Brother Rong of Red Mansion

Chapter 139: Jing, clean up the unruly slaves!

Chapter 139 Return to Beijing and clean up the unruly slaves!

While the training of the security team in Heishan Village was in full swing, Jia Rong was also doing business.

Buy and replace new farm tools for the tenant farmers, replenish the cattle in the farm fields, and free up the labor force.

He is serious about his work.

Money was spent like water, and a steady stream of supplies was brought from Ningyuan City to Heishan Village. Wu Jinxiao and others were impressed when they saw Jia Rong's attitude in doing things. It also made the tenant farmers in Heishan Village happy and felt the fresh changes.

In addition, Jia Rong also has some ideas about farming.

When he went to Jinling, he specially bought a batch of sweet potatoes, corn, potatoes and other seeds.

The sea ban was lifted in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and these crops were introduced to the coast, but the planting efficiency was not high because the people did not like to eat them and did not know how to eat them.

However, as the disaster continues, the planting area of ​​these crops has also expanded significantly.

Because their food yield is really high!

Jiangning is an important grain producing area, mainly growing rice, and Jiarong did not break its planting environment.

However, it is bitterly cold outside the Pass and the fields are vast. Some low-grade fields and low-grade fields are very suitable for growing corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes and other crops.

Especially when recruiting refugees to open up wasteland, if corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are planted as the first crop, food production will be greatly increased and too many deaths will be avoided.

Therefore, Jia Rong discussed with Wu Jinxiao and others, and also found experienced farmers from Heishan Village. After discussing with each other for a long time, they finally made a decision - to divide an area in Heishan Village as a "test field" and try to plant it first. One crop, if the effect is good, then expand the scale.

Not only corn, sweet potatoes and potatoes, Jia Rong also set aside part of the experimental field to try to grow soybeans.

Liaodong and soybeans are a perfect match!

In later generations, who has not heard the rumors about Liaodong soybeans?

In my small days, I occupied Liaodong, and I could earn an aircraft carrier every year by relying on soybeans.

Therefore, Jia Rong specially designated a part of the experimental field to plant soybeans.

not only that.

Also because of the planning adjustments for soybeans, corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other crops, Jia Rong allocated funds to build mills and oil pressing mills in Heishan Village. There were also more than a dozen water trucks used to water the fields.

With the investment of huge funds, Heishan Village has entered into a plan of crazy construction, with big changes every day.

Jia Rong stayed in Heishan Village alone for a month and spent money like water.

But the changes in Heishan Village are also very intuitive.

First of all, the tenant farmers in Heishan Village are refreshed in spirit, full of hope for future life, and more energetic in their work. They must take good care of their fields and grow more food to repay Jia Rong's kindness!

Then, Jia Rong left Heishan Village and went to several other villages.

Baishi Village, Dong'an Village, Xingfeng Village, etc.

There are a total of six villages, each of which is similar in size to Heishan Village. Jia Rong also has three things to do: treat guests, behead him, and accept him as a dog.

The first thing is to distribute rewards, spread his name of benevolence and righteousness, and win the hearts and minds of the tenant farmers.

The second thing is to behead, destroy the alliance between the village head and the stewards, and let the village heads select three stewards to sacrifice to heaven!

The third thing is to accept the pawn, let the village head and the stewards select the nephews into the capital, and then form a local security team and start military training.

After taking actual control of the entire Zhuangzi, Jia Rong invested funds and started construction.

It’s really like spending money like water!

"Damn it, this time when I go back, the unscrupulous slaves in Ning Mansion must be brutally slaughtered!"

Construction costs money.

However, when Jia Rong came this time, he had already brought a lot of money and was well prepared. But when it was actually built, gold and silver were still pouring out, which made Jia Rong feel a little distressed, and she couldn't help but have murderous intentions in her heart.

Since time traveling, he has suppressed his violence and lived in harmony with the "unruly slaves" in Ning Mansion.

Now the owner is hungry and the fat pig at home has been fattened, so it is time to slaughter it.

He knew that all the unruly slaves at home were very rich, so he would clean them up when he returned to supplement the family income.


Outside the Liaodong Pass, Jia Rong stayed from April to July. It was not until he visited all the seven villages under the Ningguo Mansion and spent money to rebuild them that he decided to leave.

"It's been half a year since I left home, and it's time to go back."

Jia Rong felt homesick.

Not just him.

The members of the escort team and even the officers in the Beijing camp were all homesick.

On this day, Jia Rong was fully prepared. He rode on his Wuzui horse and led the escort and the officers of the Beijing camp to leave Heishan Village and return to the capital.

Many carriages were added to the team, and in the carriages were the nephews of the village head stewards. Only about ten years old. The slightly larger ones were equipped with horses and followed closely around everyone.

In addition to horse-drawn carriages, there are also camel carts loaded with goods.

Basically, they are all specialties of Liaodong.

Some were purchased by Jia Rong himself, and some were purchased by the escort team and the officers in the Beijing camp.

After all, if you go out, you have to take something back with you.

What's more, Jia Rong was generous and handed out many rewards, just when he was rich.

In this way, everyone moved forward slowly, entering the pass from Heishan Village, and then returned to the capital. The journey lasted for two months.

It was not until September that Jia Rong's team returned to Shenjing City.

"Your Majesty is back!"

"Your Majesty is back!"

Back in Ningrongfang, the boys from Ningrongjia's Mansion and the neighborhood clansmen once again surrounded the team, shouting loudly one after another, one wave after another, reaching the two palaces of the princes.

Then, Lai Sheng, the manager of Ningguo Mansion, led the stewards of Ningguo Mansion to greet him outside the main gate.


This time, when Jia Rong returned to Ningguo Mansion, he did not shake hands with Lai Sheng and say a few words of comfort to Lai Sheng like he had done a few times before.

He just nodded lightly and ordered Lai Sheng to prepare a banquet to entertain the officers of the Beijing camp and the members of the escort team.

Seeing this, Lai Sheng frowned subconsciously.

This unusual performance made Lai Sheng stunned for a moment, and he started to do things suspiciously.

However, Lai Sheng only thought that Jia Rong had stayed in the countryside for a long time, and with the addition of Xi Jue, he had held the power of Ningguo Mansion for a long time, so he naturally had the attitude of a superior.

When Jia Zhen came to power, she also treated him with a "respectful first and then arrogant" attitude.

Therefore, Lai Sheng did not expect that Jia Rong had stiffened his wings and was ready to attack him.

After returning to Ningguo Mansion, Jia Rong went back to the back house first, met Qin Keqing in Ning'an Hall, and asked the girls to wash up and change clothes.

Then go to see Youshi.

After meeting You, Jia Rong returned to the south hall and ordered a banquet to be held in Huifang Garden. He invited a group of officers from the Beijing camp and the Jia clan members in the escort team to the banquet.

Jiao Da, Sun Rui and others, because they were slaves, were not qualified to attend the banquet, but they were rewarded by Jia Rong. Hard work "reward money".

"Thank you, sir!"

In the guard yard, Jia Rong came over personally and distributed rewards to everyone. Everyone received the rewards and showed their loyalty habitually.

"Eat the master's food, wear the master's clothes, and die for the master!"

Jia Rong smiled and patted their shoulders, praised them with satisfaction, and then turned around and went to Huifang Garden for the banquet.

In Huifang Garden, flowing water seats have been prepared at this moment, and a group of officers from the Beijing camp and the Jia clan members of the escort team have already taken their seats.

Waiting for Jia Rong to come over.

Not long after, Jia Rong came and everyone stood up.

After staying with Jia Rong for less than half a year, all the officers in the Beijing camp have become accustomed to the environment of the escort and have become accustomed to "obeying orders".

"Haha, all sit down, all sit down."

Jia Rong came over with a smile, waved his hand for everyone to sit down, and then took his seat. He first raised his wine glass and toasted a few glasses, said some scene words, and then asked people to put on a song and dance show, and everyone started eating, drinking and having fun.

When outside the customs, this kind of banquet is often held, and everyone is no stranger to it.

After a while, someone came over to propose a toast. Jia Rong did not refuse anyone who came and started to circle around.

Everyone already knows Jia Rong's drinking capacity, and they don't try to persuade him at this moment, but just drink freely.

For a while, listening to the sound of opera, laughter and laughter came from the attic. It was not until evening that the banquet dispersed. Jia Rong returned to the south hall, and a group of officers from the Beijing camp and people from the Jia clan came to take turns to ask for their resignation.

Jia Rong sat in the hall to receive them. He encouraged them all and personally rewarded them with 50 taels of silver and two bolts of brocade cloth.

This was agreed upon before.

Jia Rong kept his word and did not default on his debts.

When all the officers from the Beijing camp received the reward, they were filled with emotion. They couldn't help but feel the tips of their noses sore, their eyes red, and the feeling of reluctance.

This period of time is the happiest and most comfortable time in their lives.

There were wine, meat and beauties. Jia Rong respected them very much and often rewarded them.

Everyone followed him and were willing to do things for him.

"From now on, if your lordship has orders, you will definitely die for your lowly duties!"

Before leaving, every Beijing camp officer solemnly performed a military salute and left similar words.

Jia Rong also nodded with satisfaction.

After the officers from the Beijing camp left, it was the turn of the Jia clan. Jia Rong also received them and praised them. Each of them was given 10 taels of silver as a reward.

The tribesmen also left happily.

At this point, Jia Rong just stretched out, returned to Ning'antang, and couldn't wait to see Qin Keqing. ——After walking on the road for two months, Jia Rong has already held back a ball of anger, waiting to be released.

(End of this chapter)

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