The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 286 Success after harvest (5000 words long chapter) (Please subscribe!)

Chapter 286 Success after harvest (5000 words long chapter) (Please subscribe!)
  Once this treasure was introduced, Xu Zhiyu didn't know how the monks in other private rooms reacted, but there were gasps in the private room where the Xu family was.

Nothing else, just because things that extend life are too precious!

What is the purpose of monks cultivating immortality? Most monks will answer this question and they will definitely tell you that it is to prolong life and to live forever.

The main purpose of monks working hard to improve their cultivation is to increase their life span. Life span has always been a sharp sword hanging over every monk's head.

Most monks fail to break through the current realm and set foot on the next realm. Most of the reasons are because of insufficient life span. Let's put it this way, if there is a long enough life span, every monk can cultivate to an extremely high realm.

Therefore, monks are extremely eager for life-extending spiritual objects. Who would think that their life span is too long? Everyone in the Xu family has no secret of coveting this thing on their faces.

Among them, Xu Shengxiao is the worst. He is almost 200 years old this year, and his lifespan is not long. Although the breakthrough to Zifu from foundation building does not have the same age limit as the breakthrough from Qi training to foundation building, it can still be exceeded. The sooner the better.

He now has forty years left until he is fully prepared. He is currently on the eighth floor of the foundation building. It may take about fifteen years before the foundation building is completed. It will take another two or three years to prepare to break through the Zi Mansion, and then retreat to break through. It's already taken more than half of the time.

Besides, a breakthrough may not be successful. What if it fails? Does it take time to recuperate? Does it take time to prepare for a breakthrough again? They all need it, so now that he sees the life-extending spiritual object, how can he not be tempted?

However, after listening to the next words of auctioneer Yan Zongyu, the tribe seemed to have lost interest in this object and no longer paid so much attention.

"Fellow Taoists, this product also comes from the Yuluo Dan Temple. It uses 1,000-year-old ginseng, 800-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, 2,000-year-old Polygonatum japonica, and 1,500-year-old Poria cocos, supplemented by more than 20 kinds of other precious spirits. The medicine was refined by a fourth-level low-grade alchemy master who took three years and took a lot of time and effort."

"This elixir is a third-level middle-grade elixir. There are only two elixirs in a bottle. But remember, a monk can only take this elixir once in his life. It will be useless the second time. After taking it, a qi-training monk can increase his life span by ten years. Foundation-building monks can increase their lifespan by five years, and Zifu monks can increase their lifespan by two and a half years."

"As for those who are above the Zifu level, taking it will not bring any benefit, nor will it increase their lifespan at all. The magical thing about this elixir is that it can be taken by monks of any level, so fellow Taoists, whether it is for personal use or These are the best gifts to give to relatives and friends. Don’t miss this opportunity. There are three bottles of this elixir in total, which will be auctioned in three batches. Well, without further ado, the auction of Yimu Life-Extension Pill starts now, with a base price of 1,600 for the middle grade. For spiritual stones, each price increase must not be less than one hundred medium-grade spiritual stones.”

As he finished speaking, monks were already bidding:

"The fellow Taoist in Box No. 427 on the third floor bids 1,800 medium-grade spiritual stones!"

"The price in box number 275 on the fifth floor is 2,000 medium-grade spiritual stones!"

Although it was a bit useless, there were still monks who made bids, raising the price of this elixir, and soon it reached a high price of 2,500 spirit stones.

Although other tribesmen have lost interest in this elixir, Xu Zhiyu wants to keep it in his pocket. He is not planning to eat it himself, but wants to take it back to his parents.

He is only sixty years old now and has already established the fourth level of cultivation. In the remaining lifespan, he will have enough time to break through to the Zi Mansion. There is no doubt that he has never doubted this.

But the parents are different. Now the two elders are already in their prime, with less than twenty years left before their due date. If the two elders take this Yimu Life-Extension Pill, they can add ten years to their lifespan. Although they will eventually pass away, but he is the current one. The son's filial piety is considered fulfilled, isn't it?
  He walked up to the crystal ball, put his right hand on it, and quoted a price: three thousand middle-grade spiritual stones.

"Okay, I just bid 3,000 medium-grade spiritual stones in the T-shaped box on the twelfth floor!"

After he reported the price, the auctioneer Yan Zongyu reported it smoothly, but no monks bid again.

As for the reason, it is easy to understand. How many floors does this tower have? Twelve floors! Among the monks who came to participate in this auction, the one with the highest cultivation level is the Nascent Soul monk. Thinking of this, isn't it obvious who the bidder was just now?

Although many people can't figure out why Senior Yuanying wants this elixir? But they didn't dare to continue fighting. As for the alliance guaranteeing that the highest bidder would win the auction, but anyone who really believed it would be a fool!
  Besides, there are three bottles of this elixir in total. There is really no need to risk offending the Nascent Soul cultivator to fight for this bottle.

In this way, Xu Zhiyu spent three thousand middle-grade spiritual stones to receive the Yimu Life-Extension Pill. The price made him very satisfied, and it was within the range he could accept.

However, for the auctioneer Yan Zongyu, his mood is not so good, because according to the rules of the auction, if the final transaction price of the auction item is less than twice the starting price, the auctioneer will charge % of the transaction price Five commissions. If the transaction price is between two and three times the starting price, a 10% commission will be charged. If the transaction price is more than three times the starting price, a 15% commission will be charged.

In short, the higher the auction price of the treasures at the auction, the higher the commission charged by the auctioneer, which can even reach a maximum of 50%!
  Auctioneers can usually take 10% of the commission received from the auctioneer as their own commission.

Even though it is only 10%, it may seem like a small amount. In fact, in a large-scale auction, just by relying on this 10% commission, the auctioneer can harvest tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones!
  It’s tempting to look at so many spiritual stones, isn’t it? Quite an auctioneer, right? But things are not that simple. In a large-scale auction like this, the auctioneer's cultivation, background, and other comprehensive factors will be examined. Just speaking of cultivation, the auctioneer of this auction, Yan Zongyu, is A monk with a cultivation level as high as the fourth level of the Golden Core.

However, when it came to matters on the twelfth floor, he did not dare to comment too much. He calmed down and started the auction of the next two bottles of Yimu Life-Extension Pill.

After taking his hand away from the crystal ball, he saw that all the tribesmen turned to stare at him. He rubbed his face and explained:

"My parents are old, so I took a picture of this elixir to show my filial piety!"

"Brother Eleven and his wife are so lucky to have such a filial son like Zhiyu!" Xu Zhengji patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Several other people nodded frequently and expressed their appreciation for his behavior. As for other feelings, they really didn't matter much.

Xu Deming and Xu Shengxiao's parents had passed away long ago. Xu Zhengji was younger, but his father died when he was very young, and his mother was ambushed while performing family tasks and had also passed away long ago.

As for Xu Zhifeng, it is even worse. He has been an orphan since he was a child. Like Xu Zhikai, he grew up eating the food of hundreds of families and has no memory of his parents at all.

Next, several third-level treasures were auctioned. Seeing this, Xu Zhiyu remembered something and said to Xu Deming:

"Ancestor, look at the order of the auction. It started with the third-order low-grade treasures, and now comes to the third-order mid-grade treasures. Next is the auction of the third-order high-grade treasures, and the fourth-order treasures."

"The Five Elements Mending Heaven Pill I need is a fourth-level high-grade spiritual object. It is the final item among the fourth-level treasures. After we take it, we will definitely not have any extra spiritual stones to take other spiritual objects. What I mean is It’s better to take advantage of the moment and help you take a picture of something you like, otherwise there won’t be this store after passing this village.”

"Yes, Ancestor, the items in this auction are all top-notch products of the same level. These things are usually hard to see in outside shops, and can only be seen in such large-scale auctions. , so if you have a treasure you like, try taking a photo of it!"

Xu Shengxiao and the others also tried to persuade each other. The transaction price of the items being auctioned now ranged from 300,000 to 500,000 low-grade spiritual stones. If you really wanted to auction a treasure, you could still do it.

Seeing that Xu Deming still had concerns, he continued to persuade:
  "Ancestor, if you are worried about me auctioning the spirit stone of the Five Elements Mending Heaven Pill, then there is no need! I have enough spirit stones on me to take a picture of it, so if there is any treasure you like next, feel free to take the picture! "

Unable to bear the repeated persuasion by the younger members of the family, Xu Deming could only reluctantly agree, saying that if there was a suitable treasure, he would definitely try to take a picture of it. While they were talking, the suitable treasure appeared.

"Okay, congratulations to the fellow Taoist in the Huang Gengshu Room on the eighth floor for successfully obtaining the last bottle of Yimu Life-Extension Pill. The next treasure is a third-level mid-level magic weapon that was personally refined by a third-level high-level weapon refiner. "Yang Li Fire Sword", this magical weapon is made of the third-level high-grade material Yang Soul Gold as the main material, and third-level materials such as Taiyi Xuanjing and Yang Soul Stone as auxiliary materials. It was forged after several months. It is an indispensable item. An extra fire-attributed offensive weapon."

In the projection crystal ball, Yan Zongyu took out a red flying sword exuding red fire, and fired a burst of mana into the flying sword. The flying sword then "swish" was inserted into a sword test stone dozens of feet in front of him. , in an instant, the entire sword-testing stone, which was about ten feet long, was melted by the heat emitted by the flying sword.

You must know that this sword test stone is also a third-level low-grade magic weapon, made of basalt gold and jade, which is famous for its hardness. Just now, the auctioneer used it to test the power of several third-level low-grade magic weapons, including many offensive weapons, the sharpest. The sword was only inserted one foot into it, but the 'Three Yang Lihuo Sword' not only penetrated deeply into it, but also completely melted it. The power is so powerful that it can be seen slightly.

"The third-level medium-grade magic weapon 'Three Yang Li Fire Sword' has a starting price of three thousand medium-grade spiritual stones. Each increase in price must not be less than one hundred spiritual stones. Start bidding now!"     It has a fire attribute, and it is a flying sword. This is not Was it just made for the ancestors? He thought so, and at the same time, he also saw his love for this magical weapon from his ancestor's eyes, so he spoke to persuade:
  "Ancestor, please take a photo of this third-level mid-grade magic weapon. It matches you perfectly!"

"Okay, then let's make a quote!" Xu Deming waved his sleeves and said cheerfully, while pressing his right hand on the crystal ball.

"Three thousand five hundred middle-grade spiritual stones!"

Perhaps it was because of the extraordinary power displayed by this magic weapon that monks continued to bid for 4,600 mid-grade spiritual stones. Xu Deming felt that the price was already a bit high, so he wanted to give up the competition. Xu Zhiyu did not give up and faced the crystal ball again. The final quote said:

"Four thousand eight hundred middle-grade spiritual stones!"

As soon as this quotation came out, no monk finally raised the price. Xu Deming finally got a high-quality third-level flying sword, and his trip was not in vain.

After that, everyone in the Xu family did not take action, but waited patiently for the appearance of the Five Elements Mending Pill. This wait lasted for nearly three days, and during this period, two treasures that Xu Zhiyu was very interested in also appeared.

The first one was a wing-shaped flying magic weapon, with a grade of third-level top grade. What interested him was that this magic weapon was inlaid with a two-color phoenix feather, which was exactly the same as the one he had originally sold to the Jindan Master of the Lingxiao Sect. .

The starting price of this magical artifact was six thousand medium-grade spiritual stones, and it was finally sold out at a high price of nineteen thousand spiritual stones. He was amazed. At the same time, he was impressed by the three inlays in his storage ring that the Lord Transformed God had given him. The preciousness of Se Phoenix Ling's flying magic weapon can be judged more intuitively.

According to his judgment, if he sends his flying magic weapon for auction, the final transaction price should be no less than 35,000 mid-grade spiritual stones. His judgment is well-founded, because the phoenix feathers are worth every extra The value of one color is doubled, and the price of the magical weapon refined from it is the same. This was what Zhao Tao, the young master of Lingxiao Sect, told him back then.

Now it seems that when he sold the two-color phoenix feather for one million low-grade spiritual stones, he did not suffer a loss. On the contrary, he made a lot of profit.

The second auction item that interested him was a set of formations called Liangyi Beast Soul Formation. It was a third-level high-grade formation that trapped and destroyed enemies. What interested him the most was Formation attack technique.

It is actually not a five-element spell attack, but a very rare spiritual attack type. It is said that there are two third-level high-grade monster souls sealed in the formation flag, and they have awakened the spiritual attack type innate magical beast souls. When the enemy is trapped in the formation, After that, the two beast souls began to take turns launching spiritual attacks.
  Five element spell attacks have form and form, and can be dealt with and broken through countervailing spells. However, spiritual attacks are different. They are formless, invisible, and hard to guard against. Basically, by the time you notice it, you have already been hit. There is no way to prevent it, let alone no way to prevent it. Hiding everywhere.

It wasn't that he wanted to take a picture of this thing, but this formation reminded him of how he could continue to practice the "Forging God Art".

Ever since Huahua helped him get started with the "Forging God Art", his spiritual consciousness has been several times stronger than other monks. However, the next method of advancement has stumped him, making him and other monks' The advantage of spiritual consciousness is also gradually weakening.

Fortunately, he accidentally absorbed the spiritual consciousness of Wei Kaijiang, the ancestor of the Wei family who wanted to seize him, and the strength of his spiritual consciousness increased by leaps and bounds, reaching the level of a ninth-level monk.

But after all, this is not the right way to increase spiritual consciousness. Is it possible that in the future, we hope that high-level monks will seize his body, then rely on the ability of the amulet to destroy him, and then absorb the other person's spiritual consciousness to strengthen himself?

The risk of doing this was too great. He almost died last time. He didn't want to go through it a second time because it was too uncontrollable. If he did it often, he might kill himself sooner or later.

Therefore, we still have to find a way to practice the advanced method of "Forging God Art", which is to find five second-level monsters, and they are five-element second-level monsters that have awakened their divine consciousness attack talents, and continue to attack his sea of ​​consciousness. From then on, he will reach The purpose of advanced skills.

He had thought of countless ways in the past, but none of them worked. But today's two ritual beast soul arrays allowed him to see the possibility of continuing to practice the "Forging God Art". Since there are two rituals, there are five elements, and there are three. level, there will undoubtedly be two levels.

However, after the Liangyi Beast Soul Array was auctioned, the auctioneer auctioned many more treasures, but did not see similar formations. He knew that it would be impossible to buy a similar second-order Five Elements Beast Soul Array today. .

However, he was not discouraged, because he still gained something today. At least he knew where the two ritual beast soul formations came from.

According to the auctioneer, this formation came from a sect called Yang Jiugong in Fujian. This sect is famous for selling various formations. It is an old-line Jindan sect and has been standing in Fujian for tens of thousands of years.

Among the eight countries that supported Qin this time, Fujian was not included, which also meant that the monks from Yang Jiugong did not come. His idea of ​​inquiring about the news was in vain, but he also made up his mind to wait until his cultivation reached the level of foundation building. In the later stage, he will personally go to Fujian and go to Yangjiu Palace to see if there is any Five Elements Beast Soul Array for sale.

Apart from this weapon, there was no treasure that particularly aroused his interest. Of course, this did not mean that there were no treasures. On the contrary, there were many treasures, which dazzled them, but they either couldn't afford to take pictures or they were of no use.

"Next, let's auction the 1,357th auction item in this auction - the Five Elements Mending Heaven Pill!"

Hearing the auctioneer say these words, Xu Zhiyu suddenly became energetic and stared at the crystal ball in front of him without blinking, for fear of missing any picture.

"There may be many fellow Taoists who don't know much about this thing. Let me briefly introduce it to you next! This thing is ranked as a fourth-grade top-grade medicine. It uses the essence of the five elements as the main medicine, supplemented by other spiritual spirits that greatly replenish vitality. The medicine was refined by a fifth-level low-grade alchemist for several years."

"This elixir is mainly used to treat congenital deficiencies. Of course, if a monk has been seriously injured and damaged his foundation, taking this elixir will also have extraordinary effects. For Taoist friends who are not injured, taking this medicine can strengthen the foundation and strengthen the Taoist foundation. It is a supreme holy elixir."

"Okay, without further ado, let's start the auction! There is one elixir in a bottle. The starting price is 30,000 mid-grade spiritual stones. Each increase in price must not be less than 1,000 mid-grade spiritual stones. Bidding starts now!"

It has finally begun, he thought to himself, but he was still a little resentful that the auctioneer praised the Five Elements Heaven-Mending Pill as something that exists in the sky but not on the earth, because this would increase the number of competitors.

"A Taoist friend has given me 35,000 spiritual stones!"

As soon as the bidding started, a monk directly raised the price by five thousand mid-grade spiritual stones, which was likely to scare away all competitors. Others were not sure whether they were afraid, but he was not afraid. He directly followed the quotation and said:
  "Thirty-eight thousand middle-grade spiritual stones!"

"Forty thousand mid-grade spiritual stones," the competitor said.

"Forty-two thousand middle-grade spiritual stones!" he said.

"Forty-three thousand mid-grade spiritual stones!" Another competitor said.

Next, everyone went back and forth, raising the price of the Five Elements Mending Pill to 55,000 mid-grade spiritual stones, and the competitors became Xu Zhiyu and the monk who had just raised the price.

"The T-shaped box on the twelfth floor has fifty-six thousand medium-grade spiritual stones. Is there any fellow Taoist who can offer a higher price than this? If not, the ownership of this magical elixir will be decided!"

Listening to the auctioneer's confusing words, he really wanted to rush up and give him two big ears to shut his mouth. He was now extremely nervous and his heart was pounding.

"The price of Renhai's box on the eleventh floor has been increased to fifty-seven thousand medium-grade spiritual stones. Is there any more price increase?" the auctioneer asked again.

You have sex with me, right? Then let's fight to see who has more spiritual stones! Xu Zhiyu thought to himself, gritted his teeth and said:
  "Sixty thousand middle-grade spiritual stones!"

Perhaps it was because he made another offer of 3,000 medium-grade spiritual stones at once to show his determination to win it, or perhaps because the other party lacked financial resources, the elixir still fell into his hands.

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  (End of this chapter)

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