Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 102 Xue Baochai

Chapter 102 Xue Baochai

After Jia Rong paid homage to Jia Min, she stayed at the Lin Mansion for three days and began to "treat" Lin Daiyu.

First, she took a few doses of "Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder" to protect Lin Daiyu's spleen and stomach. Then change the meal to "longan purple rice porridge", and eat a bowl of "longan soup" or "longan tea" before and after dinner.

In just three days, Lin Daiyu recovered from her serious illness, her appetite suddenly improved, her pale face gradually turned rosy, and she was obviously much more energetic.

Symptoms of palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, and numbness in hands and feet have also improved a lot.

"Uncle Xiao Rong's method is really effective." Lin Daiyu's nanny couldn't help but clapped her hands in praise when she saw Lin Daiyu's improvement.

Lin Ruhai and Lin Daiyu, seeing that Jia Rong's method was really effective, were very grateful to him, and their expressions became much closer.

During these three days, Jia Rong often talked with Lin Daiyu and made her happy.

The unfamiliarity with each other gradually disappeared, and we soon became familiar with each other, and our relationship developed by leaps and bounds.

Especially when Lin Daiyu saw Xiangling, who was about the same age as her, had a certain resemblance to her in facial features, and had been trafficked, she fell in love with her, treated her very well, talked to her often, and became good friends.

At the same time, Jia Rong also met Jia Yucun.

This is a middle-aged man with a round waist and a thick back, a broad face and a square mouth, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a straight nose and a straight cheek. When meeting Jia Rong, he was respectful and flattering. Especially when he learned that Jia Rong saved "Xiang Ling", he was even more grateful to Jia Rong, saying, "Uncle Rong has done a lot of good deeds and has solved one of his worries."

Then, he told Jia Rong the specific location of Xiangling's mother's "Fengshi" in Daru Prefecture.

Jia Rong quickly sent Sun Rui and several other young men from the Ning Mansion to pick him up in Daru Prefecture. And told Xiang Ling the good news.

"Amitabha, this is called destiny. Destiny comes and goes. Destiny is fate. Xiangling is a lucky person. He met Brother Rong first and escaped from the kidnapper's cage. Then he met Mr. Yucun and learned the details of his parents. News. God really wants you and your mother to be reunited."

In Lin Daiyu's boudoir, Lin Daiyu sat on a square stool, holding Xiang Ling's hand and talking, with emotion on her face and endless love in her heart.

She didn't expect that Jia Yucun, who taught her reading and literacy, had such a connection with Xiangling.

This word fate is really unpredictable.


Jia Rong stayed in Lin Mansion for three days, "cured" Lin Daiyu, and learned the specific location of Xiangling's mother, so he excused himself from Jinling's unfinished business and left.

Returning to Jinling City from Yangzhou City, Jia Rong visited family friends and relatives, and also went into the countryside to inspect the Jia clan's fields and properties in Jinling.

First, Jia Rong visited the "four major families".

The first stop was the people from the Jia family branch. This is the "top priority" of this trip south.

Especially the poor Jinling people. Not dissatisfied with the shabby situation, Jia Rong walked into the leaky tiles of the dilapidated house, had a cordial conversation with the Jia clan members, and asked them about their living conditions. He also comforted them by saying that he would improve everyone's living environment after inheriting the title of "Xijue".

The poor Jia clan members were all moved. I couldn't help but cry loudly, and those who were grateful had to kowtow in thanks. They never thought that the high-ranking heir to the Ningguo Mansion would come to visit them in person.

At this time, my cold heart felt warm, full of gratitude and respect for Jia Rong.

"Uncle Rong is different!"

At this time, in a large courtyard where people from the Jia clan lived together. Not dissatisfied with the shabby situation, Jia Rong took a lame bench and sat on it. With a gentle smile on his face, he tightly held the palm of an old lady with gray hair. He looked around at the tribesmen, chatting and laughing with them.

This courtyard has already been surrounded by a sea of ​​people. The tribesmen who had almost heard the news gathered around and watched the excitement with excitement.

The direct descendants of Ningguo Mansion came to inspect their lower floors, but no one believed them!

But Jia Rong not only came, but also showed humility and a "junior" attitude between the lines, cordially sympathizing with the poor relatives. Talk to them and ask them about life difficulties. After learning that the clan members were having a hard time, he even took on the identity of "the future leader of the Jia clan", painted a pie for everyone, and told everyone with great ambition that as long as he was around, everyone would live a good life in the future!

In an instant, all the Jia clan members shed tears of gratitude and couldn't help but cheer loudly. The eyes looking at Jia Rong were full of gratitude and trust. Jia Rong did not speak plain words, but gave real money. During the visit, "condolence gifts" of a bag of rice, a piece of linen cloth, and a piece of cotton cloth were sent to thousands of households.

He also held a banquet in the streets and invited people from the Jinling Pang clan to eat on flowing water mats for three days.

After visiting like this for a few days, Jia Rong's reputation became better and better day by day, and he won the unanimous support and love of the Jinling branch tribesmen. His status and reputation were as good as those of his ancestor Ning Rong.

Especially those rural relatives in Jiangning County, Jia Rong took the trouble to visit them. This time the buzz was even greater. Living in the countryside, their lives are more difficult and their status is even lower. Although they are said to be members of the side tribe, they are actually dressed in rags, no more than beggars. In essence, they have become "tenant serfs" of the upper-class Jia clan.

Jia Rong visited the fields and expressed condolences to them as "relatives". He gave them "sympathy gifts" of a bag of white rice, a piece of linen cloth, and a piece of cotton cloth, and also invited the villagers to eat flowing water mats for three days.

In particular, I saw a lack of iron farm tools and cattle in the fields.

Jia Rong immediately bought a batch of new farm tools.

A "cattle rental shop" was also established, and the rent was lower than that of the government and Jia men.

It is almost a "subsidy" method for the Ningguo government to rent cattle to farmers for free, allowing them to free up their labor force and increase their farm income.

Jia Rong's "great charity" in the countryside spread to the ears of every Jinling branch tribe, and once again won the support and love of many people.

Even in Jinling City, Jia Rong has gained quite a reputation. From officials and gentry to traffickers and pawns, almost everyone is talking about Jia Rong, saying that they have never seen such a "generous and kind" noble master.

"Brother Rong is very good at managing the family. He is many times better than my brother."

After staying in the countryside for a few days, Jia Rong returned to Jinling City and began to visit old relatives of the "four major families".

At this moment, in the Xue family's old house, Jia Rong entered the back house and saw "Xue Baochai" who was dignified and elegant, wearing a set of apricot-yellow peony embroidered round-neck jacket and a peach-red peony skirt.

Xue Baochai is a few years older than Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu. Just by looking at her hairstyle, you can tell that she has grown her hair and is dressed like a girl. Her muscles and bones are smooth and her manners are elegant, which makes people feel good.

According to Xue Pan, today's society values ​​poetry, etiquette, talent search, and unparalleled favors. In addition to recruiting concubines, all the daughters of famous officials are personally named Dabu, in order to be selected as princesses, princesses, and school attendants. , fill the role of praise for talented people.

Her sister is very ambitious and wants to give it a try.

"Aunt Bao is too praised." Jia Rong said with a smile, "Uncle Xue is so heroic and generous that others don't even have time to like him. As long as he calms down, he will be able to do great things."

After hearing this, Xue Pan nodded immediately, his face overflowing with joy, feeling that Jia Rong really understood him! He couldn't help but wink at Xue Baochai.

Aunt Xue was also happy after hearing this. She smiled from ear to ear and praised Brother Rong for his discernment.

Only Xue Baochai smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"He doesn't understand economics, and he doesn't care about his family's property at all. He just drinks and has fun, and spends money like water all day long. The Xue family is an imperial businessman, how much gold and silver is enough for him to waste his family?

"Even the people gathered around us are all just drunkards and friends.

"Others looked down upon him for being rich, and tried to trick him into being stubborn and use his money. But he didn't know anything. He only cared about happiness and thought he was generous.

"There is no such capable person as Brother Rong.

"Brother Rong, if you care about the ancestral bond between our two families, you should get closer to him. Let him be close to the red, and he will be red, and stop being close to the ink, and he will be black. In this case, the mother's ten-month pregnancy and hard work to give birth to him will not be in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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