At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane

Chapter 329: Prosperity and Beating the Han Officials

Chapter 329: Prosperity and Beating the Han Officials
Lantian Coal Field, inside the bathhouse.

A large group of craftsmen who had worked hard all day soaked their bodies in the pool.

There are also some craftsmen who command their apprentices to serve them.

"Be gentle, you barbarians can't even wipe your back, what else can you expect to do." The masters scolded loudly.

But the apprentice who was rubbing his back could only smile honestly and did not dare to refute.

"Lao Gen, they don't understand what you're saying." A craftsman laughed.

After three people died because of eating yesterday, Ouyang Jie, the manager of Lantian Coal Mine, was worried that these Hu people would kill themselves, so he simply asked the original old craftsmen to assign two apprentices each to teach the Hu people familiar with mining matters. .

Another old craftsman said: "Speaking of which, they are also pitiful people. They can starve themselves to death even if they eat. This shows how bad their life is."

The other craftsmen felt sad when they heard this. They only had enough to eat in these two years. Two years ago, they were just like these barbarians, living like human beings and ghosts.

Thanks to the emperor, they can live a life like human beings.

"Don't rush to eat so quickly, or you may choke."

More than forty two-thousand-stone county guards from the entire Han Dynasty gathered together, and the scene this year was much more polite. After most counties had accumulated a certain amount of experience, the southern counties opened textile factories, sugar factories and other workshops.

Jing Lei looked at the noodles and salted fish in the bowl and ate big mouthfuls, but almost shed tears. I haven’t eaten something so delicious in years.

Several cooks kept bringing big buckets of noodles and egg soup over, and then said in broken Dayuezhi and Qiang dialect: "You can only eat three bowls of noodles, and you can't grab them."

The Han master took them to prepare food, and then everyone sat around a table. The Hu people continued to wolf down the food, but it was much better than yesterday.

Jing Lei is a Qiang man. He was born on a thunderstorm day in June, so he got the name Jing Lei.

September 26, the fifth year of the Han Dynasty, Chang'an City, Beigong.

Three years ago, the Han general Ji Bu came to Hexi and found their tribe. He said that as long as they surrendered to him, he could bring them to seize the fertile pastures of the Dayue people and get the protection of the Han people.

But when he got to the place where he was working, the food and clothing were beyond his imagination. Not only could the big man have enough to eat every day, but he also ate so well that he had decided to sell his life to the Han people.

The economy is developing rapidly, the county's finances are also increasing rapidly, and everyone's political performance is very good. Naturally, the hostility of the county governors will not become worse. This time, there is a bit of goodwill for everyone.

These masters take their apprentices to the cafeteria.

Although the Qiang people are an ancient clan, they have never been powerful. In the Hexi area, the Dayue people are the real owners of this land. His people can only hide in the desolate grasslands and mountains to herd sheep. The word Qiang originally means shepherd.

After taking a shower.

Counties in the north even have specialties like wool, and can mine and build steel plants. With the cessation of wars and natural fertilizers like struvite, agriculture in the north of the Han Dynasty has improved rapidly, and the infrastructure in the Central Plains is already good. , the economy of the north has also been recovering rapidly this year.

The cafeteria didn't even dare to prepare steamed buns for fear of choking a few more people. At the same time, there were more than a dozen guards standing by the cafeteria. They were afraid that yesterday's tragedy would happen again.

And Ji Bu did not disappoint them. In two years, he led them to conquer a lot of territory and seize many of the fertile pastures of the Yuezhi people. With these pastures, the Qiang people's life is better.

"We must work hard to avoid being driven back by the Han people." Jing Lei thought while eating. After coming to Dahan, he no longer wanted to return to his poor hometown.

This year the Han people said that they would recruit people to work in Guanzhong, and the monthly salary would be thousands. This figure made everyone crazy. This means that as long as you go to the Han Dynasty, you can earn 10 shi of food a month, enough to feed all your relatives. Not to mention being able to go to the legendary big man. Jing Lei only got this spot by defeating 5 people from his own tribe.

The Hu people have always respected the strong, but the Han people destroyed the Qin Dynasty. With such strong people willing to accept them, the Qiang people in Hexi immediately regarded Ji Bu as their savior, and came down from the plateau one after another to seek refuge in the Qin Dynasty. among his team.

His tribe is very small, with only about a hundred people. He and his tribe have been living and grazing in the mountains around Huangshui.

Hexi is a place of poverty, and the Qiang people at the bottom of Hexi are the poorest among the poor. Jing Lei has been hungry since he was a child.

Nanjun Zhang Qiang said: "His Majesty wants to implement a four-hour working day, but we are not allowed to do it privately. Do you know why?"

Zhang Qiang also followed the prefect who wanted to implement a four-hour working day, but was reprimanded by the court.

Guan Ying, the prefect of Shu County, said: "The Prime Minister did not allow it. You must know that the taxes on the textile industry account for more than 2% of all taxes in the Han Dynasty. If you add the textile workshops controlled by the Shaofu, it will be more than %. This is the finance of the Han Dynasty." The first pillar of the industry, the four-hour work system has the greatest impact on the textile industry. How dare the Prime Minister touch the textile industry so easily. "

Guan Ying didn't want to implement a four-hour work system. Shu Jin was the largest financial source of Shu County, and he didn't want Shu Jin's production to be damaged.

Guan Ying has only done three things in Shu in these years. First, he has absorbed the people from the mountains and forests around Shu County, increased their population by giving them Han household registration, and increased the population of Shu County. The second is to build a large number of Chi Road in Shuzhong and plank roads leading to Guanzhong.

The third is to vigorously develop the silk textile industry headed by Shu Brocade. In the past two years, Chengdu has added tens of thousands of looms, which can produce 30 pieces of silk every year. The entire Shu County produces nearly one million pieces of silk a year.

Deng, the governor of Dongjun, said: "I also think that your majesty has taken too big a step. The majority of my man's finances are not in these industries. How much money will be lost after stopping for an hour? It is only right that the prime minister does not allow it."

Li Shang, the prefect of Yanmen, followed up and said: "Now our textile mills in Yanmen County are too busy to process the wool. How can we give the weavers a break? This is not a problem with money."

Zhang Qiang said with a smile: "I remember that you Li Shang wrote to the imperial court and said that a four-hour work system should be implemented in Yanmen County. You don't agree with it at all."

Li Shang did not feel embarrassed, but said: "Your Majesty is going to implement a four-hour work system. Naturally, we ministers have to follow your Majesty's footsteps, otherwise how can we make progress."

Then he said a little aggrievedly: "I didn't expect that Your Majesty did not please me, but was scolded by the Prime Minister."

Guan Ying smiled and said, "It's all good for you. Brother You was forced to retire by the Prime Minister because he was trying to scare the monkeys."

Instead, Li Shang said confidently: "The eldest brother is on the side of the emperor, and the emperor will protect eldest brother."

At this time, Xu Fan led the Prime Minister Zhou Zhang, the fake Prime Ministers Zhang Liang and Chen Ping, the Shaofu Order Qin Bo, the Internal History Order Li Shi, and the superior plan ordered Zhang Cangqi and others to come in.

"See your Majesty!" All the prefects saluted Xu Fan.

Xu Fan said calmly: "No courtesy."

All the county guards sat down in their seats.

Prime Minister Zhou Zhang said: "This year's plan is planned. Starting now, Neishi County will be listed."

The internal history ordered Li Shiqi to go out and hold the account book of the plan.

After Xu Fan and others looked at the final data, they handed the account book to Zhang Cang, the commander of the Shangji, who then led the Han officials to verify the calculations.

Emperor Xu Fan, Han Dynasty Prime Minister Zhou Zhang and others all looked happy when they saw the account books reported by each county.

The output of various grains in the Han Dynasty generally increased by about 2%, and many counties reached 4%. Among them, agriculture in the Central Plains region was recovering rapidly, and the output generally increased by %. For example, in Julu County, due to the extensive use of struvite, the grain price surged that year. %, it has become the grain production center in the north, directly lowering the price of grain in the north by more than %. It has also become the production area of ​​grain for the princes of Liaodong. This year, it has directly transported millions of shi of grain to Liaodong.

The tax revenue of each county has increased even more, with the fastest increase ranging from 3% to 4%, the lowest increase as low as 2%, and even the extreme ones have even doubled. Of course, these are all from a low base. For example, the tax in Yanmen County used to be a few thousand gold, but because the Han Dynasty had tens of thousands more standing troops to spend in the border counties, and the wool textile industry was also developing rapidly, the tax suddenly exceeded 2 gold.

But in general, taxes at all levels in Dahan are increasing. It can be said that Dahan has finally got rid of the impact of the war and entered a stage of rapid development.

The commercial tax of the Han Dynasty is the same as the agricultural tax. It is a 30% value-added tax. Xu Fan has waived the city gate fee to enter a city. Xu Fan is trying to reduce the cost of commodity circulation in the Han Dynasty as much as possible in order to establish a unified Prepare for the big market.

This also led to the Han Dynasty's counties being so focused on opening workshops, because every time a workshop was opened, it was equivalent to an additional financial source, but caravans could not increase local wealth.

Xu Fan felt much relieved after reading the data of each county. This year, Chen County was no longer the only one, and all counties were catching up quickly.

The three major industries that make money in the south are tea plantations, sugar cane plantations, and the silk and textile industry.

Salt in coastal counties has become their indispensable pillar industry. A large amount of low-priced sea salt has poured into the Central Plains, which has defeated Shu Salt and Hedong Salt. The two places can only provide high-quality green salt to maintain the market.

At the same time, the fishery is also developing rapidly. The coastal counties have imported more than tens of thousands of shi of salted fish to Guanzhong this year.

Specialty products such as kelp have begun to enter Guanzhong. This stuff is both salt and vegetable. One pound of soaking is equivalent to five pounds. The key price is not high. It only costs 3 yuan per pound to transport from the coast to Guanzhong. It is deeply loved by Guanzhong. Loved by the people.

The main industries of counties and counties in the north are wool textile industry, steel industry, and mining. Among them, Guangyang County, Liaodong and other places also have a shipbuilding industry, fishery, and transportation industry. Liaodong has a population of only one million. It is still difficult to provide large-scale industries, so the fishery and transportation industries are still in their primary stages of development.

The industries in Dahan counties are booming, but there are hidden worries, that is, the homogenization of industries. Of course, it is too early to say now. Dahan's industries can only be regarded as handicrafts and cannot meet industrial standards. These handicraft workshops still need to develop. After a period of time, you will encounter product saturation.

After reading it, Xu Fan said happily: "Everyone has worked hard this year and done well."

"The Prime Minister and I are extremely proud of your achievements."

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and Prime Minister Zhou Zhang, Fake Prime Minister Zhang Liang, Chen Ping and others also applauded the Han eunuchs.

"Prime Minister, set aside a sum of money this year as a bonus to reward those officials who work hard."

Zhou Zhang thought for a while and said: "No"

To be recognized by the emperor and high-ranking officials of the imperial court, all the county guards of the Han Dynasty were extremely excited.

After applauding, Xu Fan turned serious and said, "If you do well, you should be rewarded, but if you do poorly, you should also be punished, Cao Xing."


"Pang Yuan"


Xu Fan clicked on seven people in a row.

"The county governor and county supervisor whose name has just been called are not because of their poor political performance. For example, Cao Xing, the prefect of Shangjun, when he went to Shangjun, the fiscal revenue of Shangjun was only 4000 gold a year, because Shangjun is a border county and has to resist Hu people, this financial revenue is not even enough for military expenditures. During the pre-Qin period, the internal history order had to support Shangjun with 2 gold every year in order to maintain the financial balance of Shangjun. "

"This year, Shangjun's grain production capacity has increased by 5% compared to the pre-Qin period, and its fiscal revenue has exceeded 3 gold, which has increased seven times. Is this a good performance? Of course it is. There are almost 7 counties in the entire Han Dynasty. To a fast-developing county like Shangjun.

However, in the process of their governance, they had serious mountain-topism. They really regarded the counties and counties handed over to them by the imperial court as their own fiefdoms and closed the country. They ignored Han laws and acted indiscriminately.

"In Shangjun, Cao Xing arrested a merchant just because he was exchanging food stamps for the people. Although his original intention was to protect the interests of the people, his method was extremely simple and crude, and it violated the laws of the Han Dynasty. The court issued repeated orders I warned you not to stretch out your hands randomly, but Cao Xing didn’t listen at all.”

"Pang Yuan, as the county censor of Chen County, does not supervise the evil forces in Chen County and eliminate violence and clean up the evil forces in Chen County. Instead, he has a soft spot for building rail tracks and cannot do his job well. But he still wants to do the job of a prefect.”

Then Xu Fan pointed out the mistakes of the prefects who were forced to stand one by one.

Finally, Xu Fan said: "Cao Xing's seven people are suspended from their posts for re-education. They must graduate from the Han Li Academy and then be assigned new positions."

Xu Fan's severe punishment left everyone with lingering fears. Considering that he had previously punished Cai Ci and Wu Pan, this year almost one-tenth of the high-ranking officials of the Han Dynasty's 2000-stone prefecture had been dismissed. This is not a lowly official, but a real official worth shi.

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he solemnly said to these county guards: "I remind you again, you must take this as a warning. When you govern locally, you must not violate Han laws, let alone act arbitrarily. Treat the Han counties and counties as your fiefdoms. Do not Relaxing your requirements on yourself will lead to a big mistake. If you really want to make a big mistake, don't blame the imperial court for trying to scare the monkeys. "

The county guard present said nervously: "I understand."

Prime Minister Zhou Zhang also followed up and said: "You are local officials assigned by the imperial court, and your decisions are related to the lives of millions of people in a county. Therefore, you must be cautious when using your rights, and do not interfere with civil affairs if you can." Disruptions, especially economic matters, should be left to the private sector as much as possible.”

"Now the Emperor has proposed to build a world of great harmony. You must also follow the Emperor's goal and keep learning and making progress. If you keep up with the development of the Han Dynasty, you will be able to leave your name in history. If you cannot keep up, Cai Ci and others You should also take a lesson from the consequences."

"If you really want to rest on your merits and enjoy it, you can take the initiative to say it. With your contribution to the Han Dynasty, the imperial court will not treat you harshly. It will give you the position of marquis and go and enjoy it in your own kingdom. The official position of the imperial court is Leave it to those Han officials who want to do something.”

The county guard present said: "I understand."

Chen Ping said: "The Sage Meeting will be held in two days. If you have any big proposals, be prepared."


All the county guards have left this place.

Xu Fan said to Zhang Liang: "It's rare for these county guards to come to Chang'an City. Zifang, please prepare your master and give them a Chinese law study class before they leave, so that they know what they can and cannot do. Give them a solid legal lesson.

Regarding the education of Han officials, the imperial court could not relax for a moment. If the imperial court relaxed a little here, they would relax a little further, which would affect the lives of dozens or millions of people in a county. "

Zhang Liang said: "Promise"

Zhang Cang came to Xu Fan and saluted him and said: "This year, the land tax of my great man has reached 1 million dan, and the tax is 7000 gold. The income of the Shaofu is 36 gold. The land tax has increased by 25% compared with two years ago. The tax An increase of 5% from two years ago.”

Zhang Liang was a little shocked and said: "I ordered you to calculate wrong, right?"

People like Zhou Zhang did not understand the senior leaders of various countries before Dahan. After becoming the senior leaders of Dahan, Dahan has been developing at such a rapid pace, so they also think that such development of Dahan is the normal state of the world.

But Zhang Liang’s family had been prime ministers in South Korea for five generations, so Zhang Liang knew the situation of the upper class in South Korea. After South Korea’s financial reform reached its peak in Shenbulai Reform, it began to decline slowly. This process continued until South Korea’s demise.

The current land tax of the Han Dynasty is nearly twice that of Bao Qin, and the tax revenue is nearly three times that of Bao Qin. At a more critical moment, with such high fiscal revenue, the burden on the people has not increased, so Zhang Liang suspects that Zhang Cang made a mistake in his calculations.

Zhang Cang said: "Xiaguan compiled it based on the data of county guards from various places. Even if there is an error, it will not be too big, unless all the county guards of the Han Dynasty committed widespread fraud."

Xu Fan smiled and said: "The land tax has not increased much. What has increased is the taxes and the income of the young government. This shows that the industrial scale of the Han Dynasty is expanding rapidly. Generally speaking, it is credible."

It seems that the land tax of the Han Dynasty has increased by 5000 million shi compared with two years ago, but in fact the Han Dynasty has increased the fields in the five counties of Qi State. The tax collected from these fields has nearly 3000 million shi of grain. This means that the Han Dynasty has increased its tax in the past two years. His land tax is only 2000 million shi. Moreover, the room for growth has basically reached its limit, unless the Han Dynasty increases the tax per acre of land.

Zhang Liang thought about it and nodded in approval. He followed Xu Fan for half of the Han Dynasty. He indeed saw the prosperous industries in various places. Many cities in the Han Dynasty were expanding to accommodate more industries. With more industries, there will naturally be more taxes. .

(End of this chapter)

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