The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 203 Divide rate (please subscribe!)

Chapter 203: % success rate (please subscribe!)
  Could it be a sixth-level talisman? But it was just a legendary thing, he had never seen it, and there were no relevant records.

The talisman he repaired only recorded up to fifth-level high-grade spiritual talismans. There was no mention of sixth-level spiritual talismans, so it was just a guess.

Holding this purple talisman paper, he didn't know how to use it for a while. It was said that the talisman paper was used to draw spiritual talismans, but the grade of this was unknown. How many levels were drawn? After much hesitation, he decided to draw the most difficult thunderstorm symbol he could draw at the moment.

Although they are all second-level low-grade attributes, this spiritual talisman not only has nine second-level runes, but also requires nine runes to be superimposed once, so he barely reached a 30% success rate with the guidance of a photo.

As for why he didn't draw the flying talisman, which has a 60% success rate, it was because he didn't know the preciousness of this kind of talisman paper yet, so he chose the most difficult one at random.

After laying out all the talisman-making tools, he began to draw. To be honest, this was the first time he came to Yuanzhenfang City to draw talismans. These days, he has been focusing on refining the second-level low-grade flying sword magic weapon.

"Alas! The success rate is still too low, and this drawing will fail again!"

Xu Zhiyu sighed and said that this time he successfully drew the first nine runes, but when the last nine runes began to be superimposed, a small mistake occurred, and the spiritual energy inside the talisman began to be disordered. This situation This indicates that the talisman making this time has failed, and the remaining talisman will explode next, and then you can prepare for the next drawing.

Xu Zhiyu pulled the talisman and sent it in front of him. Although the explosion of the broken talisman was not as powerful as the complete talisman, it was not good to blow up the talisman-making equipment.

However, the talisman pulled out by the spell did not explode. Instead, it floated quietly under the control of his spell. This made him feel very strange. He didn't understand what was wrong?
  He did not rush to recall the spiritual talisman immediately, as doing so would be dangerous. However, after waiting for a while, he found that the spiritual talisman was still the same, so he used a spell to recall the spiritual talisman.

"It's weird, why do we encounter some weird things these days!" He looked at the purple talisman in his hand and said to himself.

His consciousness reached out and entered the inside of the talisman, and found that the place where he had made a mistake in the drawing process had disappeared, as if he had not reached that step yet.

"How is this possible? Is my thinking confused? No way! I must have carried out this step just now, but how to explain this? Besides, the process of making talisman is a continuous process. How can it be stopped midway and the talisman paper is still there? Okay, shouldn’t there be an explosion?”

After hesitating again and again, he decided to try again, so he started drawing again where he had made a mistake. Then he made another mistake, but it disappeared again until he successfully drew the thunderstorm symbol.

When he finished the last stroke, before he could react, the purple talisman suddenly changed color and turned into light yellow, just like ordinary second-level low-grade talisman paper.

Xu Zhiyu had been amazed so many times today, and Xu Zhiyu's mental endurance had also strengthened a lot, so he was not surprised anymore. He just took out the thunderstorm talisman he had drawn before and compared it with the thunderstorm talisman he had just drawn, and found no difference at all.

"In other words, the biggest use of this kind of talisman paper is that it can be corrected infinitely until it becomes a talisman. Then isn't this thing too precious?"

"Eh, no, this talisman paper has more uses than that. There is endless trial and error. Doesn't that mean..."

Not sure what he thought of, he took out the talisman slips from the storage bag, found a second-level mid-grade spiritual talisman - the holding talisman, and then started making it.

This is a spiritual talisman he specially prepared to break through the second-level mid-level talisman-making technique. The second-level mid-level talisman pen and the second-level mid-level spiritual ink are also available. He is going to start to verify his ideas. "It really works!" Xu Zhiyu looked at the failed talisman with no frustration on his face, only excitement.

After his verification, although his temporary talisman making skills have not reached the second-level mid-level, with the help of this strange talisman paper, he can spend time and time to draw the second-level mid-level talisman, and consume time will be greatly reduced.

Because in the past, if he failed to draw a talisman, he would have to start over, but now there is no need. He can draw a little at a time, just like building a building, until it is all completed.

"Doesn't this mean that if I use this kind of talisman paper to draw spiritual talismans, it will be 100% successful? What's even more outrageous is that I can draw second-level high-grade spiritual talismans in the early stage of foundation building. Then I can be regarded as a genius. Right? Although this situation is not obvious during the foundation building period, this advantage will become even greater later on!"

Xu Zhiyu said excitedly. He was right. Drawing a first-order high-grade spiritual talisman in the early stage of Qi training is a sign of talent in the Talisman Path. Being able to draw a second-order high-grade spiritual talisman in the early stage of foundation building is already considered a genius in the Talisman Dao. However, What next?

If you draw a third-level high-quality painting in the early stage of Zifu, and a fourth-level high-quality painting in the early stage of Jindan, you will be regarded as an unparalleled genius, or even a monster. This is no joke.

Many people think that when the cultivation level reaches a certain level, the hundred arts of cultivating immortals will also be promoted to the corresponding level. This is completely wrong. As far as he knew of the original Baiyi Sect, although there were three golden elixir monks, there were Only one person has upgraded his skill level to the fourth level, while the other two have been stuck at the top level of the third level and cannot break through.

Now he is equivalent to breaking through a certain realm. Let's take Zifu as an example. After he just broke through Zifu, he can use this kind of talisman paper to draw third-level high-grade spiritual talismans. Although it will take a long time, but in the end It can be completed, but the main time will be spent on meditating to recover mana. The spiritual power required for the third-level high-grade spiritual talisman must be massive. He who has just broken through the Zifu will never be able to provide it, so he can only complete it again and again like an ant moving.

Moreover, talisman making is different from other immortal cultivation arts. Other immortal cultivation arts have the possibility of cross-level. For example, weapon refining. If you have refined special heaven and earth spiritual fire, or find a high-level fire vein, you can At low levels, external forces are used to complete the refining of high-level magic weapons.

But the talismans can be made differently. Spiritual talismans of different grades are supported by the spiritual power of the person who made the talisman. The spiritual power injected into the talisman paper is owned by the talisman, not the spiritual energy that wanders between heaven and earth. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for a Talisman Maker to cross a large level of drawing.

Let’s just say that he has a foundation-building cultivation level. He can draw at most a second-level high-grade spiritual talisman, but a third-level spiritual talisman cannot be drawn, because the spiritual power in his Dantian is the foundation-building spiritual power, not the purple mansion spiritual power. These are two completely different things. Things vary greatly in quality. (PS: The difference between the two is equivalent to the difference between kerosene for lighting and aerospace kerosene!)
  "It's just that I don't have the second-level high-grade talisman pen and spiritual ink on hand. Otherwise, I should really try to make the second-order high-grade spiritual talisman, but I don't have enough time. It will be the time for the Huangluan Secret Realm to open in half a month. I'd better wait until I come back. Let’s make it!” Xu Zhiyu thought.

After counting the talisman papers in his hand, excluding the three that were completely repaired, ninety-seven were left, which added up to exactly one hundred.

He made up his mind not to repair these talismans for the time being, but to prepare them later. Firstly, because the energy in the amulets was exhausted, he could not continue. Secondly, based on his cultivation level, this kind of talismans now, Still unable to exert its fullest effect, he plans to wait until he breaks through the Zifu, or even breaks through to the Golden Pill before using it. Only in this way can he truly make the best use of it.

In the next half month, he had been drawing the immobilization talisman again and again under the guidance of the photos on the talisman slips. When his spiritual power was exhausted, he meditated to recover. Finally, the day before setting off for Huangluan Secret Realm, he drew the immobilization talisman. The talisman was successfully drawn!

Seeing that the purple talisman paper turned into medium yellow after the talisman was completed, he nodded with satisfaction and put away the holding talisman.

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  (End of this chapter)

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