The Beacon of Laiyang Metal

Chapter 48 Combat Preparation and Expansion

Chapter 48 Combat Preparation and Expansion

"Sir Guard is here!"

As the door of the conference room was opened by two guards, Wei Yuan took the lead and walked into the conference room. The two people following him were the local county magistrate Shi Gongxing and the other was Yan Baohang, the director of the intelligence department who was just appointed by Wei Yuan today. .

Seeing that Wei Yuan, who was walking in front, had already entered the conference room, the two of them looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and followed one after another into the conference room.

With a flick of the brush, the captain, who was still sitting upright, followed Wei Yuan into the conference room, holding his fingers together like javelins with the seam of his trousers, standing at attention to welcome his boss.

Everyone's eyes were filled with admiration and fanaticism. After the "Qingshangou" battle, it can be said that Wei Yuan's reputation and prestige were once again elevated.

If the previous officers of the brigade were more grateful to Wei Yuan, then this battle has completely confirmed his leadership status.

Only then did this group of officers realize that the team they led had become so powerful. The Japanese devils who had a reputation for being vicious were just chopped up like melons and vegetables. They were cleaned up in an afternoon. .

The hundreds of Japanese who didn't see the prisoners were all sent to the coal mines to dig for coal. In the words of Chief Wei, each little Japanese was given a ransom of 10 yuan. If he didn't dig out the coal with the ransom, he wouldn't be able to survive. Out of the coal mine.

Chief Wei looks like a hero, just like the white-faced guy in the opera? Oh, Cao Cao, that's Cao Cao. He took care of things without saying a word. He will definitely be the one who can dominate the world in the future. There is a bright future with such a boss.

If Wei Yuan knew that his subordinates compared him to Cao Cao in their hearts, it would be weird if he didn't get angry. However, through this battle, the confidence of the independent security brigade was really boosted. At present, a Japanese regiment had just been wiped out. The security brigade has a new kind of momentum, a kind of momentum that makes me the best in the world.

What Wei Yuan wants is this kind of momentum. If the equipment is gone, he can buy and make it. His tactics are not as good as others and he can learn and practice them. But if this kind of spirit is gone, then the team will be as complete as a broken spine.

Wei Yuan walked to the main seat and looked around, then waved for everyone to take their seats. After another brush, the officers, big and small, sat neatly on the seats behind him.

He then said with a smile on his face:

"Brothers did a good job this time, especially the brothers of the Ninth Company of the first regiment. They bravely blocked several attacks by thousands of Japanese soldiers, displayed the majesty of our independent brigade, and gave the air force brothers behind them a chance to attack the enemy. The Japs created the opportunity, well done to the Ninth Company Brothers!"

"It is not the style of our brigade to reward meritorious service. I have decided to award 50 yuan to each of the soldiers who participated in the war this time, and twice as much to the officers. In addition, for individuals with outstanding bravery in combat, I will personally award them after their units submit the list to the brigade headquarters. Honors, all future officer promotions will be given to those who have meritorious service in combat, and those without meritorious service will not be awarded."

After finishing speaking, Wei Yuan specifically pointed at the Ninth Company Commander Yu Shaohu who was sitting in the corner of the conference room:
  "Ninth Company Commander Yu Shaohu, right? You did a good job this time. You have the aura of a tiger general. Do it well and I will remember you!"

Yu Shaohu, who was sitting in the corner, stood up excitedly at this moment. His face was flushed and he felt at a loss. He wanted to speak but didn't know what to say. Then he saluted Wei Yuan in a panic:
  "Our brigade has good food, good equipment, and high military pay. If we don't work hard, I will be sorry to you. As long as you say a word, we will be the emperor who beats the little devils and we dare to go."

This call also made everyone in the room laugh. Wei Yuan also smiled and waved to Yu Shaohu to sit down and said:
  "In addition to talking about the post-war rewards of "Qingshangou", this meeting will also discuss the shortcomings of the last battle and how to deal with another Japanese counterattack in the future."

"We are different from the people celebrating outside. At this time, the independent brigade must maintain a clear understanding and not be dazzled by the temporary victory. You must know that there are 17 permanent first-class divisions in the country alone. These hundreds of thousands of well-trained little devils will pounce on us again at any time."

Wei Yuan took a sip of water and continued:
  "According to reliable information, the Little Devils have begun to assemble a permanent domestic first-class division of more than 2 people, plus an artillery regiment stationed in Lushun, an aviation regiment, and the Japanese "Izumo" and The total strength of the Kazuru, Kawauchi, "warships" and the accompanying Marine Corps is nearly 5. It can take as little as half a month and as long as one month to prepare for another counterattack against us. It depends on whether the opponent's action is preparation. Eat us in one bite!"

Just after saying this, the originally lively atmosphere in the conference room was undoubtedly poured with cold water.

Although everyone had just wiped out 5 Japanese troops, they relied on nothing more than equipment superiority and the arrogance and carelessness of the little devils. It cannot but be said that there was a certain amount of luck, which they still had in mind.

But this time the little devils directly assembled 4 troops, and they also covered three directions of sea, land and air to launch another attack on Anton. This battle is not easy to fight!

Seeing everyone in the conference room fell silent, Wei Yuan spoke as if he had read their thoughts:

"Although this battle is not easy to fight, we are not without a chance of winning. The little devils have a small land area and poor products, which has led to their clingy character. Don't look at the fact that they sent a domestic first-class division this time. When it comes to equipment, they may not be able to compete with our brigade, and in terms of numbers, we can’t beat them for the time being, so let’s eliminate them on the way to attack. We don’t have enough artillery shells for labor and capital!”

After saying these last words, Wei Yuan seemed to have a bit more domineering air about him, which made his image among the officers even higher.

This guy has made up his mind. This time when he returns to modern times, he must get out the "Stalin Organ Pipe" no matter what. If the little devils start another onboard charge like the "Pig Rush", he will teach them how to behave in every minute.

Seeing that everyone's emotions were aroused again, Wei Yuan knocked on the table with his hand and said: "Now let's start the summary of the last combat issues. Deputy Brigadier Yue, let's start with you first!"

When Yue Weilu saw that Wei Yuan had arrived, he did not refuse. He picked up the baton and pointed at the sand table in the middle of the conference table and began to summarize:

"In terms of artillery, we have sufficient numbers, but we mainly use mortars and M1 75mm howitzers. The former is mainly for close fire support, and the latter has a maximum range of 9 kilometers, although its range has exceeded that of most It's the same type of artillery, but it has no advantage in terms of range or power compared to the 105mm cannon of the Little Japanese!" After saying this, he looked up and looked at the reaction of his boss sitting in the main seat.

Wei Yuan, on the other hand, had already taken out a leather-covered notebook when Yue Weilu started to explain, listening and recording at the same time.

Seeing Yue Weilu looking at him at this time, he put down the pen he was writing in his hand and asked the construction company:
  "How is the recruitment of technical workers in the military factory? If you are asked to imitate a cannon that exceeds the 105 mm cannon currently in service in the Japanese army in terms of caliber, range, and power, can you do it?"

Shi Gongxing, who was also busy recording the problem, realized that it was his own problem. He quickly opened the notebook he carried with him and replied: "At present, there are more than 1 people in the entire military factory, which can be roughly divided into weapons manufacturing, ammunition production, and vehicle production. There are three aspects of manufacturing. In weapons manufacturing, there are more than 3800 workers, including 12 eighth-level workers and 68 seventh-level workers. The machines are all top-notch. If you have the drawings and materials, it should not be difficult to imitate, but you can design it yourself. If you don’t have the strength in this area.”

Wei Yuan nodded: "I will find a way to draw the drawings and materials. This aspect can be prepared by the factory masters. Within half a month at the latest, I will deliver the drawings and materials for the new large-caliber artillery to you."

Then he motioned to Yue Weilu to continue.

"The second is that we have currently configured the radio station to the platoon level, and it also needs to be deciphered through the code book. There is a situation where the front-line troops and the aircraft coming to support are not communicating smoothly, and the communication can only be communicated through the headquarters behind us. Our aircraft The long time in the air, even if the bombs are exhausted, and even if the enemy is strafed with aircraft cannons, it will be a great psychological pressure for the enemy infantry. It would be a pity not to make good use of this advantage. Is there any way to solve this? The problem is that the support aircraft can carry out point-to-point support strikes at any time according to the instructions of the front-line troops and under the ground guidance of a platoon or even a squad!"

Wei Yuan instantly understood that this was a common operation used by the US military from the late World War II to later generations.

He remembered that in the late World War II, the US military began to equip a walkie-talkie similar to a large mobile phone produced by Motorola. This walkie-talkie also often appeared in the national army in later movies and TV series.

He decided to wait until he got back to check the specific information and see what the specific configuration of this walkie-talkie was. If necessary, he would go directly to Huaqiangbei, where fruit machines could be assembled. There was no reason why he couldn't make an old-fashioned walkie-talkie.

After Yue Weilu's problem was solved, Gao Zhihang came next. His problems were mainly about training ground crews, improving aircraft utilization efficiency, and diversifying the types of ammunition for ground strikes.

In Gao Zhihang's view, the currently equipped 500kg aerial bombs and 250kg aerial bombs naturally have no problem in attacking enemy equipment and positions.

However, when used against enemy infantry, it feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, and once the forces of both sides are too close, the powerful aerial bombs currently equipped cannot be used, otherwise it is easy to cause accidental damage.

There is also the air defense firepower. At present, the independent brigade's air defense against the enemy mainly relies on radar warning and aircraft interception midway. The ground air defense firepower is basically zero. Once the enemy aircraft breaks through the air defense line, it will be difficult for the ground troops. Like the Japanese troops that were annihilated for the first time, they faced a fatal blow.

At this time, Wei Yuan also had a feeling of being startled at the first glance. He believed that his knowledge reserve was limited and not enough to be called a qualified commander, otherwise he would not have held a Zhuge Liang meeting like today.

The current equipment is also based on the US military equipment in later movies and TV dramas. I originally thought that the equipment of my army was armed to the teeth, but the entire review revealed many detailed problems, and even some fatal problems.

When he arrived at the junior officer Yu Shaohu, he scratched the back of his head and said:

"The equipment now is ready. I really didn't expect that there is so much more that needs to be replenished. Oh, by the way, the anti-tank mines last time were very useful. Can we get some more anti-infantry mines? If we were in front of the last position If you place some anti-infantry mines, the little Japs won’t be able to rush into the first trench several times!”

Wei Yuan recorded the requirements of Yu Shaohu in his notebook. As one of the directions for his next purchase, he even thought of using planes to lay mines.

During the Korean War, the United States often used aircraft to mine mines, and many of them were delay mines. You didn't know when they would explode.

After discussing the issue of infantry, we then began to discuss how to deal with the Japanese warships. Currently, most opinions of the independent brigade are to use aircraft to hang high-explosive aerial bombs to attack the Japanese warships. This method is currently the only way the independent brigade can attack the Japanese warships. Way to the Imp warship.

At present, the independent brigade does not have the ability to produce torpedoes. There is no other way but its financial resources are too thin. As for the infantry artillery being used as coastal defense artillery and shooting against the Japanese, that is purely out of the blue.

His air force brigade had finally trained a group of qualified pilots. Weiyuan was planning to use them as seeds, but he did not dare to carry out the risky plan easily. The firepower of the Japanese warships was not weak.

At present, he is considering two main ways to deal with the Japs, one is a drone attack, and the other is an underwater submarine attack. Both of these methods must have a prerequisite, which is torpedoes.

If drones use aerial bombs to attack, civilian ones cannot bear the weight of powerful aerial bombs, and small aerial bombs have very limited lethality against rough-skinned battleships and cruisers.

However, our own arsenal does not yet have the ability to produce torpedoes, and even if it is developed now, it may not be available in time. We have to return to future generations to find a solution for this.

After reviewing the problems of the last battle, Weiyuan began to issue a new round of army expansion orders.

This time, he also used the order of Bald Jiang from Jinling to pull up the flag and make tiger skins. He just sent a telegram to Marshal Zhang in Fengtian and said that he should pull it down.

The general meaning is that Bald Jiang from Jinling has been promoted to my buddy, so it is not appropriate to use the security brigade you gave me as the designation. As for the designation, my buddy has already thought of it for you, and it will be called the Seventh Division.

Yes, this number was taken directly from the TV series "Bright Sword" by Wei Yuan. It may be that later generations were brainwashed by this TV series.

The newly added division is under the General Armament Department, and the director has regiment-level treatment. Currently, Shi Gongxing holds the concurrent post. He will be handed over to a new candidate after a suitable candidate is available.

The new position of director of the intelligence department was added, which was held by Yan Baohang. The guard company was expanded into a guard battalion and was under the dual leadership of the division headquarters and the intelligence department.

Anton, who entered a brief period of peace after the war, re-entered a new round of expansion under an order from Wei Yuan.

Please vote, brothers! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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