Chapter 29 Alien White Ape
  "Specially light up the corresponding acupoints on the legs?"

Chen Fan was startled: "The practice of Iron Body Kung Fu requires lighting up all the 365 main acupoints in the body, right?"

"Specialize to light up the corresponding acupoints on the legs. How weak is that?"

"How could anyone do that?"

"Haha." Lu Tingyi smiled awkwardly. He looked at his arms and said, "I just didn't expect that you could practice Iron Body Kung Fu to such an extent in such a short period of time."

He looked at Chen Fan and asked: "Chen Fan, with the strength you just showed, your Iron Body Skill has probably reached the level of Dacheng, right?"

"A little bit."

Chen Fan shook his head: "It's just that I am gifted and my strength is a bit greater than that of ordinary warriors. As for the Iron Body Skill, it will probably take a few days before I can advance."

Really gifted?

Lu Tingyi and Wang Tiegu looked at each other and were shocked.

The power Chen Fan had just displayed was no weaker than what he would have experienced if he had mastered a superior external skill to the level of Dacheng.

Moreover, listening to Chen Fan's words, it seems that he is not far away from cultivating the Iron Body Skill to the Dacheng state.

This... is such a gift!

"If Lao Luqian and Brother Wang choose to stay in Yingyue Town, they can rent a house at the Lian family. If they are like me and don't plan to stay here for a long time, they can also stay in an inn."

Chen Fan led the two of them all the way to Yingyue Town and spoke.

"We can just stay here temporarily for a few days."

Lu Tingyilian said.

It's too small here.

Both he and Wang Tiegu wanted to reopen the Tieshen Martial Arts Gym.

Obviously not in Yingyue Town.

"The only choice is here."

Chen Fan searched for a long time before leading the two of them to an inn.

Because Xue Zhibai wanted to challenge Lian Feiyu, more and more warriors came to Yingyue Town these days, and the Yingyue Inn where he stayed was already full.

"Chen Fan, thank you very much this time."

Lu Tingyi said thanks.

If it weren't for Chen Fan this time, it would probably be him and Wang Tiegu who were lying outside Yingyue Town.

"When you guys settle down, just treat me to a drink."

Chen Fan smiled casually.

Then, he didn't stay any longer and turned around to leave.

"Not here?"

Chen Fan used the Light Shadow Skip to reach the roof of a house rented by the Lian family.

What only made him raise an eyebrow was that the third leader of Tianyun Village and his subordinates were not here.


Chen Fan put his hand on the sword at his waist.

"hold on……"

In Chen Fan's mind, he recalled the strong man a few days ago, swearing that he was spitting out words that were like nails.

He let go.

After all, there was still one day left before the agreed time between him and the strong man.

It was only one day, he could afford to wait.

"Why, Lian Feiyu hasn't come back yet?"

Chen Fan left the Lian family's residence silently, visited several pharmacies in the town, and then returned to the inn.

As soon as he entered the inn, he saw Xue Zhibai quietly drinking wine as usual.

"It should be in these two days. If you want to watch me fight with him, you'd better not go out in these two days."

Xue Zhibai replied lightly.

He likes to challenge warriors whose strength is not much different from his own, and who are stronger than him.

This is also his way of training.

Apart from that, he cared about little else.

He didn't have any curiosity about Chen Fan not returning to the inn for several days.

After all, in his eyes, Chen Fan was just an ordinary warrior who had to row a boat to even go to the depths of Yingyue Lake.

"I will."

Chen Fan smiled and nodded.

He was really curious about the power of the ultimate sword technique.

He is about to break through to the acquired realm.

After he breaks through, he will prepare to acquire a perfect swordsmanship that suits him. After chatting with Xue Zhibai for a few words, Chen Fan went to the kitchen of the inn, asked for some seasonings, and then left the town and rushed to Yingyue Lake.

These days, he eats snake meat in different ways every day, and even the condiments in his hand are almost used up.

It is for this reason that he comes back to add another wave.



After everything was done, Chen Fan rowed the boat and headed towards the depths of Yingyue Lake.

He loved rafting.

During this period, he spent most of the time practicing.

As he continued to practice, his spirit could bear it, but occasionally, he could not help but feel a little irritable in his heart.

At this time, he only needs to take a trip on the boat and take a look at the long white clouds in the sky, and his soul will be purified.


After returning to Yingyue Lake, Chen Fan put the purchased medicinal materials into the Sanyuan Yang stove, then cut a piece of black-scale black snake meat to eat, then got into the lake and started practicing.

After just running the technique a few times, he felt that he was only one step away from breaking through to the acquired realm.

With his qualifications, if he wants to take this step, it will definitely take these two days.

time flies.


Suddenly, just as Chen Fan had been practicing all day and was preparing to roast another piece of snake meat, a deafening roar of a beast came into his ears.


Chen Fan looked surprised.

He has been here for so many days and has never encountered such a situation.


With a thought in his mind, he emerged from the water and stepped on the water with his feet.

A thin layer of lavender inner energy surged out of his body and quickly evaporated the clothes on his body.

Then his figure flashed and I came to the shore.

"Lian Feiyu?"

As soon as he arrived at the shore, he saw a figure in green clothes rushing out of the forest in embarrassment.

It was Lian Feiyu.

At the same time, a white ape nearly ten feet tall, carrying a stick, followed closely behind.

"This is……"

Chen Fan's eyes fell on the backpack behind Lian Feiyu.

In the basket on his back, there was a young white ape, restrained.

"Friends, please help me!"

When Chen Fan saw Lian Feiyu, Lian Feiyu also saw him.

Seeing him, Lian Feiyu was immediately overjoyed: "This alien white ape doesn't know how to swim. As long as you row the boat seven feet away in the water, when I get on the boat, it won't be able to chase me."

"it is good!"

Chen Fan agreed.


He unsheathed his sword and cut the cable instantly.

The boat rocked in the water, and he jumped onto the boat.


Chen Fan sheathed the sword.

Then he grabbed the oar and pressed it against the rocks on the shore, and the boat shot towards the depths of the lake like an arrow from the string.

"Thank you, my friend. I owe you a favor this time."

Lian Feiyu was overjoyed.

He ran towards the shore while resisting the attack of the white ape.

Although this place is not far from Yingyue Town, he has also reached the end of his strength, and 100% of his true energy has been consumed by more than 90%.

Otherwise, he could easily cross the lake just by using Qinggong.


Lian Feiyu ran to the shore while responding to the white ape's attack.

Looking at the boat seven feet away, he took a deep breath, squandered the last of the energy in his dantian, launched Qinggong, and walked on the waves.

In just a moment, he boarded Chen Fan's boat.

(End of this chapter)

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