Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 124 Tit for tat

Chapter 124 Tit for tat

It’s not just Jia Mu.

Elders including Mrs.

"Even when Brother Zhen was here, he didn't dare to talk to me like that..."

But Jia Rong didn't care and only spoke to Jia Zheng.

He worked hard to kill Jia Zhen just to seize the highest power of Ningguo Mansion and gain the highest say in Ningrong Jia Mansion.

If, after becoming a clan leader, he still keeps a low profile and compromises, wouldn't his position as clan leader be in vain?

Normally, it's okay to be superficial and a humble junior.

But if he had to give in to everything, then he wouldn't be Jia Rong.

You dare to kill (my biological father), are you afraid of you, an old man? !

"When I was rectifying the clan school, I once said that all the children of the Jia clan have the obligation and responsibility to go to school. Anyone who wants to hold a position in the clan must complete the graduation examination in the clan school."

Hearing Jia's mother coaxing Jia Baoyu, saying she wouldn't go if she didn't want to go, Jia Rong stood with her hands behind her hands and spoke lightly in a deep tone.

"Uncle Bao, there will be no exceptions!"

"Unless you lock him in the back house for the rest of his life and let him eat like this and wait to die..."

After the words fell, Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang's expressions changed.

Mrs. Wang couldn't help but cursed, "You little Rong boy, you used chicken feathers as an arrow, and you actually took charge of Baoyu! He is the master of my Rongguo Mansion, and it's not the turn of the Ningguo Mansion to take charge of it!"

Jia Rong smiled, "Why are the second wives talking crazy things? I am now the head of the Jia clan, why can't I control Uncle Bao? Not to mention Uncle Bao, it's you. If one day, you do something that harms the Jia clan, , I also have the power to deal with you."

Seeing Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, the expressions of all the daughters-in-law and girls in the hall changed. Jia Rong added:

"At least, I have the right to suggest that the second master divorce you."

After the words fell, the hall was completely silent.

Everyone looked at Jia Rong in disbelief. They didn't expect him to be so bold and actually talk to Mrs. Wang like this, tit for tat, without any mercy.

You know, Mrs. Wang is two generations older than him, so Jia Rong wants to call her "from her grandmother".

"Brother Rong——"

At this moment, Jia Zheng frowned, feeling that Jia Rong had spoken, so he couldn't help but remind him to express his dissatisfaction.

Just talk, why are you contradicting your elders?

"Okay, okay." Mother Jia scolded Jia Rong with an angry look on her face and chest heaving, "A hairless chicken is flapping its wings to pretend to be an eagle. You have only eaten for a few days and you dare to stick a green onion in a pig's nose to pretend to be an elephant. Teach me a lesson." Come on, elders! I would like to ask Brother Jing why you gave birth to such an unfilial evil!"

After saying that, Jia Mu suddenly stood up from the beauty's couch and said sternly, "Let's go to Ning Mansion and ask Brother Jing how he disciplines his grandson!"

Jia's mother sacrificed a big killer - Jia Jing!

In an instant, Jia Rong frowned and clenched her fists secretly, but she was not much afraid.


Ningguo Mansion now has only Jia Rong.

No matter how big a mistake Jia Rong made, Jia Jing couldn't do anything to him.

But even so, it would be disgusting if Jia Jing forced him to apologize to Jia Mu, or even kowtow to apologize.

Jia Rong's prestige as the leader of the Jia clan will also be greatly reduced, and people will talk about it.

In the hearts of the clan members, Jia Mu, the "Old Buddha", will still be superior and overwhelm him, the clan leader.

"Damn it, why isn't Jia Jing dead?" Jia Rong looked gloomy, clenched her fists secretly, and cursed involuntarily in her heart.

For the first time, I had a strong murderous intention towards Jia Jing!

If Old Biden does not ascend to heaven, it will affect his right to speak in the Jia clan.

If Jia Jing is not here, what can Jia Mu do to him? Even if they finally break up and Jia's mother resorts to the etiquette weapon of "disobeying the elders and being unfilial", Jia Rong will not be afraid!

Why? Because Jia Rong is the eldest son and grandson, he is the only one in Ningguo Mansion.

With the protection of the patriarchal system, Jia Rong's status as the patriarch and the head of Ningguo Mansion is as stable as Mount Tai. Even Jia Mu can't do anything to him.

Now that there is one more Jia Jing, things will get worse.

Because Jia Jing is "fertile", even without Jia Rong, Jia Jing can have another child. This is the worst case scenario.

Of course, those are the last and ultimate measures to break up the relationship and fight to the death.

No one with a brain would fall into this situation.

But at least one thing can be admitted: Jia Jing's existence "suppressed" Jia Rong in terms of both the etiquette system and the patriarchal system. It affected his ability to exercise the power of "patriarch" in the clan.

"Mother, why are you like this!" Fortunately, Jia Zheng spoke up, stepped forward to stop the angry Mother Jia, and then turned to scold Jia Rong, "Brother Rong, you still haven't apologized to our ancestors!"

Jia Rong didn't want to alarm Jia Jing.

It would be embarrassing if he went to Ningguo Mansion and alarmed Jia Jing, forcing him to kowtow to Jia Mu, Mrs. Wang, etc. to apologize, or even do something more egregious.

It is entirely possible for this kind of thing to happen under the "violent education" system of Ningguo Mansion.

Therefore, Jia Rong's face changed, and she suddenly showed a gentle smile. She stepped forward and said softly: "Ancestor, what do you mean? My great-grandson just said a few words of justice, how can he be so angry? Let others see. Sorry, I thought that as the leader of the clan, I don’t have dignity, and that you, the old lady, has everything in the house, so you want to interfere in the affairs of the clan."

After Jia Rong finished speaking, Jia Mu and everyone's expressions changed.

No one expected that Jia Rong would dare to speak like this and "tit for tat" with Jia Mu when Jia Mu was so angry that even Jia Zheng "turned sides".

However, Jia Rong's words did remind Jia Mu.

Because Jia Rong is the leader of the Jia clan, it is his responsibility and obligation to control the children of the clan. Jia's mother made a fuss over this and even went to Jia Jing's side. Even if Jia Rong can temporarily bow his head, he still has to bear the consequences.

That is: the clan members criticized her, saying that she, Si Chen, covered the sky with one hand, was restless in the back house, and wanted to interfere in clan affairs.

After all, even if Jia Mu is Jia Daishan's wife, she is just a daughter-in-law. The blood of the Shi family flows in her body, not the blood of the Jia family.

This is the most important thing.

Once the clan criticizes her, her situation will be in danger. The image of the "kind old lady" that has been maintained for many years will be destroyed. It was fine when she was alive, but what if she died? How will the Jia family arrange her? She could hardly imagine it.

In particular, Jia Rong is the clan leader. Once she has revenge, she cannot be buried with her husband.


Isn't she going to be a lonely ghost in this life?

This is the greatest confidence for Jia Rong to ascend to the position of patriarch and compete with her as the fifth generation of Caozi generation.

Jia's mother is a smart person. She heard what Jia Rong meant, so her anger suddenly subsided and turned into faint anger and fear.

Her sharp eyes stared at Jia Rong, as if she wanted to see him clearly from the inside out.

Why did Ningguo Mansion have such an evil obstacle?

But soon, she thought of the "big events" that Jia Rong had done in the past six months, which all showed that he had a strategy and was not easy to deal with.

Although he is younger, Jia Rong really dares to show his teeth.

This kid is hard to control!

In just a short moment, the distracting thoughts in Jia Mu's mind were like exploding stars in the sky. Finally, all the anger calmed down and turned into fatigue. She was too lazy to look at Jia Rong again, pointed out the hall and scolded, "Go away, I don't want to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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