Chapter 286 The eight Shanxi merchants are back
With money, it means that the food problem has been solved. Just when everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, a strange voice sounded: "Report to the regent, it seems that it is a bit difficult to purchase military rations with cash."

Everyone looked up, and it was Luo Binggong, the senior commander of the Jinyi Guards, who spoke.

Lu Mou asked in confusion: "Don't the people sell the grain they have?"

"That's not true. It's the food in the hands of the people. At least the people in the north don't have that much food to sell."


"Because according to Jin Yiwei's report, when we were short of funds, a group of businessmen in the northwest purchased a large amount of surplus grain from the people, and the price was much higher than the price set by our court, and the people rushed to sell it. Profit. Therefore, the people in the northwest do not have much food in their hands."

Lu Mou's mind was buzzing: "Who is it, who is grabbing the grain?"

"According to internal analysis, the biggest possibility is that the eight Shanxi merchants think that we don't know their roots and come back to collect grain for the Qing Dynasty."

Lu Mou gritted his teeth and felt fierce in his heart: "The eight Shanxi merchants, I thought you went to the Manchu Qing Dynasty when Li Chuang was causing trouble in the northwest. But you came back without knowing your life or death. You think we don't know your true identity." Is it your identity? You still dare to come back. I really admire your spirit of making money and being loyal to your master. But others may not know you, but I know you are like a rabbit trying to kill me. Come on. Okay, the army is approaching the Great Wall, so you can take advantage of me again. I hope I don't kill you completely this time."

He raised his head and ordered: "Old commander, don't alert the snake. Immediately send people to investigate secretly to see how much they have purchased and how much they intend to purchase. Didn't they provide us with supplies nearby and then cut us off from the bottom of the cauldron? I will take advantage of them. If you eat black and white, everything will be clean."

"Yes." Luo Binggong took the Jin Yiwei into emergency action.

In Jincheng, Shanxi, Fan Wendou, the leader of the Eight Families, sneaked back to his hometown in Jincheng, Shanxi while Lu Mou was encouraging industry and commerce to prosper.

Standing in front of his original mansion, his heart felt like it was on fire.

This place used to be the most luxurious house in the entire Shanxi, or simply the entire northwest. Although the appearance does not dare to surpass the palaces of various places, the luxury on the inside is unmatched by anyone in the world.

Every brick and every stone is crafted with care and skill. The carved beams and painted buildings all reveal the craftsman's care.

However, now, after being robbed and baptized by rogue bandits, this place is already a ruins, buried by weeds and weeds.

While walking, hares and foxes appear from time to time, which is scary.

Wang Weiwei, the envoy of Shanxi who had no idea of ​​his origins, personally welcomed and accompanied the eight people who had fled from the grassland and returned with a large number of fur, tendons and medicinal materials that Shanxi urgently needed. Wang Yiyi was overjoyed as he worked hard to restore business by lending money to businessmen at interest. For this reason, he did not hesitate to lower his status and personally greet and accompany these eight businessmen.

Accompanying several people into the former residence, Wang Weiwei said apologetically: "I'm really sorry. I failed to protect the former residences of several members of the family and did not send people to clean them. It is my fault."

To attract investment, you need to put down your dignity.

Fan Wendou smiled and handed over his hand: "Old parents don't have to be too humble. It is a great honor for humble businessmen like us to have them condescend to accompany us. How dare we work for our old parents to do anything else."

Wang Weiwei solemnly informed: "Now our Ming Dynasty, under the auspices of the regent, has abolished the fixed household registration system. Businessmen are no longer humble. On the contrary, with the strong support of the regent, the status of merchants has been continuously improved. For Members, please stop being humble and walk in the Ming Dynasty with dignity."

Fan Wendou and others quickly bowed and thanked: "We fled to Mongolia to avoid Li Chuang's disaster, and knew almost nothing about what happened in the Central Plains. Now that the Ming Dynasty has regained its strength, it seems that it is thanks to the regent. I You must abide by the regent's orders, be a good citizen, actively pay taxes according to the regulations, and make some contributions to the Ming Dynasty." Wang Weiwei nodded happily: "Our regent said that without business, there will be no prosperity, and without work, there will be no strength. With the return of Yuanwai, Shanxi will prosper commercially in the future.”

Then he looked at the sky: "It's getting late. I have to go back to handle some official business, so I'll excuse you. If there is anything you need me to do to facilitate you, just say so and I will fully cooperate."

Everyone said goodbye with thanks.

Fan Wendou greeted his servants and began to tidy up his courtyard.

The housekeeper asked: "Do we need to recruit people to renovate this place?"

Seeing that there were no outsiders here, Fan Wendou just smiled coldly: "We don't want to live here for a long time. We will leave after finishing the errands given by the above." Then he looked at the abandoned and decadent mansion, full of pride. He said: "But we will come back, and this place will be renovated and built again. By then, the eight houses of ours will have more than doubled in size."

Everyone is very confident about this.

In the secret room that had just been cleaned, Fan Wendou said to the seven partners: "The task assigned to us by the regent this time is very important and urgent. Now the supply of logistics food and fodder for the frontline army has been tight. We must hurry up and provide the army with Buy it and send it. At the same time, the regent of the Ming Dynasty has set a policy of purchasing grain in cash. I am afraid that he will change his policy due to financial constraints. To this end, we must increase our efforts to buy grain among the people to drain the fire. , in the next few days, brothers, we must contact our surviving partners and join in this rush.”

The head of the Tian family said: "The northwest has had good weather in the past few years. The regent of the Ming Dynasty has implemented the New Deal, which has greatly stimulated the people's enthusiasm for food production. Now the people in the northwest have abundant food surplus. Now it depends on the price we offer and the control of funds.”

Fan Wendou said confidently: "My brother promises me that as long as we can supply enough food to the front line of the army and draw out the firepower, there will be no problem with funds. After years of robbery in the Ming Dynasty, our emperor has a lot of money in his hands." , it’s endless.”

This point is well known to everyone. The Manchu Qing Dynasty committed suicide five times and plundered the capital, Shandong, and Hebei. It was really a lot of loot.

At the same time, in order to ensure Shanhaiguan's front line in western Liaoning, Ming spent three to four million dollars every year. Because of this, the Manchu Qing Dynasty continued to invade and plunder Western Liaoning all year round.

They just looted and then immediately withdrew to cross the Liao River, leaving the Ming Dynasty to continue blood transfusions on this useless piece of land, and then continued to let the Manchu Qing plunder.

In the past, Liaoxi was the blood-letting wound of the Ming Dynasty and the way for the Manqing to suck blood.

From the beginning of Huang Taiji to the present, the Qing Dynasty has plundered more than hundreds of millions of silver supplies from the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, everyone thought that the food in Daming's bowl had been eaten and the food in the pot was half dry, so it was time to take away the pots.

At the same time, I also discovered that in the past few years, under the leadership of that little brat, Daming had begun to reverse the situation. If he didn't smash the pot now, the pot would be placed on his head in the future and he would be boiled. That's why they launched an all-out war to destroy the country.

But this kind of regular war is not like their previous bandit war. The food and grass supplies that the Qing Dynasty had accumulated over the years were almost exhausted in less than half a year.

That's why Fan Wencheng and Hong Chengchou formulated such a plan.

The Fang Ba family ventured back to Shanxi to activate old relationships and use enough money to purchase grain from the northwest. Directly meeting the military needs of the front line, draining the firepower, leaving the Ming Dynasty's front line short of military rations, using a two-pronged approach to completely defeat the Ming Dynasty, and achieve the strategic goal of occupying the entire northwest.

(End of this chapter)

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