The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 526: Crocodile turtle beast, rare thunder stone

"It seems that I still have to use the Wanli Tracking Talisman. If I continue to fly aimlessly like this, I don't know when it will end."

Looking at the low-lying, water-logged, and overgrown swamp area below his feet, and then looking up at the hazy gray-white fog all around, Xu Zhiyu muttered to himself.

Since leaving Tiandu Market, he traveled all the way south and finally arrived at the outskirts of the Misty Swamp ten days ago.

At first, he was skeptical about what the Jindan cultivator he met said, that it was impossible to reach the Cang Lei Plain without the Wanli Searching Talisman.

Therefore, after he came here, he did not use the talisman immediately, but wanted to rely on his own abilities to pass through the foggy swamp.

But the fact proved that while he overestimated himself, he also underestimated the foggy swamp.

Although he tried various methods to get through in the past few days and felt like he was flying in one direction, he was ultimately unable to reach the Cang Lei Plain.

This meant that he was lost, because according to the map, the Misty Swamp only covered an area of ​​about 50,000 miles. At his current speed, he could definitely get through it in five days at most.

He took out the Wanli Tracking Talisman and stuck it on his body, then activated it. He instantly felt his sense of direction strengthened a lot. He stood in the air and felt it for a while, then chose a direction and started flying.

This foggy swamp is indeed a forbidden area for low-level cultivators. Apart from the difficulty in figuring out the direction, there are also various risks hidden under the swamp. During his flight, Xu Zhiyu encountered no less than seven or eight kinds of monsters that attacked him secretly.

However, most of them were in the Purple Mansion stage and posed no threat to him. But when he passed through a very clear area of ​​water, suddenly a green light flashed, and then turned into thousands of poisonous arrows, attacking him at an extremely fast speed.

"Looking at the power, the monster that launched the attack is at least level four. That's quite interesting."

Xu Zhiyu was not in a hurry. He waved his hand casually, and the magic power in his dantian penetrated his body and condensed into a huge magic shield three feet outside his body. The shield was surrounded by arcs of electricity and looked very extraordinary.

The moment the oncoming green poison arrow touched the shield, it was instantly shattered by the electric arc and then scattered without causing him any harm.

The monster's attack lasted about ten breaths. During this period, Xu Zhiyu not only used a shield to resist, but also did not forget to use his spiritual sense to search the swamp under his feet.

He tried to find the monster hiding in the dark, but the result was not as he expected, and this swamp was not an ordinary place.

His spiritual consciousness penetrated about a hundred feet into the water and could not go any deeper. It was as if it encountered some strange substance that isolated its spiritual consciousness.

Seeing that the monster did not attack again after launching an attack, Xu Zhiyu thought of other things he needed to do, so he did not dwell on it any longer and prepared to move forward.

But what was unexpected was that although he thought so, the monster under the swamp did not think so. When he flew ten miles away, the same attack attacked him again.

"Okay, okay, if you want to play, then I will play with you to your heart's content."

After dodging the attack, Xu Zhiyu's expression turned cold. He knew that if he wanted to escape today, he would have to kill a lot of people.

He moved his palms slightly, and two fist-sized thunder balls instantly appeared in his palms. Then he began to use his spiritual sense to sense the movements of the swamp within a hundred miles, preparing to deal with the monsters at ease.

The monster seemed to be able to see through his thoughts and started playing hide-and-seek with him. When he didn't move, the monster was very patient and didn't take the initiative to attack him.

This would definitely not work. Xu Zhiyu thought about it for a moment, and a good idea suddenly came to his mind. He first put away the thunder ball in his left hand, and then a dark green talisman appeared in his hand.

This talisman was drawn by him himself. It was ranked as the lower fourth grade and was called the Substitute Talisman. It had a very peculiar effect.

He first poured a lot of magic power into the talisman, and when it reached a critical point, a figure suddenly emerged from the talisman and slowly grew from small to large.

If you look closely, you will find that the figure transformed by the talisman has the same appearance and cultivation level as Xu Zhiyu, but his eyes are a little dull and his intelligence does not seem to be very high.

"Whether you can kill the monsters blocking the road depends on you. Go ahead."

Although since drawing this talisman, I have witnessed its magical effects many times.

But every time he used it, Xu Zhiyu couldn't help but sigh, just because this thing was too similar to himself, like an avatar.

After finishing speaking, Xu Zhiyu flicked his fingers slightly, and a stream of magic power penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of the talisman clone.

Then, as if it were given life, its expression became agile, and then it performed the art of escape and flew away into the distance.

He stood there without moving, observing his surroundings with his spiritual sense. He wanted to see where the monsters under the swamp were attacking from.

Facts have proved that his trick was very effective. When the talisman clone flew out ten miles away, another similar attack came towards it.

Xu Zhiyu now understood that the one who launched the attack was a black turtle crocodile hiding more than a hundred feet deep in the swamp, and its grade was the lower fourth level.

Although the talisman clone looked exactly like him, it was fake after all, so he was unable to make an effective response to the poisonous arrow attack from the black turtle crocodile.

Therefore, after one attack, the talisman clone fell into the swamp. When the Black Turtle Crocodile saw that the food was right at its mouth, how could it let it go easily?

However, it was also very cautious and did not rush out of the ground rashly. Instead, it cast a unique magic and began to drag its clone into the swamp little by little.

Seeing this, Xu Zhiyu was no longer interested in watching any further. He directly locked onto the location of the Black Turtle Crocodile, condensed two huge thunder balls with his left and right hands, and threw them towards the target.

The power of his thunder ball has been tested many times. It is no problem for it to split mountains and crack rocks, let alone this small swamp which is only a hundred feet deep.


After a series of explosions, the swamp more than a hundred feet away where the Black Turtle Crocodile was hiding was directly blown up. Not only that, it was also seriously injured.

However, the Black Turtle Crocodile did not intend to surrender. Instead, it thrust its body downwards and tried to hide in deeper soil.

"Hey, isn't it a little too late to run now? You'd better stay here!"

Xu Zhiyu sneered twice, the thunder ball in his left hand turned into a longbow, and the thunder ball in his right hand turned into a sharp arrow. He bent the bow and shot an arrow with great force, which directly penetrated the hard shell of the black tortoise crocodile and broke out of the body.


A heart-wrenching roar was heard, and the sound spread about a hundred miles away.

"Oh, you have quite a strong vitality. You can even roar, and roar so loudly. It seems that one shot is not enough to kill you. Then I will shoot you with another arrow."

Seeing that the black turtle crocodile was not dead yet after being hit by a lightning arrow, Xu Zhiyu considerately shot it with another arrow to reduce its pain. This time, it didn't even cry out and died directly.

After killing the monster, he did not leave immediately, but came to the side of the black turtle crocodile, broke open its broken body, and began to look for the demon pill. The fourth-level demon pill was worth a lot of spirit stones, so he couldn't miss it. The demon pill of the black turtle crocodile was azure blue and very crystal clear. After observing it for a while, he put it into the storage ring.

Just as he was about to leave, his spiritual sense suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something in the nest of the black turtle crocodile. After a careful search, he actually found six eggs with a diameter of about one foot.

Without asking, one knows that these must have been left by the Black Turtle Crocodile. However, it is a pity that six of the eight eggs were destroyed in their previous battle, and only two were intact.

“The egg of a fourth-level monster is still worth cultivating, so take it with you!
After returning to the family, I will put it in the family treasury. If a member of the family likes it, he can use the family contribution points to exchange it and then hatch it."

With a thought, the two intact black turtle crocodile eggs disappeared on the spot.

He didn't delay any further and flew forward again.

This time it went much more smoothly. He did not encounter any monster attacks again until he flew out of the misty swamp. Of course, this might also be related to the blood of the fourth-level monster Black Turtle Crocodile that was stained on his body.

The monsters' sense of smell is very sensitive. How could they not be afraid when they smell the blood of a fourth-level monster? So wherever he went, the monsters hiding in the swamps all avoided him as if he were the god of plague.

After crossing the Misty Swamp, you will actually reach the Cang Lei Plain. These two places are closely adjacent to each other.

"Is this the Cang Lei Plain? Apart from being flat, there's nothing special about it!"

Xu Zhiyu spoke as he flew. What came into view was an endless plain. No matter which direction he looked, the scenery was exactly the same. Apart from various weeds growing there, there was no other landscape.

"According to the map, the Cang Lei Plain is 100,000 miles in radius, and the place where the Thunder Stone is produced is in the northeast, but there is no clear address. How can we find it?"

After thinking hard, he had to land on the ground, take out the spirit stones and pile them beside him, and start to recover his magic power. After all this journey, the magic power in his dantian was less than 30%.

If he had just hurried on, the consumption wouldn't have been so great, but didn't he encounter a lot of monsters along the way? Although it didn't cause much trouble, it consumed a lot of his mana.

The Dantian of a Jindan stage cultivator is vast and boundless, and it is not easy to accumulate enough magic power. Therefore, it took a full month to barely fill up the Dantian.

"Well, there's no point in thinking too much. Let's just look for it while flying. I believe as long as our luck isn't too bad, we'll find it sooner or later."

After comforting and encouraging himself, Xu Zhiyu set out again with full fighting spirit.

In this way, he wandered around the Canglei Plain for half a month. Finally, when he passed by a rare mountain range, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the northeast.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Looking up, he saw deafening thunder coming from about two thousand miles away, which attracted his attention.

"I remember that the map mentioned that where Thunder Stones are produced, there seem to be countless thunder explosions. Could it be that the place I'm looking for is there?"

After standing in the void and pondering for a moment, Xu Zhiyu decided to go over and take a look.

But I didn't expect that before I even got close to that area, a voice transmission sounded in my sea of ​​consciousness:
"The fellow Daoist in front, don't dare to fly forward. If you fly forward, you will reach the lightning strike area. It is very dangerous there. The thunder that falls from the sky is extremely powerful. One strike is enough to injure the golden elixir."

After hearing the voice, he stopped on his own initiative, and then looked in the direction where the voice came from, only to find a young female cultivator in white standing in the distance, smiling and waving at him.

"My fellow Daoist, is the area ahead really that dangerous?"

"That's right. Only Yuanying level can enter there. I see that you are only at the early stage of Jindan level. It's better not to show off your strength, or you will get hurt."

The young female cultivator continued to persuade him kindly, but Xu Zhiyu's purpose of coming here was to get the Thunder Stone, so how could he give up so easily? No matter what the result was, he had to go and see it.

Therefore, he first saluted the female cultivator whose cultivation level he could not see through, and then said:

"Thank you for the reminder, fairy. But what I came here to find only exists in that area, so I don't care about getting hurt."

After expressing his thanks, Xu Zhiyu continued to fly forward, but his speed slowed down a lot. Although he was a congenital thunder spirit and was not afraid of thunder attacks, he still had to be prepared for the worst.

As he slowly approached, he found that this area was very strange. For some reason, there was a dark cloud with a radius of about 100 miles gathered in the sky. Thunder flashed continuously inside the cloud, and rumbling sounds were endless.

Below the dark clouds is a rocky beach covering an area of ​​a thousand miles, with all kinds of strange rocks in different sizes, some as small as thumbs, some as big as mountains, and so many that they are impossible to count.

Every half a quarter of an hour or so, a bolt of lightning would emerge from the dark clouds and strike towards the rocky beach.

Every time there was a piece of stone that was hit and then shattered into pieces. He observed for two hours and found that it was like this every time.

Just as he was observing carefully, the young female cultivator in white appeared behind him again.

"Fellow Daoist, there is nothing interesting here except for the lightning stone game that repeats day after day."

Xu Zhiyu looked at the other person in surprise, because from the woman's tone, he seemed to be very familiar with this place, so he tried to ask:
"To be honest, Fairy, I came here to look for a special material, but I don't know how to obtain it. If you are willing to give me some pointers, I will reward you handsomely."

After hearing his words, the female cultivator smiled faintly on her cold face, and then asked him firmly:

"I guess you came here from afar for the Thunder Stone, right?"

"How do you know, fellow Taoist?"

"What's so strange about this? Among the one hundred people who came here, ninety-nine of them came to look for the Thunder Stone."

"Then the fairy is also here to look for the Thunder Stone?"

"I, I'm not. I'm here for fun."

"Uh... then may I ask, fellow Taoist, how can I obtain this Thunder Stone?"

"There is no other way but to wait."

"How long will it take? One month or two months, or one or two years?"

"I don't know. It may be much longer than this. I heard that the last time a thunder stone appeared here was nearly a thousand years ago."

Hearing this, Xu Zhiyu was paralyzed. (End of this chapter)

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