The Bourne Counterattack

Chapter 285 The rebellious "Lin Zhijiang"

Chapter 285 The rebellious "Lin Zhijiang"

"Lao Xu, I received a tip that someone is selling a batch of guns on the black market. I want you to pretend to be a buyer and contact them."

"Boss, do you want to fish this person out?" Xu Qinghe understood Cheng Mo's thoughts as soon as he heard this.

"Yes, illegal buying and selling of firearms and concealing firearms in the concession are serious crimes and must be cracked down on," Cheng Mo said. "This is the focus of our next work."


At this time, Cheng Mo chose "private gun possession" and illegal gun trading as the target of his attack, and no one dared to say anything.

For a man who had just been shot, he had every reason to make such a decision.

"Old Xu, you have to keep it a secret."

"I understand." Xu Qinghe nodded.

"You are behind the scenes and let Lu Le come forward. He has a strange face and will not be easily discovered." Cheng Mo gave another instruction.

The arrest was effortless.

as predicted.

After Lu Le saw the contents of the note, he immediately stood up to pay and walked out.

If they follow now, they will most likely be noticed by opponents who are hiding nearby and observing. By then, the gun seller will not appear in the new location and will never appear again.

Break in.

He came to Lu Le, lowered his head and said something. Lu Le was surprised for a moment, but then he took off his hat and put it on, and followed the man towards the stairs.

There are many rooms in Cangzhou Hotel, but Lu Le's shoes are specially made and will leave special marks on the ground. Therefore, Cheng Mo can easily find the room he enters.

Lu Le's next location was the lobby of Cangzhou Hotel.

He had been given temporary orders by Cheng Mo a long time ago, and how to deal with whatever situation he encountered. Therefore, after he left in a hurry, he looked around at the door and walked towards the other side of the road.

"Don't worry, wait and see." When Cheng Mo saw Lu Le's looking action, he knew he had the next move and grabbed the impulsive Xu Qinghe.

After a while, a man wearing a felt hat came in.


After he entered the lobby, he sat down on the sofa in the lobby, took off the courtesy, placed it on the coffee table in front of him, and lit a cigarette.

The special agent team directly controlled everyone in the lobby, then took over all entrances and exits at the front and rear, and quickly went upstairs.

When Lu Le got up to leave, a flower seller pushed open the door of the cafe and walked in, handing him a note.

But he didn't see him at the agreed time and place.

Cheng Mo and others also followed.


This was naturally expected by Cheng Mo. The more cautious the other party was, the more it showed that the plan was not small.

Two days later, after communication, the gun seller agreed to meet at the Queen's Cafe on Yuyuan Road, when Lu Le's disguised buyer arrived.

Sure enough, a man wearing a felt hat with his hands in his pockets also walked out of the cafe, following Lu Le leisurely.

In addition to the man in the felt hat, two other people were arrested in the room, and Lu Le had been knocked unconscious by them and was about to be put into a box and taken away.

Obviously, the so-called selling of guns is just a "bait" to lure people who need to buy guns and then kidnap them.

But Cheng Mo felt that the matter was not that simple. If it was just a kidnapping and ransom demand, why was no relevant information exposed? It was obvious that this was either a "kidnapping" or an arrest.

However, the people who were arrested using "selling guns" as bait were now caught, and they were all taken back to the Laozha arresting house for interrogation.

This trial really turned out something.

These three people were actually hired by the Japanese secret service to trap anti-Japanese elements in this way. If they caught people, they would send them to the Japanese Military Police to receive rewards.

Many so-called "anti-Japanese elements" were sent in through this method.

Such a meticulous "entrapment" plan is definitely not something that ordinary thieves can come up with. There must be someone behind it, and guns were also found on them, which shows that their identities are very unusual.

Under severe torture.

The three men continued to confess to one person. This person was their immediate boss, surnamed Liu, who lived on Ragnar Road.

Cheng Mo immediately led people to arrest him.

After some investigation, it was discovered that the man named Liu was not alone, but also had a wife and children. The news of the arrest in Cangzhou Hotel was probably leaked.

The man surnamed Liu no longer knew where he had gone, not even his wife and children. Cheng Mo found many valuable documents in his home.

In particular, some guns and ammunition were found in large quantities.

After comparing the documents, Cheng Mo found out that he had taken possession of a small arsenal in the concession of the Military Tonghu Special Administrative Region.

This is great fun.

But what Cheng Mo was sure of was that Liu, who was responsible for guarding the arms, had rebelled. The reason why he hadn't been discovered yet was that the Japanese had used it in reverse.

This is to allow him to continue to lurk in the Shanghai Special Administrative Region, aiming to gain greater gains.

As for them using the arms in their hands to trap "anti-Japanese elements", it was probably the Hao Gambling surnamed Liu who came up with it himself.

Anyway, if the military reunification operation requires arms, there is definitely no need to buy them from the black market. The possibility of encountering one of your own people in this business is extremely small. However, if some other civil anti-Japanese organizations want weapons to assassinate traitors, then if they want to buy weapons, they can buy them from the black market. A good way to buy on the black market...

Those with identity will be sold to the other party. Those without identity background will be caught and sent directly to the Japanese to receive the reward!
There are still such people in this world, it is simply shameless.

When Cheng Mo told Shen Mo and others about this situation, they were all shocked that the chaos within the Juntong Shanghai Special Administrative Region had reached this level.

The hard-working Japanese spy agency cannot enter the concession to arrest people at will, otherwise, it would be a terrible thing. If they had stayed in the Shanghai Special Administrative Region organization, they would have been implicated.

Fortunately, if the Japanese special agencies want to arrest people in the Japanese Concession, they need the cooperation of the Concession Patrol Room. The military commander inside the Patrol Room has insider information.

However, the Japanese special agencies are also constantly buying and wooing them. They also know that there are military commanders in the patrol room, and they are becoming more and more defensive about arrests.

Cheng Mo reported the situation of "Liu's" rebellion to the headquarters of the Chongqing Bureau of Military Command.

You can imagine how furious Dai Yunong was after receiving the tip. After Zhou Weilong was arrested, the work in the Shanghai Special Administrative Region made him feel extremely bad.

This was a problem left over from the past and could not simply be blamed on the newly appointed district chief Wang Tianmu. Therefore, Dai Yunong immediately issued a strict order to Wang Tianmu, asking him to quickly rectify the Shanghai Special Administrative Region. He wanted to See his results as soon as possible.

As for the traitor "Liu", sanctions were issued.

"Liu" is obviously a pseudonym. I learned from his wife and children that her husband's name is Lin Zhijiang, and he is the leader of the second operation team of the Shanghai Special Administrative Region.

Cheng Mo naturally knew Lin Zhijiang, and it was in his hands that Miss Ping Lu died in the assassination of Ding Mo Village.

As for his rebellion, not much information was left, only a few descriptions, which were not specific. Unexpectedly, he was exposed because of gambling and was subsequently dragged into the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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