The Bourne Counterattack

Chapter 289 Alumni Reunion

Chapter 289 Alumni Reunion
The International Hotel, also known as the "Parker Hotel", was built in 1934 and was invested and built by Beisixing. It was not originally used as a hotel building, but as a savings house for Beisixing's external business.

Therefore, there is an underground vault.

With twenty-two floors above ground and two floors underground, it is the only hotel in the concession with an underground vault, guarded by the U.S. Marine Corps.

The reunion of Waseda University's Shanghai classmates was held in the Sky Hall on the 14th floor of the International Hotel, according to the invitation list sent out.

More than a hundred people were able to come to the party.

This may be only part of it, and there are many more who are unwilling to come, or simply don’t know about it. Like Wenqiu, the organizers of the class reunion didn’t even know he existed, let alone send him an invitation.

Even if an invitation was sent to Wen Qiu, he would not come.

Too dangerous.

With his identity, the most important thing to avoid is some frequent social activities.

Cheng Mo wanted to participate in as many social activities as possible. Of course, they must be effective social activities.

The purpose, needless to say, is to snare some traitors and traitors who are willing to sacrifice their lives for themselves.

There were two conveners of the party, one was Japanese and the other was Chinese. The Chinese one had a name that Cheng Mo was very familiar with: Yuan Yi. (There are some minor changes to the character settings, so please do not comment. This is a novel, not documentary literature.)
Cheng Mo didn't know the Japanese convener, but he seemed to have seen him in the list of previous outstanding students. He was said to be working at the Mitsui Foundation and was very awesome.

Of course, if you are involved in politics, personal connections are also very important. At least if you are an alumnus, your connections will be much closer immediately.

Among them are those who work as consultants in the Shanghai Pseudo-Daido City Government, and some who work in the news media. However, it is indeed rare to see someone like Cheng Mo who graduated from Waseda University and became a police officer.

Cheng Mo actually came here wearing the gray woolen jacket that Su Mo'er thought was good. It was low-key, mature, and unassuming.

As for the name of the Chinese convener, he was familiar with it, but this was his first time meeting him.

The Chinese who can study abroad at Waseda University these days are not ordinary people. After returning home, unless their social status is too bad, their social status will definitely be good.

Government departments, universities, financial institutions (banks) all have their graduates, and of course, there are Japanese.

In fact, this so-called alumni gathering was promoted and organized behind the scenes by the Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai.

Since Cheng Mo is one of the targets, he is naturally indispensable.

This kind of alumni gathering not only connects people, but also means integrating resources. If Cheng Mo is a businessman, such an opportunity is extremely rare.

It is certainly impossible to invite “anti-Japanese” or “anti-Japanese” alumni to such a gathering of classmates and alumni.

Ineffective social activities are a waste of time and energy.

Chiyoko did a lot at this alumni gathering, and her father, Hideo Morita, was a professor at Waseda University, so she naturally led Cheng Mo to meet many people along the way.

After Japan invaded China, Japanese consortiums and companies naturally followed. Like leeches, they rushed to China, the injured giant, to knock the bones and suck out the marrow.

What Cheng Mo studied in political economics and the job of patrolling the political unit in the house was nothing compared to what he studied.

Not to mention, Cheng Mo has never participated in such a high-end game in the past and has little experience. He has attended many parties in school before, but they were all pediatric stuff, nothing more than romance and chatting. Too vulgar, too low-end.

Only when organizing secret activities, but that kind is too formal and completely different from the current kind. The topics discussed here are either politics or the world structure, and at the end of the day, they are financial stocks and the like. Of course, Wang Zhaoming's "sexy movies" are indispensable.

Many people think this is the beginning of "peace".

After all, someone stood up despite the "infamy". This is the fearless spirit of "If I don't go to hell, who will?"

There are many people who praise Wang Zhaoming highly.

Cheng Mo knows that most of the so-called alumni gatherings are on the side of "Japan". On the one hand, they are Japanese themselves, and on the other hand, they rely on the Japanese for their livelihood. As for being a traitor and traitor, I am afraid they have not cared about it for a long time. On.

Some people have long compared Japan to the Manchu Qing Dynasty that lasted three hundred years. Since the Manchu Qing Dynasty could enter the country and dominate the Central Plains and occupy the territory of the Han family, why couldn't the Japanese?
Didn’t the Manchus also have the Ten Days Massacre in Yangzhou and the Three Massacres in Jiading?
Are there fewer people killed than in Nanjing?

To use this analogy, during the three hundred years of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the people's rebellion against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty has never stopped. It is a humiliation for China to be ruled by foreigners. Otherwise, the founding father would not have shouted "Drive out the Tartars and restore China." ” slogan.

The Japanese invaders' strategy against China was aimed at subjugating the country and annihilating the race. The Manchu Qing Dynasty at least did not think about annihilating the Han race. Of course, it could not do it.

This kind of person who has abandoned his ancestors is still talking eloquently about "peaceful" founding of the country. If Cheng Mo hadn't been recuperating and needed to act with these people, he would have left long ago.

Seeing their smug looks made him feel sick.

It's not that he has low consciousness, he has always been a "Han nationalist", and everything else is secondary.

"Are you not used to such occasions?" Cheng Mo held a glass of champagne and sat at a side position, silently looking at the person in front of him who was talking about strange things.

The vast majority of people who came today are men, and there are very few women. Many of them are staff of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai.

Such an occasion would be meaningless without beautiful women. Beautiful women not only add color to the party, but also adjust the atmosphere of the scene. After a while, there are various entertainment activities, and women are indispensable.

Cheng Mo nodded, and Yuan Yi took the initiative to talk to him, which surprised him.

After all, he was not willing to have too much contact with him. Of course, he knew the other person's multiple identities, including his relationship with the military commander.

"Speaking of which, you and I are still from the same school." Yuan Yidao.

"Then I should call you senior brother." Cheng Mo nodded. Yuan Yi also worshiped under Cao Youshan's sect. He said they were from the same sect, which was absolutely correct.

Alumni and classmates are one step closer to each other.

"Junior brother was qualified as a detective in the concession patrol house in less than a year. He is really young and promising!" Yuan Yi said with envy.

"I'm just lucky," Cheng Mo said modestly. It's really hard to say what happened to this person. It was partly due to fate and his own personality.

"Luck is also a kind of ability." Yuan Yi smiled.

"I wonder where Brother Yuan is employed?" Cheng Mo asked.

"I just started a newspaper called "Current Affairs News"." Yuan Yi handed over a business card with both hands at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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