The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 249 Countermeasures (Part ) (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 249 Countermeasures (Part ) (Please subscribe!)

"According to reliable information, the Demon Sect is preparing to occupy Yuzhou. The Lingxiao Sect has also learned of this news and is actively preparing for war!"

After the news came out of his mouth, ancestor Xu Deming's face turned gloomy, but there were also people like Xu Zhiqiang and Xu Zhinan who didn't know why, so they asked together:
  "Even if what you said, Brother Nineteen, is true, it has little to do with our family, right?"

Looking at the extremely naive family descendants, Xu Deming sighed secretly, nodded to Xu Zhiyu, and motioned for him to explain.

"Zhiqiang, Zhinan, you have never been to Yuzhou, so you don't know that it is the heart of Qin State, the thoroughfare of seven states. The other six states of Qin State are adjacent to it, so its importance is self-evident!"

"The Demon Sect wants to seize it, and the Lingxiao Sect wants to defend it. Yuzhou is bound to become a battlefield. And where will the manpower to guard Yuzhou come from? Think about it!"

"Brother Nineteen, are you saying that the Lingxiao Sect may recruit monks from our family to help defend Yuzhou? But there are many families and sects affiliated with the Lingxiao Sect in Yuzhou. Can't we just recruit them from nearby?"

Xu Zhiqiang has never left the confines of his family since he was born. The outside world of immortality only exists in his imagination and what he has heard from the monks he has come into contact with, so he always has a partial understanding of many things.

"You only know one, but not the other! Generally speaking, you are right to think so. Lingxiao Sect only needs to recruit local monks from Yuzhou. However, this time the demon sect attacks Yuzhou, the situation is obviously much more serious. You Think about it, if Yuzhou is occupied by the Demon Sect, it means that the entire Qin State ruled by the Lingxiao Sect is torn apart. This is something the Lingxiao Sect cannot accept. They will definitely gather enough strength to have a good fight with the Demon Sect. !”

"So it is not possible for Lingxiao Sect to recruit family monks to go there, but it will definitely do so!"

Xu Zhiyu stopped talking after explaining, but turned his gaze to Xu Deming and asked:
  "Ancestor, since my family belonged to the Lingxiao Sect, I have studied their recruitment rules. It clearly states that under a large-scale recruitment order, the affiliated force should immediately mobilize half of its troops and be ready to rush to the sect's designated destination at any time!"

"In this way, when the Lingxiao Sect's recruitment order is issued, ancestor you will also need to lead half of the family's foundation building and half of the qi training clan members to the battlefield."

Hearing him say that their ancestors also had to leave their families to join the war, Xu Zhiqiang and Xu Zhinan were already a little panicked, but they couldn't blame them. After all, the time to build the foundation was short, and they had not experienced any storms, so panic was inevitable.

Xu Deming looked at the younger members of the family who were a bit perverted except Xu Zhiyu, nodded and said:
  "If it is true as Zhiyu said, the Lingxiao Sect has issued a recruitment order, I will definitely be among those recruited! But don't worry too much. The current clan leader, Xu Shengsheng, has now reached the ninth level of foundation construction, and will be recruited soon. Consummation, when the time comes the family will have an additional cultivator from the Purple Mansion, so there is no need to be so worried!"

However, this kind of words sounded more like feeble words of comfort to everyone. Because of the matter of the top-grade Purple Qi Talisman, only the ancestors, Xu Shengsheng, Xu Shengxiao, and Xu Zhiyu in the family knew about it. In order to keep it secret , the family’s new foundation-building monk, didn’t know about it.

Without caring about what other clan members thought, Xu Zhiyu asked his ancestor:
  "Ancestor, didn't the patriarch just break through to the ninth level of foundation building? Will it still take several years to reach the state of perfection?"

"Yes, that was originally the case, but now it seems that this process needs to be speeded up. I will go to Taiyang Tower later to buy some elixirs for Shengsheng to improve his cultivation, so that he can quickly reach the state of perfection. Prepare to break through to Zifu!" Xu Deming replied.

"Zhiyu, do you have anything else to say? If nothing happens, I will take Zhiqiang, Zhinan and the others back to the family. There are still many things to do before the demonic disaster really breaks out!"

"Ancestor, I have one more thing to ask Zhiqiang!" Looking at the ancestor who had already stood up, and the others also standing up one after another, Xu Zhiyu saluted.

"Brother Nineteen, if you have anything, just ask!" Xu Zhiqiang said.

"That's right. Are you responsible for arranging the family members who patrol Baocui Building at night?"

"Yes, there are a total of twenty family members in the Fangshi Guards. They work in teams of two, rotate every ten days, and patrol all night long!"

Xu Zhiyu sneered twice and said:

"It's certain that we'll be on patrol all night long, but it's hard to say whether we'll be on patrol!"

"Brother Nineteen, there is something in what he said. Forgive me for being confused, but please make it clear!" Xu Zhiqiang asked confused.

"Let me ask you, are they patrolling every night? As the person in charge of management, have you never checked the guard?" Xu Zhiyu asked angrily. Now he remembered the scene last night again, and he couldn't hold back his anger. . "Nineteenth Brother Mingjian, I should be responsible for this matter, but I happened to be in seclusion for a period of time, so I left it to Zhiqiang for the time being. Did the family patrol officers neglect their duties and were discovered by you, Nineteenth Brother? Just tell me I, I will reprimand them severely!”

Xu Zhikai took over and said that he was not trying to shield or protect Xu Zhiqiang, but was telling the truth.

"Neglect of duty? That's not true! They were just..." He told everything exactly what he saw last night and what they were supposed to be doing last night.

"Bang, how shameless!" Xu Zhinan slammed the table and yelled.

"Brother Nineteen, I will deal with them severely when I go back!" Xu Zhikai was filled with indignation. Basically, this matter was caused by his lax control. This batch of clan members in the city guard team were all trained and managed by him after they were transferred from the family three years ago. Now this big scandal has happened, which has made him, who has always prided himself on being cautious and good in management, lose face. Where to save?
  Xu Zhiqiang, who had the most explosive temper, had already taken out his magic weapon and asked him:

"Brother Nineteen, tell me where those two scum lived last night. I will catch them both now and deal with them severely in front of our ancestors!"

"Don't be ridiculous. If you bring them back in public, it will definitely make the whole city known. It will also damage the family's reputation. According to my opinion, this is an internal problem of the family after all. It should not be made big. I will discuss it later." Just take them back quietly, criticize and educate them, and deduct one or two months of salary!"

This is Xu Zhengji's way of dealing with it, a typical approach of being gentle and treating things with care.

"No, we must not let them off lightly!" Xu Zhiyu said. He was not targeting his clan uncle, he was just targeting the situation and the person. Even if his grandfather were here today and proposed this solution, he would still object.

"Zhiyu, what do you think?" asked the ancestor.

"Ancestor, my opinion is that these two people should be severely punished, and their shameless behavior should be reported within the family so that others can learn from it. Also, if the family really receives the call-up order, they should be punished These two people are regarded as the first choice for qi-training monks, and they also let them understand what it means to go through life and death, and what it means to shed blood and sacrifice!"

"Take yesterday as an example, what if there is a foreign enemy trying to attack our Baocui Building? If there is no one to guard and patrol, will people find an opportunity to take advantage of it? It would just be stealing, but what if the gangsters finish their work? What if he then set the building on fire after committing theft? So what should I say?"

"In addition, Zhikai, you also need to investigate what happened to the courtyard where they settled? Did they pay to rent it, or did they just control the access tokens and public residences in that area? For private use, please investigate these in detail and thoroughly, and then report to me separately! As for the two of them, they are temporarily suspended from their duties for reflection and will stay in the city. Without family orders, they are not allowed to step out of the city!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zhengji was about to refute, but Xu Deming raised his hand to stop him and said with a smile:

"Okay, just do as Zhiyu said. Whatever happens in Fangshi from now on, Zhiyu will make the decision. Seeing him is like seeing me. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" Some people's voices were loud, while others were weak.

Seeing this scene, Xu Deming said:
  "There are some things I can't tell you the inside story, but you just need to remember one thing. Without Zhiyu, there would be no Xu family that is flourishing today, and there would be no me standing in front of you showing the cultivation of Zifu!"

"Okay, please step aside first. I'll have a few words with Zhiyu!" Seeing Xu Zhiyu winking at him, Xu Deming ordered everyone after he finished speaking.

"Ancestor, we are resigning!" He bowed to everyone in the congregation and exited the conference hall.

Next, he told his ancestor that a real Jin Dan would come in a few days to protect the safety of the family in the dark. Xu Deming said that he was used to it and was not too surprised. Instead, he told him to take care and leave the gossip behind. After seeing the magic mirror, he left Fangshi with Xu Zhiqiang and Xu Zhinan.

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  (End of this chapter)

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