Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 133 The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying

Chapter 133 The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying

Lin Daiyu's birthday passed, and Jia Rong was ready to leave for the outside world.

He was well prepared.

For safety reasons, he brought all the escorts with him. There were more than a hundred people in total. All were furnished with horses. It is a common Hequ horse on the market. Each horse costs 12 to 15 taels of silver. It is also a common horse breed among the war horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Jiarong didn't bring the red rabbit horse with him. He only brought the Wuzui horse he originally rode and Jia Qiang's sky green horse and swapped them.

The English Pegasus (thoroughbred horse), as the riding horse of the descendants of Shixun in Shenjing City, is allowed to show off his identity.

Really traveling long distances is almost meaningless.

In fact, its biggest role is in breeding with Hequ horses, Liaodong horses and other national horses. Purify the best blood. Improve the national horse's body height, running speed and other advantages.

In addition to the escort team, Jia Rong also visited family friends and old relatives and selected "some people" from the Beijing camp.

But he didn't expect that his family friends and relatives would be so enthusiastic. Faced with his request, they all readily agreed and only the most elite and capable ones were selected.

One by one, Jia Rong walked around and found that there were more than fifty people who came to Ningguo Mansion to report, forming a full team.

Moreover, these people have outstanding martial arts skills and can really fight, and they all have military titles on them.

He is a mid- to low-level officer in the Beijing camp.

At this moment, everyone was 'asking for leave' and were seconded by Ningguo Mansion.

Jia Rong personally met with these officers in the Xiangnan Hall, chatted and got to know each one, and briefly understood each person's temperament and abilities.

Then, give out rewards!

Before you go out, give out the reward first.

The reward was very generous, two pieces of brocade cloth + 50 taels of silver, and he promised to give another one when he came back.

In an instant, the middle and lower-ranking officers became excited and couldn't help but cheered and shouted, "Your Excellency is great!"

These days, the capital camp is basically in ruins. The upper-level lords and lords only treat their soldiers as slaves. They are either building gardens here or building palaces for the palace. They are simply not human beings.

Even these 'elites' are treated very poorly and can only live hand to mouth.

I thought that if I was transferred here this time, I would just give him some reward money after finishing the work and then spend it away.

I never thought that this young Lord of Ningguo Mansion would be so generous. He would give out a reward before he even left home, two bolts of brocade cloth + 50 taels of silver. They don't get that much reward in a year. Especially those two pieces of brocade, look at the fine patterns. They are the best brocade on the market, and ordinary people can't afford it.

Make a fortune this time!

In an instant, all the middle and low-level officers felt warm in their hearts.

After taking the reward home, as expected, the family members cheered and praised Ningguo Mansion.

It also made the middle and lower-level officers talk among themselves, feeling that Sir Alex was generous and worthy of being his old employer!

"If you ask me, Wang Jiedu is not worthy of being in charge of the capital camp! Look at what he has done these years. He only deals with civilian officials in the Ministry of War. How can he have half the courage and magnanimity of Jiedushi?"

"That's right, even if there is to be reform, it will have to be done by our own people. What's the point of letting the Ministry of War get involved!"

"I see, our Lord Ning is pretty good. In two years' time, he will pass the military and political examinations and join the Beijing camp. He will be promoted in a few years. By then, he will be in charge of the Beijing camp, and we will have a good life. !”

"Yes, I think so too."

Since the publication of the "Memorial on the Reform of the Beijing Camp", Wang Ziteng's reputation in the Beijing Camp has been completely ruined. No one respected him. The soldiers in the camp only regarded him as a "traitor" and made sarcastic remarks all day long.

In the past few days, I have been chatting with family friends and relatives, and they all said that the palace has made a decision to release the prince.

This made Jia Rong very emotional.

When he was in charge of the Beijing camp, he did not win over the generals in the Beijing camp. He took root in the Beijing camp, but he thought of "changing sides" and colluded with the officials of the Ministry of War.

This is his choice, he can't blame others!

But it also made Jia Rong secretly vigilant, and he became more and more determined to win over the soldiers in the Beijing camp.

This secondment is Jia Rong's best opportunity to contact the officers in the Beijing camp in advance. That's why Jia Rong is so generous and directly throws money at people.

And after listening to the discussions among the officers, it was clear that the effect was very good.

Jia Rong's generous and generous attitude made them very satisfied. They were all willing to do things for themselves and became more loyal.

Then, Jia Rong hit the road.

Saying goodbye to Youshi, Qin Keqing, Jia Xichun, Second Sister You, Third Sister You, Mrs. Zhen, Peifeng, Qieyang, Zhang Wenhua and other female family members, Jia Rong mounted a black horse and led more than 150 riders. He left the city in a mighty manner.


On a flat official road.

The dust was flying and the sound of horse hooves could be heard.

Looking from a distance, I saw dozens of skilled horsemen riding away on the road.

In the center of the large army, there were camps of hundreds of people, arranged in two queues, front and back, and shouts came from time to time, as if officers and soldiers were marching. "My lord, you have trained your troops well!"

At this time, a rider on a horse saw it and couldn't help but admire it secretly.

It would be a waste to invite low-level officers from the Beijing camp to serve only as bodyguards.

Therefore, not long after Jia Rong walked out of Shenjing City, he ordered the escort to dismount and receive "reform training" from low-level officers in the Beijing camp.

Jia Rong also looked on, combining theory with practice to further improve his military skills.

At first, the middle and low-level officers in the Beijing camp looked down upon the escort team after listening to Jia Rong's request.

However, when they actually got started, they were shocked. Because the discipline of the escort team is so good. It is really the "order to enforce the prohibition and strengthen the military style". This shocked all the middle and low-level officers in the Beijing camp. I couldn't help but sigh, thinking that Ning Guofu was worthy of being a martial arts family and indeed had some ability.

So, get serious.

Only use the elite method to torment the escort.

Don't tell me, after only practicing for a period of time, the guard team as a whole lost their gentleness and gentleness, and the whole team showed a rough and tough temperament.

This surprised Jia Rong, and happily ordered the officers to let them go and practice.

And the officers were delighted.

In the Beijing camp, the overall quality of the soldiers was too poor.

They wanted to train their troops, but the soldiers did not cooperate, so they had to muddle along and go about their daily lives.

But now.

This group of escorts surprised them.

The overall quality is too high, many of them are literate, and their discipline is very strict.

As a result, everyone was so happy to see Hunter Xin that they rushed to become instructors and wanted to train soldiers.

And Jia Rong was not idle either. After observing the training methods of these middle and low-level officers, he gradually understood. It is roughly the same as what was recorded in his "Ningwu Strategy". Even simpler. Just because they are elites themselves, the practical results are better.

When it comes to military theory, they are inferior to Jia Rong.

Suddenly, among the marching team, dust was flying in the distance, and more than a dozen horsemen ran out of the mountains and forests, with their horseback belts full of prey.

The first person was wearing a velvet robe and gorgeous clothes. Grasping the treasure bow, he is full of energy. Riding on a black horse with smooth hair, strong physique, and jet black like ink, he galloped towards me, like a man from heaven!


At this time, he was throwing his head back and laughing.

But when I saw a dozen riders, they looked at Jia Rong with admiration. Because this time, they actually met a small wolf pack. Jia Rong rode alone into a pack of wolves and killed them all with a single shot of a powerful bow and arrows!

None of them expected that Jia Rong was born with supernatural power and could draw a three-stone bow. The riding bow he usually used was also 15-power (one stone and five).

It’s so fierce that it’s not human!

The arrow shot out, like a sniper heavy cannon, with precision and swiftness. It penetrated directly into the wolf's eyes and killed it instantly, leaving behind a complete wolf skin.

Even the most powerful hunter cannot do this.

so amazing!

The sight of the knights charging into the battle made the riders following him excited, and they wanted to join him in the battle.

It's a pity that Jia Rong's shots were so fast that they didn't have a chance to perform.

"Following such a general to charge into battle, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he can be crushed to pieces!"

Gradually, Jia Rong's strong force value aroused the admiration of many middle and low-level officers. I respect him more and more.

After all, the military camp is a place where the strong are worshiped.

And Jia Rong is generous with his actions, has strong military force, has a noble birth, and is a noble raider in the Ningguo Mansion. He is simply the best choice for the Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp!

"In two and a half years, there are still two and a half years left before the Duke can pass the military and political examination and come to the Beijing camp to serve as a guerrilla general.

“I just don’t know which battalion your lordship wants to go to, and whether he will become my superior officer.

"If you can work for him, you'll be lucky."

At this time, all the middle and low-level officers in the Beijing camp were conquered by Jia Rong. They admired him and wanted to serve under him.

Seeing the officers growing in respect and admiration for him, Jia Rong smiled with satisfaction.

This was also something he did intentionally and deliberately wanted to show off his methods. How can I possibly convince them that I have no ability to make friends with military men? You must make them worship you and see that you are a strong person, then they will follow you.

And now it seems that his plan succeeded.

(End of this chapter)

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