Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 130 3 options

Chapter 130 Three Choices

"Third aunt scolded all the people again," Jia Rong said with a smile, "I'm not afraid, it just damages the second aunt's reputation."

When the three women heard this, their eyes twitched.

Even Jia Tanchun subconsciously closed his mouth and did not dare to speak out again.

However, the eyes looking at Jia Rong were still full of anger. It's as if Jia Rong is a dissolute and immoral beast, just wearing a human skin.

Jia Rong didn't care.

As his status rises and the authority he holds becomes greater, he becomes more careless in his actions and only acts according to his heart.

He wakes up and holds the power of the world, but he lies drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman.

Power and beauty are always two themes that complement each other.

The higher the power, the better the beauties you have, and this has been true since ancient times.

No matter what her identity is.


Seeing that the three women were silent, Jia Rong smiled, bowed her hands, and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Jia Tanchun called him.

Jia Rong turned around and looked at her in surprise.

Then he saw Jia Tanchun grab a brocade handkerchief and throw it into his arms, gritted his teeth and cursed, "Wipe the rouge on your mouth!"

Jia Rong was stunned, then smiled, holding the brocade handkerchief, she saw an embroidered picture of "Yao Island Fairy Flower", which was apricot blossoms with snowflakes and crystal clear flowers blooming on rose branches. The flowers were numerous and the leaves were sparse, reflecting each other.

"Mmm, it smells so good~"

Jia Rong picked up the apricot flower handkerchief, brought it to her nose and took a deep sniff. But when he smelled the fragrant aroma entering his nose, which was also faintly tainted with Jia Tanchun's unique body fragrance, he felt a little swayed in his heart.

However, his actions made Jia Tanchun's expression change, and he couldn't help but see anger filling his eyes.

Unexpectedly, in such a situation, Jia Rong not only did not restrain himself, but also boldly teased her.

In an instant, Jia Tanchun clenched his pink fists, his whole body tensed, and his heart was filled with humiliation and anger. If he hadn't been concerned about the influence of his identity, Jia Tanchun would have really wanted to rush up and slap him hard.

Even Jia Xichun looked at Jia Rong with indifference again.

However, Jia Rong did not continue. He just held the apricot blossom brocade handkerchief and wiped the red rouge on his lips, then hid the apricot blossom brocade handkerchief in his sleeve and left swaggeringly.

"What an evil!"

Jia Tanchun cursed, glanced at Jia Rong's back with hatred, turned around and scolded Jia Yingchun a few more times, and then warned Jia Xichun, "Young boy Rong is too promiscuous and is not easy to deal with. You stay in Ning Mansion." Sooner or later, he will be involved. It’s better to move back here.”

What Jia Rong did today was far beyond their sisters' expectations.

Jia Rong even dared to bully Jia Yingchun, and even dared to tease Jia Tanchun in person, let alone Jia Xichun? Even if his bloodline is closer, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop him, but will only increase his animal nature.

Taking advantage of the moment, Jia Xichun described Shang Xiao as the most important thing to move back to Rongfu as soon as possible.

In a few years, when Xichun grows older, he may also encounter a vicious attack.

How could Jia Xichun not know this truth?

However, she shook her head and said in a deep voice, "It's not that easy! He has everything in Ning's house, and no one dares to offend him. If I ask to leave now, it will only annoy him. He is not even afraid of the old lady, so what? Will you let me go?

"If he really has such shameful thoughts and simply dies, who am I to be afraid of!"

Jia Xichun's firm tone startled both Jia Yingchun and Jia Tanchun.

Seeing that she was so young, she had a resolute face and said the word "death" calmly.

Jia Yingchun and Jia Tanchun were agitated, but they couldn't help hugging her and comforting her with tears, "Bah, bah, bah! It's so serious. Why are you talking about life and death? How old are you, why did you give birth to a baby?" I have this idea. My sisters will always protect you, and there will always be a way..."

Jia Xichun listened, but pursed her lips and said nothing, a trace of indifference flashed in her eyes.

You can't even protect yourself, why are you here to protect me?

However, due to the sisterly bond, Jia Xichun remained silent and did not speak out.

Jia Yingchun and Jia Tanchun looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes.


It sounds so easy, but unless you are forced into a desperate situation, who has the courage?

"I don't have it anyway." Jia Yingchun shook her head. She was scared when she heard the word death. She just wanted to live her own life peacefully.

It would be better if no outsiders disturb you.

"I will hide in Rong Mansion from now on. If I never come to Ning Mansion to see him again, he will not be able to do anything to me." Jia Yingchun clenched her pink fists, still holding on to a glimmer of hope in her heart. And what about Jia Tanchun?

"Death? I'm not married yet. I've lived a truly proud life. How could I die in vain! No one can let me die! No matter how big the hardships and difficulties are, I will find a way to solve them." Jia Tanchun Gritting his teeth, his eyes showed determination.

Three sisters, three personalities, three completely different choices.

This is why Jia Rong likes them, everyone is unique.


When the three sisters Jia Yingchun, Jia Tanchun and Jia Xichun gathered their emotions in the garden and put on their makeup, they did not stay in the garden any longer, and they did not dare to separate and went straight to Tianxiang Pavilion.

Tianxiang Pavilion is where Jia's mother lives, and she is surrounded by big girls and young wives. No matter how bold Jia Rong is, she still has to pay attention to the influence.

Moreover, it was getting late, the banquet was about to be held, and it was time for them to go back.

When the three sisters returned to Tianxiang Tower, they greeted Jia Mu and took their seats in a polite manner. They saw Jia Rong sitting in the hall with clear eyes and a smile on her lips, accompanying Jia Mu, Wang Xifeng and others. People talk to make people laugh.

But I saw that he was dressed in splendid clothes, with a majestic appearance, a dignified and elegant look, and a look of confidence in his eyebrows, which also showed the heroic spirit of a martial arts disciple.

He spoke loudly and spoke with great pride. He was talking about going outside the customs to inspect the farmland and other matters.

Listening to his plan, Jia Mu, Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng and others all nodded with appreciation in their tone.

There was no tense conflict like before.

Wang Xifeng even suggested that Jia Lian should also take a group of people to go outside the pass with Jia Rong to have a look at the real situation on the farmland.

However, when she finished speaking, Jia Mu did not readily agree. Instead, she looked at Mrs. Xing hesitantly and asked for her opinion.

Although Mrs. Xing is not Jia Lian's biological mother, she has a good relationship with him.

Thinking of Jia Lian's usual temperament, he couldn't help but shake his head and followed Jia Mu's wishes and smiled, "Brother Rong has outstanding martial arts and is following the path of martial arts. But Brother Lian is different. He is a scholar, not like Brother Rong." You are so strong. Our family has a big business and we can’t enjoy all the glory and wealth in the capital. Why bother to go through the wind and snow to pursue those three melons and two dates? In my opinion, it’s better to let brother Lian continue to take charge of this stall in the capital. It’s important.”

Jia Mu nodded and said with a smile: "I think so too. When the land was enclosed, Emperor Taizu was so gracious that he allowed the Rong Mansion to circle more. Even after so many years, it was still more than the Ning Mansion. I have visited more than a dozen villages, and they are indeed much more affluent than those over there."

After that, he looked at Wang Xifeng and said, "Feng Lazi, your man is a civil servant, and it is not easy to take care of things in Beijing. If he hears this and wants to quarrel with you again, don't mention it again."

After hearing this, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but sigh secretly when she thought of Jia Lian's usual temper. On the surface, she smiled, "It's my ancestors and mother-in-law who thought carefully about it. As a daughter-in-law, I haven't read any books on weekdays, and I can't read a single big character. Taking care of the affairs at home, I was fiddling with the arithmetic in my mind every day, thinking about how to increase income and make the family live better. At that time, I didn’t have that much. It was my ancestor who reminded me that I finally realized it. Strange thing, old man As the saying goes: Having an old man in the family is like having a treasure. This is absolutely true."

Sister Feng is the atmosphere group in the hall. She is beautiful and has a unique temperament. She stands out like a chicken in the hall, and it is difficult for anyone to ignore her.

But when she was talking, she liked to walk around the hall, holding the handkerchief in her hand and flicking it, like a big rooster looking forward to the glory and showing off its power.

Just focus all eyes on her.

When speaking, his tone was paused and his tone was serious, but there was also a hint of pretentiousness that made people laugh secretly.

As soon as the words fell, the hall burst into laughter.

"Hahaha." Mother Jia raised her head and laughed, pointing helplessly at Wang Xifeng, and said in a doting tone, "You are such a hottie! I know you have worked hard as a housekeeper, but you don't have to change your ways every day to seek credit for yourself. There is no need to think of ways to coax me. No one here knows about your cleverness, even the two little ones Baoyu and Daiyu can see clearly."

"Oh, ancestor, you are laughing at me again, I won't obey you anymore." Wang Xifeng cooperated, deliberately pretending to be a little girl, as if Jia Mu had exposed her little thoughts, she stamped her feet violently, acted coquettishly, and faced everyone The whole room burst into laughter, and he quickly walked to Arhat's bed and got into Jia Mu's arms.

When everyone saw her like this, they laughed even louder.

Mother Jia also hugged Wang Xifeng and comforted her with a loving smile. The loving and harmonious appearance of her grandparents and grandchildren made the hall feel relaxed and joyful.

But beneath the surface of the smile, the hidden thought is that he secretly admires Wang Xifeng's methods. He laughs and curses to please Jia's mother, but he also doesn't offend anyone. It really can't be done by everyone.

In this hall, who else but Wang Xifeng could be so indulgent?

Only her!

"It's a pity that Sister Feng is very capable, but she still has to cater to the old lady's wishes. And Brother Lian is not like that person, who can take on the responsibility..."

At this time, Jia Rong and Jia Rong had just met each other in the garden. The three sisters Jia Yingchun, Jia Tanchun and Jia Xichun who entered the hall were also sitting in the corner with each other, enjoying the lively atmosphere in the hall while secretly sizing up Jia Rong. Rong, sighed secretly in his heart.

"This man is really good at pretending!"

Jia Tanchun said secretly.

At this time, Jia Rong, who was sitting in the hall, seemed to have changed into a different person. He was gentle, elegant, and heroic. Who could see him and not praise him as an outstanding disciple?

But only in private can you discover his hidden lustful face.

"But throughout history, among the truly capable men, who is not like this?" Jia Tanchun pondered, "Which man is not debauched in his heart? Those who are powerless can only endure it, and in their minds Those who are powerful but have no ability will only be dissolute and unable to do anything, and will eventually fail. And those who are powerful and capable... know how to enjoy and can clearly see what they want. Go for it and finally succeed!

"Now in Ning Rongjia's house, it seems that Brother Rong is the only one who knows what he wants and is willing to fight for it."

What the Jia family lacks is such a man who dares to take responsibility!

Even Jia Tanchun's anger and contempt for Jia Rong disappeared when he heard that he was going to inspect Zhuangtian outside the customs.

Instead, I had very complicated emotions in my heart.

The coexistence of anger and admiration, the intertwining of contempt and appreciation, kept flickering in Jia Tanchun's heart, gradually leaving Jia Rong with a clearer and complex impression in Jia Tanchun's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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