The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 298 Preparation before the war (5 words long chapter, please subscribe!)

Chapter 298 Preparation before the war ( words long chapter, please subscribe!)

Although the spiritual ink for drawing the Moon-Watching Rhinoceros Demon Talisman has been prepared, he did not draw the spiritual talisman. Instead, he chose to draw the Tiangang Puppet Talisman first.

This is easy to understand. One kind has been learned and the other has not yet been mastered. He will definitely draw the Tiangang Puppet Talisman, because he has no idea how long it will take to draw the Demon Transformation Talisman, so he can only put it in later.

Time flies, and four months have passed.

The materials for one hundred Tiangang Puppet Talismans have been consumed, and the results are gratifying. A total of forty-four talismans have been produced, but only 6636 talismans are needed. The other eight are all extra. Tiankui, Tianji, Tianxian, There are more or less six stars of Tianyong, Tianying and Tiangui.

"Yes, the talisman success rate is close to 45%. Compared with the previous 10%, it is much improved! It seems that the lifetime experience of Wei Kaijiang's third-level talisman maker is quite helpful! In this way, it will be a great help for drawing. I’m a little more confident in producing the Demon Transformation Talisman!”

He sat on the futon, rubbed the finished Tiangang Puppet Talisman in his hand, and murmured to himself.

"It seems it's time to draw the demon-transforming talisman. There are still seven or eight months left. I guess I can draw a few of them!"

He put away the talisman, stood up, and stood in front of the talisman table again. He placed the talisman-making tools in order, and after a moment of concentration, he began to draw the demon-transforming talisman.

The same procedure, first using the pointing pen to draw the talisman in the void, then forming the talisman in the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally drawing it by hand.

But he still underestimated the difficulty of drawing the demon-transforming talisman. He drew it for three months in a row and consumed a total of 103 materials, but he still failed to draw one.

He continued to draw without a single thought. He stopped writing and was about to go out for a walk. He felt as if he had entered a dead end or encountered some barrier.

Another reason that prompted him to leave seclusion was that a month ago, someone had triggered the restriction on the formation outside his house. He understood that it was probably a clan member who had returned from a mission and informed him in this way.

When he got out, there was no one outside the house. He walked through the corridor, walked through the side room, and came to the front yard. Here he finally met a tribesman who was hurrying on his way. Judging from the direction he was going, he should be going to the living room, but now he was in the front yard. During the war, not many monks came to visit, so the place was usually used to hold family meetings.

"Zhizhi, you are running in such a hurry, where are you going?"

Xu Zhizhi paused when her name was called. She looked up and saw Xu Zhiyu standing under the eaves. Her face turned from gloomy to clear in an instant. She walked forward quickly and saluted happily:
  "Little sister Zhizhi, I have met Brother Nineteen!"

"I haven't seen you in the past six months. Zhizhi, you have reached the ninth level of Qi practice. Congratulations!"

Seeing his clan sister's improvement in cultivation after half a year's absence, he smiled and praised her.

Xu Zhizhi scratched his head in embarrassment, waved his hand and said modestly:
  "No, it's all cultivated well by the family, that's why I can improve my cultivation so quickly!" After saying this, she rolled her eyes and continued to say coquettishly:
  "What are you saying, Brother Nineteen, when the family was selecting candidates, you were firmly opposed to my participation!"

When Xu Zhiyu heard the clan girl mentioning the past, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and said:

"At the time of the selection, you were unable to reach the seventh level of Qi training, and you were young at the same time. Brother Nineteen objected to your application out of love and care!"

"But if I had stayed in the family, my cultivation would not have progressed so fast! Zhisheng is about the same age as me, and his cultivation before coming here was average. Just wait and see! I will surprise him after I return to the family!" Xu Zhizhi said proudly Said proudly.

"Nonsense! Zhisheng is your brother, how can you call him by his first name?"

He laughed and cursed, but he wasn't really angry. The Xu Zhizhi in front of him and the Xu Zhisheng mentioned just now are twin brothers and sisters of the same mother. They lived in a small town in the mortal world since they were young. Later, their spiritual roots were detected and they were taken to the clan mountain for training.

The two brothers and sisters have the same qualifications, both have three spiritual roots, and their subsequent cultivation speeds are not far apart, with a very small gap. However, the brothers and sisters have liked to compare since they were young, and they both want to compare each other, so they have caused a lot of interesting things. In addition, it is rare for twins to have spiritual roots at the same time in the entire history of the Xu family. He is very popular among his generation, and Xu Zhiyu also has a good relationship with his siblings.

"What? He was born just a moment before me, so he asked me to call him brother. How could it make sense? We have discussed it and establish the foundation for life!" She muttered unhappily, and said A new word popped up.

"What is the meaning of establishing a foundation for life?" he asked with great interest.

"It's just a competition of whoever builds the foundation first, whoever builds the foundation first will be the brother or sister!" She raised her head and said, as if she already had a chance to win.

"You two are just messing around. The order of ranking has been determined since the birth of the mother. How can you change it?"

"Brother Nineteen is wrong! If he had been growing up in the mortal world, according to customs, it would be natural for me to call him brother. But since we both have spiritual roots and have become monks, the order should be determined according to our cultivation level! "She said plausibly.

Seeing her arrogant words, Xu Zhiyu was about to scold her when his eyes lit up, he stepped forward and continued:
  "By the way, Brother Nineteen, the bet between Zhi Sheng and I happens to lack a witness. How about you be the witness? You see that you have the most prestige among your peers, so you are the most suitable witness. !”

"I'm not that boring. Look for whomever you like, just don't look for me!" He didn't want to get involved in such childish things.

"Okay! Then I'll go find Uncle Twenty-nine, Grandpa Sixteen, or the patriarch to witness. Anyway, there must be a highly respected witness. Otherwise, what will happen if Zhisheng cheats in the future?"

Seeing Xu Zhiyu's refusal, she was not upset. Instead, she counted her fingers and counted the people in her family who could be witnesses to her bet.

"Zhizhi, please calm down! The elders of the family have their own things to do, so they don't have time to fool around with you two!" Seeing that she still wanted to argue, he immediately changed the subject and said:

"I just saw you running towards the backyard in a hurry, what happened?"

"Oops! Brother Nineteen, it's all your fault. Our ancestor is convening a meeting with the tribe! I was already late, but now you stopped me again. After chatting for a long time, I went to the living room later. I will definitely be punished by standing still! "

Xu Zhizhi said in a panic, with a hint of complaint in his words.

"Don't be afraid, don't you think I'm late too? It's okay! Tell me first what you were doing. Shouldn't family meetings be notified in advance? Why are you late?"

"Brother Nineteen, let's talk while walking!" She greeted Xu Zhiyu and said while walking to the living room:
  "Ancestor made a decision to hold a meeting at noon today as early as three days ago! This morning, after I left the room, I came to the front yard, ready to find a clan member to discuss and learn from each other. Unexpectedly, I happened to meet the twenty-fifth sister-in-law who came back from outside. , she also wears a particularly beautiful jade hairpin on her head, I really like it too!"

"I asked her where she bought it? She told me that it was at a stall over the temporary market. There were all kinds of them. I felt happy, but I also thought it was still early. I should go to the temporary market. We can come back in time, but who would have thought that those jade hairpin instruments are so popular among female cultivators."

"I waited in front of that stall for two hours, and it took more than half an hour to choose hairpins. I couldn't help it, there were so many types of hairpins, it was dazzling!" At this point, Xu Zhizhi said He was still shaking his head, as if he was still intoxicated among the countless hostas.

"Ahem, that's why you're late, isn't it?" He asked with twitching corners of his mouth as he looked at the clan girl's dazed expression.

"Who says it's not the case? After I left there, I found that it was already a quarter past noon. I ran back and forth for fear of being late, but in the end I was still a step late. As soon as I reached the entrance of the courtyard, it was already a quarter past noon. Got it!" She said angrily, as if she was complaining about her bad luck.

"Okay, what's the point of talking about this now! Let me ask you again, how was the situation when you went out on a mission this time? Were there any clan casualties?"

Hearing this question, Xu Zhizhi, who was originally a little uneasy because of being late, seemed to be a different person. She immediately became lively and danced and said:
  "This time we went out on a mission, it opened our eyes! We were on a fourth-level magic ship, accompanied by three Jindan real people, and we went back and forth three times on the Yongzhou boundary, just like a trip! As for injuries, it's okay It’s even more impossible. When encountering a demonic cultivator, it’s usually Master Jindan who takes action himself, and none of us can get involved.”

"Not only that, those demon cultivators who were seriously injured but survived the attack by the real person were killed by the clansmen one by one with the consent of the real person Jindan. For this reason, the merit points in the clan tokens are The merit points in my token have increased sharply. Now I have more than 150 merit points in my token. If I work harder, maybe after some time, I will be able to save up 200 points and start from the merit hall. I got the Foundation Establishment Pill there in exchange!"

Looking at the longing-looking clan girl, he sighed inwardly: It seems that the task performed by the clan this time was really easy. Not only was there no risk at all, but also a lot of benefits were gained along the way! "With whom did you go out to perform the mission? Are they under the command of which force this headquarters belongs to?"

"The leader is a senior from the Yongzhou branch of Taiyang Tower, and the other two Jindan masters seem to be from the Youzhou branch!" Xu Zhizhi replied.

"As expected! It seems that Shan Zhenjun specially arranged it. Could it be that he has some plot against me? Logically speaking, even if he knows that Mr. Tong is awake and his cultivation is about to reach the highest level in this world, he still can't I didn’t know it was the elixir I provided! There seems to be a hidden secret in this!”

In this way, the two of them got closer and closer to the living room, and at the same time, he asked the clan sister one last question.

"When did the ancestor return?"

"Half a month ago! I was..."

The two of them chatted and laughed before arriving in front of the living room. Xu Zhizhi did not dare to open the door, so she hid behind him and motioned for him to open the door and go in.

"Creak!" There was a sound, and the door opened. The two of them stepped in and found that the living room was full of people. Xu Deming was sitting alone on the armchair in the middle. On the chairs placed symmetrically, sat the family foundation builder. , a total of four people, and the other Qi Practitioners each had a futon and sat near the door.

"Yu'er, are you out of seclusion? Come, come here! Sit down and talk!" Xu Deming, who had noticed the two of them a long time ago, said with a smile.

"Ancestor, Grandpa Sixteen, Uncle Twenty-nine!" After saluting several elders, he sat down in order.

Seeing that all the family elders were on Brother Nineteen, Xu Zhizhi calmly took out a futon from his storage bag and spread it on the ground. Just as he was about to sit down, he heard Xu Shengxiao say seriously:

"Zhizhi, the family meeting starts at noon sharp, but you are two quarters of an hour late! Do you have any objections to my punishment of standing up for the meeting now?"

"Grandpa Sixteen, my granddaughter has no objections!"

"Okay, then just stand!"

Ignoring the clan sisters' frequent pleas for help, he began to listen carefully to his ancestor's speech.

"Now let me talk about the issue of Foundation Establishment Pill that you are most concerned about!"

As soon as Xu Deming's words came out, several tribesmen sitting on the futons suddenly straightened up and listened to what he said attentively, for fear of missing a word.

"In this family mission, I heard that the clan members have gained a lot. Five clan members have successfully accumulated two hundred merit points. I know all this. Now I announce that I will exchange the Foundation Establishment Pills for you tomorrow, so that you can You build the foundation as soon as possible!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the uniform voices of the Qi Practitioners rang out:

"Thank you, ancestor, for being wise!"

Xu Deming pressed his hands down and continued:

"You must also know that the decisive battle is coming, so I hope you can improve your cultivation as soon as possible to cope with the next battle. The stronger you are, the greater your hope of survival! Although the family elders will take care of you , but on the battlefield, things are changing rapidly, and it is impossible for the family elders to take care of you all the time. In the end, it is you who rely on you, do you understand?"

"Got it!" they said in unison, shaking the world. At this moment, the family's cohesion was unprecedentedly high.

Next, Xu Deming made arrangements for the clansmen to prepare for war and prepare supplies. When everything was done, he announced the end of the meeting and let the clansmen disperse on their own.

But Xu Zhiyu asked everyone to wait because he also had news to announce, so they listened to his speech:

"Everyone, according to reliable information, the clan leader successfully broke through to the realm of Zifu half a year ago!"

As soon as these words were spoken, there was an eerie silence, but only for a moment, with a 'boom', the noise of the tribe rang in the ears like thunder.

"Really? Brother Nineteen!" This was unbelievable.

"So, hasn't the strength of our Xu family improved to a higher level? In the future, if anyone dares to make irresponsible remarks about the family's monopoly on Taoshui County, I will have to teach him a lesson!" This was a joyful expression. Crazy.

"This place is millions of miles away from the family. How did the news get here? Brother Nineteen, aren't you mistaken?" Of course, some people questioned the source of the news.

Seeing the noisy clan members, Xu Deming snorted coldly. In a moment, the entire hall immediately became quiet, and then he said:

"The family has a secret communication method with us, which is usually not used for small matters unless something big happens. So you don't have to doubt the accuracy and source of the information!"

When the clan members heard that their ancestor had confirmed the news again, they celebrated happily with peace of mind. The increase in family strength was a good thing for everyone.

Seeing the happy tribesmen, Xu Deming did not stop them. Instead, he called Xu Zhiyu over and asked about his current situation. He did not hide anything and told about the inexplicable mission he had performed.

At the same time, he also told his ancestor what Granny Wen had told him, that during the decisive battle, there would be three Jindan real people who would protect the entire clan, and asked him not to tell the clan members.

Because the family is now in a strong atmosphere of preparing for war, and this is the new atmosphere he wants to see in the family. If he tells the clan members this news at this time, it is unknown how much fighting spirit they will have left!
  After laughing for a while, he said goodbye to his ancestors and clan members, and went back to retreat to draw the demon-transforming talisman.

Maybe it was because his heartstrings that had been tense for a long time were loosened when he came out of the customs, or maybe it was due to accumulation and success. After he entered the customs again, he succeeded on the third drawing.

Next, he continued his efforts and consumed all the more than 90 demon-transforming talisman materials left in his hand, and only got ten finished demon-transforming talismans. After calculation, the success rate of the talisman was just half percent, which was terrible!

But for him, the success rate of the talisman is not the most important thing. What he values ​​most is the function of the talisman. Besides, ten is a lot, because this demon-transforming talisman has high requirements on the user's spiritual consciousness and physical strength.

The first is the requirement of divine consciousness. Demonization requires a large amount of spiritual consciousness, and at least the divine consciousness of the ninth level of foundation building can be used. Take him for example, he can only use it once in a short period of time, and the transformation time lasts for two quarters of an hour. The maximum time that the talisman can be maintained is three quarters of an hour. He cannot reach that level yet.

The second is physical strength. As we all know, what monks praise most about demon beasts is their physical strength. Therefore, if you want to use the Demon Transformation Talisman to truly demonize, your body must be strong. And after taking Tianyi Spiritual Water over time, his physical strength also meets the standards.

Moreover, there is a certain interval between the use of this kind of talisman, that is, it can only be used once every half month, so these ten talismans are enough for him to use.

But he did not intend to hide his secret, because among the family monks, there is another one who is qualified to use the demon-transforming talisman, and that is Xu Shengxiao. As a ninth-level foundation-building monk, it goes without saying that his spiritual consciousness is strong. At the same time, he has been taking family products for a long time. Although Tianyi Lingshui is not like him, who can take it in an unlimited supply, he can still do it by taking one drop every few days. After a long period of accumulation, his physical strength is also not bad! Therefore, he planned to take out two demon-transforming talismans and give them to him in case of emergency!

During the last period of retreat, he completed a very important task, which was to charge the used fake baby talisman. The ancestors showed up, and finally after exhausting the energy of the talisman, he used this biggest life-saving trump card. It was repaired, and now he had a little more confidence in the upcoming decisive battle between good and evil.

 I would like to express my sincere thanks to book friend "shouzhang" for voting for the two monthly votes for this book! Thanks to book friend ‘aaa824607’ for voting for this book! Thank you so much!
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  (End of this chapter)

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