Chapter 64 Radar, or Radar

When it comes to writing papers, Zhang Zhipeng has too many things to write about in his mind.

He can write about the fields of computers, aircraft avionics, and even air dust removal and purification.

Just find a smaller breakthrough, and he can write a high-quality and high-level paper.

For example, he has a strong say in the intelligent control of aircraft.

In the computer field, you can take a close-up of the aircraft's host operating system.

This is all fruitful.

However, Zhang Zhipeng has been thinking about the airborne fire control radar in his mind now.

Domestic Doppler (PD) airborne radar is currently being delayed, which has affected the development of third-generation aircraft.

This is a big bottleneck!

Therefore, we must think carefully about how to break through this bottleneck.

Strive to have China’s third-generation fighter jets released as soon as possible!

Otherwise, the pressure on national defense will be a bit too much.

However, in this aspect, he did not dare to let it go.


Because this is their food!

In Sichuan Province, several scientific research institutes cooperate to develop Doppler radar.

If he interfered, it would be equivalent to robbing other people of their jobs.

Many people in a scientific research institute depend on this one project for their livelihood.

You click it and do it for others in advance.

That is tantamount to destroying other people's jobs.

But what if you don’t intervene?

It will take at least five or six years for domestically produced airborne Doppler radar to take off.

This is really too slow.

When Zhang Zhipeng was working on avionics systems, he naturally also came into contact with airborne radar.

However, Zheng Jingzhi’s laboratory only has single-pulse domestic ordinary radar.

The detection range of this thing is very limited, it is very difficult to use, and it cannot achieve beyond visual range at all.

However, Zhang Zhipeng conducted a comprehensive study on it very seriously.

While he was conducting research, the system's skill bar improved rapidly, which made his understanding of radar technology make great progress.

So much so that he has now acquired advanced radar process design technology.

Coupled with his continuous exploration and research on drawings, with the help of the system, he has fully mastered the process design technology of Doppler radar.

Furthermore, he also gained a deep understanding of the process design skills of phased array radar.

After much thought, Zhang Zhipeng decided to write a series of papers on airborne radar.

First, write a series of papers on the all-round technology of more advanced models of Doppler radar.

Of course, these papers may not necessarily be published publicly.

However, this can be regarded as doing some work on my own.

He has no selfish motives in this matter.

He just hopes to help the country produce more advanced Doppler radar as soon as possible!

Then, the third-generation fighter jet will basically take shape.

Um! There is also an engine problem.

However, it seems that the engine can be purchased from Da Mao later.

Of course, even if you can buy it, it’s still not as reliable as being able to make it yourself.

The difficulty in manufacturing aircraft engines lies not in design, but in process materials.

If the craftsmanship and materials are not up to standard, the aircraft engine will not be able to operate stably and without obstacles for a long time.

After all, when a fighter jet is flying, the workload of the engine is quite high.

I don't think about the engine anymore.

Let’s write the radar paper first.

He hopes that his paper can inspire enough research institutes in Sichuan Province.

Let them find a little bit of light when they are groping in the dark.

Of course, this must also be considered as his achievement.

Zhang Zhipeng lay in bed and conceived these papers until 3 o'clock in the morning. This was when he had conceived all the papers in his mind.

Zhang Zhipeng thought to himself, I will get up early tomorrow morning and go to the office to write the paper.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhipeng hypnotized himself, and he quickly entered a state of deep sleep.

Two hours later, at around 5 o'clock, Zhang Zhipeng woke up from a deep sleep full of energy and felt full of strength.

Zhang Zhipeng got up, ran to the window and took a look outside. He found that the world outside was already completely white.

The snow is already light.

However, it is still dancing. The visual inspection shows that the snow depth is at least ten centimeters.

Zhang Zhipeng quietly prepared to go out and leave.

He had already written a note to his parents.

He planned to put it on the dining table and then go to the office.

However, when he opened the bedroom door, he saw his mother coming out of the bedroom and turning on the light in the small living room outside.

"Ah! Zhipeng, why did you get up so early?" said the mother.

Zhang Zhipeng smiled and said: "I have gone to bed and plan to go to the office to do some work."

Mother said, "Why are you in such a hurry? I'm just going to make breakfast for you."

"Can't we leave after eating?"

Zhang Zhipeng said: "Mom, I won't eat. There are no people around in the morning and the office is quiet, so I can work more efficiently."

"I'll buy a meat bun outside later."

My mother had no choice but to say, "Okay, be careful on the road. You'd better put on rain boots. The snow outside is quite deep."

Zhang Zhipeng agreed and changed into a pair of high rain boots.

Use this thing to step on the snow, and the snow will not get into your shoes.

Stepping on the snow all the way, Zhang Zhipeng walked towards the school.

When he was walking by a breakfast shop, he saw the door was open, so he went over and bought a meat bun and a bag of soy milk.

When he walked to school, he had already finished eating.

It was quiet in the laboratory building.

Zhang Zhipeng stomped the snow on his feet, went upstairs to the office, and started busy.

At this time, it was 5:30 in the morning.

It took Zhang Zhipeng more than an hour to type out an article on the computer in his office about Doppler radar making full use of programmable microprocessors to increase the radar signal processing capacity, speed and flexibility, and improve the equipment's efficiency. An innovative paper on reusability. In the final analysis, this is still a technical practical attempt to make full use of microprocessor chips.

If this technology is used on Doppler radar, it will greatly improve the performance of Doppler radar.

The paper is more than 5 words long, and self-made charts are used in the middle to support my technical ideas.

After writing the paper, add a few references.

By this time, it was already 7 o'clock in the morning.

By the way, when Zheng Jingzhi was sorting out the project completion document last night, he called Principal Dong Haoming and briefly explained that the avionics system had been integrated and the results were excellent.

Dong Haoming couldn't sit still anymore and immediately rushed over in the snow.

He was overjoyed after experiencing something similar to a flight simulation cabin built with Zhang Zhipeng's help.

"Haha! That's great! Our country's aircraft avionics system has achieved a leap-forward development!"

"Teacher Zheng, this integration is simply genius-level integration."

"It can not only be used on fighter planes, but also on our own large aircraft in the future!"

"Hey! Every time I see the avionics control system on the passenger plane imported from Lizufang, my eyes get excited and my heart beats! I wonder when we can develop our own intelligent control system."

"Now, my dream has been realized by you!"

Dong Haoming excitedly held Zheng Jingzhi's hand and said thanks.

Zheng Jingzhi said with a smile: "The reason why this project was completed so quickly and the results are so good is because of the participation of classmate Zhang Zhipeng!"

"It can be said that he was the first to create the current avionics system, and I was a supporting presence."

Dong Haoming nodded with emotion and said: "Zhipeng is really a national treasure."

"He has already made several great achievements one after another!"

"It's a pity that he can't get the reputation he deserves now."

Zheng Jingzhi smiled and said: "Reputation is a matter of time."

"The pioneers of our country's national defense scientific research have also remained anonymous for decades, and only now have they been publicly publicized."

"Principal, I am going to rank Zhipeng first after the host for this project. This is what he deserves."

Dong Haoming smiled and nodded and said, "Okay! Just do as you say!"

"For those who engage in scientific research, strength is king! No matter what the ranking is, I think it should be ranked according to the size of the contribution."

Zheng Jingzhi was relieved when he heard the principal's support.

Dong Haoming said: "I have to call the leaders above as soon as possible about your great achievements!"

"They have been waiting eagerly for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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