Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 120 Receive New Year Gifts

Chapter 120 Receive New Year Gifts

Before worshiping his ancestors, Jia Rong did one more thing.

Distribute new year gifts!

Every year at the end of the year, Ning Guofu, as the direct descendant of the eldest family member, assumes the responsibility and obligation to control and take care of the Bafang clan members in the capital.

Therefore, when the village leaders go to Beijing to pay rent, the people in the capital can also share some benefits.

Of course, not too much.

In previous years, when Jia Zhen was the clan leader, she only had a piece of cotton cloth, a bag of rice, and a pound of pork. Only these, said to be annual gifts, are actually relief funds. Moreover, not everyone is given it. It is to select those households with difficulties. Anyone whose family background is slightly better will lose their qualifications.

The landlord's family doesn't have any food left.


But now, Jia Rong became the acting clan leader and immediately announced that all the Bafang clan members in the capital would come to Ningguo Mansion to receive new year gifts according to their accounts.

Upon hearing the news, thousands of families were excited.

Um? Can they get it this year too? When they came to the courtyard of Ningguo Mansion, the eyes of the tribesmen were brightened when they saw the various types of annual gifts piled on the platform.

"Are there so many new year gifts this year?"

someone said excitedly.

I saw a large amount of materials piled up on the platform, including cotton cloth, rice, grains, and several meat tables. Chickens and fish were slaughtered, and pork and mutton were divided into half fans and hung up for the tribesmen to slaughter.

A table was placed under the pillars of the hall, and a large wolf skin mattress was spread on a carved chair. Jia Rong, wearing a large lynx fur and holding a red pen in his hand, personally signed the cards for the tribesmen and went to receive the new year's gifts.

The people from the eight families in the capital who came to the main courtyard of Ningguo Mansion, all lined up neatly under the instructions of the servant of Ningguo Mansion, and went to Jia Rong to receive the cards.

"Jia Mei, right?"

Jia Rong sat behind the desk and looked at the middle-aged man who was bent over and with a reserved smile on his face, "I know that your son Mao Geer has been admitted to the Jinshi class in ethnic studies and is a talented person. Train him well and say Maybe I’ll be able to take the exam to become a Juren master in the future.”

"Thank you for the compliment, Master."

When mentioning her son Jia Mao, Jia Mei showed a bit of pride and boldly thanked him.

Jia Mao is Brother Mao from the back street. The one Jia Rong just traveled through and was teased by Grandma Sun. Although he studied diligently in the free school, he was ugly and was not liked and talked about by others.

Judging people was the limit of his career in the imperial examination. ——Being an official also depends on appearance. If your appearance is too ugly, even if the examiner admits you, he will dismiss you. Basically there is no hope of becoming a Jinshi.

However, Jia Rong still values ​​​​it.

If there is no hope in the imperial examination, then he cannot become an official? The Jia clan is a hereditary noble. Jia Mao can be allowed to enter the capital camp and take the military career route. ——Who said there is no need for scholars in the barracks? need! Very necessary!

"Here, here is your pair of cards. Go and get the new year gift." Jia Rong signed the cards in person and handed them to Jia Mei. Jia Mei glanced at it, her face flushed and her breathing quickened.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!" Jia Mei bowed her hands in a bow.

Although he was a generation senior than Jia Rong, he respectfully called "Master".

"Why don't you call me master? Call me the patriarch."

Jia Rong smiled and corrected Jia Mei's mistake.

"Yes, thank you patriarch."

Jia Mei knew she was wrong and corrected her mistake. She quickly changed her words and saluted Jia Rong respectfully.

"Okay, let's go."

Hearing the satisfactory address, Jia Rong nodded with a smile and waved his hand to let Jia Mei leave.

Jia Mei took the right cards and came to the place where she received the supplies. Lai Sheng, the manager of Ningguo Mansion, received the right cards. He deliberately looked around at everyone and shouted, "Jia Mei actually received two pieces of cotton cloth, two bags of high-quality rice, and a big Two carps, one groceries, and five pounds of pork and mutton each will be received in the hall and confirmed to be correct."

Hearing Lai Sheng's shout, all the Jingcheng clan members in the courtyard were all talking excitedly. Everyone's heart was up and down, and their bodies were ignited with flames.

Even the cold air of the twelfth lunar month could not extinguish the enthusiasm in their hearts at this moment.

It seems that this winter has been much warmer.

Many people were talking, but the Ningguofu people did not stop them. Instead, they allowed them to talk and loudly praised Jia Rong's reputation for kindness. Under the excited eyes of everyone, Jia Mei received the new year gifts.

Not to mention two pieces of cotton.

Those two bags of white rice, although they were called "normal rice for ordinary use" on the village head's bill, were for the servants and boys in the mansion. But on the market, it is first-class "fine polished rice" that ordinary families cannot eat.

Although the price of large carp is low, it is also meat, so children can try it without having to spend money to buy it.

A portion of groceries is a small bag containing miscellaneous grains mainly consisting of hazelnut, pine, peach, and apricot sacs, as well as dried razor clams and dried shrimps, which makes people secretly excited.

As for the pork and mutton, they weighed five kilograms each. He was the first to come and chose the fattest ones, which made all the tribesmen in line secretly envious.

Then the problem comes!

How could he get so many old things by himself?

In fact, when Jia Rong was preparing the New Year's gifts, rumors spread. All the people in the capital knew that there were a lot of New Year's gifts distributed this year, so the whole family came and were waiting outside the door in a huge crowd.

At this moment, a servant from the Ning Mansion helped Jia Mei carry the New Year's gifts out of the door.

In an instant, the clansmen waiting outside the door couldn't help but discuss in an uproar.

Especially Jia Mei's wife and children, they couldn't help but excitedly gathered around and said excitedly, "The father of the child, did he get all these this year?"

"That's right, they are all from our family." Jia Mei said happily, loudly praising Jia Rong's charity, and said: "The patriarch personally signed the cards, and Manager Lai distributed the supplies. Everything is just a little more. Look, I I was the first one to come, and I chose all the fat meat..."

As soon as these words came out, Jia Mei's daughter-in-law was full of joy and couldn't help but praise Jia Rong loudly, saying that the patriarch is so kind and that everyone has a good life.

Then she grabbed rice, pork and mutton to help her husband share the stress.

The children also hugged the cotton cloth, took the big carp and groceries, and cheered excitedly.

In an instant, the family, which was tight due to the arrival of the New Year, suddenly became rich and had hope for life. The body that was blown by the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month felt warm, and the whole person was in high spirits and had a bright smile.

Then the whole family walked away full of laughter with countless pairs of envious eyes.

After Jia Mei's family left, a second person also came out, also carrying a large amount of supplies, with a happy and excited smile on his face. When he saw his family, he shouted excitedly, "Come here and help -"

In an instant, the tribesmen gathered outside the gate of Ningguo Mansion were discussing in an uproar again.

Then, he looked at Ningguo Mansion expectantly, hoping to see the figure of his own man.

And there are also many women who can't help but be full of complaints and anger that can't be concealed at this moment.

"The seed of a lazy boy who was struck by lightning and divided into pieces by five ghosts! I have told you a long time ago that there will be a lot of new year's gifts distributed this year. Let him come early, because it is too cold outside to huddle under the quilt and work hard. What an evil deed that does not live up to expectations! Such a trap There are so many people, how long will it take to wait in line? When it is his turn, all the fat meat in front will be divided..."

There was a lot of grumbling in the crowd.

But more, after hearing the complaints of the women, they couldn't help but rejoiced and commented, "Thankfully I urged you to come earlier, otherwise I would have been scolded now."

As he spoke, he looked eagerly at the front door, hoping to see his man.

As the saying goes: new year, new atmosphere.

The clan leader is a capable person. If he becomes the clan leader, good times will come for everyone!

"Well, it would be great if Uncle Rong became the patriarch earlier." At this moment, an unknown number of people secretly whipped Jia Zhen to death, making a sharp contrast between Jia Zhen's stinginess and Jia Rong's boldness and generosity.

"No wonder people say that the patriarch has the demeanor of Ning Rong. Just look at his ability to manage the family, and he will be the same in the future!" someone commented.

In this way, Jia Rong's reputation as "benevolent, righteous, charitable, generous and generous" once again became deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, setting off huge waves among the people in the capital.

The prestige has increased a lot again.

(End of this chapter)

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