The Immortal Warrior: From Reverse Engineering to Forging Swords for the Country

Chapter 132 This is the star you should chase! [Seeking complete order data]

Chapter 132 This is the star you should chase! [Seeking complete order data]

Qiao Guanyuan was a little puzzled: "For his safety, we wanted to hide him before and not publicize many of his achievements. Why have you changed your mind now?"

"You know, the current international situation is also very complicated."

"There are also some hostile forces lurking in the country."

Zhao Bingkun waved his hand and said: "Because the current situation is not good, we must launch a model to cheer up the hearts of the people!"

"As a huge country, we must have a flag that is prominent enough to unite the hearts of the people!"

"Although there are indeed some scoundrels hiding in the gutter trying to attack us, but we are not afraid!"

"The security measures we are taking against Comrade Zhang Zhipeng are at the highest level!"

"Any criminals who try to get close to him and take dangerous actions against him will be discovered in advance and brought to justice!"

"If we can't even protect our national treasure-level scientists, how can we talk about revival or rise?"

Qiao Guanyuan nodded happily and said, "Director Zhao is so right!"

"Comrade Zhipeng is really amazing!"

"He has made countless dazzling achievements at a young age!"

"The most valuable thing is that he has no regrets. The organization asked him to keep a low profile, but he devoted himself to it and never fought for it!"

"Such a scientific genius who has feelings for his family and country should be vigorously promoted! Let him become a role model for young people!"

Zhao Bingkun also said with emotion: "Times have really changed."

"It's different from what we used to be!"

"In the past, young people were chasing stars like Comrade Jiao and Comrade Jin Xi, and they were talking about dedication and serving the country! Nowadays, young people are chasing stars from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and they are talking about sensuality and entertainment!"

"If we don't reverse this situation, our country could be in danger..."


What Zhang Zhipeng didn't expect was that the large-scale publicity about him came so quickly.

At first, CCTV’s 7 o’clock news broadcast a piece of news.

This news is about the country’s preparation for a “National Highest Technology Award”.

This award is awarded annually to a maximum of two individuals each time.

To win this award, you must have a major scientific research breakthrough.

If no scientist meets the conditions for the award that year, then the award will be vacant that year.

Therefore, this is the meaning of rather lack than excess!

At the same time as the news was announced, the news also announced the shortlist for the 1993 National High Technology Award.

Among them, Zhang Zhipeng's name and photo ranked first.

The 7 o'clock news, at this time, is really very influential.

This news was not only broadcast on television, but was also broadcast almost simultaneously across the country.

The audience is really broad!

Even in rural areas where television is far from common, radio is now available in every village. Every household has a small radio box that broadcasts three times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The 7 o'clock news is absolutely guaranteed to be broadcast.

Therefore, once this news column is broadcast, it will affect the whole country!

Even in remote rural areas, it can still spread!

As you can tell from the name of the "National Highest Technology Award", this is the country's highest award in science!

Winning this award once is destined to make a mark in history.

Therefore, the news of establishing this award has attracted people's attention.

What attracts even more attention is the list of candidates for the 1993 Highest Technology Award.

This list of candidates is actually not very large, only four people.

Three of them are very famous scientists in China at this time.

Only the name Zhang Zhipeng is very unfamiliar.

As a result, people all over the country felt a little strange: Who is Zhang Zhipeng? Why have I never heard of this person before?

However, many people who know Zhang Zhipeng are a little confused.


The home for the elderly where Zhang Zhipeng's family lives.

Liu Taiping is also an old man who retired from the logistics department of NPU. His family lives on the same floor as Zhang Zhipeng's family.

Liu Taiping didn't have a good relationship with Zhang Zhipeng's father, Zhang Qingmin, but after all, they were neighbors who had lived together for decades, so they could make sense of it.

It can be said that Liu Taiping grew up watching Zhang Zhipeng. He knew that Zhang Zhipeng was naughty, did not study well, and had a bad temper.

Liu Taiping has told many people that the kid from Zhang Qingmin's family will be a target sooner or later! It's definitely not good.

Later, Zhang Zhipeng took over his father's class and started working at school. However, troubles still occur every now and then.

Liu Taiping firmly believed: If this child is not good, he will be trapped sooner or later.

Later, Zhang Zhipeng hardly appeared in the family home, and he didn't see anyone for a long time.

Liu Taiping told people again: It is estimated that the children of Qingmin's family have been executed. Poor Zhang Qingmin and his wife, they ended up like this when they were old.

Then, Zhang Qingmin moved away without a trace and never came back.

Liu Taiping added: It is estimated that this was to escape the pain of losing a child, or because he felt that he could not hold his head high in front of the neighbors, so he moved away.

Liu Taiping often uses Zhang Zhipeng as a negative example to teach young people.

He would often say: "Don't be like Zhang Zhipeng. If you don't learn well, you won't end up well in the future."

In short, many rumors about Zhang Zhipeng were spread by Liu Taiping.

That night, Liu Taiping and his family were eating dinner and watching TV at home.

A family of four crowded into the small living room, eating and talking.

Liu Taiping had two sons.

The eldest son is over thirty and has no partner yet.

The second son is also in his twenties. He has a girlfriend but has no room to get married.

Liu Taiping was a little worried.

He has recently been thinking about Zhang Zhipeng's house.

Zhang Qingmin's family moved away.

Will the house be empty?

He applied and wanted the house.

But the higher-ups didn’t approve.

Why not approve it? It is said that Zhang Qingmin has not yet returned the house, and Zhang Qingmin has not been allocated another house in the school, so he cannot take over other people's houses.

Liu Taiping was furious.

But there is nothing we can do.

Liu Taiping had even made this calculation: How about just breaking the lock on Zhang Qingmin's door, asking his son to renovate it, and then forcefully move in?

The news starts at seven o'clock.

The third news is that the country is going to establish the highest technology award.

The Liu Taiping family watched absentmindedly.

None of them thought much of it.

But at this moment, Zhang Zhipeng's name and photo suddenly popped up. The news said that Zhang Zhipeng was a candidate for the country's highest technology award.

"What?! Zhang Zhipeng has become a candidate for the country's highest technology award?" Liu Taiping expressed great shock.

The eldest son said in a low voice: "I guess there was a mistake."

The second son said: "CCTV's mistake is a bit big! Why isn't it serious at all?"

Liu Taiping's wife smiled and said, "Maybe it's the same name?"

“The world is so big, it’s possible for people with the same name to still look alike.”

That night, everyone in the family's courtyard saw the news that Zhang Zhipeng had become a candidate for the country's highest technology award.

Before the news had finished, someone started talking loudly in the corridor.

Liu Taiping pricked up his ears and listened.

I heard someone talking loudly:

"A happy event! A happy event! Zhang Zhipeng is a boy who grew up in our hospital! He is going to win the country's highest technology award."

"It's not necessarily Zhang Zhipeng from our hospital, right? The Zhang Zhipeng from our hospital is a naughty idler who doesn't do his job properly!"

"Why isn't it Zhang Zhipeng from our hospital? Haven't all their photos been published? Also, who says you can't become talented if you are naughty? You were naughty when you were young, but you are so smart! When you grow up and you understand things, If you work hard and become stronger right away, it won’t prevent you from achieving a great career!”

"...Some people keep making rumors, saying that Zhang Zhipeng was arrested and shot! That's all nonsense! Zhipeng is very good now!"

Someone immediately echoed: "Yes, yes! Zhipeng is so awesome! He has already obtained a doctorate degree from Academician Zheng Jingzhi, and has been hired as an associate professor by the school! The reason why news about him has been blocked is because There is no news about him even on the school's talent bulletin board, because I have been protecting him in the past..."

Liu Taiping's family all pricked up their ears to listen.

In fact, there are still well-informed people in this family home.

No matter how well the school keeps confidentiality, the legend about Zhang Zhipeng has always been circulating.

It's people like Liu Taiping who keep the news secret and love to spread all kinds of rumors.

"I won't eat! I'm so annoyed!" Liu Taiping's eldest son put down the bowl and walked out of the house.

The second son was also very uneasy: "Dad, look at that mouth of yours! You've been talking nonsense before! You keep talking about Zhang Zhipeng!" "I'm so smart! If I were the same as you, the whole family would be affected. !”

"I won't eat it either!"

The second son also stood up and left the house.

Liu Taiping's wife sighed and said, "Old Liu, look at what happened! You speak ill of others all day long, and now, aren't we ourselves a joke?"

Liu Taiping looked very unhappy: "Maybe CCTV made a mistake. Why are you panicking?"

Liu Taiping had a tough mouth, but he felt weak in his heart.

Yu Chengdong went to Huaxing Company's restaurant for dinner at 7 o'clock that evening.

As soon as I finished my meal and sat down, the news started at 7 o'clock.

Soon, he saw the news about the country's highest technology award.

Yu Chengdong was still absent-minded at first, but soon his eyes widened.

Because he saw Zhang Zhipeng's name and photo!


"Isn't his name Long Changzhi?"

"Why did you become Zhang Zhipeng again?"

"Oh, maybe they look similar?"

Yu Chengdong thought so and his mood calmed down.


Dong Haoming, the president of NPU, did not know that Zhang Zhipeng had been listed as a candidate for the country's highest technology award before seeing the news.

After reading the news, he felt sincerely happy for Zhang Zhipeng.

At the same time, he also knew that this was a signal: the country was now going to vigorously promote Zhang Zhipeng.

A young scientist from our school has won the country’s highest technology award, which is a great honor! It is not only a personal glory, but also a glory for the province and the school!

Although the current news only lists Zhang Zhipeng as a candidate, Dong Haoming knows that it is a certainty that Zhang Zhipeng will win.

Dong Haoming quickly called Zhang Zhipeng.

Zhang Zhipeng was at home at this time.

He was eating and watching TV with Zhao Min.

Of course he also saw the news.

However, he already knew this beforehand.

Zhao Min was very excited when he saw it: "Ah! Zhipeng, you are going to win the country's highest technology award!"

Zhang Zhipeng said with a smile: "I'm just a candidate, I haven't won yet!"

Zhao Min smiled and said: "You will definitely get it! You have so many important achievements!"

The mothers on both sides of the table eating together were also extremely happy.

At this moment, Dong Haoming's call came in.

Zhang Zhipeng went to answer the phone.

Dong Haoming congratulated Zhang Zhipeng: "Comrade Zhipeng! Congratulations, congratulations! You are going to win the country's highest technology award!"

Zhang Zhipeng said with a smile: "Principal, this is not even a single stroke!"

“It’s not too late to congratulate you when you actually win the award!”

Dong Haoming smiled and said: "It's already confirmed!"

"At first glance, the other candidates are not as successful as you!"

"Any achievement you have, whether it's conquering the third-generation fighter engine or pulse Doppler radar, or developing the CL20 new high explosive, is a super achievement! Any achievement is enough to win the country's highest technology award!"

That night, Zhang Zhipeng received several congratulatory calls.

But Zhang Zhipeng's heart is still as calm as ever.

This evening's announcement about the "National Highest Technology Award" aroused great attention not only across the country, but also around the world.

However, what people didn't expect was that Zhang Zhipeng was mentioned again on the 7 o'clock news the next night!

This time, we began to promote Zhang Zhipeng’s glorious achievements:

Help develop the third generation fighter jet! It can be called the father of the third generation fighter aircraft!

A new type of high explosive CL20 was developed, which increased the explosive power four to five times compared to TNT explosives! This achievement is comparable to Nobel!

Led the team to overcome the technical difficulties of satellite navigation and helped the country build a simple but usable satellite navigation system...

This publicity did not fully list Zhang Zhipeng’s research results.

Because some results are too advanced and difficult to display!

But even so, these glorious deeds will shine through the ages!

It is also enough to cause a huge sensation in the entire world of science and technology!

This news not only lists Zhang Zhipeng’s great achievements, but also commends Zhang Zhipeng’s hard-working spirit of working hard for the country.

The news said that he is willing to be unknown, does not strive for fame or fortune, devotes himself wholeheartedly to science, and devotes great enthusiasm to helping the country improve its national defense capabilities!

Finally, the news also called on young people across the country to learn from Zhang Zhipeng, follow his example, study hard, work hard, dedicate themselves to science, and contribute to the country!

This news is almost a special report by Zhang Zhipeng.

Other candidates for the country’s highest technology awards will also be reported later.

However, it is relatively brief.

Just from this news, we can see that Zhang Zhipeng is bound to win the highest technology award.

More pictures of Zhang Zhipeng appeared in this news.

People who are familiar with Zhang Zhipeng can already be sure of one thing: the Zhang Zhipeng on TV is indeed the Zhang Zhipeng next to him!

Liu Taiping naturally saw the seven o'clock news the next day.

He has now become a joke in the family.

Because, in the past, he had said the most bad things about Zhang Zhipeng, sometimes saying that Zhang Zhipeng was shot, and sometimes saying that Zhang Zhipeng was arrested.

As a result, Zhang Zhipeng has now become a famous scientist...

Liu Taiping really wanted to slap himself in the mouth!


Many employees of Huaxing Company, including most of the middle and senior management, are a little confused.

This naturally includes Yu Chengdong.

On the seven o'clock news on the first day, Yu Chengdong thought it was because his boss looked like someone else.

But what about the news the next night?

Various pictures are enough to prove: the so-called Long Changzhi is actually Zhang Zhipeng!

After Yu Chengdong read the news, he shook his head and thought: It seems that his boss is indeed a very powerful super scientist.

However, isn't this a normal thing?

During the summer vacation the year before last, didn’t I participate in a scientific research project led by my boss?

That project was researching phased array radar...

But, why does the boss keep hiding it from himself?

Probably for safety reasons?

After all, my boss has made such great contributions before, but he has never been publicized.

Yu Chengdong understands his boss's approach.

The next day, Zhang Zhipeng came to Huaxing Company.

He directly held a middle-level meeting.

At the meeting, he told all the middle-level cadres with a smile: "Everyone, the Long Changzhi I used in the past was just my pseudonym."

"I didn't mean to hide it from everyone, it was also the country's arrangement."

"So, please forgive me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause in the conference room.

When the applause subsided, Zhang Zhipeng continued: "From now on, I will resume using my real name, so I came here to inform everyone today."

"Of course, if you feel it's more friendly to call you by a pseudonym, that's okay!"

CCTV reported for two consecutive days, and at the same time, all important media across the country also began to follow up...

As a result, the whole country began to rush to report Zhang Zhipeng's deeds.

Zhang Zhipeng became famous throughout the country in a very short period of time!

The 7 o'clock news on the third night reported the results of the country's highest technology award.

In the end, Zhang Zhipeng won the country's highest technology award for leading the development of China's new early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft!

He will receive a bonus of 500 million yuan!

Among them, 50 yuan is a personal bonus and the other 450 million yuan is a scientific research fund.

In three days, Zhang Zhipeng went from unknown to a well-known scientist!

This is the power of state propaganda.

On the night when the award results were announced, Zhao Bingkun called Zhang Zhipeng.

He smiled and said, "Comrade Zhipeng! How do you feel after becoming famous?"

PS: More than 1 words have been updated today! On the 16th day of the update, I am asking for complete orders, data support, and motivation!

(End of this chapter)

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