The Bourne Counterattack

Chapter 326 Bluffing

Chapter 326 Bluffing
Inside No. 76, Jisi Feier Road, West Shanghai.

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

The entrapment operation was arranged very carefully. How come it was detected by the patrol room of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, and a dragnet was set up. As soon as their operation started, they swarmed up and arrested all the No. 76 action team who participated in the entrapment operation.

Someone must have leaked the news.

There is a traitor in No. 76.

However, very few people knew about this matter. Lin Shiqun investigated all the people who could leak the secret, but he could not find the traitor.

"Deputy Director Lin, could it be that the information was leaked from the Blue Clothes Club?" Someone came up with an idea at this time.

"Impossible. If the information about the Blue Clothes Club's contacts was leaked, then why do so many people need to be arrested?"

"It's hard to say. Otherwise, let someone inquire to see if the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau has also obtained relevant information and happened to collide with us." Ding Mocun said.

"In the dictionary of agents, there is no word 'coincidence'!" Lin Shiqun flatly objected.

Except this time it ruined his plan to trap "Wang Tianmu".

"It's really hateful that Cheng Mo was against us and protected the anti-Japanese elements in the concession. If you ask me, find someone to kill him directly!" Wu Sibao already hated Cheng Mo to the bone.

"Since we had a bad relationship with this person, we have conducted an investigation into his social relations, and we have found out some things. Deputy Director Lin, do you want to listen?" said Tang Keming, the director of the intelligence department.

The previous conflict was either between Wu Sibao or Ji Yunqing and Cheng Mo. There was no direct conflict with No. 76 and Lin Shiqun.

"That's all we know so far, but the last conflict between the Huxi Military Police and him was ultimately due to the intervention of His Excellency General Doihara and the concession made by Commander Miura..."

"anything else?"

"Does he still have this kind of relationship?" Ding Mocun was surprised. Obviously he didn't know about this situation, and Lin Shiqun didn't seem to be very clear either. After all, many things had nothing to do with Lin Shiqun himself.

Lin Shiqun remained silent, but he wanted to rescue Guo Zhonghe and others. Otherwise, would Wu Sibao and others still be willing to sacrifice their lives for him in the future?

"He is the younger brother of the third concubine of Yang Hu, the former Songhu garrison commander."

"Send this press release to all the major newspapers in the concession. The news tomorrow morning must be published according to the meaning of the press release. If anyone changes the content without authorization, I will shut down that newspaper!"

"Not only is there a British person behind Cheng Mo, it is said that he is also related to the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai. This person's background is very unusual." Lin Zhijiang, captain of the First Operation Brigade, said.

"Is it just a newspaper office in the concession?"


Moreover, he was well aware of the Japanese ambitions for Western Shanghai and even the Concession. He took this opportunity to force the Concession to give up police power in the cross-border road construction area in Western Shanghai. Regardless of whether it was justified or not, he wanted to build momentum first!

"In other words, a choice made out of the interests of the empire or some special relationship?" Ding Mocun analyzed, "Brother Shiqun, it seems that this Cheng Mo is not easy to deal with. Do you want to be more cautious? Do you want to communicate with Major Qingqi, or ask Mr. Yingzuo for instructions?"

"His sister's name is Cheng Hua. She is a very smart and skillful woman. However, she has separated from Yang Hu, but the relationship has not been terminated yet." Tang Keming continued.

"Yes, including the French Concession. If their newspapers want to be sold in the public concession, they will do so." Cheng Mo ordered.

The political unit is in charge of this. Now he is the deputy leader of the Chinese group. He is a middle-level and high-level person in the political unit. He has the support of the British and there is no problem in intervening in the censorship of news and publications.

As the importance of the political unit becomes increasingly prominent, it is expected that the abolished political office will be re-established, and by that time, the power of the political unit will be greatly enhanced. No. 76 is very good at propaganda and spreading rumors. These people are originally from this background and are good at shaping public opinion.

But Cheng Mo would never give them a chance to spread rumors and cause trouble.

It is impossible for the evildoer to file a complaint first.


After interrogating Guo Zhonghe, Cheng Mo drove to the central arrest house and reported the relevant situation to Pride and Robertson. Although this operation had the support of the British, he also knew very well that the British support was very limited, and they also will be subject to domestic pressure.

Although they don't want to give up the interests of the Far East, they are beyond their reach because Europe is their base camp.

The smell of gunpowder on the European continent is getting stronger and stronger, and there are many signs that the Germans are ready to take action in Europe.

Although the UK is separated from Europe by the English Channel, he still understands the truth. Once Europe is occupied by the Germans, can the lonely British Empire escape?

It is necessary to give up some of the interests of the Far East, at least not to allow Japan to find an excuse to stir up trouble.

"Mr. Pride, the Japanese side will definitely put pressure on us to let us go. If we give in easily, then they will definitely push forward, provoke bigger troubles, and eat away at the interests of the concession area step by step. So what should we do? ?”

"Pride, has Mr. Tony received a call back?" Robertson asked.

"Mr. Tony is on vacation in Hong Kong and there may not be any calls for a while, but we have informed Mr. John of the situation here."

John Kaiziwei, the younger brother of Tony Kaiziwei, is also the chief executive of Jardine Matheson and the head of the British Secret Service in the Far East.

"Cheng, you write a report to me. Tomorrow morning, I will report to the General Office together with Mr. Ba. You can also attach the next move that the Japanese and No. 76 may take." Robertson ordered.

"Yes, I have already written the report. Please take a look at it." Cheng Mo came to report. Naturally, he had already written the report.

"Oh, you have written it a long time ago?" Robertson was surprised.

"Yes, I am. This matter is very important and cannot be delayed. We must react immediately and deal with it in advance. Therefore, after the arrest was completed, I wrote the report while interrogating." Cheng Mo explained.

"GOOD, Cheng, you are the best Chinese actor I have ever seen, bar none." Robertson gave Cheng Mo a thumbs up with great appreciation.

"I'm worried that those people on No. 76 will cause bigger troubles with the support of the Japanese. Therefore, we must take precautions." Cheng Mo suggested.

"Well, your suggestion is very timely. I will report it to Mr. Ba and Mr. Philip." Robertson nodded.

Sure enough, early the next morning, front-page news such as "Xin Shen Shen" and "China Daily" controlled by the Japanese puppets reported that the Police Department of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau had seized the No. 76 car and personnel without reason, and demanded that the Police Department of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau immediately The seized cars and relevant persons were released. At the same time, the Japanese Military Police Headquarters in Shanghai also lodged a solemn protest with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau Police Office. If the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau Police Office did not release the people, they threatened to send troops to directly occupy the concession.

However, newspapers in the same concession, such as Hujiang Daily and Damei Evening News, reported the opposite situation, accompanied by photos of the capture of Agent 76 at the scene.

The fact is that Agent No. 76 entered the concession with a gun without the permission of the concession authority, intending to kidnap. The arrested Agent No. 76 confessed to the facts...

No. 76 and the Japanese are evil people who complained first and then beat them up.

At this time, the Japanese were bluffing. They had just been beaten by the Soviet Union in Nomenhan, and their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. At this time, if they started fighting the British again in Shanghai, in the Northeast, the Soviet Union would not let it go easily. The troops call a truce.

Even if the Soviet Union and Russia don’t want to fight, will there be more conditions for negotiation at that time?

(End of this chapter)

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