In the large tent of the grassland, Lu Mou held the first rebellion meeting.

All the generals gathered together, showing their might and solemnity.

Li Yan stood up first: "Wu Sangui's rebellion is as harmful as the Manchu Qing Dynasty. For this reason, this traitor must be eliminated as soon as possible. For this reason, you must fight to the death."

The generals were awe-inspiring.

"Now, our military department will introduce to you the rebel enemy situation and military configuration that Jinyiwei has investigated in detail."

The generals immediately turned their attention to the huge map.

The map is a bit sketchy and not as detailed as the map of the Ming Dynasty interior, but it's not bad.

"Now, the rebels are divided into northern and southern parts. Wu Sangui is still taking chances and continues to deceive our court of supplies. At the same time, in order to quickly go south to raid the Central Plains, for this reason, his main force is stationed in Xia Shuihai, not far from Shanxi.

Here are the 50,000 Guanning troops that Wu Sangui belonged to back then, and the 60,000 Mongolian soldiers who gathered to conquer and annex the surrounding Mongolia under the pretext of encircling and suppressing Turghut. The total number of soldiers is about 110,000. "

Then he pointed the whip to the north and clicked on Sanbulechuan: "The royal court of Prince Turgut is here. There are 50,000 elite soldiers and 100,000 miscellaneous soldiers. Originally, he also counted on Wu Zu here. He and the Mongolian princes have 300,000 soldiers, but now that everyone is sitting here, he can't count on it. "

Everyone burst into mocking laughter.

"To this end, after careful consideration by the Ministry of War and Chief of Staff Zhang, and with the guidance of the Emperor, the combat plan is now announced as follows."

The entire army stared closely at the map, looking for their upcoming location on the map.

"In response to the enemy's situation, we must fight quickly. For this reason, we are also divided into two groups. One group has 100,000 cavalry from the kings of Wu Zu, 20,000 Qi Fei Guards Independent Division, 30,000 cavalry from Wu Sanfu, and 30,000 cavalry from Zu Kefa. As a commander, the emperor personally marched to Sanbulechuan, annihilated the prince's troops, and captured the royal court. With 150,000 enemy troops, I think the emperor and the prince can easily win. "

Zu Kefa and others expressed that the task was heavy. What was heavy was not winning, but the fact that the emperor was in his own army, Alexander.

"The second line, led by our own military department, is also the real main force. It is mainly composed of Zhao Youhu's 30,000 cavalry, the fifth, seventh, and eighth armies, and independent artillery divisions, totaling 150,000. They will use all their strength to annihilate Wu Sangui's main force of 110,000. "

Then he asked: "Do you have any objections? Please raise them. If not, they must be strictly implemented."

At this time, a high-pitched voice uttered a dissatisfied question: "Li Bingbu, let me ask, it is almost November and the weather is freezing. You have arranged for the emperor to be the commander in the north of the extremely cold place. In case of a heavy snowfall, It’s a disaster. Is it appropriate for you to put the emperor in danger?”

The person who asked the question was Lu Mou's personal eunuch Xiao Lizi.

Li Yan solemnly explained: "According to my night sky observation, there will be no heavy snowstorms in the grassland this year."

"What if there is?"

"What if it doesn't happen?"

This is going to kill me again.

"Besides, even if there is a white-haired snowstorm, the emperor has encountered it for the first time when he went deep into the grassland, and his experience is better than mine. This is something I cannot compare to."

"Is this a reason? There are 150,000 enemies, and the emperor leads 150,000 troops. You put the emperor in danger. What are your intentions?"

"The enemy has 150,000 people. It is said that there are only 50,000 elites. The emperor's soldiers are all elite cavalry, and most of the troops led by the army are infantry, but they have to face Wu Sangui's real elites of more than 100,000. Cavalry, who is more dangerous?"

A crisp female voice sounded: "Little Lizi, don't talk nonsense to him. As long as you give me war horses and fifteen thousand white soldiers, I will be able to protect Brother Zhu safely." Lan Lan still followed the bold character of a Tujia woman, no matter He called Lu Mou the emperor and his elder brother. This left all the civil and military ministers in the palace speechless for a moment. Lu Mou, however, enjoyed it with a look of enjoyment.

Li Yan quickly bowed and said, "I will give you two horses for your Majesty."

Lan Lan said calmly: "Thank you."

Although Xiao Lizi did not dare to argue anymore, he was still aggrieved: "Li Bingbu, several times you went to war with the emperor, you always put the emperor in the most dangerous place. You gave us a perfect explanation."

Li Yan said calmly: "In the Royal Court of Monan, there are Torgut tribe who follow Genghis Khan and plunder five hundred years of savings in Asia and Europe."

Okay, no need to explain anymore, this reason is perfect enough.

When the separation was about to begin, Lu Mou and Xie Yue walked on the grassland with their hands behind their hands.

Li Yan solemnly said to Lu Mou: "This time, I will transfer the troops of the Wu Zu family in the grassland to deal with the eldest prince, just as a precaution."

"I understand this. They are used to deal with Wu Sangui. Although it is cavalry against cavalry, if someone rebels, it will ruin the matter. This time I will take them away to deal with their real enemy. Your arrangement is very appropriate. ”

"But this has laid a hidden danger for the Emperor. If they rebel, the Emperor will only have 15,000 white soldiers by his side. It is extremely dangerous."

"You don't have to worry about me. I trust Zukfa. On the contrary, it's your place. Infantry versus cavalry. Although the numbers are equal, the danger is greater. I have arranged for your command center to be in the Fifth Army. You can do it step by step. Get out. I have given Zhu Changxun a death order. Even if all the Fifth Army is killed, your safety must be guaranteed."

"The most troublesome thing about the Central Plains' conquest of the grasslands is that the grassland nomads have always had no fixed abodes and have been chasing water and grass. Let's fight them decisively. They are erratic and we can't catch them. But it's different for the eldest prince. The monk can't leave after he leaves. Therefore, this time I advise the emperor to follow the example of Huo Qubing and hit him at his most vulnerable point. If he is not defeated, the emperor will never withdraw. "

Lu Mou nodded: "That's the way. As long as I occupy the royal court and ransack their homes, the eldest prince will become a bandit both in terms of momentum and psychology. At that time, the most likely thing he will do is to turn to you. If you move around the battlefield and join Wu Sangui, you will be under great pressure. Therefore, I will not be under pressure in this battle, but you will be the most difficult and dangerous. "

Xiao Lizi hurriedly accompanied Li Yan: "Li Bingbu, our family has misunderstood you."

Lan Lan's eyes also glowed with emotion.

Li Yan smiled: "Eunuch Li, you don't have to be like this. This is what you should do as a minister."

Then he ignored him and continued to say to Lu Mou: "This time, I recruited one man, four horses, and three horses to carry supplies in the liberated area for the emperor's army, but it was only enough for the entire army for ten days. For this reason, the emperor's army must be fast. , we must fight to the royal court and occupy him within ten days, otherwise——"

Lu Mou smiled confidently: "When the time comes to attack the royal court, I will use white pole soldiers as the main force. There will be no delay. Don't worry about this. But you, once the war starts, Wu Sangui cannot be allowed to enter the pass and destroy Shanshan under any circumstances. This is the key. It doesn’t matter if you delay a little, the key is to kill as few soldiers as possible. We have too many enemies, and we brothers can’t afford to lose them.”

"I understand. Your Majesty, just in case, I mean just in case, the war situation there is dangerous, please be sure to ignore it and come back intact. The story of Tumubao must not happen. The Ming Dynasty cannot live without you, and King Yong cannot replace you. "

Lu Mou laughed loudly: "I understand this. But you must pay attention to your own safety and make sure you don't make any mistakes. I need you to help me to conquer this ten thousand years."

After saying this, the two of them didn't speak anymore. They just held their hands tightly together and looked at each other, full of worries and ambitions.

This is responsibility, this is friendship.

Faced with such a scene, Lan Lan was jealous: "Could it be that you two are really as rumored -"

The two of them said together: "The two men are moved, women, please don't get involved."

A red shadow nestled on Li Yan's shoulder. He is as tall as Lan Lan. (End of chapter)

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