The Beacon of Laiyang Metal

Chapter 46 BT7 tanks attack

Chapter 46 BT-7 tank attack
  Immediately afterwards, the second dive bomber began its ground attack mission. Because there was no need for a second strike on the Japanese artillery position, this time the No. 2 aircraft targeted the Japanese baggage.

At this time, the Japanese did not have any concept of air defense on the Chinese battlefield. They always used planes to attack the Chinese army. When had they ever seen Chinese army planes attack themselves?

Rows of neatly arranged trucks, oil barrels, ammunition boxes and other supplies were piled up in a blatant way for hundreds of meters behind the position. They were not even covered by camouflage nets. Unit 90 did not need any guidance at all. He immediately accelerated and dived over at an angle. After reaching a suitable bombing distance, the pilot immediately pulled the joystick to adjust the fuselage to 500 degrees to maintain a vertical state with the ground. Then another aerial bomb weighing kilograms fell from the sky, just like that. He smashed it straight towards the Japanese baggage area.


The same huge black mushroom cloud rose again, and then the baggage position was like a New Year's firecracker, with crackling explosions. The little Japanese baggage soldiers who were a little farther away ran lifelessly, thinking To get out of this dangerous area like a volcanic eruption, an electromagnetic sound came from the public channel in the bomber team: "The No. 2 aircraft has completed bombing, and the No. 3 aircraft can prepare to launch an attack."

At this time, the little Japs below finally reacted. Under the command of officers at all levels, they pointed their guns in the air and fired. For a while, rifles and light machine guns on the Japs' position kept ringing. They listened to the movement and compared the front. The position attack is still a bit fiercer, but without carrying special defense and control weapons, using infantry weapons for air defense is doomed to be futile. In addition to venting their violent and fearful emotions, for dive speeds exceeding 350 kilometers, It has no actual effect at all on fighter jets.

When the 15 "Stuka" dive bombers completed their bombings one after another to evaluate the bombing effect, the Japanese position seemed to have been hit by a meteorite. More than a dozen huge craters with a diameter of 12 meters and a depth of 5 meters were spread all over the core of the Japanese position. Positions, including artillery positions, baggage storage locations, and command centers, all suffered fatal blows. It can be said that a regiment and a brigade with a total strength of more than 5000 little Japs in the opposite position were completely disabled, and they were unable to organize any effective defense. Let alone organize an attack.

In the words of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty when he attacked the Xiongnu: "The enemy can go and I can go. From now on, the offense and defense have changed." After receiving the assessment of the effect of the air strike, Yue Weilu of the forward command immediately ordered the start of a counter-offensive. Annihilate the Japanese troops on the opposite side.

The first to start the counterattack was the artillery brigade hidden in the rear. They received orders to prepare for 15 minutes of artillery fire on the Japanese in the forward position to clear the way for subsequent armored force attacks. At this time, the artillery position was in a state of panic;
  "Quick, quick, take off the camouflage net, fire immediately according to the firing position marked in advance, give me a good beating on the stupid little devil, labor and management will tell you which artillery team can't fire a base number of shells in 15 minutes, go back Just wait for the labor and management to go to the cooking class to feed the pigs!"

Min Quanshan, the artillery battalion captain who had been holding back for a day, was as excited as if he had taken an aphrodisiac. This time they brought in a total of 180 tons of artillery shells. He was going to shoot them all without leaving any behind, so that the armored troops who followed behind would catch them all. Not one.

"Hahaha" thinking of the armored brigade looking deflated, he felt better than eating a piece of iced watermelon in the dog days of summer.


"Prepare, release"

Following the orders from the gunners of each artillery position, the entire artillery position seemed to be boiling, and there was a rumbling sound of flying sand and rocks. After just a few rounds of shooting, the artillery position was already covered by the agitated sand and dust, and the original shadow could not be seen. , looking from a distance, one can only see a large cloud of sand and dust covering the entire artillery position.

Looking back at the Japanese position, the position that had been silent after the aerial bombardment returned to life. One after another, 80mm mortar shells and 75mm grenades plunged into the Japanese position with a roar that cut through the air. Within the position.

"Rumble" The explosion was loud, and the entire Japs position was shaking. Dust, steel fragments and gunpowder smoke were thrown up and instantly enveloped the Japs position. Living and dead Japs were exploded one after another. The shock wave was thrown high and fell heavily. The limbs of the soldiers who were blown away were scattered in all directions. The frightened Japanese soldiers dropped their weapons and hugged them tightly like an ostrich. He lay his head in the trench and dared not move.

Colonel Nagada Daiichiro of the regiment who luckily escaped the air attack looked at the soldiers around him who were killed by artillery fire. He seemed to have returned to the scene of the attack on Lushunkou Fortress during the Russo-Japanese War. The Russian artillery fire that day was different from today's. It was just as violent, and the casualties of the imperial army were as huge as today. They fell in pieces amidst the sky-wide artillery fire. The splash of blood was like the withered cherry blossoms on Mount Fuji in the Empire, miserable and beautiful.

Suddenly the sound of the explosion stopped instantly, and then the ground began to shake, like thousands of troops galloping at the same time. However, the thick smoke and flying dust obscured Daiichiro Kuda's sight, making him unaware of what was happening in front of the position. What.

The vibrations became more and more obvious and got closer, accompanied by the metallic "squeaking" sound of the track running over the road. Finally, a gust of wind blew through, revealing a gap in the smoke that covered the battlefield. BT-7 tanks came into his sight, and then one after another BT-7 tanks tore through the smoke and rushed towards the Japanese position with indomitable momentum. The Security Brigade Tank Brigade They came out in full force, with 80 BT-7 tanks in front and 120 Sd.kfz.250 half-track armored personnel carriers carrying accompanying infantry in the rear, spreading out on a front less than 2 kilometers long.

"Burn the regiment flag and code book and prepare to launch a human bomb attack." After giving the last order, Colonel Kuda Daiichiro knelt on the position with his eyes blank and motionless. He knew that his official career was over and his regiment was over. 5000 imperial warriors were wiped out, and the opponent was a local armed force of the Chinese army. Once this news came out, it would not only shock the domestic government and the public, but also usher in the ridicule of Western countries internationally. In order to prevent his family from being deceived, Ashamed, the only way to wash away one's shame is to die here.

At this time, the leading BT-7 tank was already breaking through the Japanese trenches. He took out his military officer's sword, wiped it carefully with the white gloves he was wearing, and then waved it at the oncoming BT-7 tank with a howl. The saber struck through
  Zhang Dakui was originally a tractor driver for the "Zhenhua Construction Company". After the expansion of the security brigade tank brigade, as one of the few "technical" talents in Anton, he was urgently recruited to the tank brigade as a first officer. A well-known tank driver, after becoming familiar with the performance of the tank, he found that it was not much different from driving a tractor, except that the steering wheel was replaced with a joystick, and the field of view was relatively narrow. After closing the hatch, he could only look through the vehicle periscope. Observe the external situation, but the food of the chariot brigade is really good, with big fish and meat for every meal. It is said that the food treatment of the entire brigade is better than that of the chariot brigade except for the guys in the Air Force, and in addition to the military salary, There is a subsidy. According to the captain, it is called a job subsidy.

Zhang Dakui, who was driving a BT-7 tank, was the first to cross the Japanese trenches. In order to prevent shelling, the Japanese trenches were generally built relatively narrow. For the BT-7 tank, there was no problem in crossing the Japanese trenches easily. Zhang Dakui, who had just crossed the first trench, found that an old Japanese soldier with a military uniform that was obviously different from other Japanese soldiers was slashing at the tank he was driving with a bright long knife. At this time, the vehicle-mounted aircraft The gunman was attacking the "meat bombs" composed of several Japanese soldiers, and Wu Xia took care of the old Japanese soldier.

He let out an extremely lewd smile, then stepped on the accelerator and pushed the joystick to one side, slightly tilting the car body that was originally facing the Japs into facing the chariot directly. In the direction of the track, at this time the old devil in front also rushed to the chariot with a long knife. After a metal collision with a "clang", the old devil was immediately involved in the bottom of the vehicle by the track. Zhang Dakui only felt the bottom of the vehicle. It slipped for a moment and at the same time it was like crushing a rotten watermelon. He knew that he must have crushed the old devil just now. Unlike other drivers, he didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt a sense of discomfort in his heart. The strange feeling of excitement was like when he kicked open the winter cabbage planted by his neighbor when he was a child. The Pandora's box in his heart was instantly released. He changed his previous training habits and pointed the vehicle tracks back and forth in front of him. The running little devils were overtaken one after another, and then were swept into the tracks and crushed like rotten watermelons.
  Yang Erwa and his platoon also arrived at the Japs' forward position on several tracked personnel carriers. As the accompanying offensive infantry, they provided fire support to the forward advancing tanks and eliminated all Japs who wanted to get within 10 meters of the tanks.

Although the Japs' "Melon Grenade" does not pose a direct fatal threat to the BT-7 tank, and is not as effective as the "Motolov Cocktail", a good tiger cannot withstand a pack of wolves, and the number of Japs swarming at it is sufficient. There were so many. Some of the little devils pulled off the tabs of a grenade in one hand and kept throwing it towards the bottom of the tank. The sound of grenades exploding around the tank was heard one after another. The debris caused by the explosion rattled the car body, and some little devils were covered in blood. He was strapped with grenades and jumped directly onto the tank. After a "boom", the tank was still there and the little Japanese disappeared. However, the area after the explosion was pitch black, and there were still some human tissues attached that could no longer be distinguished.

The several BT-7 tanks that were rushing forward at this time finally collapsed under the enemy's attack regardless of the cost, accompanied by a "crash" sound of broken tracks. It was acting as a fixed bunker and kept shooting at the Japanese swarming from all directions.

"Da da da"

Yang Erwa fired a short burst, and a Japanese soldier holding a grenade in both hands fell twitching and fell less than 5 meters away from the tank. At this time, the two grenades had their tabs pulled out and were emitting green smoke. Then "Boom" ." With two sounds, the corpse of the fallen devil and the soil beneath him were like a goddess scattering flowers, with blood mist falling down.

After killing the Japs who wanted to make a sneak attack, Yang Erwa shouted to the soldiers in the platoon: "Prioritize the Japs' flesh bombs and don't let them get within 10 meters of the tank." After shouting, he raised his Tom again. Xun submachine gun "da da da"

There was no need for him to deliberately aim at the dense crowd of Japs in front. He only had to flatten the muzzle of the beating submachine gun and shoot the Japs to the ground one after another as they rushed forward to die.

The fighter-bomber formation that had completed the bombing mission was also preparing to return to the Gushan Town Military Airport under the command of team leader Gao Zhihang. Suddenly, in the communication channel established with the ground, a rushing voice came from the ground communications soldiers:
  "Gao Brigade, the ground radar found that there are twelve enemy planes flying in the direction of the "Qingshangou" battle in the direction of Lushun. The distance is 200 kilometers and the speed is 300 kilometers per hour. They are expected to arrive over the battle area in half an hour!"

As an absolute black technology in this time and space, this radar is a homemade air sounding radar that Weiyuan secretly found someone to DIY on the Internet. It can also be used as a vehicle-mounted mobile radar. Weiyuan ordered three units at one time, and one was installed on the The Gushan Town Military Airport is used for early warning. One is installed on a truck to follow the warring troops as a combat readiness duty, and the other is used as a backup.

The seller promises that the detection distance can reach about 150 kilometers. It seems that in this time and space without a large amount of electromagnetic signal interference, the detection distance can be further expanded. When delivering the goods, the seller repeatedly emphasized that he could play with it at home, but he did not dare to use it casually. The aircraft that illuminate the sky, especially military aircraft, only accept cash transactions. Weiyuan was blocked as soon as the transaction was completed.

The world's first radar had to wait until 5 years later before the British developed it to prevent German bombing.

After receiving the report from the ground radar station, Gao Zhihang immediately ordered 15 "Stuka" bombers to return to the Gushan Town Military Airport, and he led the remaining four "P39 Air Snakes" under the guidance of the ground radar troops. Go down and intercept.

Gao Zhihang is naturally clear about the data and advantages and disadvantages of the "P39" fighter. The advantages are powerful firepower, high maneuverability, and complete communication equipment. The disadvantages are also obvious: the space inside the aircraft is small and tight, and it is inconvenient for the pilot to operate. This is for Asians It is not an obvious shortcoming, but the engine has insufficient high-altitude power, poor static stability, and is difficult to maneuver. The side-opening car-style hatch is inconvenient and difficult to enter and exit, and the complex structure is difficult to maintain. These are the real shortcomings of this fighter. Otherwise, the United States would not have replaced the "P-47" so quickly. However, as the first fighter aircraft to be equipped with the security brigade flying brigade, Gao Zhihang is satisfied. The parameters of this fighter aircraft are ranked first in the world in this era. Weiyuan also promised him that there would be newer aircraft after the flight brigade expanded.

As for the little devil's current mainstream fighter, the "Nakajima 5 Type Fighter", Wei Yuan has already provided him with detailed parameters and technical characteristics, otherwise he would not be confident that he would dare to take the initiative to fight against the Japanese army with only 12 fighters. A flight formation composed of 5 fighter planes, but for the sake of safety, he ordered the Gushan Town Military Airport to urgently take off 39 "P" to support.

(End of this chapter)

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