The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 254 A Crazy Conspiracy (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 254 A Crazy Conspiracy (Please subscribe!)

"Ah? How could this happen? Is Wei Kaijiang crazy? Why did he seek refuge in the Demon Cult?" Xu Zhiyu asked in surprise.

"About this, the eldest elder of the Wei family doesn't know the reason. Maybe it's because the magic method makes it easier to improve one's cultivation? From his memory, I saw the scene of Wei Kaijiang fighting with the leader of the Rogue Cultivator Alliance. The strength he showed It’s equivalent to the sixth or seventh floor of Zi Mansion.”

"But he just broke through the Zi Mansion at the same time as your ancestor. Your ancestor is now only at the second level of Zi Mansion. However, Wei Kaijiang, who has practiced magic skills, is almost at the later stage of Zi Mansion. This is why he took refuge in the devil. The main reason for teaching, right?”

"Not only that, the Wei family's current strength has been turned upside down. This first elder is the weakest among them. The reason why he is made the first elder is to deceive others and prevent others from doubting the strength of the Wei family!"

The eighth level of foundation building is still the weakest? So what are the strengths of others? Thinking of this, he asked Granny Wen directly.

"There are currently seven monks in the Wei family. In addition to the late cultivation of Wei Kaijiang's Zifu, there are three who have perfected the foundation, one who has built the ninth level, and most importantly, there is a monk of the same generation as Wei Kaijiang, who may be He is talented in practicing magic skills, and he has actually broken through to the Zifu stage!"

He was simply shocked, was it so violent? Has the Wei family become so powerful in the blink of an eye? No wonder they wanted to take refuge in the Demon Cult and switch to practicing Demonic Skills. Such rapid improvement in cultivation even made him a little nervous.

But thinking that these were all obtained by massacring his own relatives, he immediately shook his head and got rid of the terrible thought that had just sprouted in his mind.

"By the way, when I was searching for souls just now, I learned that Wei Kaijiang had a plan. He was going to take out several Foundation Establishment Pills to be auctioned in Yunshanfang City, attracting a large number of casual cultivators to participate. When they arrive, he will All the monks are trapped in the market, and then they perform blood refining so that they can condense a blood pill." Granny Wen continued to talk about the secrets she obtained from soul searching.

"Blood elixir? I have heard of golden elixir. What is blood elixir?" he asked.

"The blood elixir is something similar to the golden elixir formed in the body by the demon cultivators of the Zifu period through blood sacrifices to a large number of mortals or monks. Although it cannot be compared with the real golden elixir, it is equally powerful! Deal with the golden elixir monks , that’s a sure thing! Moreover, the life span of a demon cultivator with a blood elixir will also be increased, almost the same as the real life span of a real golden elixir!"

"But to condense the blood elixir, it must require the essence, blood and soul of countless monks to condense it, right? By doing this, Wei Kaijiang is not afraid of causing public outrage in the world of immortality and asking the Lingxiao Sect to send out high-level monks to kill him?" Xu Zhiyu asked.

Granny Wen pulled off the storage bag of the eldest elder of the Wei family, looked through it, and replied:

"Everything has risks. The greater the reward, the higher the risk! If this was discovered in advance, for example, you know it now, what would you do?"

"It must be reported to the Lingxiao Sect and asked to send Golden Core cultivators over to completely wipe out the Wei family!" Does this still need to be asked? The Lingxiao Sect must be allowed to take action, and the Xu family will reap the benefits.

"Yes, so the risk of this matter is still quite high, but this is because you accidentally discovered this matter, but what if you didn't discover it? Then will Wei Kaijiang's plan be successful? If his plan is really successful, what if it is completed? With a blood elixir in his body, it would be difficult for the Lingxiao Sect to catch him. Although this kind of demon cultivator will be defeated quickly in a battle with a real golden elixir monk, if he is determined to escape, ordinary methods are really useless. Can’t reach them.”

"Coupled with the demonic cultivators with Blood Pill cultivation, they are already the backbone of the demonic sect. The demonic sect will not watch such a potential monk die in vain, and will definitely protect him. The demonic sect is powerful, and it is better to protect Wei Kaijiang. If he can do it, he must have considered every aspect before formulating this crazy plan.”

Xu Zhiyu nodded and said:
  "Yeah, it's really deliberate. The news about Yunshanfang City's auction of Foundation Establishment Pills has been spread a year ago, and the elder of the Wei family even admitted it in front of all the monks in the city. The family thought it was for I didn’t pay much attention to it as a means of attracting casual cultivators. I didn’t expect that there was such a big conspiracy hidden behind it!”

After saying this, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately patted his forehead and said:

"It's broken. I remember listening to the casual cultivators who went in and out of Fang City. It seems that the auction in Yunshan Fang City was held in these few days. I was delayed for a few days waiting for the elder of the Wei family. It wouldn't be Wei Kaijiang’s plan has been implemented, right?”

"You don't have to worry about this. The auction will actually start in three days, so there is still time to stop them, but we must also prevent them from launching their plan in advance!"

Xu Zhiyu deeply agreed and urged: "Senior, please send me back to Fangshi as soon as possible so that I can report to the shopkeeper of Lingxiao Sect so that she can inform the sect of the matter in time."

Granny Wen seemed to have found something interesting in the storage bag of the eldest elder of the Wei family. She immediately waved her hand and said:

"No rush, let's take a look at the contents of this person's storage bag first. This can be considered your trophy after all!"

As she said that, she poured out everything from the storage bag of the eldest elder of the Wei family. Don't tell me, there were quite a lot of things, piled there like a hill.

The first thing that caught the eye was a large pile of bright spiritual stones. After counting, there were more than 30,000 pieces, most of which were low-grade spiritual stones, but there were also more than fifty middle-grade spiritual stones mixed in.

Secondly, there were a lot of bottles and jars emitting black gas, as well as various magic weapons, talismans and the like. In addition, he also saw many complete human skeletons. He didn't know what the purpose of carrying this thing with him was. What's the use?
  Finally, he saw a few jade slips of magic skills and wanted to take a look at them, but was stopped by Granny Wen.

"Boy, these exercises look rather evil. If you don't have enough concentration, I advise you not to read them. Otherwise, after reading them, you will definitely want to practice them."

He thought for a while, followed Shan Ruliu, and did not use his spiritual consciousness to scan the jade slips of the martial arts. Instead, he put the things on the ground into the storage bag of the elder of the Wei family, and put the elder of the Wei family who was still breathing into the storage ring. among.

Looking at the second child who had been knocked unconscious by him, Xu Zhiyu also launched a soul-searching technique on him. In fact, he did not get any useful information. He just wanted to create an illusion that he obtained the Wei family's refuge through soul-searching the second child. News about the magic cultivator.

He estimated that reporting the Wei family's conspiracy to the Lingxiao Sect would definitely attract great attention. The person sent to deal with the matter must be Jin Dan. If the Wei family's elder is alive, his soul will definitely be searched again, so he has been searched. The matter about the soul would definitely be discovered, so in order to prevent unnecessary complications, he decided to kill him.

When he told Granny Wen about this idea, she was opposed to it.

"Boy Xu, in this case, just relying on the memory of a young Qi practitioner is not enough to win people's trust, right?"

"Senior, that's it. I know from the memory of this Qi Practitioner that the Wei family not only defected to the Demon Cult, but also seemed to be brewing a big conspiracy. With a little guidance from me, it will not be difficult for them to think of this time. There is a problem with the Yunshanfang City auction."

"Although it is easier to win people's trust by keeping the eldest elder of the Wei family alive, his soul has been searched by you, senior. If someone discovers this, the junior will not be able to tell!" he said.

"Okay, now that you've thought about it, let's do it!"

After hearing his reasons, Granny Wen did not stop him any more, and Xu Zhiyu was able to successfully kill the elder of the Wei family.

With the help of Master Jindan, he arrived outside Fangshi in less than a quarter of an hour. It was Mao hour, and there were still several hours before the gate of Fangshi opened. He definitely couldn't wait, so he came to the gate and used his spiritual power to move towards it. Shouting inside.

The Fangshi Formation is not completely isolated from the outside world. Words can still be transmitted. Otherwise, if there is an emergency and we can't contact you, something big will happen!

The Xu family members on duty heard his voice and invited Xu Zhikai to come. After confirming his identity, they let him in.

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  (End of this chapter)

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