The guarding general at Yumendu was Dang Shousu, one of Li Chuang's twenty-eight generals.

The terrain of Yumendu is narrow, and there is a solid city wall built between two high loess cliffs. This has become an insurmountable pass. Once the gate is closed, it is difficult for birds to cross. Therefore, there are not many troops, only five thousand bandits are stationed there.

Although Dang Shousu was guarding this pass, which was easy to defend but difficult to attack, and one man could pass it but no one could open it, he did not dare to take it lightly. Instead, he stayed on guard day and night and stayed on guard.

As a result, the peaceful days ended in an instant. The Ming army, which had made no progress at Hejin Ferry, suddenly sent a powerful army and launched a desperate attack on its ferry pass.

Dang Shousu, who has been in battle for a long time, immediately felt that this was not a tentative or diversionary attack by the enemy, but a serious attack.

Groups of soldiers of the Ming army, shouting without fear of death, constantly attacked their passes and carried out attacks day and night.

The narrow ferry road was already covered with the corpses of Ming soldiers in layers.

But even so, there was still one batch after another, without any pause at all. It is a desperate determination to never give up until the pass is reached.

Facing such a desperate attack by the Ming army, Dang Shousu really felt puzzled. What has actually happened?
Discuss with the brother who escaped from Taiyuan in embarrassment.

Dang Shouyi frowned and said: "That young prince has a cloud of counselors and a rain of fierce generals, and he himself is very resourceful. I think his attack here is definitely not without purpose. There must be some conspiracy. But if there is any conspiracy, I don't know. I can only feel it, but I can’t be sure.”

Faced with this brother who had really competed with Lu Mou, Dang Shousu took this kind of nonsense very seriously.

"The Ming army clearly knows that the pass we occupy is only accessible to one man and cannot be opened by ten thousand people. However, they are willing to spend all their money to attack it. They must have an ulterior motive."

This is also meaningless nonsense.

"I know that the young prince is most concerned about the casualties of his soldiers. According to his theory, the casualties of his soldiers are a loss of his money. But this time, he is uncharacteristically, what is the purpose of being so reckless? Could it be that he Do you still hope to open our border and break the deadlock in Hejin? "

Dang Shouyi shook his head: "It's not like that, because even if he opens our place, it will be difficult for their army to enter. If they only rush in with ten thousand people, it will have no decisive effect on the entire Shaanxi war situation."

Then something suddenly dawned on him: "Does that mean that he simply wants to contain us so that we can't move our target and defend elsewhere?"

Being reminded like this, Dang Shousu suddenly realized: "Then he must be covering for their possible surprise force."

"Brother is saying that they may have a surprise force that crosses the ice and breaks into Shaanxi to attack General Gao's Hejin back?"

"That's absolutely true. But I'm surprised. Since the enemy has an army and wants to sneak across a certain section of the Yellow River to launch a sneak attack on General Gao's old camp, the number of people must not be small, otherwise it will not have any effect.

But why haven’t we heard any local reports for such a long time? "

Dang Shouyi looked at his brother like he was an idiot.

"Since the armed workers entered the northwest, they promoted the emperor's benevolent policies and won the hearts and minds of the people. Are our rural areas in Dashun still ours now?
I have a feeling that I am in Shanxi, that is, I am not in the territory of Dashun, but rather in an enemy war zone. We can only control a few large cities, and as soon as we leave the city gates, all I can feel are the hostile looks. I think that although the enemy infiltrating now is in our Dashun territory, they will leave with confidence and calmness. "

Dang Shousu painfully admitted this point of view.

The power of the martial arts team and the emperor's favor policy is really so powerful that it is unimaginable.

You can clearly see that the people of Dashun worked hard to cultivate crops and obtained bumper harvests year after year. They have become rich. But instead of thanking their invading army for wiping out the landlords and royal family and bringing them land for farming, they turned around and thanked the Ming court for its magnanimous grace. Directly call the Holy Emperor to come to court. Those are a group of truly unscrupulous people.

Sometimes the current soldiers of the Chuang Army are very confused about what they are fighting against the Ming Dynasty for and who they are for.

"What the ancients said is true. You can conquer the world immediately, but you cannot rule the world immediately. It is the duty of military generals to open up territories and expand territory, but it is really up to the literati to govern the world.

And what we lack most among the army are literati. For example, in the armies of all dynasties, staff officers are indispensable, and even people of my level cannot equip them. If they exist, why do we brothers have to speculate here? "

Dang Shouyi said: "Now is not the time to talk about this. What we should do now is to quickly report our judgment to General Gao and let them be prepared."

While he was talking, his rear camp suddenly erupted with gunfire and the roar of grenades. Countless of his soldiers shouted in panic: "It's not good, the Ming army made a sneak attack and blew up the rear camp." , they came to kill."

At that time, the Dang brothers were completely shocked when they heard such a cry.

They judged the matter correctly, but they failed to judge that the sneak attack team of the Ming Dynasty army did not sneak attack on Hejin Dugaoyigong's camp, but instead came to sneak attack on their own place.

Running out of the lobby in panic, the two brothers had already seen batches of powerful Ming troops appearing at the other end of the street.

The terrifying rapid-fire guns in their hands kept firing, knocking their brothers to the ground one after another. His brother was completely stunned by this sudden blow.

They were helpless, just like headless flies, shouting meaningless sounds and scurrying around.

In the blink of an eye, this Ming army rushed to his yamen.

Dang Shousu yelled at his younger brother: "It's impossible to do anything anymore. You run away quickly and I'll take the lead."

Dang Shouyi smiled bitterly: "I have already run away from Taiyuan. General Gao spared my life for the sake of my brother. If I run away again this time, how will I survive?"

Dang Shousu stamped his feet: "Do you still hope to continue to be an official in Dashun? Hurry up and take your family members with me, take my treasure map and escape. Then hide your name in the countryside and live peacefully as an obedient citizen of the Ming Dynasty. Bar."


"There is nothing wrong with it. In this Ming Dynasty that has been reborn from nirvana, being a law-abiding and obedient citizen is not an unchosen opportunity. You should run away."

Dang Shouyi finally stamped his feet: "Brother, take care, I'm leaving." Then he fled directly into the residential area, took his sister-in-law, nephew and his family members with him, and took advantage of the chaos to escape Yumendu.

From then on, in his hometown in Yan'an, he contracted his share of the land anonymously, allowing the two families to live a prosperous life.

When Dang Shousu saw that his younger brother had escaped, he mounted his horse and swung his sword to kill the Ming army on the opposite side.

As a result, they ran into a Ming general riding a horse and holding a sword. There was no need for the two sides to share their names and fight directly.

The Ming army general opposite swung the heavy sword in his hand and slashed it down. Dang Shousu raised his sword to meet him, and with a clang of gold and iron, Dang Shousu broke his sword and was beheaded off his horse.

The gate of Yumendu opened, and countless Ming troops poured in. The thousand-mile Yellow River defense line collapsed. (End of chapter)

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