The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 201 The strange talisman (please subscribe!)

Chapter 201 The strange talisman (please subscribe!)

No matter which city it is in, the Sanxiu Square is always the busiest place, because it is full of unknowns and surprises, which can satisfy the monks' curiosity and curiosity.

This is just like gambling. It is not only exciting, but also has the possibility of getting rich overnight. These deeply attract monks with different cultivation levels. Of course, this is often accompanied by risks, and most monks end up failing.

It has to be said that the casual cultivator market is indeed extremely busy. The sidewalk, which was originally located in the middle of the stalls and was dozens of feet wide, was so crowded that no one could move.

People are bumping into each other, crowded with people, and overcrowded. This is what Xu Zhiyu was thinking along the way. The three of them had to use magic power to form a protective shield outside their bodies, otherwise they would be unable to move.

However, this place is on the outermost side of the stalls. Most of the stalls are set up by Qi-training monks. In addition, regardless of which market, the number of casual practitioners is the largest, so it is normal for there to be many people here.

When they came to the area where the foundation-building monks set up their stalls, the flow of people here was significantly less than several times. This also intuitively reflected the comparison of the number of monks of various levels in the city.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Qi Practitioners can't come here, there are still some, but most of them come to join in the fun and don't have the financial resources to buy anything.

At this moment, suddenly there was a quarrel not far away. Originally, Xu Zhiyu didn't want to join in the fun, but he couldn't resist Liang Yanjiao and insisted on going to take a look. He couldn't help it and had to follow the two of them.

"Fellow Daoist Jiao, how can you do this kind of business? You clearly agreed to leave the earth crystal shield to me, and I also paid you a deposit of two thousand spirit stones. How come you just sold the shield to someone else when I went back to collect the spirit stones?" Okay, do you think this is appropriate? Besides, we don’t deal with each other for more than a day or two. What you did has chilled my heart!"

A tall casual cultivator said to a stall owner with a scar on his face. He did not come alone. He was followed by several companions. It seemed that he was the one who gave him the spiritual stone.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, I am in the wrong for this matter, but it does happen for a reason. How about I return your deposit to you first, then go to Cuixiang Tower to set a table for you tonight, and apologize to you. Please allow me to express my kindness. Let’s tell each other during the dinner, okay?”

At the same time, he glanced at the person standing behind the man and said:

"Everyone is also welcome to accompany me. Don't worry, Jiao will give everyone an explanation tonight!"

It seems that these people have dealt with each other before, and they seem to have good relationships. After hearing what he said, the people who came with him also started to offer words of advice.

"Brother Yang, I think Brother Jiao may indeed have some difficulties. You'd better not embarrass him!"

"Yes, yes, I know who Daoist Fellow Jiao is. Brother Yang, let's go to other stalls and look for them. Although second-level mid-grade protective shields are relatively rare, there are so many stalls here that they may not be available anymore."

Unexpectedly, the monk surnamed Yang refused to give up and continued to shout:
  "Then let him tell you his difficulties. We have many Taoist friends here. If there is any trickery, we can also help!"

"Brother Yang, Uncle Yang, Grandpa Yang, I beg you, please stop shouting, please keep your voice down!" The stall owner surnamed Jiao approached him and whispered.

"I won't keep my voice down. I didn't do anything shameful. Why should I keep my voice down?"

The stall owner was also angry at this time, but he still had a sense of proportion. He looked left and right and sent a message to the monk surnamed Yang:
  "Lao Yang, stop yelling. Your shield was bought by the core disciples of Shuiyue Sect. If you don't accept it, they just left not far away. You can catch up with them and argue with them, and ask for your shield. Come back, you go!”

The monk surnamed Yang turned pale when he heard this, and even transmitted messages to the stall owner surnamed Jiao intermittently.

"You didn't lie to me, did you? Lao Lao Jiao, you can't joke about this!"

"Who are you kidding? In Yuanzhenfang City, who dares to make fun of Shuiyue Sect? I still want to live for a few more days!"

After the monk surnamed Yang confirmed that this was true, he immediately took the two thousand spiritual stones handed over by the stall owner with trembling hands, greeted his companions, and left without looking back.

After watching a scene that had no beginning and no end, the three of them started shopping again. However, Xu Zhiyu became more and more uncomfortable as he walked around. The two of them were fighting each other, and he stood aside like a fool, so he bought it for Liang Yanjiao at Wu Ziyan. After getting a second-level high-grade hairpin as a gift, he proposed to go shopping separately, and the two agreed.

Next, he walked around alone for more than an hour. Although he was dazzled by what he saw, he didn't see a few things that really moved him. Even if he occasionally did, he gave up the idea of ​​buying it after asking about the price. .

"Hey, this is the end of the foundation building stall. In front of it is the Zifu stall area. Do you want to go and have a look? You are here anyway, so why not go and have a look!"

After making up his mind, he stepped into the Zifu stall area. There were far fewer people here. Not only were there fewer stalls, but there were also fewer monks wandering around. He looked at each house and saw that there were those selling magical weapons, some selling elixirs, some selling formations, and some selling spiritual plants. The most exaggerated thing was that some were selling themselves, no, to be precise, they were renting.

"There is a casual cultivator on the third floor of Zifu. He is good at fighting and provides personal protection services. If you are interested, the price can be negotiated!"

There is even a fiber-drawing company that maintains media, and its stall reads:

"Know all the information about single female cultivators from major forces in Yuanzhenfang City and surrounding areas. Anyone who is interested can come forward for consultation!"

Xu Zhiyu shook his head. This was obviously nonsense. If nothing else, it was said that there were tens of thousands of female nuns living in Yuanzhenfang City. How could it be possible to collect all the information.

Seeing that he was about to finish browsing the Zifu stalls, Xu Zhiyu sighed in his heart: It seems that we will get nothing today. After we finish visiting the last two stalls, we can go back and continue to practice the flying sword. This is the business, but there is no need to go out today. It has broadened my horizons and increased my knowledge.

Just as he stepped into the last stall area, the amulet that had not been moved in his mind for a long time suddenly trembled slightly, and his target was pointed at the last stall.

He calmly approached the last stall, and at the same time took a look at the stall owner. He saw that he had white hair, a childish face, a strong spirit, and three beards under his chin. He really looked like a true cultivator.

He must have noticed Xu Zhiyu's arrival, but he didn't move, didn't even open his eyes, and just meditated.

Xu Zhiyu first stood in front of the stall and bowed, and then squatted down to look at the spiritual objects on the stall. There were many kinds of spiritual objects on the stall, and he needed to identify them one by one to see what caused the abnormal movement of the amulet.

Finally, when his hand came into contact with a pile of yellowed and torn paper, the amulet in the sea of ​​consciousness moved again, making him sure that this was what he was looking for.

But how to inquire became a problem. He couldn't ask the stall owner, "How can you sell this pile of tattered paper?" ’, it would be okay if the stall owner was a foundation-building monk, but this was a Zifu monk, and he really didn’t know how to word it for a moment.

Unexpectedly, the stall owner spoke first before he opened his mouth.

"Boy, are you a talisman maker? This stack of talisman papers has been on my stall for hundreds of years, and you are the first to recognize it!"

Hearing the stall owner's words, he raised his head and met the stall owner's unwavering eyes. He swore he had never seen such deep eyes before, as if they were not eyes but a bottomless ocean. , so vicissitudes of life, when he wanted to take a closer look, he found that it was just a pair of normal eyes, no different from anyone else's.

"Senior, I am indeed a Talisman Maker." He replied respectfully. He felt that this old man was not as simple as he seemed.

"Well, that's right. This is a relic from an old friend. Since I am destined to be my little friend, I will give it to you. You can keep it!"

Xu Zhiyu was shocked when he heard this and quickly shook his head to refuse. He didn't dare to accept things from unknown origins. The bullshit elixir from the Spiritual Beast Sect had screwed him over last time. Why is Huahua still sleeping now? How dare he ask for other people's things for nothing.

"Senior, why don't you give me a price? After all, we are neither relatives nor friends, so I would feel uneasy if I accepted your things rashly!"

The stall owner smiled mysteriously and said:

"Selling goods and knowing one's family, this is what my old friend repeatedly told me when he gave me this thing. Just accept it, little friend, otherwise I won't be able to explain it to my old friend who has passed away many years ago!"

After saying that, he actually closed his eyes again and ignored him. Xu Zhiyu had no choice but to let him give up. He would definitely be reluctant to part with it. Anything that can make the amulet move abnormally must be a good thing. This is what happened. verified.

In the end, he could only give another salute to the stall owner, and then left with the stack of talismans.

Not to mention how uneasy Xu Zhiyu was when he left, the stall owner just now opened his eyes again after he left and murmured to himself:
  "I have extraordinary spiritual awareness and other secrets. I never thought that I would meet such an interesting boy after living in seclusion for two thousand years and returning to the world of immortality. Not bad!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace, and even the objects in the stall in front of him disappeared.

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  (End of this chapter)

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