At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane

Chapter 403: Leaping over the Dragon Gate and Learning the Zhouzhang Spirit

Chapter 403: Leaping over the Dragon Gate and Learning the Zhouzhang Spirit
The tenth year of the Han Dynasty, October 15th, Zhaoli.

As soon as the day broke, the fathers of five candidates from Zhaoli brought their sons to Fusu's room. Today was the day when the results of the high school entrance examination would be announced, and whether they would be successful or not would depend on this day, so these parents were extremely nervous.

Fusu came out of the room and said, "Let's go."

This was because there were so many people, so Fusu and his men drove two carriages out of Zhaoli.

On the way, Fusu comforted him: "Although the high school entrance examination is crucial, it is just an experience in your life. Even if you fail, there are other paths to choose from."

Zhao Wu asked, "Master, if we don't get into the academy, what else can we do?"

Zhao Wu, who has always been naughty, became extremely serious today. He could feel that today was the most critical stage in his destiny.

Zhao Wu grew up in the countryside and studied in Chang'an. He experienced the prosperous days of Chang'an and was unwilling to spend the rest of his life in Zhaoli. He wanted to stay in the city, in Chang'an.

It was at this moment that he was shocked to realize that if he failed to get into the university, he didn't know how to survive in the prosperous city of Chang'an. For the first time in his life, he felt confused and didn't know what path to take in the future.

Fusu said: "You have studied hard for 10 years, how can you not have choices? The workshops in Chang'an need accountants, and the elementary schools also need teachers. There is a wider world outside Chang'an. As long as you dare to go out, you will find your own way in the end."

Soon they arrived outside Chang'an City. At this time, there was an endless stream of carriages pouring into Chang'an City. Fusu thought for a moment and said, "Let's park the carriages outside Chang'an City and walk to Mozi Academy."

Father Zhao said, "Looking at the number of cars, there might be a traffic jam. It's better to walk."

They parked the carriage outside Chang'an City and walked towards Mozi Academy on foot.

Soon, Zhao's father was glad for his foresight. Not long after they started walking, the road to Chang'an was indeed blocked by carriages.

There were Han officials constantly directing traffic all around, but their effectiveness was not very significant. The speed of the horse-drawn carriages was not even as fast as that of those on foot.

After walking for an incense stick of time, Fusu and his companions arrived outside the Mozi Academy. At this time, the Mozi Academy was already full of bustling crowds of people.

"Brother Fusu, I didn't expect to meet you again!" Jiang Hua said. This time, there was a little fat man wearing silk clothes beside Jiang Hua.

Fusu bowed and said, "Hello, Brother Jiang."

"This is our youngest son Jiang Bin. His name is Wenwu Bin, which means he is proficient in both literature and martial arts. He is the first generation of scholar in our Jiang family."

Fusu said: "What a good name."

"Brother Fusu, are you confident this time? How many of your disciples will be able to pass the exam?"

Fusu said: "Man proposes, God disposes. If you try your best, your ten years of study will not be in vain."

Jiang Hua said: "I am not as calm as Brother Fusu. If my son fails the exam this year, I will let him take the exam in another place next year. I can't let my son open a mine just because I am a father."

Suddenly, the crowd in front of them started to stir, and someone shouted, "The results are out! The results are out!"

Fusu and his companions' eyes suddenly lit up and they began to squeeze forward.

At this time, the outer wall of Mozi College became a bulletin board, with rolls of curtains unfolded, filled with the names of the candidates.

"My son won, he won!" a middle-aged father cried with joy.

"I won too!" a young man in his 20s said in surprise.

Although this high school entrance examination was for middle school students, there were also many older self-taught students and students who had not passed the exam in previous years. Although it was not like the later imperial examinations where the number of candidates was 60, there were indeed many older candidates. This was also the reason why the high school entrance examination was so stressful, and too many repeaters were left in the Chang'an City Examination.

This time, Zhao Wu was also nervously looking for his own name. He quickly scanned the unfamiliar names on the screen, but after looking for a long time, he still couldn't find his own name. He began to feel a little panicked.

At this time he finally saw a familiar name, Zhao Li, Zhao Wu, from Chang'an.

"Zhao Wu!" He was stunned for a moment, as if a voice kept echoing in his mind.

After a long while, he said excitedly: "Father, Master, I got it."

Then he showed him his father's finger.

His father also said excitedly: "Okay, okay, my Zhao family finally has a scholar. When I go back, I will prepare a buffet for you. I want everyone in the village to know about this."

Zhao Wu's name was found, and the other four fathers were also anxiously looking for their sons' names.

Although they were not very literate, they still knew the names of their own children. Unfortunately, although they found several names that matched their own children, none of them were their own children. They could only look for them again in disappointment.

They searched from the beginning to the end, and then from the end to the beginning, but they were still lost and could not find the name of their child.

At this time, outside Mozi Academy, there were both sad and happy scenes. Those who were on the list were so excited that they even threw out the money in their sleeves to celebrate.

Those who were not on the list felt lost, sad, and even burst into tears. Many students were scolded by their relatives.

After all, it is not cheap for an ordinary family to raise a middle school student.

"Brother Fusu, how is the situation here?" Jiang Hua came over and asked again.

"One student passed, and the other four failed. This year, Chang'an Academy enrolled too few students. How is Jiang Bin?"

Jiang Hua smiled bitterly and said, "If I don't pass the exam, I plan to go back to my hometown. Then you will have less competition pressure and a higher chance of passing the exam."

"Good luck, Brother Jiang!"

Scenes of sorrow and joy were constantly played out in Chang'an City. When one fish leaped over the dragon gate, it represented the failure of dozens of fish. The life paths of both fish became completely different from then on.

Let’s talk about two things separately, the Prime Minister’s Mansion.

Zhou Zhang looked at his office and still felt a little reluctant to leave. Since the Han Dynasty established its capital in Chang'an, he had stayed here longer than anywhere else. Now he had to leave this familiar place and it was extremely difficult for him to let go.

But he still sighed: "It's time to leave after all."

Since ancient times, there have been very few monarchs and ministers who could have a good beginning and a good end, such as Yi Yin, Zhou Gong, and Guan Zhong. However, there are many such monarchs and ministers who put away their bows when the birds are all gone. Wu Zixu even had to dig out his own eyes and watch the demise of the State of Wu.

To some extent, it might be a lucky thing that he was able to escape from the position of prime minister unscathed.

"From now on, the big man will be left to the young people to take care of."

Zhou Zhang tidied up his appearance and led his men to Beigong.

This was the last time he convened a meeting of wise men as prime minister, and it also marked a perfect end to his political career.

The North Palace was already filled with wise men from various counties, prefects from various places, and princes from all directions.

Zhou Zhang smiled when he saw these people and said, "Today is a gathering of all the wise men. I am here on behalf of the three ministers of the court to make a summary of the past 10 years of government, which can also be regarded as a perfect end to the government of the four of us.

This year, the land tax of our Han Dynasty reached 2 million shi, which has doubled compared with the founding of the Han Dynasty. The newly reclaimed land is over 000 million mu, and the irrigated land has increased from less than million mu to over million mu.

"Cheers!" This number was announced and all the wise men, county governors, and local princes applauded and cheered. Although the land tax in the Han Dynasty increased a lot, it had little impact on the lower-class people, and the Han Dynasty's private economy was not affected.

After the applause lasted for a long time, Zhou Zhang lowered his voice and continued: This year's taxes are 5400 gold, the revenue of the Shaofu is 6800 gold, and the customs duties are 4400 gold, which is three times more than when the Han Dynasty was founded. More than 10 miles of tracks have been built, and more than 1400 miles of canals have been built and expanded. This year, the registered population of the Han Dynasty has reached more than million. In years, the population of the Han Dynasty has increased by more than million. "Cheers!" Warm applause rang out again in the venue.

Every year, the Han Dynasty court would report the tax revenues, expenditures, and debts owed to the wise men and the people from all over the world.

The wise men could see that the land tax of the Han Dynasty was increasing at a rate of 50% to 10% per year, while the tax was 10% to 20%. Such growth was not too obvious.

But the contrast between Zhou Zhang and the period from the founding of the Han Dynasty to the present is extremely stark. The land tax has doubled and the taxes have more than tripled. In the 10 years since the founding of the Han Dynasty, the infrastructure projects, the collection of land tax, the collection of taxes, and the population growth have far exceeded those of the Qin Dynasty.

Compared with the First Emperor, who left behind a world riven by war, Zhou Zhang left behind a Han Dynasty with peace and prosperity.

"The Prime Minister is far more virtuous than Guan Zhong and Yue Yi. Even Yi Yin and Zhou Gong cannot compare to him. The Prime Minister has made an indispensable contribution to the prosperity of the Han Dynasty today. The Han Dynasty cannot do without the Prime Minister, just like a ship cannot do without sails." A wise man shouted excitedly. He suddenly felt that the Han Dynasty could not do without such a good Prime Minister.

This sage's proposal was supported by many sages. Zhou Zhang's ten-year summary report made these sages realize how brilliant Zhou Zhang's achievements were in the past ten years.

Instead, they are now worried that after Zhou Zhang abdicates, whether the Han Dynasty can maintain such a pace of development and whether the Han Dynasty's prosperity can continue.

Faced with an unknown future, these sages instinctively wanted to keep everything in the Han Dynasty unchanged.

"The Prime Minister has retired, what can the people do? For the sake of the people of this world, the Prime Minister should stay!"

The entire venue was in chaos, and the sages tried their best to keep Zhou Zhang.

Ying Bu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the wise man represents the will of the people of the world. This is what the people want."

These princes did not want Zhou Zhang to retire. Ying Bu and other princes had a friendship with Zhou Zhang that allowed them to share weal and woe.

But the candidate for the second prime minister of the Han Dynasty did not have much connections.

Xiao He, Ye Teng, Shang Nong were just weak scholars, Cao Shen and Zhou Bo were their subordinates. These people climbed over his head, Ying Bu was very dissatisfied in his heart, these people became prime ministers, just like his subordinates climbed over his head, which made it difficult for Ying Bu and other princes to accept.

The faces of the Han Dynasty's prefects were quite solemn. The lower the level, the fewer positions there were. If Zhou Zhang and others retired, four positions would be vacant at the top, and many people below would be able to make progress. If the people above did not move, how could they move below?

Xu Fan glared at Ying Bu coldly. Ying Bu and Zhou Zhang were close friends, and Xu Fan and Zhou Zhang were even closer, but he knew the importance of leaving behind a good system. A country's normal system must be able to be updated.

A stagnant upper class can only lead to the gradual rigidification of the entire country. Even in later generations, the rigidity of the upper class is an extremely bad situation. The first manifestation of the decline of the two hegemons was the rigidity of the upper class.

Especially before Xu Fan traveled through time, he was still watching the story of a 70-year-old man fighting an 80-year-old man.

Ying Bu was so frightened by Xu Fan's glare that he shrank his head. He knew the emperor well. He looked kind on the outside but was fierce on the inside. He really dared to beat him so hard that he had no power to fight back. He didn't dare to say anything else.

When the princes from all sides saw this scene, they understood the emperor's intention and dared not make trouble anymore.

It has come to this point, Zhou Zhang naturally cannot regret it, he smiled and stopped the sages from speaking, "I am already in my sixties, and have been busy with government affairs for many years, which makes me exhausted and exhausted. I voluntarily abdicate because I want to live a few more years. I and my colleagues have created such a great and prosperous era, and the sages should let me enjoy this great event."

"Moreover, when the emperor established the system, he stipulated that the position of prime minister would be held for a term of five years, and could be re-elected for a maximum of one term, in order to prevent the emergence of powerful ministers and to maintain the normal operation of the Han court. Sages, please do not let me violate the system you have established."

After Zhou Zhang's advice, the wise men had no choice but to give up.

Zhou Zhang completed his summary report on his 10 years of administration.

Xu Fan stood up and said, "Prime Minister Zhou Zhang, Fake Prime Minister Zhang Liang, Fake Prime Minister Chen Ping, and Imperial Censor Chen Lin have retired. This is a great loss to our Han Dynasty, but it is the only way for the Han Dynasty to develop in a long-term and peaceful manner. A stable court that can be renewed is normal. The development of the Han Dynasty must have fresh blood.

The Prime Minister will grow old, and so will I. If the Han Dynasty wants to develop in the long term, it must rely on young people to keep pushing forward, because this world ultimately belongs to the young. They are the new masters of the Han Dynasty. They have more experience and talents than us. If the Han Dynasty wants to become stronger with each generation and to enter a world of great harmony, it needs stronger young people from generation to generation to take our place. "

"So, sages, don't be afraid. New young people will take over and continue to lead the Han Dynasty to glory."

The emperor's speech received continuous applause from the audience.

After a while, Xu Fan stopped the applause and said, "Xiao He, the left director of the Tongzheng Department, has made outstanding contributions and is experienced in politics. He can be called the prime minister of the Han Dynasty."

Xiao He straightened his clothes and stepped out to salute the emperor, saying, "I thank God for his grace."

Later, Xu Fan appointed the Minister of Internal Affairs Ye Teng and the Minister of Agriculture Shang Nong as the acting prime ministers of the Han Dynasty, and appointed the Chief Justice Wu Guang as the new Chief Censor.

Xiao He, Ye Teng, Shang Nong and Wu Guang were the second generation leaders of the Han Dynasty. Among the Nine Ministers, Cao Shen took over Xiao He's position as the Minister of Public Administration, Li Shang, the prefect of Yanmen, took over Ye Teng's position as the Minister of Internal Affairs, Zhang Qiang, the prefect of Nanyang County, took over Shang Nong's position as the Minister of Agriculture, Wu Jun, the prefect of Dong County, took over Wu Guang's position as the Minister of Justice, and the remaining Nine Ministers remained unchanged. These people formed the new Three Dukes and Nine Ministers of the Han Dynasty.

Zhou Bo, who was standing by, felt a little helpless. When he realized that his competitor was Xiao He, he knew that his chances of becoming one of the Three Dukes were extremely slim. But he quickly said firmly, "I will not give up."

Xu Fan looked at Xiao He and the other three and said, "After you become prime ministers, formulate your development plans for your tenure so that the wise men will know about them."


After Xiao He and others became prime ministers, the Han Dynasty entered a new era.

That night, Yan Palace.

Xu Fan summoned the wise men, the three dukes and nine ministers of the court, and the princes to hold a farewell banquet for Zhou Zhang, the three great officials of the first Han Dynasty.

Ying Bu and other princes drank with Zhou Zhang, and the wise men praised Zhou Zhang and his achievements. Xu Fan also found Zhong Jun and Lu Shu and said to them, "You should record everything you have seen and heard this year, and publish the achievements of the prime minister and other three officials in the past ten years in the Great Han Monthly Report. Let the world know that the prime minister's achievements surpassed Guan Zhong and Yue Yi, and were not inferior to Zhou Gong and Yi Yin. Let the Han officials in the world learn from the prime minister."

Zhong Jun and Lu Shu looked at Zhou Zhang enviously and said, "Yes."

Zhou Zhang can be said to have reached the pinnacle of human officials. With his honor and achievements, he will surely be recorded in history like ancient sages such as Zhou Gong and Yi Yin.

Xu Fan wanted to launch a movement throughout the Han Dynasty to learn from Zhou Zhang and others. Except for not giving them power, Xu Fan would give all the honor he could to Zhou Zhang and others.

Zhou Zhang and his men are also part of the Han Dynasty, and their glory is also the glory of the Han Dynasty. How can a prosperous dynasty be without famous ministers throughout the ages? Practical work must be done and publicity must keep up. Xu Fan has always attached great importance to this. After all, later generations have suffered too much in this regard.

The territory of the Song Dynasty was getting smaller and smaller, wasn't it because of the effective propaganda that made people think that there were famous officials all over the country in the Northern Song Dynasty? But what was the real situation?

The land area does not lie. The Song Dynasty was always being beaten. Small countries in all directions were proud to bully the Song Dynasty. This period was a glorious moment for all small countries in East Asia.

People like Sima Guang could become famous ministers. Zhou Zhang assisted the emperor of the Han Dynasty in pacifying the world, annexing the Huns, and increasing the territory of the Han Dynasty several times. It is not an exaggeration to give him the status of a contemporary Duke of Zhou.

Liu Bang found Xiao He and said enviously, "I knew that you, Xiao He, had the talent to be a prime minister, but I never thought that you would really become the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. I can only say that you, Xiao He, were born to be a prime minister."

The people of Pei County surrendered to the emperor too late and could not be considered the core force of the Han Dynasty. Even Liu Bang did not expect that Xiao He could become the second prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Xiao He said: "This is the recommendation of Prime Minister Zhou and the approval of the emperor. I will do my best."

Xiao He knew that becoming prime minister was only the first step. His prestige was not as high as Zhou Zhang's. He didn't know how many local princes and county governors were dissatisfied with him. Whether he could keep his position as prime minister depended on his performance in governing the Han Dynasty.

Liu Bang praised him, "Standing in the position of Prime Minister, you can still be so calm. I can't compare with your mentality."

Then he looked at Cao Shen and Zhou Bo with pity and said, "You also have the talent to be prime ministers, but unfortunately there are too many famous ministers in the Han Dynasty."

But he soon encouraged them: "If you fail this time, just think of it as accumulating prestige. Ten years later, no matter your political achievements or prestige, no one can stop you from becoming the prime minister."

Zhou Bo and his men are still junior now, but in 10 years, they will be senior officials with high power.

(End of this chapter)

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