The Xu family follows Taoism and seeks longevity

Chapter 528 Family Recent Situation

When Xu Zhiyu was swimming freely in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, the Xuanzhou Yue Kingdom was more than 200 million miles away from him.

At this moment, there was a ship sailing on the yellow sand sea, cutting through the wind and waves.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are sixty or seventy monks standing on the deck of the third-grade superior sea boat.

Among these cultivators, more than half were Qi Refining cultivators, the remaining five were Foundation Building cultivators, and there were two Purple Mansion cultivators.

Standing at the front of the deck, holding onto the side of the ship and gazing into the distance was Xu Chengsheng, the predecessor of the Xu family. Standing next to him was Xu Zhisong from the Xu family.

The tribesmen standing on the deck seemed particularly excited. They gathered in groups of two or three, pointing at the endless sea.

"Brother Jihui, are we almost at Half Moon Island where Uncle Twenty-Ninth and his group are? Remember when we left Maple Leaf Market, Uncle Eleven said we could definitely get there in half a month, and it's already been more than ten days."

A tall, thin-faced member of the Xu clan asked his brother who was standing beside him.

Since the number of the Xu family's Ji generation has grown so rapidly, there are now more than 200 of them. So they no longer address each other with numbers, but instead call each other "brother one hundred something" or "sister two hundred something".

That would be too much trouble.

The way they address each other now is based on their age, they directly call each other brothers and sisters, younger brothers and younger sisters, which is very simple and clear.

"That's about right. We didn't encounter any monsters blocking our way, so we didn't delay our journey. I estimate we should be there in two days."

The person being questioned answered while leaning out from the deck and looking down.

"Brother, among the tribesmen stationed on Half Moon Island, are there any you are familiar with?"

"Why do you ask?"

When Xu Jihui heard the news, he stepped back and turned to ask his cousin.

"If there is, once we get to the island, we will beg him to take us out to the sea in a boat."

"Aren't you on the sea now? Come and see if you want!"

Although he understood his cousin's little thoughts from his words, Xu Jihui did not point it out and pretended not to understand.

"Oh, how can this be the same? We are traveling with the old patriarch and Uncle Eleven this time.

You know how strict they are with us.

Since we stepped onto the sea boat, we are not allowed to go out to sea for fun, and we are not even allowed to step on the deck easily. What's the point of this?"

Xu Jilin said with a bitter face and melancholy.

"Oh, I see. To put it bluntly, you want to go down into the sea and fight the sirens yourself for some excitement, right?"

"Yes, that's what I think. I'm not the only one who thinks so. I estimate that most of the people on the boat think so. Brother Jihui, don't you want to go to the sea and experience it yourself?"

Hearing his cousin yearning for the sea so much, Xu Jihui just smiled and said nothing. He understood his cousin's feelings very well.

The Xu family was originally located near the Hengduan Mountains, which is far away from the ocean. The Qin State was not near the sea, so the clansmen were very curious about the ocean.

However, he felt it was necessary to warn his fellow brothers and let them know that in addition to being fun, the sea also has an unknown and dangerous side.

"Jilin, I understand how you feel. To be honest, if possible, I would also like to jump into the sea and have a good time, but we can't do that. Do you know why?"

Xu Jilin was originally very happy to hear that his cousin had the same idea as him, but before he could be happy for long, his cousin's turning point came.

"I don't know about this, please enlighten me, brother."

"No problem. You just asked me if there are any monks I'm familiar with on Half Moon Island. I can tell you clearly that there are three."

"so many?"

"Well, there used to be three, but now there's only one left."

"And what about the other two?"

"The other two, because they disobeyed the twenty-ninth great-grandfather's prohibition and secretly drove the sea boat out to play, they were directly buried in the mouth of the monster."

"No way, are you trying to coax me with these words, brother?"

Xu Jilin was a little bit unconvinced. He felt that it was impossible for such a coincidence to happen. However, looking at his cousin's serious expression, he knew that this should be true.

“It’s true. When the twenty-ninth uncle found out that they were missing, he immediately arranged for Uncle Zhifeng to stay on the island, activated the island protection formation, and then hurriedly set out to look for them.

The sea boat they were sailing on was made by the twenty-ninth great uncle himself. He left a special mark on it. Thanks to this, the twenty-ninth great uncle finally found them four days later.

No, it should be said that Haizhou was found. Their bodies had been eaten by monsters. It was also from the large amount of bloodstains left on the deck that Twenty-Ninth Uncle realized that they had been killed.

This matter was told to me by the only tribesman who was not in any danger, who had sent me a jade slip to convey the message.

He also said that since then, the twenty-ninth uncle and the uncle Zhifeng have been more strict in managing the clan members entering and leaving Half Moon Island. Once they have established their foundation, they are strictly prohibited from going out to sea. If there are any violators, they will be severely punished. "

These words made Xu Jilin completely lose his temper, but he still expressed sympathy for the plight of the two tribesmen.

But his restless heart did not calm down because of this, and he still stared at the sea around the ship with burning eyes.

Seeing his cousin's expression, Xu Jihui felt angry and amused, and said slowly:
“But the tribesman I know also said that in order to prevent the tribesmen from getting bored on the island, the twenty-ninth uncle made a decision after careful consideration.

That is, he or his uncle Zhifeng would regularly lead some foundation-building and Qi-refining clan members to form a monster hunting team.

In the sea area of ​​1,000 miles around Half Moon Island, we started hunting monsters. After all, it is not a big deal if the lair is blocked by monsters. "

Hearing this, Xu Jilin immediately became interested and asked:

"Really? That's great. I used to only go into the mountains to hunt monsters on land, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity to hunt sea monsters.

When I get to Half Moon Island, I will immediately apply to join the monster hunting team."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance. There are many more sea monsters than on land. You may just finish hunting today, and pass by here tomorrow and find a new group of sea monsters." "That would be great. We don't have to drive the sea boat around. We can just find a place where sea monsters must pass by and wait there."

"It's not impossible, but I'm afraid that you are just interested for a while. After hunting for a while, the novelty will wear off and you will not want to go out to sea anymore."

“No, I have always had a soft spot for hunting monsters and I will never get tired of it.

I am a Qi Refining cultivator now, so I will hunt first-level sea monsters. When my cultivation breaks through to the Foundation Establishment stage, I will hunt second-level monsters. I will continue like this. It is very interesting and I will never get bored. "

"Okay, it's like you said.

And let me tell you, according to the rules of the Huangsha Sea, our Xu family is the Purple Mansion force, so the thousands of miles of sea surrounding Half Moon Island all belong to us.

In such a vast sea area, there are countless islands, some are as small as a few feet in radius, and some are as large as dozens of miles in radius.

Some monks have settled on these islands, and some are home to amphibious sea beasts. They can be said to be a natural treasure trove.

According to the message sent to me by that clan brother, one of the clan members was searching for the whereabouts of a monster. When he got tired of flying with a sword, he found an inconspicuous island to settle down.

The size of that island was about the same as the boat we were on. When he landed on it to rest, he accidentally felt pure spiritual energy emerging from the bulge in the center of the island.

This aroused his curiosity, so he just walked over with his magic weapon. Later, after excavation, he actually found a second-grade inferior water spirit vein underground.

This discovery made my twenty-ninth uncle who was traveling with us very happy, because the location of the island was only three hundred miles away from Half Moon Island.

It can be built into a lookout island to observe the movements of monsters approaching Half Moon Island at any time and make timely preparations.

Finally, relying on this water spirit vein, Uncle Twenty-Nine set up a second-order superior-grade protective formation on the island, and at the same time sent two foundation-building brothers to guard it.

According to him, the location of the island is to the south of Half Moon Island, and the direction we are sailing now happens to be south, which means we are likely to pass by the island. You can take a good look at it then."

"Of course. But just now I heard you say that our Xu family is a Purple Mansion power. This doesn't seem right. Uncle Nineteen has clearly successfully broken through to the Golden Core stage."

He believed everything else his cousin said, but he felt that he was wrong about this one thing.

“Haha, power attributes are not calculated like that.

If we calculate according to the situation in Qin State, our Xu family is indeed a Jindan force, but in this Yellow Sand Sea, Half Moon Island can only be regarded as a Zifu force, because you don’t have a Jindan cultivator in charge here.

This is at most a branch of our Xu family, so it cannot be measured according to the strength of the main clan.

I heard that because this is a newly developed sea area, many Jindan forces in Yue State have established branches here, and their strengths are calculated based on the strength of the monks stationed here."

"In that case, our coming with the old patriarch and Uncle Eleven to reinforce us this time, wouldn't that greatly expand our strength here?"

"Yes, that's right."

"So, brother, do you know why so many of us came here this time? Are we just here to strengthen the strength of Half Moon Island?"

Hearing this question, Xu Jihui hesitated for a moment, then glanced in the direction where Xu Chengsheng and Xu Zhisong were standing, and then whispered mysteriously:
"I heard it, I just heard it, you just listen to it, I don't know if it's true or not."

"No problem, brother, go ahead and tell me."

"I heard that the family intends to expand its influence here, and then gradually shift the focus of the family's development here, and will transfer a large number of clan members here in the future."

"No way, our Xu family has been doing very well in Qin State. Ever since Uncle Nineteen's Golden Core Ceremony, that Golden Core faction has been praising the Golden Core Xu family.
Let’s not talk about anything else, just take my uncle Zhiqiang for example. It was said that he fell in love with a female foundation-building cultivator from the Zhang family of Baoluo Mansion, but the other party relied on the support of the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Lingxiao Sect and directly rejected the marriage proposal.

But after Uncle Nineteen's Golden Elixir Ceremony, the six Purple Mansion cultivators from the Zhang family in Baoluo Prefecture personally brought the female cultivator that Uncle Zhiqiang liked to visit my Xu family and begged for a marriage between the two families.

The Xu family's development in Qin State is booming. Recently, they discovered a lapis lazuli mine and are organizing manpower to mine it.

How could they give up that place and come to the Huangsha Sea where they are unfamiliar with the place? This is simply impossible. "

Xu Jilin analyzed, shaking his head.

"How is it impossible? You saw the last beast tide, the scale was unprecedented. If the leaders of our human race hadn't acted decisively and pushed the battlefield into the territory of the monsters, do you know how many people would have died?
You and I did not participate in the last beast tide due to our low strength, but I have heard from the brothers and sisters of the Foundation Establishment Clan who participated that third-level monsters appeared in endlessly and fourth-level monsters were also commonplace.

Think about it, what if the next time a beast tide breaks out, more than a dozen fourth-level monsters attack our Xu family sect at the same time? How can we resist such an attack? "

"Don't we have Uncle Nineteen? Why should we be afraid? He is very strong."

Xu Jilin interrupted and said that since the last Golden Elixir Ceremony, the Xu family's admiration for Xu Zhiyu has reached a whole new level.

In their perception, their nineteenth brother, nineteenth uncle, and nineteenth great-uncle are omnipotent.

"I know how powerful Uncle Nineteen is, and I believe that no matter how many fourth-level monsters come, they will not be Uncle Nineteen's opponent. But have you ever thought about what to do if a fifth-level monster comes?"

This question left Xu Jilin speechless. Although his uncle Nineteen was invincible in his heart, he did not dare to say that the object of his admiration could hunt and kill fifth-level monsters.

"So, living near the Hengduan Mountains is a huge hidden danger in itself. It is not impossible for the family to move here to develop."

After hearing this, Xu Jilin still didn't say anything, but he looked in a bad mood.

"What's wrong? If the family really moves here, you can go out to sea anytime in the future. Isn't this what you want? Why are you still so unhappy?"

"Compared to hunting sea beasts, I still prefer the monsters in the Hengduan Mountains. If my family doesn't move, what's the harm in letting me stay there and hunt land monsters for the rest of my life?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at his brother with deep affection and nervousness and asked:

"Brother Jihui, what you just said couldn't be true, right? If so, I would rather go back now."

“I’m not sure. The real answer lies in the minds of the old clan leader, ancestors and other high-level people. We have no way of knowing.

But once we reach Half Moon Island, we should have the answer."

After saying this, the two lost interest in continuing the conversation and returned to the cabin together.

Their conversation was heard word for word by Xu Chengsheng and Xu Zhisong who were standing at the front of the deck. (End of this chapter)

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