Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 115 Qin Keqing: Open one eye and close one eye

Chapter 115 Qin Keqing: Turn a blind eye

It's a pity that Tianxiang Tower is a place for women.

After Jia Rong finished talking about the business, Jia Mu didn't keep him anymore and waved him away.

This made Jia Rong very disappointed.


After coming out of Tianxiang Tower, Jia Rong sighed helplessly and had to turn around and return to Ningxixuan, continuing to accompany Gao Le, Jia She, Jia Zheng, Jia Lian and other stinky men.


In the evening, the banquet dispersed.

The daughters-in-law and girls of Rongguo Mansion, as well as the old man and his brothers, set up a large number of cars and sedans and turned back to Rongguo Mansion from Ningrong Lane.

Huifang Garden became quiet.

Jia Rong drank a lot of wine, and now she was drunk. She ordered her servants to remove the banquet, clean Tianxiang Tower and Ningxixuan, then confessed to Youshi, and took Qin Keqing's hand back to Ning'an Hall.

At this time, You moved back to her courtyard from Ning'an Hall.

Jia Rong and Qin Keqing also moved from the original small courtyard to Ning'antang, occupying the back house of the owner of Ningguo Mansion.

In the main room of Ning'an Hall, the bed where Jia Zhen's body was once buried, as well as many of the furnishings in the house and courtyard, were all replaced by Jia Rong in disgust.

This was carefully selected and rearranged by Qin Keqing, but it was a little less wealthy and elegant than the original decorations in Jia Zhen's house, and it was a little more elegant.

In the boudoir, the flower arrangements, mirrors, screens, incense and scrolls chosen by Qin Keqing were all metaphorical and private, but Jia Rong liked them very much.

"This is called a boudoir."

When Jia Rong walked into the boudoir for the first time, her eyes lit up and she praised her greatly. He hugged Qin Keqing and whispered softly, rubbing his temples together, praising him for marrying a good wife.

Not only does she look like a fairy, but she also treats others calmly and calmly. Even serving people in the boudoir is very satisfactory.

Jia Rong looked at Qin Keqing and felt nothing was wrong, and lamented the blessings she had gained in her previous life.

When Qin Keqing saw that Jia Rong liked him, he smiled and felt very happy.

in fact.

The decoration in the boudoir was carefully selected by Qin Keqing.

Having been sweet with Jia Rong for more than a month, and gradually getting along with each other, Qin Keqing also figured out some of Jia Rong's temperament.

After Jia Rong went to Jiangnan, Qin Keqing was in charge of the government, and even secretly inquired about the truth and uncovered all the "dirty old stories" of Jia Zhen, Jia Rong and Jia Qiang.

Gradually, Qin Keqing secretly felt happy.

Fortunately, the husband suddenly came to his senses and the prodigal son turned back.

Otherwise, marry a man who is romantic by nature but has no sense of responsibility at all.

This life has been wasted.

At the same time, Qin Keqing secretly learned some of Jia Rong's "secrets". Jia Rong seemed to have an unclear relationship with several aunts in the back house.

And Grandma Sun's "arrogance and domineering" seems to have something to rely on.

Qin Keqing is very attentive, and through her careful investigation, she gradually discovered some "scandalous things" in Ningguo Mansion's private affairs.

"It really complies with that sentence. Once you enter the Marquis, you will be as deep as the sea."

Qin Keqing sighed with emotion.

Although, as early as when I was a girl, I knew that there were a lot of "unscrupulous things" hidden in the so-called rich and powerful families, and rumors often came out.

But when she finally discovered the "truth", Qin Keqing sighed helplessly, feeling that her husband's brilliant filter was shattered to pieces.

"Even a husband can be miserable privately."

Qin Keqing sighed.

But so what?

Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. When Qin Keqing married into the Ningguo Mansion, she could only blend into the environment, turn a blind eye, and pretend to know nothing.

Moreover, she must do her best in the boudoir to serve Jia Rong well and not let Jia Rong dislike her.

For example: the furnishings in the boudoir.

Qin Keqing once hesitated between "dignity and seriousness" and "all kinds of amorous feelings".

Finally chose the latter.

And it seems that Jia Rong is very satisfied.

As Jia Rong said, "The boudoir is the most private private space. If the decoration is the same as in the meeting hall in front, then what fun is there?"

Qin Keqing made the right bet and felt very happy.

Just when she and Jia Rong were staying in the brocade tent, going through the storm, she was secretly looking forward to: "I wonder if I can be pregnant with my husband's child this time..."

After only half a year of marriage, there was no movement in her stomach, and Qin Keqing became a little anxious.


This night, Jia Rong hardly slept.

He was happy because he had conquered the title, and drank a lot of wine, so he was in high spirits. He worked hard all night before falling into a deep sleep before dawn.

When I woke up again, it was already noon.

"My husband is awake, please get up and wash up quickly. We are already preparing to pass on lunch." Seeing Jia Rong open his eyes and wake up, Qin Keqing hurriedly helped him get dressed and wash up.

He also said that when he woke up his wife in the morning, he confessed to Youshi on his behalf.

He also said that Jia Xichun had moved here from Rongguo Mansion this morning and had already moved into Jia Rong's original courtyard. Qin Keqing went to visit him, settled him in, and sent a few girls.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Madam." Jia Rong nodded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Rong took a bath, dressed and ate, then put on a winter coat and went to see Youshi.

"Jia Rong, please give my regards to my wife."

In the main hall of Youshi's courtyard, Jia Rong paid his respects to Youshi. The expression between his eyebrows and eyes was no longer the respectful and cautious person he pretended to be in the past. Instead, his eyes were sharp and lively, and there was a cheeky smile on his lips.

Wu Zi bowed his hands, then raised his head and looked directly at her with a smile.

His attitude is much bolder and more unrestrained than before.

With his expression in high spirits, Wu Zi looked at Youshi's face and figure, and he didn't avoid people at all.

The girls in the hall were startled when they saw this scene, but they couldn't help but feel cold. They obediently lowered their eyebrows and acted like "blind eyes".

When Youshi saw that he was so bold, he didn't even avoid the girls in the hall. His expression became stiff, his body tensed, his heart pounded, as if his brain went blank.

Things are different now.

Jia Rong has officially attacked Jue and no longer has to look at other people's faces.

In the entire Ningguo Mansion, he is the real master, he can do whatever he wants, and others can only act around his will.

Anyone who violates this principle will be severely punished.

Even if she is Jia Rong's "stepmother" on the surface, in the "private" environment of Ningguo Mansion, she can only comply with Jia Rong's wishes without any right to resist.

Unless death!

"Get up." After a few breaths, You regained his composure.

"Madam, she is very well dressed today." Jia Rong looked at Youshi and saw that she was wearing a golden beam crown, a gold inlaid jade Guanyin flower, and a gold inlaid jade plum blossom. There is a sea otter lying on a rabbit and a bead hoop on the forehead, a pair of jewel-encrusted earrings hanging low on the ears, a gold and jewel-encrusted pendant collar on the chest, and a pair of gold crown jewels on the bright wrists.

She was wearing a set of emerald blue satin wide gold skirt with all over the floor, with golden gourd and mouse patterns.

Sitting in the hall, holding a copper wire hand stove in his arms.

She looks graceful and luxurious, showing the temperament of a lady, making people's eyes bright.

But after hearing Jia Rong's words, Youshi couldn't help but change her face, and she quickly subconsciously looked at the girls on the left and right. But he saw Yindie, Chaodou and Qieguan all standing aside, with lowered eyebrows, as if they were pretending to be deaf and mute, seeing and hearing nothing, and couldn't help but sigh secretly in their hearts.

"You are an old person, so what is there to see?" Youshi smiled and shook his head, but said: "The fourth girl has moved here from Xifu today. Go and have a look. She is young and has many things on her mind. Don't cause trouble again." What's going on?"

Youshi's tone was full of prayer, coaxing Jia Rong to leave quickly.

Jia Rong smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go first." After saying that, he bowed his hands, turned around, opened the door curtain and left.

After Jia Rong left, the hall was silent for a while.

Youshi sat in the hall, looking at the direction Jia Rong left and saying nothing for a long time. The three girls, Yindie, Chaodou and Qieguan, even lowered their eyebrows and did not dare to breathe.

Until Youshi spoke:

"You guys are all friends who have been with me for many years." Youshi sighed and said, "You all know what you should say and what you shouldn't say. This scene today, Just pretend you didn't see it and keep your mouth shut. If something happens, no one can save your lives. I think you have served me for so many years, without any merit or hard work, and you are all pretty. Young and outstanding.

"In the future, maybe if I beg for mercy, you might all benefit from it too. It's better to be an aunt and have a good reputation than to marry a random boy. Do you think this is true?"

Youshi sat in the hall and said calmly with a sigh.

Although it was an understatement, both inside and outside the words were a warning and a solicitation.

Yindie, Chaodou and Qieguan all understood it.

"Don't worry, madam, I know what's appropriate." Yindie, as the eldest girl, was the first to bend her knees and kowtow to express her loyalty to Youshi.

"So are we." Chaodou and Qieguan also knelt down.

"Okay, let's get up. The ground is very cold." You nodded and immediately told the three girls to get up.

In fact, there is no need to say more about this.

The three Yindie girls have followed her for many years and have seen a lot of things secretly. The interests of master and servant are one, and Youshi believes that they can handle it clearly.

And this is indeed the case.

Jia Rong was so bold today, which really shocked Yindie.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't matter.

As we were going forward, we heard that Jia Rong and the aunts in the mansion were not clear about anything. Today it is my wife, which is a natural thing.

Again, in such a large government palace, there are too many dirty things going on privately. The girls have all seen the world, so what does this mean?

As long as you avoid people and don't talk nonsense, who can outsiders know where to go?

And Uncle Rong...

Oh no, now I should call you "Master", if you really have something to do with your wife. As the people in the room, they must be the first to benefit from it, and they will have the opportunity to benefit from both rain and dew.

In the past, they served their wives because they wanted to be Jia Zhen's aunts.

Now, it's Jia Rong.

On the contrary, I was even happier.

At this time, Yindie, Chaodou, and Qieguan all looked forward to it, with excited smiles on their lips, secretly looking forward to Jia Rong coming again.

Seeing that Yin Die and others were aroused by what she said, Youshi nodded secretly.

I know that the girls' mental arithmetic has won them over.

As long as the people in the room don't talk nonsense, there is really something going on between her and Jia Rong. Who on the outside will know where to go?


When Jia Rong went out, her body bones seemed to have opened up. She was now tall, strong, and powerful, exuding a masculine charm all over her body.

This made Youshi's heart skip a beat.

There was some resistance at first, but gradually changed my mind, and I couldn't help but have expectations.

Somewhat looking forward to Brother Rong coming over.

(End of this chapter)

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