The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 429: Sea beasts offer treasures and arrive at Yue Kingdom

Chapter 429: Sea beasts offer treasures and arrive at Yue Kingdom

Xu Zhiyu looked at the sea beasts surrounding the treasure ship in front of him, and then at the several Nascent Soul Masters who exuded powerful pressure, and felt extremely at ease.

The other party was far weaker than theirs in terms of numbers and strength.

So he, who had nothing to do at this time, looked around and took in the scenery on the sea. To be honest, this was the first time he walked out of the hatch after boarding the ship.

It was dusk at this time, and the golden sunset was about to disappear on the sea level. The orange light covered the entire sea surface. Along with the undulating waves, the light kept shining, and the whole world seemed to be plated. Added a light golden color.

These would have been a very beautiful scene, if there weren't so many sea beasts surrounding them.

The two sides faced off for about half an hour. When they saw that the sea beast had no intention of retreating, the treasure ship suddenly buzzed, and then the treasure ship's shield slowly disappeared. Then four Nascent Soul monks came to Taiyang Tower. Under the leadership of Zhenjun, who was in the late stage of Nascent Soul, he flew towards the two nine-tailed octopuses.

On the sparkling water, a giant beast about a thousand feet long was rising and falling in the water, making low and long calls from time to time. When it saw the human monks flying towards it, it told its partner to use its nine giant tails to Supporting his body, he kept raising his huge forehead until it was level with the visitor.

The fifth-level monster has refined its crossbones, and there is no obstacle to communicating with humans. The True Lord of Taiyang Tower, who understood this, was named Feng Li and had a cultivation level of the eighth level of Nascent Soul. When he flew in front of Octopus, he asked directly:
"This fellow Taoist demon tribe blocked our way for no reason. What advice do you have?"

This question contained magical power, and the monks on the treasure ship could still hear it very clearly even though they were some distance away.

"Don't take it seriously. It's just that your treasure ship broke into our territory for no reason, so you came here to take a look. There is no harm in it."

The voice coming out of the mouth of the nine-tailed octopus was very hoarse, as if there was sand stuck in its throat. It was very harsh. Seeing that the other four people were all in the late Nascent Soul stage, it obviously lost its momentum.

"Since nothing happens, please ask fellow Taoist to take these little fish and shrimps away so that we can continue on our journey."

Feng Li said tentatively that he didn't believe this rhetoric at all, not even from the beginning.

It took them Taiyang Tower hundreds of years to explore this channel. Where there are high-level monster beasts' lairs and where there are dangerous places, these are clearly marked. How could two nine-headed monsters suddenly appear? Has the octopus built a nest here?
To be honest, the last treasure ship that used this channel was only a year ago, and they didn't report it, so he concluded that something was fishy.

"To be honest, this fellow Taoist, the interception of your fleet this time was actually under the order of our White Shark Ancestor."

Seeing the other party letting him go, the nine-tailed octopus remembered his ancestor's instructions and began to transmit a message to Feng Li, who was obviously the leading monk.

The people standing behind Feng Li were a little surprised when they saw that the sea beast on the opposite side actually started to communicate with them. Although they really wanted to know the content of the transmission, now was obviously not a good time, so they could only suppress their questions for the time being. In the bottom of my heart.

"Order, what order? Could it be that the white shark ancestor that fellow Taoist mentioned is the sixth-order megalodon senior who is said to have lived in this sea for tens of thousands of years?"

"Yes, that's right. I just heard that Taiyang Tower's intelligence is well-informed, but today I saw it is really extraordinary. I heard that the senior Tong in your tower broke through to become a god, and my ancestor specially ordered me to wait here to serve him specially. The last congratulatory gift from the Sea Clan.”

Feng Licai felt relieved after hearing this. He is also considered a high-level executive in Taiyang Tower, and his cultivation level is close to the top in the entire Xuanzhou Continent. Therefore, he knows many confidential matters. There have always been frequent exchanges between high-level people from the human race and high-level people from the sea race. of.

"Crack!" a sound.

A giant tail of the octopus rolled out from the bottom of the water and stretched straight in front of Feng Li. Fortunately, he had already sent a message just now to tell the three people behind him the purpose of the sea beast's trip. Otherwise, the three of them would probably have endured such a sudden attack. Can't help but take action.

The thick tail is connected to a tentacle. As the tentacle slowly opens, a very delicate treasure box is revealed from the inside. As expected, it contains gifts.

Feng Li looked at Octopus and nodded, and Octopus nodded as well. Then he received the storage ring from the treasure box in front of him.

Logically, he should check it first, but he clearly felt the aura of the Unique God Transformation Master from the treasure chest. He still didn't understand why he couldn't open this thing, so he put it away directly.

Perhaps for reasons of confidentiality, when the sea beast delivered the treasure just now, several Nascent Soul Lords worked together to create heavy fog all around. The monks on the treasure ship stretched their necks and kept paying attention to the monks here, except for the same Nascent Soul. No one with cultivation level could see clearly what happened.

"Everything's fine, why is it foggy? Just now you can hear the voices of sea beasts and senior Yuan Ying. Now not only can't you hear the voices, you can't even see people. The silence around you is terrifying. Do you think there's a fight?" A monk from the late Zifu said.

"Isn't it possible? Although the senior Yuan Ying who flew out just now doesn't know what his cultivation level is, there are four of them, and there are only two fifth-level monsters on the opposite side. If they are not crazy, they will definitely not dare to take action." Another person retorted.

"That's hard to say. You have to remember that this is the sea. If we attack here, the sea beasts will definitely have a geographical advantage. Maybe they have some conspiracy." Another person said, but he thought that the sea beasts would have the possibility of taking action.

Their conversations all fell into the ears of Jin Dan who was standing in the void. Immediately, Jin Dan from Taiyang Tower spoke. If they were allowed to speculate like this, it might cause panic.

"Shut up, everyone. Senior Yuanying and the sea beasts are communicating in front. What's the fight about? If you keep talking nonsense, I will throw you off the ship and have a fight with the sea beasts swimming around the treasure ship. If you win, come back. , if you lose, just stay in the sea to feed the sea beasts."

Feeling Master Jindan's oppressive eyes sweeping across his body, the monks who were having a heated discussion just now closed their mouths one by one, for fear of being thrown out.

After a while, the heavy fog surrounding the sea beast and Nascent Soul Emperor dissipated.

When the nine-tailed octopus who had just been talking to Feng Li saw that the matter was done, he let out a long cry and called all the sea beasts to leave.

In just a moment, they had disappeared from the sight of all the monks. At this time, Xu Zhiyu was placing his hands on the railing of the ship, witnessing this grand scene. Hundreds of sea beasts, especially high-level sea beasts, this kind of scene was ordinary. A monk may spend his entire life without ever having the opportunity to witness it with his own eyes.

The Nascent Soul monk who returned to the deck did not stay, and flew directly to the top floor. Finally, a fake baby monk from Taiyang Tower came forward, calmed the emotions of many monks, explained that what just happened was a misunderstanding, and then urged everyone to Return to your cabin and do not linger on the deck. After hearing this, the monks who were still chatting in a lively manner had no choice but to end their discussion and return to their cabins to rest or practice.

Before leaving, Xu Zhiyu first sent a message to Master Lin to say hello. After learning that the rest of the journey would be smooth and there would be no more accidents, he returned to the cabin with satisfaction and continued to draw the message talisman.

In the next month, just as Zhenren Lin told him, no accidents happened. Even in the last few days, the control room of the treasure ship told everyone through internal communication methods that they could move around as they pleased, go to the deck or go to the airport. You can visit other cabins and your freedom will no longer be restricted.

However, Xu Zhiyu, who had been immersed in the world of talisman making, although he also heard the summons, still had no intention of putting down his talisman pen and walking out of the cabin.

Just because his success rate of communication talismans is soaring now, this is a good time to make talismans. How could he waste the opportunity? This state of enlightenment is not something that can be encountered casually. If If you can't seize the opportunity this time, it's hard to say when you will encounter it again next time.

"Huh, I don't know why this magical situation of special concentration occurred this time, but this is a good thing for me. With the help of this power, my current communication talisman success rate has increased by 40%, which is higher than I expected before. The progress is much faster.

Three hundred talisman-making materials cost 3,000 mid-grade spiritual stones, and the final talisman was fifty-seven. According to the price of a communication talisman of 50 mid-grade spiritual stones, you can earn 2,800 by selling them. Fifty pieces of mid-grade spiritual stones were still a slight loss after all.

But don’t be afraid. After that, drawing the communication talisman is mainly about making money. From my current level, in addition to meditating and rotating skills to increase mana, it is completely possible to successfully draw a communication talisman in two days.

After excluding the cost, the net profit from selling the communication talismans I drew in a year would be close to 5,000 mid-grade spiritual stones. This level of income is considered to be at the forefront among the Zifu monks. "

"But although the communication talisman is easy to sell, it's better to have a fixed partner. Otherwise, I can't let me set up a stall to sell it by myself, right? This would be too much of a loss.

It seems that we still need to discuss it with Senior Lin. Doesn't he have an apprentice who is the shopkeeper of the Taiyang Tower branch? It's better to cooperate with him, even as a reward for thanking him for taking him out of the war quagmire in Fujian. "

With this thought in his mind, Xu Zhiyu immediately put away all the talisman-making tools, preparing to restore the mana in his Dantian first, and then go to find Lin Yishan.

However, because he had been concentrating on making talismans during this period and lost track of time, after he recovered his magic power and just walked out of the hatch, he learned from other monks that they had arrived at the port of Yue Kingdom. .

When he came to the deck, he found that all the monks had walked out of the cabin and stood here looking forward to it.

Following their gaze, Xu Zhiyu found the port in front of him and a large city in the distance. The city was called Tianhaifang City. According to what he learned from Lin Zhenren, this was the largest city in the east of Yue State. The city is also the industry of Taiyang Tower.

In his eyes, the entire Tianhaifang City is located on a large mountain, and two-thirds of it is blocked by the mountain. If he wants to see clearly, he can only go close, and he can only see one-third from his position. , all located on the flat land at the foot of the mountain, and then spread all the way to the seaside port.

Although the scale of Tianhaifang City is very large, it is still slightly inferior to Tianyuanfang City where he once stayed. However, compared with Qianyangfang City in Fujian, it is much larger. This shows that the Yue State It is a bit stronger than Fujian.

The mountain that relies on Tianhaifang City is also famous. It is called Xunlei Mountain. There is a fifth-level low-grade spiritual vein underground. When viewed from the deck, its height reaches the clouds, which is extremely majestic.

As the treasure ship slowly sailed into the port, Xu Zhiyu and the monks who had been waiting on the deck for a long time got off the ship and set foot on land again.

Looking at the gate of Fangshi in the distance and the vaguely visible shops, after he got off the boat, he did not follow the others and went straight to Fangshi. Instead, he came to a place where no one passed by, took out the communication instrument, and started to contact Master Qi Lin is here.

I don't know if it was because of something, but Master Lin didn't reply to him until a full hour after he was summoned.

"Xu Xiaoyou, I'm really sorry. After arriving at the port, I was summoned by Elder Yuanying in the building and asked me and several other brothers to take stock of the spiritual resources traded from various places in Fujian. , after the inventory was correct, it was handed over to the Nascent Soul monk in the building to take back to the headquarters, so I couldn't get away for the time being.

Let's go to Tianhaifang City and find an inn to stay in. I'll come find you when I'm done and take you for a walk. "

After listening to the message, he responded with an acknowledgment, and was completely submerged in the crowd of monks at the port.

Half a day later, Xu Zhiyu's figure had appeared on the streets of Tianhaifang City, and he was strolling around.

As he walked, he scanned the surroundings with his eyes. In addition to observing the local monks, he was also looking for a suitable inn.

But what was a bit strange was that even though he had been wandering the streets for a long time, he still didn't find any sign of an inn.

Feeling puzzled, he stopped a foundation-building monk at random and learned from his mouth that it turned out that the inns here were all opened on the same street.

Following the man's instructions, it took him nearly half an hour to reach a street full of inns.

"Tiantianju, Xiakelai, Youxianfang, Qianjiaolou, I'll go. Isn't this last brothel? Is it possible that all the brothels in Fangshi are also open here?"

Looking at the seductive woman who was using low-level charm skills on him and wearing bold and revealing clothes, Xu Zhiyu just snorted coldly and walked over quickly.

Finally, his footsteps stopped at the door of an inn called Youran Pavilion. He looked up at the inconspicuous wooden pavilion for a while, and then he set off and walked in.

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(End of this chapter)

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