The Bourne Counterattack

Chapter 273 Arresting people

Chapter 273 Arresting people
Portable wireless detection equipment.

This thing is quite expensive.

Cheng Mo also wanted to get one. He would take it apart and study it this time. It is estimated that the Japanese do not have many such equipment in their hands.

The opportunity came.

The Japanese want to find out about the underground secret radio stations in the concession. It is impossible for the British to give them information. Open and legal radio stations do not matter, but the British also have secret radio stations, not to mention the consulates of various countries in the concession. , the consulates also have radio stations, whose secrets are willing to be intercepted by you?

The Japanese did this simply to provide eye candy to the Western powers that controlled the concessions.

One night two days later, a backpacker was discovered. After Cheng Mo got the news, he immediately ordered Xu Qinghe and others to go out and set up traffic jams on the main road.

Then compress and advance.

Finally, he held this guy down.

Inside the thick backpack is an iron box, weighing at least ten kilograms, holding a modulation frequency controller, antenna, headphones, battery...

The captured Japanese agent did not dare to destroy such a valuable instrument easily. Therefore, Cheng Mo seized an intact portable radio detector.

Hearing that Cheng Mo had caught someone, Pride immediately brought people to Laozha's arrest house.

They also wanted to know about the Japanese's level of direction finding technology. Now that there was such a ready-to-capture device, they came over as soon as possible.

Cheng Mo also wanted to take it apart and play with it himself first. Even if he didn't understand it, he could take pictures first and keep the information that should be kept. This could also provide learning materials for his future research and production.

The British insisted on taking away the research, but there was nothing he could do. Fortunately, after he got the things, he took a few photos.

As for the interrogation, Pride did not overstep his authority.

As soon as the Japanese plainclothes agents entered the interrogation room, they resorted to tactics. The punishment in the patrol room was not weak to that of the Japanese military police.


This guy confessed. His name was Toichiro Osawa. He was a communications soldier and a first-class soldier. He was sent out with a portable radio detection device to search for the secret underground radio station of the Blue Shirt Club hidden in the public concession!
Of course, not only the "Blue Shirt Club", but also mysterious and unregistered radio signals are within his detection range.

Found one, marked one.

He has been doing this job for a while. They have three such devices in total. Under normal circumstances, two are working and one is resting. The main work is at noon, evening and morning, especially in the middle of the night when the radio is most active... …

From the other party's confession and detection records, Cheng Mo found no signal from his secret radio station, which made him relieved.

Although if a signal is detected, you may not be targeted, but if the signal is discovered, the chance of being targeted will skyrocket.

However, he must consider the safety of the radio station and cannot stay in one place for too long.

He had to get a safe house or two and a place to hide the radio.

Daze's overdue return.

His superior, Kanzaburo Kanhara, immediately reported to Second Lieutenant Sasaki, the captain of the Japanese military police stationed in western Shanghai. Sasaki became nervous after receiving the report.

Osawa Toichiro went out carrying portable radio detection equipment. Once he disappeared or was caught by the Ministry of Industry Bureau, it would be a very troublesome thing.

So, he immediately called the Italian security forces stationed in the west of Shanghai and the Jing'an Temple Patrol Room, requesting that they go into the public concession to find someone.

A plainclothes gendarme was missing, and the reason seemed legitimate.

But given that the Japanese are best at using this method to stir up trouble, the Italian military camp stationed there immediately became vigilant after receiving the call.

The troops were pulled out of the military camp, the armored vehicles were also driven out, all roads were blocked, and light and heavy machine guns were set up! This is a trend that is about to begin.

The people were so frightened that they went home and cleared the streets!
Sasaki was also frightened by this battle. His military police detachment, including the civilian personnel, could not muster a hundred people. Even if the bribed Huxi gangsters were added, they would probably not be able to match the regular armed forces in a real fight.

Of course, Sasaki overestimated and was simply frightened by the unfolding formation. If he really gave the order to break in and fire the first shot, then the situation in the concession might really be changed.

Unfortunately, at the last moment, he did not dare to give the order. At the same time, he also received a call from the Military Police Headquarters. The missing first-class communications soldier of the Huxi detachment was arrested by the patrol room of the Ministry of Industry Bureau.

The crime is simple: without permission from the patrol room of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, he brought a portable radio lateral device into the concession to engage in illegal activities.

It violated the relevant agreement signed between the Ministry of Industry and the Japanese Military Police Command.

This is what someone did when they were caught.

Everyone gets the stolen goods.

When Military Police Commander Miura Saburo heard the news, he called Sasaki and scolded Sasaki. It was simply a shame for the imperial soldiers that someone was caught by the patrol room for such a thing.

No. 85 North Sichuan Road, Japanese Military Police Headquarters in Shanghai.

In the office, Miura Saburo hung up the phone, his face extremely gloomy. He had long wanted to solve the concession issue once and for all.

The problem is that the higher-ups do not support him. Once troops are sent into the concession and trigger the intervention of the British and American powers, not only will he not become a hero, but he will also become a victim to pacify the British and American powers. He is not a fool, and no matter how crazy he is, he will not do such a " suicidal" behavior.

But this time there was obviously a chance to let that guy Sasaki off. It could have been possible for the concession to give up the police power in the west of Shanghai and the cross-border road construction area in one fell swoop.

In fact, in the eyes of Miura Saburo, there is no right or wrong, there are only the interests of the empire and the ambition to make contributions.

If you catch an excuse, just do it, regardless of whether he is right or wrong?

As long as you start and win, the consequences are easy to say. What can the British do? No matter what happens to my people, you can't catch them. If you catch them, you have to pay the price!

He reached out and pressed the bell under his desk.

After a while, a Japanese second lieutenant came in and gave Miura Saburo a military salute.

"Second Lieutenant Xiaolin, go to the old prison cell in the concession and bring back to me the idiot superior soldier who was caught. Also, bring back a lot of our radio detection equipment!" Miura Saburo ordered in a deep voice. .

"Hi!" Shinichiro Kobayashi said, "Commander, are you talking about the Lao Zha Prison House?"

"Yes, do you have anything to say?"

"There is an acquaintance in the old arresting house. Could it be he is the one who opposes us this time?" Shinichiro Kobayashi said.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Cheng Mo, the Inspector of the Political Section of the Patrol Room of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, is a man with a profound background." Shinichiro Kobayashi said, "His attitude towards the Empire does not seem to be that friendly."

"Nani, why don't you get rid of this person?" Miura Saburo asked.

"Chief Kusumoto and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are extremely interested in this person. They think he is someone who can win over and become a friend of the empire, so they have been doing work in this area." Shinichiro Kobayashi said, "In addition, the Navy This person is also very interested.”

"I don't care about this. As long as they are hostile to the empire, I will eliminate them. This is the mission given to me by the empire!" Miura Saburo said fiercely.


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(End of this chapter)

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