Chapter 305 Breakout
Duoze hid behind a boulder and stabilized his mind after a sudden change. After a quick scan of the surrounding battlefields, a fort was exposed on the highest mountain opposite. More than a dozen cannons were spitting tongues of fire into the valley. With every sound of the cannon, countless soldiers were blown up into the sky.

Capturing that fort can also suppress other forts.

Decisively, he ordered to a sturdy man: "Obai, take my soldiers and seize the top of the mountain at all costs and seize the cannon on it."

Oboi received the order, jumped off his horse, grabbed a large shield, squeezed into the crowd and shouted: "If you don't want to be squeezed in here and be killed by the explosion, follow me, seize the top of the mountain, and open a breakthrough." Then he was the first to risk his life. , rushed towards the fort on the top of the mountain.

Doze watched him start to climb the mountain to attack, attracting the firepower of some of the ambushers, and immediately ordered Doni: "Turn the horses around, collect everyone, and rush back. If there is anyone who blocks the way and delays things, kill them immediately, and make a U-turn for the army." Open the channel."

Doni, the king of Xin County, received the order and took the lead and shouted: "Those who can turn the horse's head should turn around, and those who can't, dismount and walk, charge me."

"All the soldiers dismounted and launched an attack on the Ming army on both sides of the hillside to contain their firepower and buy time for our army to adjust."

This time, the mountains and valleys are almost all occupied by the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. Each of them is truly experienced in hundreds of battles and well-trained. In particular, their absolute obedience is unparalleled.

Facing the sudden attack, they were caught off guard in panic. But after a while, I stabilized my mind.

They were still hit by grenades and bullets, but they no longer panicked, but began to organize and spontaneously launch attacks on the Ming troops who attacked them on the hillsides on both sides.

Countless Qing soldiers abandoned their horses, marched on their weak bow legs, held knives, howled and began to charge wave after wave towards the Ming army ambushing on the steep mountain wall.

One was killed and rolled down, while the other continued to climb with gritted teeth and continued to attack.

After throwing away all the grenades, he picked up his rifle and fired, killing the enemies one by one.

But there were too many enemies, densely packed all over the hillside. They all had the desire to survive and die, and they also knew better that in the Ming Dynasty, in the concept of this little ghost king, he would not accept the surrender of the Manchu soldiers. They either died gloriously in battle, or they died in agony due to passive beatings.

The bloody nature of the Manchu people made them choose the latter. Anyway, you will die, so die in battle.

Obai didn't know how many times his shield had been hit by grenades and how many bullets he had blocked. When he was climbing hard, a grenade exploded directly on his shield, and the iron-covered shield shattered into pieces. crack.

But he also saw that he was not far from the top of the mountain.

Oboi is brave, but that doesn't mean he is stupid. He took the lead and inspired his brothers to climb bravely.

But the brothers all over the mountains and plains fell in pieces under the fierce fire of grenades and rifles from the Ming army in the mountain fortifications. Advancement is very difficult.

Obai hid behind a big tree and shouted at the attacking brothers: "Condor shooters, white-armored and red-armored soldiers, stop attacking. Start shooting at the Ming army on the top of the mountain."

The vulture shooter is one of a thousand beings, while the white-armored soldier must kill fifty enemies with his own hands, and the red-armored soldier can kill hundreds of people.

They are all equipped with the strongest armor of the Qing Dynasty and the sharpest steel swords of the Qing Dynasty. They each hold the most sophisticated ten-stone composite bows of the Ming Dynasty. Their wolf-fang arrows are all carefully selected. They are A truly capable marksman.

Under the command of Obai, they immediately discarded the weapons in their hands, picked up their beloved bows and arrows, and began to kill the Ming army in the fortifications on the top of the mountain.

The soldiers of the Ming army huddled in the trenches with steel helmets on their heads, but as soon as a gap just big enough for their eyes was exposed, they would immediately call in the vulture shooters to shoot. They were surprisingly accurate and the arrows would never miss.

In the blink of an eye, the Ming army in the fortifications was suppressed.

Obai picked up a shield again, jumped out and shouted: "Brothers, charge with me -" With the reappearance of the God of War, the exhausted climbers mustered up their last strength and howled. Rushed into the Ming army's position.

The Ming army was not afraid, and a commander shouted: "Fix the bayonet and drive the enemy down."

There was a clicking sound, and a row of sharp bayonets lined up. The soldiers jumped out of the trench and rushed towards the enemy. The two sides engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat inside and outside the trench.

Lu Mou, who was watching the battle from the commanding heights, received urgent military information and the third fort was captured by the Qing army.

Lu Mou said coldly: "Send an order to the commander of the Seventh Army. If he doesn't recapture the fort and seal the ambush hole, I will remove him from his post."

Peng Zhijie, the commander of the Seventh Army, was already killing people like crazy. He shouted at Ban Taiyuan, the commander of the First Division: "You lost the No. 3 fort to me. Get it back for me. If you can't get the fort back within half an hour, If you can't close the hole, I'll kill you."

The leader of the first regiment immediately jumped up: "I'll go now."

Ban Taiyuan's eyes were red: "You loser, in such a dangerous terrain, with such sharp and advanced firearms, you even lost the fort. I don't need you to go, I will go there myself."

The leader of the first regiment strangled his neck: "I have soldiers in my hands. I will take back the positions I lost, otherwise I will jump off the cliff and commit suicide."

After occupying the fort, Obai personally waved the flag and reported to Duo Ze at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing the dragon flag of the Qing Dynasty appear on the top of a mountain, the morale of the desperate Qing army was boosted and they cheered together.

Fan Wencheng immediately pulled Duo Ze and said, "Your Majesty, rush out through the hole that Obai made."

Duoze shook his head firmly: "Before my entire army rushes out of the valley, I will not go anywhere. I will command here. Come here, urge Zhenglan Banner to quickly open a way out. If there is any further delay, I will kill his banner leader." The whole family. The whole army practices the sitting method."

Then he ordered again: "The whole army, launch a desperate attack in all directions and seize every commanding height."

Because of their attack, the firepower in the assault valley was weak, which gave the enemies in the valley a chance to breathe.

Duo Ze was indeed a famous general of his generation. He just seized this short opportunity and made adjustments and deployments.

At this time, a burst of cheers from the Ming army suddenly broke out on the top of the mountain. The fort occupied by Obai was recaptured again, and the cannons on the mountain roared again.

And the smoke from the fire ahead was getting thicker and thicker.

There is no need to add kerosene there. The corpses of people and horses are already the best fuel.

The battle continued fiercely. The valley was covered with thickly laid corpses of men and horses, and the blood had overflowed and flowed into rivers.

The tangy smell of blood and the aroma of burning flesh from the corpses of men and horses made people sick.

Because too much was put in this time, the defense lines surrounded on all sides were constantly being impacted and collapsed. The entire perfect encirclement could be torn open at any time due to the enemy's fierceness and desperate efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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