The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 243 Return to Fangshi (please subscribe!)

Chapter 243 Return to Fangshi (please subscribe!)
  Why was Xu Zhiyu so shocked?
  It turns out that the spiritual object described on the jade slip is an elixir named Quyu Ginsengzhi. The specific grade depends on the year, which means that this elixir may be a first-level or third-level elixir. Yes, it is not impossible to even grow to the sixth level, but it will take tens of thousands of years. It is still unknown whether there is one in the world of immortality.

When he was in the Chixiao Blessed Land, the Master Huashen had promised him that he could pick three elixirs. In addition to the acacia and purple sunflower seeds, because the time was coming, he was in a hurry and found a five-year-old elixir. The elixir guarded by the super spirit beast was picked off.

Although time was urgent at that time, he did not see it clearly, but later when the Lord Transformed God took out a jade box, put it in and sealed it, he carefully observed that the elixir was exactly what was described on the jade slip. A magical elixir, no less.

The words of warning from the Venerable are still lingering in my ears. This elixir must be kept properly when taken out, and must not be shown to others easily, otherwise even the Venerable God Transformation will be tempted and snatch it away.

This made him really not believe that there was such a coincidence in the world, or that there was a huge conspiracy, or that the news that he had entered the Chixiao Paradise was leaked. To be honest, he was a little suspicious now.

After pondering for a long time, he decided to go to Fangshi first to see what Shopkeeper Xi wanted from him before making a decision. Anyway, the elixir is in the storage ring. If he doesn't take it out, others won't know that he has it. Besides, Quyu Ginsengzhi has also been sealed by the Venerable. Ordinary Yuanying Zhenjun can't open it, so what does he have to fear? !
  With this in mind, he stepped on the flying sword and flew towards Fangshi again, arriving at the north gate of Fangshi in just half a day.

Stopping and taking a closer look, you can see that Fangshi has changed a lot now. The current north gate of Fangshi is several miles away from the original old entrance, which shows that the scale of Fangshi has become much larger.

He did not line up, but went directly to the escort team that checked the monks entering and leaving. The man on duty at this time was Xu Zhiqiang, the 38th-ranked foundation-building monk in the family. When he saw him coming, he immediately came up to greet him.

"Brother Nineteen, are you here?"

"Well! In these extraordinary times, we must not be careless. We must strictly check the monks entering and leaving the city to prevent demonic cultivators from sneaking in!" Xu Zhiyu warned again.

"Brother Nineteen, if I wake up, I will investigate strictly!" Xu Zhiqiang replied.

"Well, that's good. This is not a place for long conversations. I'll go in first and talk about it when I have time!"

"Okay, Brother Nineteen, please go slowly. I have an errand, so I won't see you off!"

After entering Fangshi, he went straight to Taiyang Building. He wanted to go directly to Shopkeeper Xi, but he didn't expect Shopkeeper Xi to be out for something. He had to go back to Baocui Building first and told the person who received him in the building to wait for Shopkeeper Xi. Come back and tell her you were there.

Business in Baocui Building is good, and the reception hall is full of people. The guests coming and going were too busy to touch the floor. The Xu family member responsible for receiving the reception was noisy and lively. Normally, he would stop and watch for a while, but today because he had something on his mind, he walked directly through the crowd and followed the crowd. He wanted to go up the stairs to the second floor, but the conversation in his ears slowed him down.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, we have known each other for many days, can't you really be accommodating and think of a solution for me?"

A female cultivator wearing white clothes with a voluptuous figure said coquettishly to the male cultivator of the Xu family who was standing at the counter. At the same time, she also showed off her coquettishness and winked secretly at the male cultivator.

The Xu family members were relatively young and might not have experienced human affairs. Faced with the flirtation of this beautiful female cultivator with a good face and an outstanding figure, they felt their faces were hot and their hearts beating faster, but they still managed to calm down and replied:
  "Fellow Daoist Ge Ge, it's not that I'm not accommodating, but the number of sales of this invisibility talisman is only 30 in a year, and it's sold out this year. I can't help you!" After finishing speaking, he might be afraid that his words were too straightforward, so he continued to explain:
  "This rule was set by the clan brother who drew the talisman. I don't dare to violate it. However, I will report it to the family to see if I can come up with some invisibility talismans for sale after a year. If there is news, I will be the first to do so. Let your friends know when it’s time, can you see if that’s okay?”

The female cultivator sighed helplessly, tapped the powder lightly, and said softly:
  "Then it's settled!"

The tribesman, half of his body numb, immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said repeatedly:


After the female cultivator left, the people behind her also shook their heads and prepared to leave in disappointment. It seemed that they were also here for the invisibility charm specially made by the Xu family. They talked as they walked:
  "The Xu family's invisibility talisman is very effective. I used its unique invisibility ability to hunt and kill many first-order monsters. Not only that, once I accidentally entered a cave and found one giving birth. A second-level low-grade monster, with the help of the invisibility charm, I actually killed it. Do you think it’s magical or not?”

"Yes, I make a living by collecting elixirs. With the help of this invisibility charm, I once went to the junction of the Xu family's territory and the Hengduan Mountains, where I collected a lot of first-class precious elixirs. I was also lucky enough to collect a I brought back a second-level elixir and sold it to Taiyang Tower at a high price!"

"Yes, I also relied on the invisibility talisman to avoid a group of robbery cultivators who were seeking money and killing people. But the number of sales of this invisibility talisman is too small. In such a large market, only thirty are sold a year. It's completely There are too many monks and too little rice!” Standing on the stairs and listening to the conversation of these casual monks, Xu Zhiyu thought for a moment, and then sent a message to the monks of the family’s “Zhi” generation who were still a little bit distracted:

"Zhiyuan, come to your senses!"

When Xu Zhiyuan heard the message, he looked around and found that Brother Nineteen was looking at him with a meaningful smile. How could he not know that his behavior just now was seen by the clan brother? He left the counter with a red face and came to the clan brother. In front of my brother, he saluted and said hello:
  "Hello, Brother Nineteen!"

Xu Zhiyu smiled and nodded in response, and asked:

"Zhiyuan, I just heard the discussion among the casual cultivators that our supply of invisibility charms exceeds the demand. Is this true?"

Seeing that Brother Nineteen did not mention the embarrassing incident just now, Xu Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief and replied:

"Yes, Brother Nineteen. At that time, you stipulated that our Xujiabao Cuilou could only provide thirty pieces of this magic talisman a year, but they were often snatched up within three days. After that, casual cultivators came to our shop every day to ask. I have also reported this to my family as to whether I can sell more, but the clan leader’s reply is that this matter is entirely up to you, Brother Nineteen."

"I heard from members of the family rotation that you have been in seclusion for the past few years, so this matter has been unresolved. Originally, I wanted to report to you after you came to Fangshi."

Xu Zhiyu nodded lightly, took out a stack of talismans from the storage ring, handed it to him and ordered:
  "It seems it's time to expand the scale of sales. Let's do this, Zhiyuan. Post a notice. From tomorrow on, the number of family invisibility talismans sold will increase to 100 a year, but you can't sell them all at once a year like before. It will be sold out on a monthly basis, and you can decide the specific quantity yourself!”

"Okay, Brother Nineteen, I'm going to do it now!" He said and was about to leave.

"By the way, if you have someone you like, go for it boldly! Okay, let's go!"

Xu Zhiyuan sighed after hearing this and said:
  "It's difficult, Brother Nineteen, you must have noticed that I am interested in that female cultivator just now, but"

"But what? A real man, don't hesitate when you speak!" Xu Zhiyu feigned anger.

"That's right, the female cultivator's name is Ge Qingqing, and she is a first-level top-grade alchemist!"

"This is great! Is there anything wrong?" He was a little confused. Does this have anything to do with the various cultivation skills he learned?
  "Brother Nineteen doesn't know something. My younger brother has been devoted to the Tao since he was a child, and he hasn't learned a single skill! That's why."

Is this inferiority complex? He thought, but still encouraged his clan brother:
  "Don't be discouraged. If you like it, go for it boldly. Judging from her behavior just now, it seems that she also likes you. Maybe she is waiting for you to speak first?"

"But her master is a foundation-building monk and a second-level mid-level alchemist. I'm afraid."

"Her master is a foundation builder. Your great-grandfather is a Zifu. Her master is a second-level mid-level alchemist. Your great-grandfather is not a third-level low-level alchemist! What are you afraid of? As long as you don't do anything harmful to the world, the family will With your support, if the two of you can really accomplish something good, then Brother Nineteen will go out to discuss with her master and he will definitely help you accomplish it!"

Xu Zhiyuan was elated by his words of encouragement. After giving him a big salute, he happily ran to find the female cultivator named Ge Qingqing. He didn't know whether to express his love or to tell him about the invisibility charm. News of the sale.

Xu Zhiyu shook his head with a smile and went up to the second floor.

 I would like to express my sincere thanks to the book friend "Zhongyikou" for voting for the two monthly votes for this book! Thank you very much!
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  (End of this chapter)

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