre.

But for the family, this is also a good thing. If the family has people who follow the body cultivation system in the future, this spiritual water can come in handy. So although his reaction was dull, he was still very happy to get this thing. , Xu Zhikai and Xu Zhifeng basically thought the same as him.

Looking at the three descendants of his family who were in sharp contrast to the two spiritual beasts, Xu Deming sighed secretly. The children trained by his own small family were not very knowledgeable. He shook his head and said sternly:
  "Do you think that since you are on the path of Qi training, physical strength does not matter to you, right? What I want to tell you today is that you are completely wrong."

"Now you feel that physical strength may not have much impact on you. When you advance to the Zifu in the future, you will understand the importance of physical strength!"

"You also know that the next level after Zi Mansion is the Golden Elixir. Then do you know what the success rate of Zi Mansion monks is at advancing to the Golden Elixir? One in a hundred, do you know why it is so low?"

"It's because when the Zifu monks break through the golden elixir, not only the liquid spiritual power in their Dantian transforms into the solid golden elixir, but the physical body will also be baptized by thunder. More than 90% of the Zifu peak monks are dead because their physical bodies are not strong enough. Turned into ashes under the lightning disaster!"

Suddenly hearing these words, Xu Zhiyu and the others were a little confused, but Xu Zhikai had the courage to ask:

"Ancestor, calm down! Why didn't the family elders warn us about what you said before when we went to the family school?"

"So what if I warned you earlier?"

"Then we can. That's fine."

Xu Zhikai was able to do this for a long time, but he couldn't come up with a reason, because he also understood that with the monthly salary given by his family, he could barely maintain his qi and body training? Think too much!

Xu Zhifeng then asked:

"Then why are you now?" What he wanted to ask was why you mentioned this to them now. Looking at the young man with an innocent expression, Xu Deming said with hatred:

"That's because the family is prospering now, and your qualifications are good, and your future is bright. You may have a chance to touch the edge of the golden elixir, so I'm warning you to pay attention to body training from now on, so as not to regret it later. It will be too late to regret it!"

After listening to their ancestor's words, the three people hurriedly bowed and saluted:
  "Thank you, ancestor, for your teachings. My great-grandson understands!"

Only then did Xu Deming show a satisfied smile on his face, and at the same time he smiled mysteriously:

"Do you think that Tianyi Lingshui, which can be called a rare treasure in heaven and earth, only has the effect of enhancing physical strength? Then you may not underestimate it. Let me tell you, taking Tianyi Lingshui for a long time will slow down the... Increase the effectiveness of monk qualifications!"

Xu Zhiyu and others, who had been instructed by their ancestor, were still lowering their heads and reflecting on their mistakes. However, after hearing these words from their ancestor, they all suddenly raised their heads and looked at Xiaotanli with bright eyes. That thin layer of liquid seemed to have a fatal allure.

In fact, if you really think about it, the one with the worst qualifications among them may be Xu Zhiyu. His appearance as a middle-aged person with three spiritual roots is mediocre. He actually has no idea how far he can go on the path of cultivating immortality. This is because Damn qualifications.

Now that I suddenly heard that there is such a magical thing, how can I not be ecstatic?

Seeing that the three juniors really paid attention to this Tianyi Lingshui, they stroked their beards and continued:

"The wonderful use of this thing is that it not only affects human monks and monsters, but also has a wonderful effect on spiritual plants to promote their advancement."

However, these words were all thrown away by the three of them. Now that the spiritual water is not enough for them, how can there be any extra for Lingzhi? Besides, what spiritual plant is worth watering with such spiritual water? Isn’t that a waste of natural resources?
  Looking at the three people and two beasts who were staring at the spiritual water, Xu Deming thought of a rough distribution plan, coughed twice, and said:

"Zhihua deserves the greatest credit for discovering this spiritual water this time. I decided to share half of this spiritual water with it. Do you have any objections?"

The three men and one beast shook their heads, indicating that this was fair.

Huahua took out an exquisite small bottle made of spiritual jade from the storage bag, and used her magic power to collect half of the small amount of spiritual water in the small pool.

"Let's split the rest equally!"

As soon as Xu Deming finished speaking, five green jade bottles flew out of his storage bag, filled them with the remaining spiritual water at the bottom of the pool, and then sent them to them respectively. Xu Zhiyu pulled out the stoppers and took a look. , only about five or six drops, but it was not bad, so I received it in the storage bag with satisfaction.

"As for this place, it cannot be left unattended. After all, the effect of Tianyi Spiritual Water is very important. Just sealing the Golden Armored Scorpion's cave is not safe enough, so you guys discuss it and see who stays here!"

Xiao Jin was naturally eliminated first. It is a spiritual beast with a late first-order cultivation level and it is really difficult to reassure people. Xu Zhiyu definitely cannot stay. Fangshi has just got on the right track and has a bright future. It is really inseparable. drive him.

In the end, everyone unanimously chose Xu Zhikai to stay here. He is down-to-earth and cautious, making him a suitable candidate. He himself agreed.

"Zhikai, according to my observation, two drops of the spiritual water here can fall every day. You must remember to collect it in time. Every once in a while, I will come to collect the spiritual water in person, and bring you cultivation resources by the way. The second-level medium here The spiritual power of the Pinling Vein is abundant, and it is very suitable for you to use for cultivation, but don’t worry, a clan member will replace you every three years.”

"Yes, Ancestor!" Xu Zhikai responded.

After that, Xu Zhiyu and the others left with their ancestor, and began to look for the caves where other monsters lived under Huahua's guidance.

 I solemnly thank book friend "Bing Ge 1009" for voting for four monthly votes for this book. Thank you very much!
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  (End of this chapter)

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