The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 423: The third-level low-grade beast soul, the possibility of leaving Fujian early

Since the last time they returned from a mission to steal the human-faced fish corpse with several disciples of Le Zhenren, those few people recognized Xu Zhiyu's strength, so they often met with him in their free time. In addition, the demon cultivator has now retreated. , the crisis of the siege in Fangshi has been resolved, and the exchanges between them have become more frequent.

The meeting place this time was Yang Li's residence. It must be said that as disciples of Master Le Zhenren, the place they lived in was much better than that of Xu Zhiyu. Not only was it a private courtyard, but it also had more spiritual energy. They were definitely fourth-level inferiors. level, but after learning that Master Le also lived in this area, he was relieved.

Looking at Cheng Hong, who was eloquent and talking about formations, Xu Zhiyu fell asleep while listening. He really couldn't understand what he said. The purpose of attending the party was also to exchange cultivation experience, but most of the people who attended the party They are all formation masters, so it is reasonable for them to communicate and discuss the ways of formation, but it is really boring and boring for people who are not familiar with this method.

"I think that although this third-level medium formation has extraordinary attack power, the effect of trapping enemies is very average. If you encounter an enemy holding a powerful magic weapon, if you can't kill it with one hit, the formation will be easily defeated. People are broken.”

Yang Li commented on the formation that Cheng Hong had just presented. He had both praise and criticism for its pros and cons, and his words were very fair.

"So according to senior brother's opinion, how can my little sister's formation be improved so that it can be both offensive and defensive?"

Cheng Hong asked very humbly, and the others also raised their ears, ready to listen to Yang Li's advice. After all, he was the only senior third-level high-grade formation mage present.

But before Yang Li could speak, someone walked in at the door of the hall where they were sitting. It was Fang Chao. He had promised to attend the party, but he was late for some reason.

"Hello, Senior Brother Fang!"

"Fang Dao is friendly!"

Fang Chao smiled and nodded in response, then came to the center of the hall, stretched out his hand to stop Yang Li's gesture to sit down, looked around at the crowd, and then said:

"Everyone, I have good news to share with you. Master just called me over and said that he would hold an auction in the market. Master has left this matter to our brothers to organize it. The time will be seven days later. Time is rather urgent, let’s discuss it now and see how we can make this auction a lively event and live up to our trust.”

What kind of auction is Hao Dui Dui holding? Could it be that the Demon Sect has completely withdrawn from the borders of Fujian and held an auction to celebrate, but that is not right. If that were the case, Fangshi's protective shield should have been closed, and it would not have been left open like now, wasting spiritual stones. Xu Zhiyu thought.

After Fang Chao finished telling the news, he began to observe everyone's expressions and found that most people had doubts on their faces, but he had no intention of explaining. This was also something his master had specially warned not to leak the news about the lack of spiritual stones. Get out, otherwise people will definitely be in panic.

"In this auction, there will be many treasures, ranging from first- to fourth-order spiritual objects. Uncle Xiang brought them from the sect specially. I have a list of treasures here, you can take a look."

Seeing that everyone was not interested, Fang Chao followed suit, and then more than ten green jade slips were drilled out of his storage ring and came to every monk present.

Originally, Xu Zhiyu was not interested in any auctions. Now he just wanted to leave Fujian as soon as possible. However, seeing that others had already taken the jade slips and inspected them, he could not stand alone and could only follow others.

But you don’t know it until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it.

There are really many kinds of spiritual objects here, and some of them are so precious that they are impossible to appear in ordinary auctions.

No, just when he was looking at various spiritual creatures that he had never heard of or seen before, an excited voice suddenly came to his ears.

"A 500-year-old purple qi treasure talisman, is this true? We haven't seen a treasure of this level in Weihaifang City's auction for many years!"

Xu Zhiyu looked back and found that the monk jumping up and down excitedly was a local casual cultivator from Fujian. Because of his extraordinary attainments in formations, he was invited to the party.

"Hahaha, there are actually so many foundation-building pills to be auctioned. It's really a big deal, worthy of Yang Jiugong!"

"Great, my incompetent son. I originally thought there was no hope for him to build a foundation, but now it seems there is still hope. In this auction, even if the pot is sold, I will give him a foundation building pill. "


Everyone who was originally not very interested became very excited after reading the auction catalog, and they all found the spiritual objects they were interested in.

Xu Zhiyu was no exception. In the miscellaneous column, he actually saw a third-level low-grade monster soul being auctioned, and it was specially marked that this third-order low-grade monster had mastered the innate supernatural power of spiritual attack during its lifetime. Just what he dreamed of.

But it is a pity that there is only one kind of such beast soul, and it is not all five elements. But after thinking about it, it is better than nothing. I touched the storage ring and vowed to get this thing.

Seeing that everyone's enthusiasm had been mobilized, Fang Chao smiled slightly and continued:

"You all already know the good news about the auction, and you are the first to know it. However, other Taoist friends in Fang City don't know the news yet, so Fang wants to ask everyone here. After returning, you must remember to It would be helpful to publicize this matter more so that more fellow Taoists can know about it!"

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Fang. Such a grand event should involve everyone in the city. Spreading the news is just a matter of effort."

A monk from the sixth floor of Zifu expressed his position on behalf of everyone, and then everyone left one after another except the monks from Yangjiu Palace.

After returning to his residence, standing in the yard, Xu Zhiyu scanned with his consciousness and found that Lin Xi and Qin Ming were both there. After thinking for a while, he sent a message to call them both out.

"Brother Xu, why did today's party end so early? In the past, I remember that you would not come back until dark. Today is not daytime yet?"

The person who asked the question was Qin Ming. The two had had conflicts before. Originally, both parties had ignored each other. However, since Fang Chao and the others visited him many times and held a party here, they saw that he was actually dating a disciple of Le Zhenren. Very soon, Qin Ming's attitude changed fundamentally and he began to greet him with a smile.

And Xu Zhiyu also knew the principle of not hitting the smiling person, so he did not deliberately ignore the other person, but treated him politely. However, the private communication did not increase, and he adopted a respectful attitude.

"Brother Qin, Brother Lin, I heard some good news at the party, so I hurried back to tell you." "Oh, I wonder what the news is?"

"I heard from Fellow Daoist Fang that Master Lezhen has ordered an auction to be held in seven days. There will be many rare spiritual objects in it. I have a replica of the auction catalog here. You two can take a look."

After reading it, the two of them were equally excited. They each took out a blank jade slip, made a copy of the auction list, and walked out of the courtyard with it, presumably to inform their Taoist friends with whom they had good relationships.

At this time, scenes like this were still happening in Weihaifang City, and the news of the auction was spreading quietly at an extremely fast speed. In less than a day, everyone knew the news. .

Nowadays, whenever two acquaintances meet in the streets, the first words they say to each other are no longer to say hello, but to ask each other if they know about an auction.

Fang Chao and the others' preparations were also in full swing, and Xu Zhiyu was even called by them to help.

This auction was held in two venues, divided into low-level auctions and high-level auctions. Basically, Qi training and foundation building participated in the low-end ones, and Zifu Jindan participated in the high-end ones. There is nothing that can be done about it. If If they are held together, there are tens of thousands of qi-training monks in the city, and there is simply not such a big place, okay?
And this time, in order to thank all the monks for their joint efforts in guarding the market, Master Lezhen also specially ordered that there will be no admission fee for this auction, so the number of monks who will come can be expected. Who is willing to miss the free excitement? ? It will be overcrowded by then.

Xu Zhiyu didn't care too much about the low-level auction because he wasn't going to attend. What he cared about was the high-level auction. After asking Cheng Hong about it, he learned that the venue for the high-level auction was set up in a large building in front of the management hall. Inside the store, this place was originally the property of Yang Jiugong, called Baizhen Building. The building is a hundred feet high and divided into five floors. Now it has been temporarily transformed into an auction venue.

He walked inside and walked around, and found that only the top two floors had private rooms and had been transformed into auction houses. The lower three floors were basically unchanged. Curious, he found Fang Chao, who was directing his junior brothers and sisters, and asked He asked the question in his mind.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, you are obviously over-worrying. There are eighty or ninety private rooms on the third and fourth floors in total. How can there not be enough? Some time ago, I made a special count of the Zifu monks in Fang City on the order of my master. , there are less than eighty people, plus a few Jindan seniors, these ninety boxes are definitely enough."

It turned out that Xu Zhiyu found that the number of private rooms on the top two floors was too few, so he suggested adding more, but was rejected by Fang Chao. The two parties now have a good relationship, so he did not hide anything he wanted to say, but just made it clear.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, it's not that I'm overly concerned, but that you've been too busy recently and you're pressed for time, so you haven't thought it through.

There are no cultivation restrictions in this high-end auction. The Qi-training monks here probably won’t come, but the foundation-building monks can’t be sure. Think about it, apart from the fourth-level spiritual objects, is the most attractive spiritual object? That 500-year-old purple qi talisman? Although its grade is the third-level top grade, it is the treasure that all foundation-building monks dream of. Therefore, I dare to conclude that there will be many foundation-building monks at the auction the day after tomorrow, especially those with ninth-level foundation building and perfect mana. of monks. "

Fang Chao was stunned by what he said, then he slapped his forehead fiercely, and then blamed himself:
"Blame me, blame me. I've been too busy these days. I just said something felt wrong, but I couldn't remember it. Brother Xu, you really woke up the dreamer with your words. Thank you so much!"

After finishing speaking, he first cupped his fists and saluted him, then turned his head and shouted to Yang Li, who was directing his disciples to work:
"Junior Brother Yang, come here quickly, I have something you need to do."


Next, more than a hundred private rooms were added to the auction house. Although it may not be enough, the space is only so big. If too many foundation builders come, they will have to squeeze in.

So another two days passed, and the auction was held as scheduled.

Among the monks who came to participate, the Jindan monks were all from the city, and there were no outsiders. However, when the Jindan monks entered the scene, something changed. Originally, they thought that there were only Lezhenren Zhaozhen, and the recently sent There were only three Xiang Zhenren who came to Fang City, but unexpectedly, eight people came. The three extra golden elixir monks immediately aroused everyone's curiosity, and they all started looking for acquaintances to inquire about the news.

Of course Xu Zhiyu is no exception, and the most important thing is that among the five strange golden elixirs, there is actually an acquaintance of him, but that person has been communicating with the real person next to him just now and did not notice his existence.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, do you know the origins of these real people? Why do they look so unfamiliar to them?"

Xu Zhiyu was arrested today. At this time, the monks from the Zifu who were in Heyang Jiugong stood at the door and acted as greeters. They were responsible for arranging boxes for the monks from the Zifu who came to attend the auction. Yang Li happened to be closest to him, so he asked directly .

"I don't know either. I have been here helping senior brother organize the auction these past few days. It's not like you haven't seen it. I haven't gone anywhere else, so like you, I don't know anything.

However, around Xu o'clock last night, the senior brother said that the master was summoned, so he went there. Maybe these real people came at that time. You can ask him later. "

"Okay, thank you, Fellow Daoist Yang, for clearing up the confusion. Fellow Daoist Fang is here. I'll go ask him. I would like to trouble you, Fellow Daoist, to keep a closer eye on this place!"

"It's okay, just go and go. The auction is about to start. I think people are almost here. I can handle it by myself. After you finish asking, you don't have to come back here. You can just go to the box. Yang Li warned him while waving his hand to signal him to leave.

"Thank you so much, fellow Taoist!"

After saying hello at the end, he walked towards where Fang Chao was. At this time, he was stacking the auction items and ranking all the spiritual objects in the final order.

He also told the auctioneer who would be on stage later to conduct the auction in strict accordance with the order. Otherwise, if the person calling out was an auction magic weapon, but what appeared in front of everyone was a magic talisman, the people in Yang Jiugong would definitely make a fool of themselves even if they lost all.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, are you convenient now? I have something to ask you."

It happened that Fang Chao had just finished his work. When he heard his question, he first waved the people around him to leave, then led him to a relatively secluded place, and then signaled that he could speak.

"I wonder if Fellow Daoist Fang knows the identities of the five new Jindan seniors?" He asked straight to the point.

"Three of those people were sent to us by the branch alliance to help guard Weihaifang City, and the remaining two are Jindan elders from Taiyang Tower. They came this time because they have a business to do with our Yang Jiugong. Then they will leave and take a sea ship to go north to Vietnam!"

Although he didn't know why he was so interested in these people, Fang Chao did not hide it from him, but truthfully told him the news he got from Le Zhenren.

Xu Zhiyu looked thoughtfully at the box where his acquaintance Jin Dan was, and then the corners of his mouth made a slight upward arc, thinking that he was ready to leave Fujian. (End of chapter)

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